884 resultados para extent of jurisdiction


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Summary Landscapes are continuously changing. Natural forces of change such as heavy rainfall and fires can exert lasting influences on their physical form. However, changes related to human activities have often shaped landscapes more distinctly. In Western Europe, especially modern agricultural practices and the expanse of overbuilt land have left their marks in the landscapes since the middle of the 20th century. In the recent years men realised that mare and more changes that were formerly attributed to natural forces might indirectly be the result of their own action. Perhaps the most striking landscape change indirectly driven by human activity we can witness in these days is the large withdrawal of Alpine glaciers. Together with the landscapes also habitats of animal and plant species have undergone vast and sometimes rapid changes that have been hold responsible for the ongoing loss of biodiversity. Thereby, still little knowledge is available about probable effects of the rate of landscape change on species persistence and disappearance. Therefore, the development and speed of land use/land cover in the Swiss communes between the 1950s and 1990s were reconstructed using 10 parameters from agriculture and housing censuses, and were further correlated with changes in butterfly species occurrences. Cluster analyses were used to detect spatial patterns of change on broad spatial scales. Thereby, clusters of communes showing similar changes or transformation rates were identified for single decades and put into a temporally dynamic sequence. The obtained picture on the changes showed a prevalent replacement of non-intensive agriculture by intensive practices, a strong spreading of urban communes around city centres, and transitions towards larger farm sizes in the mountainous areas. Increasing transformation rates toward more intensive agricultural managements were especially found until the 1970s, whereas afterwards the trends were commonly negative. However, transformation rates representing the development of residential buildings showed positive courses at any time. The analyses concerning the butterfly species showed that grassland species reacted sensitively to the density of livestock in the communes. This might indicate the augmented use of dry grasslands as cattle pastures that show altered plant species compositions. Furthermore, these species also decreased in communes where farms with an agricultural area >5ha have disappeared. The species of the wetland habitats were favoured in communes with smaller fractions of agricultural areas and lower densities of large farms (>10ha) but did not show any correlation to transformation rates. It was concluded from these analyses that transformation rates might influence species disappearance to a certain extent but that states of the environmental predictors might generally outweigh the importance of the corresponding rates. Information on the current distribution of species is evident for nature conservation. Planning authorities that define priority areas for species protection or examine and authorise construction projects need to know about the spatial distribution of species. Hence, models that simulate the potential spatial distribution of species have become important decision tools. The underlying statistical analyses such as the widely used generalised linear models (GLM) often rely on binary species presence-absence data. However, often only species presence data have been colleted, especially for vagrant, rare or cryptic species such as butterflies or reptiles. Modellers have thus introduced randomly selected absence data to design distribution models. Yet, selecting false absence data might bias the model results. Therefore, we investigated several strategies to select more reliable absence data to model the distribution of butterfly species based on historical distribution data. The results showed that better models were obtained when historical data from longer time periods were considered. Furthermore, model performance was additionally increased when long-term data of species that show similar habitat requirements as the modelled species were used. This successful methodological approach was further applied to assess consequences of future landscape changes on the occurrence of butterfly species inhabiting dry grasslands or wetlands. These habitat types have been subjected to strong deterioration in the recent decades, what makes their protection a future mission. Four spatially explicit scenarios that described (i) ongoing land use changes as observed between 1985 and 1997, (ii) liberalised agricultural markets, and (iii) slightly and (iv) strongly lowered agricultural production provided probable directions of landscape change. Current species-environment relationships were derived from a statistical model and used to predict future occurrence probabilities in six major biogeographical regions in Switzerland, comprising the Jura Mountains, the Plateau, the Northern and Southern Alps, as well as the Western and Eastern Central Alps. The main results were that dry grasslands species profited from lowered agricultural production, whereas overgrowth of open areas in the liberalisation scenario might impair species occurrence. The wetland species mostly responded with decreases in their occurrence probabilities in the scenarios, due to a loss of their preferred habitat. Further analyses about factors currently influencing species occurrences confirmed anthropogenic causes such as urbanisation, abandonment of open land, and agricultural intensification. Hence, landscape planning should pay more attention to these forces in areas currently inhabited by these butterfly species to enable sustainable species persistence. In this thesis historical data were intensively used to reconstruct past developments and to make them useful for current investigations. Yet, the availability of historical data and the analyses on broader spatial scales has often limited the explanatory power of the conducted analyses. Meaningful descriptors of former habitat characteristics and abundant species distribution data are generally sparse, especially for fine scale analyses. However, this situation can be ameliorated by broadening the extent of the study site and the used grain size, as was done in this thesis by considering the whole of Switzerland with its communes. Nevertheless, current monitoring projects and data recording techniques are promising data sources that might allow more detailed analyses about effects of long-term species reactions on landscape changes in the near future. This work, however, also showed the value of historical species distribution data as for example their potential to locate still unknown species occurrences. The results might therefore contribute to further research activities that investigate current and future species distributions considering the immense richness of historical distribution data. Résumé Les paysages changent continuellement. Des farces naturelles comme des pluies violentes ou des feux peuvent avoir une influence durable sur la forme du paysage. Cependant, les changements attribués aux activités humaines ont souvent modelé les paysages plus profondément. Depuis les années 1950 surtout, les pratiques agricoles modernes ou l'expansion des surfaces d'habitat et d'infrastructure ont caractérisé le développement du paysage en Europe de l'Ouest. Ces dernières années, l'homme a commencé à réaliser que beaucoup de changements «naturels » pourraient indirectement résulter de ses propres activités. Le changement de paysage le plus apparent dont nous sommes témoins de nos jours est probablement l'immense retraite des glaciers alpins. Avec les paysages, les habitats des animaux et des plantes ont aussi été exposés à des changements vastes et quelquefois rapides, tenus pour coresponsable de la continuelle diminution de la biodiversité. Cependant, nous savons peu des effets probables de la rapidité des changements du paysage sur la persistance et la disparition des espèces. Le développement et la rapidité du changement de l'utilisation et de la couverture du sol dans les communes suisses entre les années 50 et 90 ont donc été reconstruits au moyen de 10 variables issues des recensements agricoles et résidentiels et ont été corrélés avec des changements de présence des papillons diurnes. Des analyses de groupes (Cluster analyses) ont été utilisées pour détecter des arrangements spatiaux de changements à l'échelle de la Suisse. Des communes avec des changements ou rapidités comparables ont été délimitées pour des décennies séparées et ont été placées en séquence temporelle, en rendrent une certaine dynamique du changement. Les résultats ont montré un remplacement répandu d'une agriculture extensive des pratiques intensives, une forte expansion des faubourgs urbains autour des grandes cités et des transitions vers de plus grandes surfaces d'exploitation dans les Alpes. Dans le cas des exploitations agricoles, des taux de changement croissants ont été observés jusqu'aux années 70, alors que la tendance a généralement été inversée dans les années suivantes. Par contre, la vitesse de construction des nouvelles maisons a montré des courbes positives pendant les 50 années. Les analyses sur la réaction des papillons diurnes ont montré que les espèces des prairies sèches supportaient une grande densité de bétail. Il est possible que dans ces communes beaucoup des prairies sèches aient été fertilisées et utilisées comme pâturages, qui ont une autre composition floristique. De plus, les espèces ont diminué dans les communes caractérisées par une rapide perte des fermes avec une surface cultivable supérieure à 5 ha. Les espèces des marais ont été favorisées dans des communes avec peu de surface cultivable et peu de grandes fermes, mais n'ont pas réagi aux taux de changement. Il en a donc été conclu que la rapidité des changements pourrait expliquer les disparitions d'espèces dans certains cas, mais que les variables prédictives qui expriment des états pourraient être des descripteurs plus importants. Des informations sur la distribution récente des espèces sont importantes par rapport aux mesures pour la conservation de la nature. Pour des autorités occupées à définir des zones de protection prioritaires ou à autoriser des projets de construction, ces informations sont indispensables. Les modèles de distribution spatiale d'espèces sont donc devenus des moyens de décision importants. Les méthodes statistiques courantes comme les modèles linéaires généralisés (GLM) demandent des données de présence et d'absence des espèces. Cependant, souvent seules les données de présence sont disponibles, surtout pour les animaux migrants, rares ou cryptiques comme des papillons ou des reptiles. C'est pourquoi certains modélisateurs ont choisi des absences au hasard, avec le risque d'influencer le résultat en choisissant des fausses absences. Nous avons établi plusieurs stratégies, basées sur des données de distribution historique des papillons diurnes, pour sélectionner des absences plus fiables. Les résultats ont démontré que de meilleurs modèles pouvaient être obtenus lorsque les données proviennent des périodes de temps plus longues. En plus, la performance des modèles a pu être augmentée en considérant des données de distribution à long terme d'espèces qui occupent des habitats similaires à ceux de l'espèce cible. Vu le succès de cette stratégie, elle a été utilisée pour évaluer les effets potentiels des changements de paysage futurs sur la distribution des papillons des prairies sèches et marais, deux habitats qui ont souffert de graves détériorations. Quatre scénarios spatialement explicites, décrivant (i) l'extrapolation des changements de l'utilisation de sol tels qu'observés entre 1985 et 1997, (ii) la libéralisation des marchés agricoles, et une production agricole (iii) légèrement amoindrie et (iv) fortement diminuée, ont été utilisés pour générer des directions de changement probables. Les relations actuelles entre la distribution des espèces et l'environnement ont été déterminées par le biais des modèles statistiques et ont été utilisées pour calculer des probabilités de présence selon les scénarios dans six régions biogéographiques majeures de la Suisse, comportant le Jura, le Plateau, les Alpes du Nord, du Sud, centrales orientales et centrales occidentales. Les résultats principaux ont montré que les espèces des prairies sèches pourraient profiter d'une diminution de la production agricole, mais qu'elles pourraient aussi disparaître à cause de l'embroussaillement des terres ouvertes dû à la libéralisation des marchés agricoles. La probabilité de présence des espèces de marais a décrû à cause d'une perte générale des habitats favorables. De plus, les analyses ont confirmé que des causes humaines comme l'urbanisation, l'abandon des terres ouvertes et l'intensification de l'agriculture affectent actuellement ces espèces. Ainsi ces forces devraient être mieux prises en compte lors de planifications paysagères, pour que ces papillons diurnes puissent survivre dans leurs habitats actuels. Dans ce travail de thèse, des données historiques ont été intensivement utilisées pour reconstruire des développements anciens et pour les rendre utiles à des recherches contemporaines. Cependant, la disponibilité des données historiques et les analyses à grande échelle ont souvent limité le pouvoir explicatif des analyses. Des descripteurs pertinents pour caractériser les habitats anciens et des données suffisantes sur la distribution des espèces sont généralement rares, spécialement pour des analyses à des échelles fores. Cette situation peut être améliorée en augmentant l'étendue du site d'étude et la résolution, comme il a été fait dans cette thèse en considérant toute la Suisse avec ses communes. Cependant, les récents projets de surveillance et les techniques de collecte de données sont des sources prometteuses, qui pourraient permettre des analyses plus détaillés sur les réactions à long terme des espèces aux changements de paysage dans le futur. Ce travail a aussi montré la valeur des anciennes données de distribution, par exemple leur potentiel pour aider à localiser des' présences d'espèces encore inconnues. Les résultats peuvent contribuer à des activités de recherche à venir, qui étudieraient les distributions récentes ou futures d'espèces en considérant l'immense richesse des données de distribution historiques.


