964 resultados para estuarine sediments
The objective of the present study was to characterize the spatial distribution and shell utilization of three hermit crab species in the estuarine-bay complex of São Vicente, São Paulo State, Brazil. Monthly samples were done throughout two years, in the non-consolidated sub-littoral at the estuarine-bay complex. The environmental factors, such as temperature, salinity and depth, were measured every month. The three hermit crab species, Clibanarius vittatus, Loxopagurus loxochelis and Isocheles sawayai, were captured utilizing shells from six gastropods species; 92.7% of the hermit crabs utilized Stramonita haemastoma. The results suggest a strong correlation between hermit crabs spatial distribution and salinity, which was considered the main environmental factor limiting their distribution in the estuary. I. sawayai was the only species present in all transects sampled; C. vittatus was captured only in regions with low salinity and L. loxochelis occurred only in high salinity waters.
Total (HgT), reactive (HgR) and organic (Hg ORG) mercury species have been quantified in non-filtered waters collected from the Negro River Basin, Amazon (from January/2002 through January/2004), in both black and white water bodies. Black waters presented the highest HgT, HgORG and HgR concentration (29.1 ng L-1, 1.63 ng L-1 and 3.9 ng L-1, respectively), while, white waters presented the lowest HgT, Hg ORG and HgR concentration (8.8 ng L-1, 0.49 ng L-1 and 1.2 ng L-1, respectively). An inverse correlation between HgT and the water level over the basin was obtained, although the HgORG concentration has increased in the first rainy months and then decreased as the water level rose. Total mercury in surface sediments (0-10 cm) ranged from 70 to 271 mg kg-1 being the methylmercury 0.47-1.79 % of this stock. The results indicate that HgR and the labile dissolved organic matter were introduced into the aquatic environment during the flooding season, especially in the earlier stages, thus contributing to mercury methylation. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
Diseases transmitted by water consists a serious public health problem and enterobacteria are the main group of microorganisms responsible for outbreaks in humans. Such pathogenic bacteria proliferate in water polluted by domestic and industrial sewage and reach the population through seawater contact. The aim of the present work was to study environmental parameters as well as to identify Enterobacteriaceae species and their antimicrobial susceptibility in water samples collected from the estuarine area of São Vicente city (São Paulo State, Brazil). Strains were identified by using traditional biochemical tests described in literature and antimicrobial susceptibility tests were carried out using the disk diffusion method. Out of 26 samples, Escherichia coli was the most frequent species (40.1%), followed by Citrobacter, Enterobacter and Klebsiella. The most effective drugs against the tested microorganisms were gentamycin, netilmicin, ciprofloxacin and cefepime. Since these bacteria are commonly found in seashore contaminated by sewage effluents, it can be concluded that estuarine waters of São Vicente are polluted and potentially capable of causing diseases and spreading pathogenic bacteria to human communities.
Freshwater sponge spicules were analyzed as a paleoenvironmental proxy indicator in five cores of ponds and alluvial fan sediments in the Upper Paraná River's left bank, near Querência do Norte town, northwestern of State of Paraná, southern Brazil. Two optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates were obtained from sediments of ponds and one radiocarbon (14C) date was obtained from the alluvial fan. Microscopic analysis of spicules preserved in the sediments allowed a determination of freshwater sponge species. The species assemblage provides evidence for dominantly dry conditions in the Upper Paraná River during the Late Pleistocene. A wetter climate phase was recognized at 14C 7,540 yrs BP, with alluvial fan formation commencing at the transition of the dry Pleistocene climate to the Early Holocene wet climate. This wet interval was characterized by a sponge assemblage marked by the presence of the Neotropical families and typically associated with lotic environments. Sponge spicules analysis from pond sediments reject the possibility that lotic environments contributed to pond genesis and evolution. © 2013 by the Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia.
The emergence of soft-bodied metazoans and the radiation of the earliest skeletal organisms substantially changed the ecological dynamics of Ediacaran environments, leading to the genesis of biogenic hard-part deposits for the fi rst time in Earth's history. The impact of bioclast origin on sedimentary processes is analyzed herein, focusing on the sedimentology and taphonomy of shell concentrations dominated by the Ediacaran index fossil Cloudina from the Itapucumí Group, Paraguay. Skeletal concentrations include both dense accumulations of parautochthonous, disarticulated specimens (Type 1 deposits) and in situ specimens preserved as loosely packed assemblages (Type 2 deposits). At that time, Cloudina was the critical source of durable biomineralized hard parts in an environment nearly free of other bioclasts. The simple fabric and geometry of these accumulations are typical of Cambrian-style shell beds. Despite their Precambrian age, these deposits indicate that the establishment of the Phanerozoic style of marine substrates and preservation in early shell beds was determined more by the acquisition of hard parts than by environmental changes. © 2013 Geological Society of America.
The Iguape and Cananéia Lagoon-Estuarine Complex is a biodiversity hotspot in southeastern Brazil. In recent decades, the region has become an important destination for recreational fishing. The objective of this study was to analyze the socioeconomic characteristics of visiting anglers and fishing guides working in the Cananéia-Iguape-Peruíbe Environmental Protected Area and their views on fisheries management. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted between January 2009 and January 2010. We interviewed 278 anglers, who were predominantly male (93%) with a mean age of 47 years and from the state of São Paulo. The targeted species were snooks (Centropomus undecimales and Centropomus parallelus) and weakfishes (Cynoscion leiarchus and Cynoscion acoupa). Only half the anglers had the mandatory fishing license, and many of them lacked knowledge about catch quotas and minimum size requirements for specific species. The fishing guides (n = 80) were all male, with a mean age of 39 years and extensive experience. Most of the guides believe that the study area is somewhat degraded due to the removal of riparian vegetation, siltation, pollution, and especially the depletion of fish stocks. The opinions of the stakeholders (anglers and guides) converge on the high priority needs of the fishery and possible management actions regarding recreational fishing, such as improved fisheries enforcement (first in order of importance), proper training of fishing guides, zoning of fishing areas, and the definition of a maximum size limit. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Water pollution found in major rivers in Brazil has its origin from urban sewage discharges and industrial effluent, carried out by small streams and rivers crossing cities. Therefore, studies related to hydrographic micro-basins offer the opportunity to establish environmental management strategies for restoring water resources, based on diagnosis of the water quality. Despite this understanding, few studies in urban and rural areas have been performed in a systematic manner in Brazilian micro-basins. The main goal of this research was to diagnose the water resources in micro-basins in the region of the district of Americana, São Paulo state, