989 resultados para field theory at finite temperature
We investigate the performance of parity check codes using the mapping onto spin glasses proposed by Sourlas. We study codes where each parity check comprises products of K bits selected from the original digital message with exactly C parity checks per message bit. We show, using the replica method, that these codes saturate Shannon's coding bound for K?8 when the code rate K/C is finite. We then examine the finite temperature case to asses the use of simulated annealing methods for decoding, study the performance of the finite K case and extend the analysis to accommodate different types of noisy channels. The analogy between statistical physics methods and decoding by belief propagation is also discussed.
We derive a mean field algorithm for binary classification with Gaussian processes which is based on the TAP approach originally proposed in Statistical Physics of disordered systems. The theory also yields an approximate leave-one-out estimator for the generalization error which is computed with no extra computational cost. We show that from the TAP approach, it is possible to derive both a simpler 'naive' mean field theory and support vector machines (SVM) as limiting cases. For both mean field algorithms and support vectors machines, simulation results for three small benchmark data sets are presented. They show 1. that one may get state of the art performance by using the leave-one-out estimator for model selection and 2. the built-in leave-one-out estimators are extremely precise when compared to the exact leave-one-out estimate. The latter result is a taken as a strong support for the internal consistency of the mean field approach.
We propose a method to determine the critical noise level for decoding Gallager type low density parity check error correcting codes. The method is based on the magnetization enumerator (¸M), rather than on the weight enumerator (¸W) presented recently in the information theory literature. The interpretation of our method is appealingly simple, and the relation between the different decoding schemes such as typical pairs decoding, MAP, and finite temperature decoding (MPM) becomes clear. Our results are more optimistic than those derived via the methods of information theory and are in excellent agreement with recent results from another statistical physics approach.
We determine the critical noise level for decoding low density parity check error correcting codes based on the magnetization enumerator , rather than on the weight enumerator employed in the information theory literature. The interpretation of our method is appealingly simple, and the relation between the different decoding schemes such as typical pairs decoding, MAP, and finite temperature decoding (MPM) becomes clear. In addition, our analysis provides an explanation for the difference in performance between MN and Gallager codes. Our results are more optimistic than those derived via the methods of information theory and are in excellent agreement with recent results from another statistical physics approach.
The purpose of this thesis is twofold: to examine the validity of the rotating-field and cross-field theories of the single-phase induction motor when applied to a cage rotor machine; and to examine the extent to which skin effect is likely to modify the characteristics of a cage rotor machine. A mathematical analysis is presented for a single-phase induction motor in which the rotor parameters are modified by skin effect. Although this is based on the usual type of ideal machine, a new form of model rotor allows approximations for skin effect phenomena to be included as an integral part of the analysis. Performance equations appropriate to the rotating-field and cross-field theories are deduced, and the corresponding explanations for the steady-state mode of operation are critically examined. The evaluation of the winding currents and developed torque is simplified by the introduction of new dimensionless factors which are functions of the resistance/reactance ratios of the rotor and the speed. Tables of the factors are included for selected numerical values of the parameter ratios, and these are used to deduce typical operating characteristics for both cage and wound rotor machines. It is shown that a qualitative explanation of the mode of operation of a cage rotor machine is obtained from either theory; but the operating characteristics must be deduced from the performance equations of the rotating-field theory, because of the restrictions on the values of the rotor parameters imposed by skin effect.
We determine the critical noise level for decoding low-density parity check error-correcting codes based on the magnetization enumerator (M), rather than on the weight enumerator (W) employed in the information theory literature. The interpretation of our method is appealingly simple, and the relation between the different decoding schemes such as typical pairs decoding, MAP, and finite temperature decoding (MPM) becomes clear. In addition, our analysis provides an explanation for the difference in performance between MN and Gallager codes. Our results are more optimistic than those derived using the methods of information theory and are in excellent agreement with recent results from another statistical physics approach.
The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect is a spectral distortion of the cosmic microwave background as observed through the hot plasma in galaxy clusters. This distortion is a decrement in the CMB intensity for λ > 1.3 mm, an increment at shorter wavelengths, and small again by λ ~ 250 μm. As part of the Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS) we have mapped 1E0657–56 (the Bullet cluster) with SPIRE with bands centered at 250, 350 and 500 μm and have detected the SZ effect at the two longest wavelengths. The measured SZ effect increment central intensities are ΔI_0 = 0.097 ± 0.019 MJy sr^-1 at 350 μm and ΔI_0 = 0.268 ± 0.031 MJy sr^-1 at 500 μm, consistent with the SZ effect spectrum derived from previous measurements at 2 mm. No other diffuse emission is detected. The presence of the finite temperature SZ effect correction is preferred by the SPIRE data at a significance of 2.1σ, opening the possibility that the relativistic SZ effect correction can be constrained by SPIRE in a sample of clusters. The results presented here have important ramifications for both sub-mm measurements of galaxy clusters and blank field surveys with SPIRE.
In this thesis we study aspects of (0,2) superconformal field theories (SCFTs), which are suitable for compactification of the heterotic string. In the first part, we study a class of (2,2) SCFTs obtained by fibering a Landau-Ginzburg (LG) orbifold CFT over a compact K\"ahler base manifold. While such models are naturally obtained as phases in a gauged linear sigma model (GLSM), our construction is independent of such an embedding. We discuss the general properties of such theories and present a technique to study the massless spectrum of the associated heterotic compactification. We test the validity of our method by applying it to hybrid phases of GLSMs and comparing spectra among the phases. In the second part, we turn to the study of the role of accidental symmetries in two-dimensional (0,2) SCFTs obtained by RG flow from (0,2) LG theories. These accidental symmetries are ubiquitous, and, unlike in the case of (2,2) theories, their identification is key to correctly identifying the IR fixed point and its properties. We develop a number of tools that help to identify such accidental symmetries in the context of (0,2) LG models and provide a conjecture for a toric structure of the SCFT moduli space in a large class of models. In the final part, we study the stability of heterotic compactifications described by (0,2) GLSMs with respect to worldsheet instanton corrections to the space-time superpotential following the work of Beasley and Witten. We show that generic models elude the vanishing theorem proved there, and may not determine supersymmetric heterotic vacua. We then construct a subclass of GLSMs for which a vanishing theorem holds.
Our case study of charismatic celebrity comedian Russell Brand’s turn to political activism uses Bourdieu’s field theory to understand the process of celebrity migration across social fields. We investigate how Brand’s capital as a celebrity performer, storyteller and self-publicist translated from comedy to politics. To judge how this worked in practice, we analysed the comedic strategies used in his stand-up show Messiah Complex and undertook a conversational analysis of his notorious interview with Jeremy Paxman on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)’s flagship current affairs programme Newsnight. We argue that Brand was able to secure political legitimacy by creatively constituting himself as an authentic anti-austerity spokesperson for the disenfranchised left in United Kingdom. In order to do so, he repurposed his celebrity capital to political ends and successfully deployed the cultural and social capitals he had developed as a celebrity comedian to secure widespread engagement with his media performances.
Le dimensionnement basé sur la performance (DBP), dans une approche déterministe, caractérise les objectifs de performance par rapport aux niveaux de performance souhaités. Les objectifs de performance sont alors associés à l'état d'endommagement et au niveau de risque sismique établis. Malgré cette approche rationnelle, son application est encore difficile. De ce fait, des outils fiables pour la capture de l'évolution, de la distribution et de la quantification de l'endommagement sont nécessaires. De plus, tous les phénomènes liés à la non-linéarité (matériaux et déformations) doivent également être pris en considération. Ainsi, cette recherche montre comment la mécanique de l'endommagement pourrait contribuer à résoudre cette problématique avec une adaptation de la théorie du champ de compression modifiée et d'autres théories complémentaires. La formulation proposée adaptée pour des charges monotones, cycliques et de type pushover permet de considérer les effets non linéaires liés au cisaillement couplé avec les mécanismes de flexion et de charge axiale. Cette formulation est spécialement appliquée à l'analyse non linéaire des éléments structuraux en béton soumis aux effets de cisaillement non égligeables. Cette nouvelle approche mise en œuvre dans EfiCoS (programme d'éléments finis basé sur la mécanique de l'endommagement), y compris les critères de modélisation, sont également présentés ici. Des calibrations de cette nouvelle approche en comparant les prédictions avec des données expérimentales ont été réalisées pour les murs de refend en béton armé ainsi que pour des poutres et des piliers de pont où les effets de cisaillement doivent être pris en considération. Cette nouvelle version améliorée du logiciel EFiCoS a démontrée être capable d'évaluer avec précision les paramètres associés à la performance globale tels que les déplacements, la résistance du système, les effets liés à la réponse cyclique et la quantification, l'évolution et la distribution de l'endommagement. Des résultats remarquables ont également été obtenus en référence à la détection appropriée des états limites d'ingénierie tels que la fissuration, les déformations unitaires, l'éclatement de l'enrobage, l'écrasement du noyau, la plastification locale des barres d'armature et la dégradation du système, entre autres. Comme un outil pratique d'application du DBP, des relations entre les indices d'endommagement prédits et les niveaux de performance ont été obtenus et exprimés sous forme de graphiques et de tableaux. Ces graphiques ont été développés en fonction du déplacement relatif et de la ductilité de déplacement. Un tableau particulier a été développé pour relier les états limites d'ingénierie, l'endommagement, le déplacement relatif et les niveaux de performance traditionnels. Les résultats ont démontré une excellente correspondance avec les données expérimentales, faisant de la formulation proposée et de la nouvelle version d'EfiCoS des outils puissants pour l'application de la méthodologie du DBP, dans une approche déterministe.
A natural way to generalize tensor network variational classes to quantum field systems is via a continuous tensor contraction. This approach is first illustrated for the class of quantum field states known as continuous matrix-product states (cMPS). As a simple example of the path-integral representation we show that the state of a dynamically evolving quantum field admits a natural representation as a cMPS. A completeness argument is also provided that shows that all states in Fock space admit a cMPS representation when the number of variational parameters tends to infinity. Beyond this, we obtain a well-behaved field limit of projected entangled-pair states (PEPS) in two dimensions that provide an abstract class of quantum field states with natural symmetries. We demonstrate how symmetries of the physical field state are encoded within the dynamics of an auxiliary field system of one dimension less. In particular, the imposition of Euclidean symmetries on the physical system requires that the auxiliary system involved in the class' definition must be Lorentz-invariant. The physical field states automatically inherit entropy area laws from the PEPS class, and are fully described by the dissipative dynamics of a lower dimensional virtual field system. Our results lie at the intersection many-body physics, quantum field theory and quantum information theory, and facilitate future exchanges of ideas and insights between these disciplines.
We determine numerically the single-particle and the two-particle spectrum of the three-state quantum Potts model on a lattice by using the density matrix renormalization group method, and extract information on the asymptotic (small momentum) S-matrix of the quasiparticles. The low energy part of the finite size spectrum can be understood in terms of a simple effective model introduced in a previous work, and is consistent with an asymptotic S-matrix of an exchange form below a momentum scale p*. This scale appears to vanish faster than the Compton scale, mc, as one approaches the critical point, suggesting that a dangerously irrelevant operator may be responsible for the behaviour observed on the lattice.
Effective field theories (EFTs) are ubiquitous in theoretical physics and in particular in field theory descriptions of quantum systems probed at energies much lower than one or few characterizing scales. More recently, EFTs have gained a prominent role in the study of fundamental interactions and in particular in the parametriasation of new physics beyond the Standard Model, which would occur at scales Λ, much larger than the electroweak scale. In this thesis, EFTs are employed to study three different physics cases. First, we consider light-by-light scattering as a possible probe of new physics. At low energies it can be described by dimension-8 operators, leading to the well-known Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian. We consider the explicit dependence of matching coefficients on type of particle running in the loop, confirming the sensitiveness to the spin, mass, and interactions of possibly new particles. Second, we consider EFTs to describe Dark Matter (DM) interactions with SM particles. We consider a phenomenologically motivated case, i.e., a new fermion state that couples to the Hypercharge through a form factor and has no interactions with photons and the Z boson. Results from direct, indirect and collider searches for DM are used to constrain the parameter space of the model. Third, we consider EFTs that describe axion-like particles (ALPs), whose phenomenology is inspired by the Peccei-Quinn solution to strong CP problem. ALPs generically couple to ordinary matter through dimension-5 operators. In our case study, we investigate the rather unique phenomenological implications of ALPs with enhanced couplings to the top quark.
In this master's thesis, the formation of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) in the context of multi-field inflation is studied. In these models, the interaction of isocurvature and curvature perturbations can lead to a significant enhancement of the latter, and to the subsequent production of PBHs. Depending on their mass, these can account for a significant fraction (or, in some cases, the entirety) of the universe's Dark Matter content. After studying the theoretical framework of generic N-field inflationary models, the focus is restricted to the two-field case, for which a few concrete realisations are analysed. A numerical code (written in Wolfram Mathematica) is developed to make quantitative predictions for the main inflationary observables, notably the scalar power spectra. Parallelly, the production of PBHs due to the dynamics of 2-field inflation is examined: their mass, as well as the fraction of Dark Matter they represent, is calculated for the models considered previously.
In this work the fundamental ideas to study properties of QFTs with the functional Renormalization Group are presented and some examples illustrated. First the Wetterich equation for the effective average action and its flow in the local potential approximation (LPA) for a single scalar field is derived. This case is considered to illustrate some techniques used to solve the RG fixed point equation and study the properties of the critical theories in D dimensions. In particular the shooting methods for the ODE equation for the fixed point potential as well as the approach which studies a polynomial truncation with a finite number of couplings, which is convenient to study the critical exponents. We then study novel cases related to multi field scalar theories, deriving the flow equations for the LPA truncation, both without assuming any global symmetry and also specialising to cases with a given symmetry, using truncations based on polynomials of the symmetry invariants. This is used to study possible non perturbative solutions of critical theories which are extensions of known perturbative results, obtained in the epsilon expansion below the upper critical dimension.