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We study the extent of macroeconomic convergence/divergence among euro area countries. Our analysis focuses on four variables (unemployment, inflation, relative prices and the current account), and seeks to uncover the role played by monetary union as a convergence factor by using non-euro developed economies and the pre-EMU period as control samples.


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The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of nonpeptide angiotensin antagonists in humans are reviewed in this paper. Representatives of this new therapeutic class share common features: lipophilia, intermediate bioavailability, high affinity for plasma proteins and liver metabolism; some have active metabolites. Angiotensin II antagonists block the blood pressure response to exogenous angiotensin II in healthy volunteers, decrease baseline blood pressure in both normal and hypertensive patients, produce a marked rise in plasma renin activity and endogenous angiotensin II and increase renal blood flow without altering glomerular filtration rate. These effects are dose-dependent, but their time course varies between the drugs owing to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences. Additionally, the extent of blood pressure reduction is dependent on physiological factors such as sodium and water balance. The characterisation of their pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships deserves further refinement for designing optimal therapeutic regimens and proposing dosage adaptations in specific conditions.


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Functionally relevant large scale brain dynamics operates within the framework imposed by anatomical connectivity and time delays due to finite transmission speeds. To gain insight on the reliability and comparability of large scale brain network simulations, we investigate the effects of variations in the anatomical connectivity. Two different sets of detailed global connectivity structures are explored, the first extracted from the CoCoMac database and rescaled to the spatial extent of the human brain, the second derived from white-matter tractography applied to diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) for a human subject. We use the combination of graph theoretical measures of the connection matrices and numerical simulations to explicate the importance of both connectivity strength and delays in shaping dynamic behaviour. Our results demonstrate that the brain dynamics derived from the CoCoMac database are more complex and biologically more realistic than the one based on the DSI database. We propose that the reason for this difference is the absence of directed weights in the DSI connectivity matrix.


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We present the results of a deep search for associated radio features in the vicinity of the microquasar Cygnus X-3. The motivation behind is to find out evidence for interaction between its relativistic jets and the surrounding interstellar medium, which could eventually allow us to perform calorimetry of the total energy released by this microquasar during its flaring lifetime. Remarkably, two radio sources with mJy emission level at centimeter wavelengths have been detected in excellent alignment with the position angle of the inner radio jets. We propose that these objects could be the hot spots where the relativitic outflow collides with the ambient gas in analogy with Fanaroff-Riley II radio galaxies. These candidate hot spots are within a few arc-minutes of Cygnus X-3 and, if physically related, the full linear extent of the jet would reach tens of parsecs. We discuss here the evidence currently available to support this hypothesis based on both archival data and our own observations.


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Switching from one functional or cognitive operation to another is thought to rely on executive/control processes. The efficacy of these processes may depend on the extent of overlap between neural circuitry mediating the different tasks; more effective task preparation (and by extension smaller switch costs) is achieved when this overlap is small. We investigated the performance costs associated with switching tasks and/or switching sensory modalities. Participants discriminated either the identity or spatial location of objects that were presented either visually or acoustically. Switch costs between tasks were significantly smaller when the sensory modality of the task switched versus when it repeated. This was the case irrespective of whether the pre-trial cue informed participants only of the upcoming task, but not sensory modality (Experiment 1) or whether the pre-trial cue was informative about both the upcoming task and sensory modality (Experiment 2). In addition, in both experiments switch costs between the senses were positively correlated when the sensory modality of the task repeated across trials and not when it switched. The collective evidence supports the independence of control processes mediating task switching and modality switching and also the hypothesis that switch costs reflect competitive interference between neural circuits.


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PURPOSE: To investigate whether the prophylactic use of bevacizumab reduces the rate of rubeosis after proton therapy for uveal melanoma and improves the possibility to treat ischemic, reapplicated retina with laser photocoagulation. DESIGN: Comparative retrospective case series. METHODS: Uveal melanoma patients with ischemic retinal detachment and treated with proton therapy were included in this institutional study. Twenty-four eyes received prophylactic intravitreal bevacizumab injections and were compared with a control group of 44 eyes without bevacizumab treatment. Bevacizumab injections were performed at the time of tantalum clip insertion and were repeated every 2 months during 6 months, and every 3 months thereafter. Ultra-widefield angiography allowed determination of the extent of retinal ischemia, which was treated with laser photocoagulation after retinal reapplication. Main outcome measures were the time to rubeosis, the time to retinal reattachment, and the time to laser photocoagulation of ischemic retina. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics were balanced between the groups, except for thicker tumors and larger retinal detachments in the bevacizumab group, potentially to the disadvantage of the study group. Nevertheless, bevacizumab prophylaxis significantly reduced the rate of iris rubeosis from 36% to 4% (log-rank test P = .02) and tended to shorten the time to retinal reapplication until laser photocoagulation of the nonperfusion areas could be performed. CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic intravitreal bevacizumab in patients treated with proton therapy for uveal melanoma with ischemic retinal detachment prevented anterior segment neovascularization, until laser photocoagulation to the reapplied retina could be performed.


