740 resultados para excessive consumption


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Le but de ce travail doctoral était le développement de méthodes analytiques pour la détermination dethyl glucuronide et dethyl sulfate. Ces deux substances sont des métabolites directs de lethanol qui peuvent être détectées pendant des heures jusqu'à des jours dans des fluides corporels, après que léthanol ait été complètement éliminé du corps humain. Ce sont donc des marqueurs de consommation récente d'alcool.La majorité des expériences ont été effectuées en utilisant l'électrophorèse capillaire. Il était envisagé de fournir des méthodes utilisables dans des laboratoires de routine. Des méthodes électrophorétiques ont été développées et optimisées pour la détermination dethyl sulfate dans le sérum et l'urine ainsi que pour lethyl glucuronide dans le sérum. Lethyl glucuronide urinaire a pu être déterminé par un immunoassay commerciale qui a en plus été adapté avec succès pour des échantillons de sérum. Avec toutes ces méthodes d'analyse il était possible d'observer les deux marqueurs de consommation d'alcool récente, même une consommation aussi basse qu'un verre de boissons alcooliques.Finalement, une étude englobant plus de 100 échantillons aété effectuée avec l'ambition de déterminer les valeurs de référence pour lethyl glucuronide dans le sérum et l'urine. De plus, la nécessité de normaliser les échantillons d'urine par rapport à la dilution a été investiguée. Grâce à cette étude des valeurs de cut-off et une base statistique pour l'interprétation probabiliste ont pu être proposées.


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This work aimed at determining the dissolved oxygen consumption rate of Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles maintained in a microbial biofloc raceway system at high density with no aeration. Three 4 L bottles were filled for each treatment, sealed hermetically, and placed in an enclosed greenhouse raceway system. Four shrimp (13.2±1.42 g) were assigned to two sets of the bottles, which underwent the following treatments: light conditions with no shrimp; dark conditions with no shrimp; light conditions with shrimp; and dark conditions with shrimp. Dissolved oxygen content was measured every 10 min for 30 min. A quadratic behavior was observed in dissolved oxygen concentration over time. Significant differences for oxigen consumption were observed only at 10 and 20 min between shrimp maintained in the dark and those under light conditions. At 10 min, a higher value was observed in shrimp maintained under light, and at 20 min, in the dark. Significant differences between 10 and 20 min and between 10 and 30 min were observed when oxygen consumption was analyzed over time in the presence of light. Under dark conditions there were significant differences only between 20 and 30 min. Lethal oxygen concentration (0.65 mg L-1) would be reached in less than one hour either under light or dark conditions with no aeration.


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In the works of Mar Arza we perceive a sustained concern with lines of writing on surfaces. Earlyon, she altered the pages and letters of old books. More recently she has intervened in the lettersand the blank spaces on all kinds of printed paper — savings books, electricity bills, medical referrals, calendar pages, lottery tickets...


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The aim of this work was to evaluate whether terrestrial model ecosystems (TMEs) are a useful tool for the study of the effects of litter quality, soil invertebrates and mineral fertilizer on litter decomposition and plant growth under controlled conditions in the tropics. Forty-eight intact soil cores (17.5-cm diameter, 30-cm length) were taken out from an abandoned rubber plantation on Ferralsol soil (Latossolo Amarelo) in Central Amazonia, Brazil, and kept at 28ºC in the laboratory during four months. Leaf litter of either Hevea pauciflora (rubber tree), Flemingia macrophylla (a shrubby legume) or Brachiaria decumbens (a pasture grass) was put on top of each TME. Five specimens of either Pontoscolex corethrurus or Eisenia fetida (earthworms), Porcellionides pruinosus or Circoniscus ornatus (woodlice), and Trigoniulus corallinus (millipedes) were then added to the TMEs. Leaf litter type significantly affected litter consumption, soil microbial biomass and nitrate concentration in the leachate of all TMEs, but had no measurable effect on the shoot biomass of rice seedlings planted in top soil taken from the TMEs. Feeding rates measured with bait lamina were significantly higher in TMEs with the earthworm P. corethrurus and the woodlouse C. ornatus. TMEs are an appropriate tool to assess trophic interactions in tropical soil ecossistems under controlled laboratory conditions.


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Background Chronic alcohol ingestion may cause severe biochemical and pathophysiological derangements to skeletal muscle. Unfortunately, these alcohol-induced events may also prime skeletal muscle for worsened, delayed, or possibly incomplete repair following acute injury. As alcoholics may be at increased risk for skeletal muscle injury, our goals were to identify the effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on components of skeletal muscle regeneration. To accomplish this, age- and gender-matched C57Bl/6 mice were provided normal drinking water or water that contained 20% alcohol (v/v) for 1820 wk. Subgroups of mice were injected with a 1.2% barium chloride (BaCl2) solution into the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle to initiate degeneration and regeneration processes. Body weights and voluntary wheel running distances were recorded during the course of recovery. Muscles were harvested at 2, 7 or 14 days post-injection and assessed for markers of inflammation and oxidant stress, fiber cross-sectional areas, levels of growth and fibrotic factors, and fibrosis. Results Body weights of injured, alcohol-fed mice were reduced during the first week of recovery. These mice also ran significantly shorter distances over the two weeks following injury compared to uninjured, alcoholics. Injured TA muscles from alcohol-fed mice had increased TNFα and IL6 gene levels compared to controls 2 days after injury. Total protein oxidant stress and alterations to glutathione homeostasis were also evident at 7 and 14 days after injury. Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) induction was delayed in injured muscles from alcohol-fed mice which may explain, in part, why fiber cross-sectional area failed to normalize 14 days following injury. Gene levels of TGFβ1 were induced early following injury before normalizing in muscle from alcohol-fed mice compared to controls. However, TGFβ1 protein content was consistently elevated in injured muscle regardless of diet. Fibrosis was increased in injured, muscle from alcohol-fed mice at 7 and 14 days of recovery compared to injured controls. Conclusions Chronic alcohol ingestion appears to delay the normal regenerative response following significant skeletal muscle injury. This is evidenced by reduced cross-sectional areas of regenerated fibers, increased fibrosis, and altered temporal expression of well-described growth and fibrotic factors.


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An adverse endogenous environment during early life predisposes the organism to develop metabolic disorders. We evaluated the impact of intake of an iso-caloric fructose rich diet (FRD) by lactating mothers (LM) on several metabolic functions of their male offspring. On postnatal d 1, ad libitum eating, lactating Sprague-Dawley rats received either 10% F (wt/vol; FRD-LM) or tap water (controls, CTR-LM) to drink throughout lactation. Weaned male offspring were fed ad libitum a normal diet, and body weight (BW) and food intake were registered until experimentation (60 d of age). Basal circulating levels of metabolic markers were evaluated. Both iv glucose tolerance and hypothalamic leptin sensitivity tests were performed. The hypothalamus was dissected for isolation of total RNA and Western blot analysis. Retroperitoneal (RP) adipose tissue was dissected and either kept frozen for gene analysis or digested to isolate adipocytes or for histological studies. FRD rats showed increased BW and decreased hypothalamic sensitivity to exogenous leptin, enhanced food intake (between 49-60 d), and decreased hypothalamic expression of several anorexigenic signals. FRD rats developed increased insulin and leptin peripheral levels and decreased adiponectinemia; although FRD rats normally tolerated glucose excess, it was associated with enhanced insulin secretion. FRD RP adipocytes were enlarged and spontaneously released high leptin, although they were less sensitive to insulin-induced leptin release. Accordingly, RP fat leptin gene expression was high in FRD rats. Excessive fructose consumption by lactating mothers resulted in deep neuroendocrine-metabolic disorders of their male offspring, probably enhancing the susceptibility to develop overweight/obesity during adult life.


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The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health's (FOPH) updated its recommendations on fat consumption in 2013. The report recommends that maximum 10% of the daily caloric intake should come from saturated fatty acids, and the total fat intake should account for 20-35%. There is no limitation to dietary cholesterol consumption. Recent studies have shown that replacing consumption of saturated fatty acids by unsaturated fatty acids is more beneficial in terms of cardiovascular prevention than a low fat diet. The purpose of this article is to review the FOPH recommendations on dietary fat as well as the current evidence about their cardiovascular benefit, and to provide a translation of these scientific recommendations into clinical advice.