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BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: To summarize the published literature on assessment of appropriateness of colonoscopy for investigation of chronic diarrhea, management of patients with known inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and for colorectal cancer (CRC) surveillance in such patients, and to report report appropriateness criteria developed by an expert panel, the 2008 European Panel on the Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, EPAGE II. METHODS: A systematic search of guidelines, systematic reviews, and primary studies regarding the evaluation of chronic diarrhea, the management of IBD, and colorectal cancer surveillance in IBD was performed. The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was applied to develop appropriateness criteria for colonoscopy for these conditions. RESULTS: According to the literature, colonoscopic evaluation may be justified for patients aged > 50 years with recent-onset chronic diarrhea or with alarm symptoms. Surveillance colonoscopy for CRC should be offered to all patients with extensive ulcerative colitis or colonic Crohn's disease of 8 years' duration, and to all patients with less extensive disease of 15 years' duration. Intervals for surveillance colonoscopy depend on duration of evolution, initial diagnosis, and histological findings. The EPAGE II criteria also confirmed the appropriateness of diagnostic colonoscopy for diarrhea of > 4 weeks' duration. They also suggest that, in addition to assessing extent of IBD by colonoscopy, further colonoscopic examination is appropriate in the face of persistent or worsening symptoms. Surveillance colonoscopy in IBD patients was generally appropriate after a lapse of 2 years. In the presence of dysplasia at previous colonoscopy, it was not only appropriate but necessary. CONCLUSIONS: Despite or perhaps because of the limitations of the available published studies, the panel-based EPAGE II (http://www.epage.ch) criteria can help guide appropriate colonoscopy use in the absence of strong evidence from the literature.


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RESUME La première étape primordiale au cycle de vie du Plasmodium dans un hôte mammifère est l'invasion des hepatocytes par des sporozoites. L'infection finale des hepatocytes est précédée de la traversée de plusieurs cellules hôtes, rompant les membranes plasmiques et ayant comme résultat la sécrétion des facteurs cytotoliques dans le micro-environnement. Ce matériel endogène libéré est fortement stimulant/immunogène et peut servir de signal de danger initiant des réponses distinctes dans diverses cellules. De nos jours, le caractère essentiel et salutaire de la migration des sporozoites comme étape d'infection du Plasmodium est vivement controversée. Ainsi, notre étude a visé à caractériser l'effet de l'interaction du parasite avec ses cellules hôtes d'un point de vue immunologique. En particulier, nous avons voulu évaluer l'effet de la perte de matériel cellulaire pendant l'infection de Plasmodium sur les hepatocytes primaires de souris et sur des cultures cellulaires HepG2. Nous avons observé que les facteurs cytotoxiques dérivés des cellules endommagés activent NF-κB - un important régulateur de réponse inflammatoires -dans des cellules voisines des cellules endommagés, qui sont des cellules hôtes potentielles pour l'infection finale du parasite. Cette activation de NF-κB s'est produite peu de temps après l'infection et a mené in vitro et in vivo à une réduction d'infection de façon dépendante du temps, un effet qui a pu être compensé par l'addition de BAY11-7082, un inhibiteur spécifique de NF-κB. De plus, aucune activation de NF-κB avec des parasites SPECT-/-, incapables de traverser les hepatocytes, n'a été observée. Nous avons montré parla suite que l'activation de NF-κB induit l'expression de l'enzyme iNOS dans les hepatocytes, qui est responsable d'une diminution des hepatocytes infectés. En outre, les hepatocytes primaires des souris MyD88-/- n'ont montré ni activation de NF-κB, ni expression d'iNOS lors de l'infection, ce qui suggère la participation des membres de famille du Toll/IL-1 récepteur dans la reconnaissance des facteurs cytosoxiques. En effet, le manque de MyD88 a augmenté significativement l'infection in vitro et in vivo. D'autre part, un rôle bénéfique pour l'activation de NF-κB a été évalué. Les cellules infectées étaient plus résistantes contre l'apoptose induite par Fas (CD95/Apo-1) que les cellules non infectées ou les cellules infectées dans lesquelles NF-κB a été bloqué par BAY11-7082 in vitro. Paradoxalement, l'expression d'iNOS contribue à la protection des cellules infectées contre l'apoptose pax Fas, puisque le traitement avec l'inhibiteur spécifique SMT (S-methylisothiourea) a rendu les cellules infectées plus susceptibles à l'apoptose. Un effet bénéfique additionnel pour le parasite est que la plupart des cellules hôtes traversées présentent des peptides du parasite aux cellules T cytotoxiques spécifiques et peuvent donc réorienter la réaction immune spécifique sur les cellules non infectées. Nous montrons que les cellules hôtes endommagés par la migration du parasite induit l'inflammation, qui limite l'ampleur de l'infection. D'autre part, nos données soutiennent que la survie du parasite Plasmodium dans le foie est assurée par une augmentation de la résistance des hepatocytes contre l'apoptose. SUMMARY The first obligatory step of the Plasmodium life cycle in the mammalian host is the invasion of hepatocytes by sporozoites. Final hepatocyte infection involves the penetration of several host cells, whose plasma membranes are ruptured in the process, resulting in the release of cytosolic factors into the microenvironment. This released endogenous material is highly stimulatory / immunogenic and can serve as a danger signal initiating distinct responses in various cells. To date, it is highly controversial whether sporozoite migration through hepatocytes is an essential and beneficial step for Plasmodium infection. Thus, our study aimed at characterizing the effect of the interaction of the parasite with its host cells from an immunological point of view In particular, we wanted to evaluate the effect of cell material leakage during Plasmodium infection on cultured mouse primary hepatocytes and HepG2 cells. We observed that wounded cell-derived cytosolic factors activate NF-κB - a main regulator of host inflammatory responses - in cells bordering wounded cells, which are potential host cells for final parasite infection. This activation of NF-κB occurred shortly after infection and led to a reduction of infection load in a time dependent manner in vitro and in viva, an effect that could be reverted by addition of the specific NF-κB inhibitor BAY11-7082. In addition, no NF-κB activation was observed when SPECT-/- parasites, which are devoid of hepatocyte traversing properties, were used. We provide further evidence that NF-κB activation causes the induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression in hepatocytes, and this is, in turn, responsible for a decrease in Plasmodium-infected hepatocytes. Furthermore, primary hepatocytes from MyD88-/- mice showed no NF-κB activation and iNOS expression upon infection, suggesting a role of the Toll/IL-1 receptor family members in sensing cytosolic factors. Indeed, lack of MyD88 significantly increased infection in vitro and in vivo. In a further complementary series of experiments, we assessed a possible beneficial role for the activation of NF-κB. Infected cells were more resistant to Fas (CD95/Apo-1)-mediated apoptosis than uninfected cells or infected cells in which NF-κB was blocked by BAYl1-7082 in vitro. Paradoxically, iNOS expression contributes to the protection of infected cells from Fas-induced apoptosis, since treatment with the specific iNOS inhibitor SMT (S-Methylisothiourea Sulfate) rendered the infected cells more susceptible to apoptosis. An additional beneficial effect of host cell traversal for the parasite is the fact that mainly traversed cells present parasite-derived peptides to specific cytotoxic T cells and therefore may redirect the specific immune response to uninfected cells. In summary, we have shown that host cells wounded by parasite migration induce inflammation, which limits the extent of parasite infection. In addition, our data support the notion that survival of Plasmodium parasites in the liver is mediated by increasing the resistance of hepatocytes to Fas-induced apoptosis.


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In this study, a quantitative approach was used to investigate the role of D142, which belongs to the highly conserved E/DRY sequence, in the activation process of the alpha1B-adrenergic receptor (alpha1B-AR). Experimental and computer-simulated mutagenesis were performed by substituting all possible natural amino acids at the D142 site. The resulting congeneric set of proteins together with the finding that all the receptor mutants show various levels of constitutive (agonist-independent) activity enabled us to quantitatively analyze the relationships between structural/dynamic features and the extent of constitutive activity. Our results suggest that the hydrophobic/hydrophilic character of D142, which could be regulated by protonation/deprotonation of this residue, is an important modulator of the transition between the inactive (R) and active (R*) state of the alpha1B-AR. Our study represents an example of quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis of the activation process of a G protein-coupled receptor.