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Résumé : Description : Ce travail de thèse évalue l'impact de la consommation importante d'alcool sur les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire et l'estimation du risque cardiovasculaire à 10 ans (risque de développer une maladie coronarienne}, dans une population avec une consommation moyenne élevée d'alcool. La consommation modérée d'alcool a été liée à un risque plus faible de développer une maladie coronarienne. Cependant, les données concernant la consommation importante d'alcool et le risque de développer une maladie coronarienne sont conflictuelles. Il y a également peu d'études dans lesquelles les consommations importantes d'alcool ont pu être évaluées en raison du petit nombre de sujets présentant une telle consommation. Résultats: Nous avons utilisé les données de l'étude CoLaus, une étude populationnelle qui inclut des adultes, âgés de 35 à 75 ans, de la ville de Lausanne. Nous avons inclus 5'769 participants, sans maladie cardiovasculaire, pour lesquels la consommation d'alcool d'une semaine a été catégorisée en 0, 1 à 6, 7 à 13, 14 à 20, 21 à 27, 28 à 34 et >=35 verres/semaine et en non-consommateur (0 verre/semaine), consommateur modéré (1 à 13 verres/semaine), important (14 à 34 verres/semaine) et très important (>= 35). La tension artérielle et les lipides ont été mesurés et le risque de développer une maladie coronarienne à 10 ans a été calculé en utilisant le score de Framingham. 73% des participants consommaient de l'alcool; 16% étaient des consommateurs importants et 2% des consommateurs très importants. L'analyse rnultivariée a montré une augmentation du cholestérol HDL avec la consommation d'alcool (de 1.570.01 [moyenne +- erreur standard] chez les non consommateurs à 1.880.03 mmol/L chez les consommateurs très importants), des triglycérides (1.17+-1.01 à 1.32+-1.05 mmol/L) et des valeurs de tension artérielle systolique (127.4+-0.4 à 132.2+-.4 mm Hg) et diastolique (78.7+-0.3 à 81.7+-0.9 mm Hg, toutes les valeurs de p pour trend<0.001). Quant au risque de développer une maladie coronarienne à 10 ans, il a augmenté de 4.31%+-0.10 à 4.90%+-0.37 (p=0.03) avec la consommation d'alcool, en décrivant une courbe en J. En examinant le type de consommation, on a vu que la consommation de vin a plus d'effet sur l'augmentation des valeurs de cholestérol HDL, alors que la consommation de bière ou de spiritueux a plus d'effet sur l'augmentation des valeurs de triglycérides. Conclusions et perspectives: Nos résultats montrent qu'en ce qui concerne l'estimation du risque cardiovasculaire à 10 ans, l'effet protecteur de la consommation d'alcool disparaît pour des consommations très importantes, car l'effet bénéfique des valeurs augmentées de cholestérol HDL est contrecarré par l'augmentation des valeurs de tension artérielle. Quant aux différents types d'alcool, d'autres études sont nécessaires pour mieux évaluer leur effet spécifique sur les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire.


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Hypertension is a major public health problem and a leading cause of death and disability in both developed and developing countries, affecting onequarter of the world"s adult population. Our aim was to evaluate whether the consumption of gazpacho, a Mediterranean vegetable-based cold soup rich in phytochemicals, is associated with lower blood pressure (BP) and/or reduced prevalence of hypertension in individuals at high cardiovascular risk. Methods and results: We selected 3995 individuals (58% women, mean age 67 y) at high cardiovascular risk (81% hypertensive) recruited into the PREDIMED study. BP, weight, and dietary and physical activity data were collected. In multivariate linear regression analyses, after adjustment, moderate and high gazpacho consumption categories were associated with reduced mean systolic BP of 1.9 mm Hg [95% confidence interval (CI): 3.4; 0.6] and 2.6 mm Hg (CI: 4.2; 1.0), respectively, and reduced diastolic BP of 1.5 mm Hg (CI: 2.3; 0.6) and 1.9 mm Hg (CI: 2.8; 1.1). By multiple-adjusted logistic regression analysis, gazpacho consumption was associated with a lower prevalence of hypertension, with OR Z 0.85 (CI: 0.73; 0.99) for each 250 g/week increase and OR Z 0.73 (CI: 0.55; 0.98) for high gazpacho consumption groups compared to the no-consumption group. Conclusions: Gazpacho consumption was inversely associated with systolic and diastolic BP and prevalence of hypertension in a cross-sectional Mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk. The association between gazpacho intake and reduction of BP is probably due to synergy among several bioactive compounds present in the vegetable ingredients used to make the recipe.