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The efficacy of an antisense oligonucleotide (ODN17) cationic nanoemulsion directed at VEGF-R2 to reduce neovascularization was evaluated using rat corneal neovascularization and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) mouse models. Application of saline solution or scrambled ODN17 solution on eyes of rats led to the highest extent of corneal neovascularization. The groups treated with blank nanoemulsion or scrambled ODN17 nanoemulsion showed moderate inhibition in corneal neovascularization with no significant difference with the saline and scrambled ODN17 control solution groups, while the groups treated with ODN17 solution or Avastin® (positive ODN17 control) clearly elicited marked significant inhibition in corneal neovascularization confirming the results reported in the literature. The highest significant corneal neovascularization inhibition efficiency was noted in the groups treated with ODN17 nanoemulsion (topical and subconjunctivally). However, in the ROP mouse model, the ODN17 in PBS induced a 34% inhibition of retinal neovascularization when compared to the aqueous-vehicle-injected eyes. A significantly higher inhibition of vitreal neovascularization (64%) was observed in the group of eyes treated with ODN17 nanoemulsion. No difference in extent of neovascularization was observed between blank nanoemulsion, scrambled ODN17 nanoemulsion, vehicle or non-treated eyes. The overall results indicate that cationic nanoemulsion can be considered a promising potential ocular delivery system and an effective therapeutic tool of high clinical significance in the prevention and forthcoming treatment of ocular neovascular diseases.


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Niche-based models calibrated in the native range by relating species observations to climatic variables are commonly used to predict the potential spatial extent of species' invasion. This climate matching approach relies on the assumption that invasive species conserve their climatic niche in the invaded ranges. We test this assumption by analysing the climatic niche spaces of Spotted Knapweed in western North America and Europe. We show with robust cross-continental data that a shift of the observed climatic niche occurred between native and non-native ranges, providing the first empirical evidence that an invasive species can occupy climatically distinct niche spaces following its introduction into a new area. The models fail to predict the current invaded distribution, but correctly predict areas of introduction. Climate matching is thus a useful approach to identify areas at risk of introduction and establishment of newly or not-yet-introduced neophytes, but may not predict the full extent of invasions.


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AbstractIn addition to genetic changes affecting the function of gene products, changes in gene expression have been suggested to underlie many or even most of the phenotypic differences among mammals. However, detailed gene expression comparisons were, until recently, restricted to closely related species, owing to technological limitations. Thus, we took advantage of the latest technologies (RNA-Seq) to generate extensive qualitative and quantitative transcriptome data for a unique collection of somatic and germline tissues from representatives of all major mammalian lineages (placental mammals, marsupials and monotremes) and birds, the evolutionary outgroup.In the first major project of my thesis, we performed global comparative analyses of gene expression levels based on these data. Our analyses provided fundamental insights into the dynamics of transcriptome change during mammalian evolution (e.g., the rate of expression change across species, tissues and chromosomes) and allowed the exploration of the functional relevance and phenotypic implications of transcription changes at a genome-wide scale (e.g., we identified numerous potentially selectively driven expression switches).In a second project of my thesis, which was also based on the unique transcriptome data generated in the context of the first project we focused on the evolution of alternative splicing in mammals. Alternative splicing contributes to transcriptome complexity by generating several transcript isoforms from a single gene, which can, thus, perform various functions. To complete the global comparative analysis of gene expression changes, we explored patterns of alternative splicing evolution. This work uncovered several general and unexpected patterns of alternative splicing evolution (e.g., we found that alternative splicing evolves extremely rapidly) as well as a large number of conserved alternative isoforms that may be crucial for the functioning of mammalian organs.Finally, the third and final project of my PhD consisted in analyzing in detail the unique functional and evolutionary properties of the testis by exploring the extent of its transcriptome complexity. This organ was previously shown to evolve rapidly both at the phenotypic and molecular level, apparently because of the specific pressures that act on this organ and are associated with its reproductive function. Moreover, my analyses of the amniote tissue transcriptome data described above, revealed strikingly widespread transcriptional activity of both functional and nonfunctional genomic elements in the testis compared to the other organs. To elucidate the cellular source and mechanisms underlying this promiscuous transcription in the testis, we generated deep coverage RNA-Seq data for all major testis cell types as well as epigenetic data (DNA and histone methylation) using the mouse as model system. The integration of these complete dataset revealed that meiotic and especially post-meiotic germ cells are the major contributors to the widespread functional and nonfunctional transcriptome complexity of the testis, and that this "promiscuous" spermatogenic transcription is resulting, at least partially, from an overall transcriptionally permissive chromatin state. We hypothesize that this particular open state of the chromatin results from the extensive chromatin remodeling that occurs during spermatogenesis which ultimately leads to the replacement of histones by protamines in the mature spermatozoa. Our results have important functional and evolutionary implications (e.g., regarding new gene birth and testicular gene expression evolution).Generally, these three large-scale projects of my thesis provide complete and massive datasets that constitute valuables resources for further functional and evolutionary analyses of mammalian genomes.