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Hypertension is a major public health problem and a leading cause of death and disability in both developed and developing countries, affecting onequarter of the world"s adult population. Our aim was to evaluate whether the consumption of gazpacho, a Mediterranean vegetable-based cold soup rich in phytochemicals, is associated with lower blood pressure (BP) and/or reduced prevalence of hypertension in individuals at high cardiovascular risk. Methods and results: We selected 3995 individuals (58% women, mean age 67 y) at high cardiovascular risk (81% hypertensive) recruited into the PREDIMED study. BP, weight, and dietary and physical activity data were collected. In multivariate linear regression analyses, after adjustment, moderate and high gazpacho consumption categories were associated with reduced mean systolic BP of 1.9 mm Hg [95% confidence interval (CI): 3.4; 0.6] and 2.6 mm Hg (CI: 4.2; 1.0), respectively, and reduced diastolic BP of 1.5 mm Hg (CI: 2.3; 0.6) and 1.9 mm Hg (CI: 2.8; 1.1). By multiple-adjusted logistic regression analysis, gazpacho consumption was associated with a lower prevalence of hypertension, with OR Z 0.85 (CI: 0.73; 0.99) for each 250 g/week increase and OR Z 0.73 (CI: 0.55; 0.98) for high gazpacho consumption groups compared to the no-consumption group. Conclusions: Gazpacho consumption was inversely associated with systolic and diastolic BP and prevalence of hypertension in a cross-sectional Mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk. The association between gazpacho intake and reduction of BP is probably due to synergy among several bioactive compounds present in the vegetable ingredients used to make the recipe.


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This study aimed to compare O2 consumption (VO2) determination by the gas-exchange (VO2GE) and Fick (VO2F) methods in cardiac surgical patients. A total of 10 mechanically ventilated postoperative patients were studied prospectively. Thermodilution was performed using three randomly applied techniques: room temperature saline injected at end expiration, room temperature saline randomly injected in the respiratory cycle, and iced saline injected at end expiration. The influence of the number of thermodilution determinations was assessed by comparing results from 2 and 10 injections. The variability of VO2F was greater than that of VO2GE. There was no bias between VO2GE and VO2F values using injectate at room temperature. Accuracy and precision were not improved by increasing the number of cardiac output determinations from 2 to 10. A significant bias was observed using ice-cold injectate, VO2F being 18.0 +/- 15.4 ml/min/m2 lower than VO2GE (p = 0.001). Published results when comparing VO2F and VO2GE are discrepant. However, a significant bias was found in all studies using cold injectate, with lower VO2F values. We conclude that iced injectate should not be used to assess VO2 in critically ill patients.


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Alors que la consommation modérée d'alcool est liée à un risque plus faible de développer une maladie coronarienne, l'impact d'une consommation plus importante d'alcool sur les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire (FRCV) et la maladie coronarienne est moins clair. Nous avons étudié l'association entre la consommation d'alcool, les FRCV et l'estimation du risque à dix ans de faire un événement cardiovasculaire dans l'étude populationnelle lausannoise CoLaus. Dans cette étude, 73% des participants consomment de l'alcool, 16% consomment de 14 à 34 unités d'alcool par semaine et 2% consomment 35 unités ou plus par semaine. Cet article montre notamment l'impact d'une consommation importante d'alcool sur les FRCVet passe en revue les liens entre la consommation d'alcool, le type de boissons et les FRCV. [Abstract] Moderate alcohol consumption has been associated with lower coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. However, the impact of higher alcohol consumption on cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs) is conflicting. We examined the association between alcohol consumption, CVRFs and the estimated 10-year CHD risk in the population-based CoLaus study in Lausanne, Switzerland. Among 5'769 participants without cardiovascular disease, 73% of the participants were alcohol drinkers; 16% consumed 14-34 drinks/week and 2% consumed >= 35 drinks/week. This article shows the impact of high alcohol consumption on CVRFs and reviews the literature on the associations between alcohol consumption and CVRFs.