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PURPOSE: Awareness of being monitored can influence participants' habitual physical activity (PA) behavior. This reactivity effect may threaten the validity of PA assessment. Reports on reactivity when measuring the PA of children and adolescents have been inconsistent. The aim of this study was to investigate whether PA outcomes measured by accelerometer devices differ from measurement day to measurement day and whether the day of the week and the day on which measurement started influence these differences. METHODS: Accelerometer data (counts per minute [cpm]) of children and adolescents (n = 2081) pooled from eight studies in Switzerland with at least 10 h of daily valid recording were investigated for effects of measurement day, day of the week, and start day using mixed linear regression. RESULTS: The first measurement day was the most active day. Counts per minute were significantly higher than on the second to the sixth day, but not on the seventh day. Differences in the age-adjusted means between the first and consecutive days ranged from 23 to 45 cpm (3.6%-7.1%). In preschoolchildren, the differences almost reached 10%. The start day significantly influenced PA outcome measures. CONCLUSIONS: Reactivity to accelerometer measurement of PA is likely to be present to an extent of approximately 5% on the first day and may introduce a relevant bias to accelerometer-based studies. In preschoolchildren, the effects are larger than those in elementary and secondary schoolchildren. As the day of the week and the start day significantly influence PA estimates, researchers should plan for at least one familiarization day in school-age children and randomly assign start days.


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Hypomagnesemia and hypophosphatemia are frequent after severe burns; however, increased urinary excretion does not sufficiently explain the magnitude of the mineral depletion. We measured the mineral content of cutaneous exudates during the first week after injury. Sixteen patients aged 34 +/- 9 y (mean +/- SD) with thermal burns were studied prospectively and divided in 3 groups according to the extent of their burn injury and the presence or absence of mineral supplements: group 1 (n = 5), burns covering 26 +/- 5% of body surface; group 2 (n = 6), burns covering 41 +/- 10%; and group 3 (n = 5), burns covering 42 +/- 6% with prescription of magnesium and phosphate supplements. Cutaneous exudates were extracted from the textiles (surgical drapes, dressings, sheets, etc) surrounding the patients from day 1 to day 7 after injury. Mean magnesium serum concentrations decreased below reference ranges in 12 patients between days 1 and 4 and normalized thereafter. Phosphate, normal on day 0, was low during the first week. Albumin concentrations, normal on day 0, decreased and remained low. Urinary magnesium and phosphate excretion were within reference ranges and not larger in group 3. Mean daily cutaneous losses were 16 mmol Mg/d and 11 mmol P/d (largest in group 2). Exudative magnesium losses were correlated with burn severity (r = 0.709, P = 0.003). Cutaneous magnesium losses were nearly four times larger than urinary losses whereas cutaneous phosphate losses were smaller than urinary phosphate losses. Mean daily losses of both magnesium and phosphate were more than the recommended dietary allowances. Exudative losses combined with urinary losses largely explained the increased mineral requirements after burn injury.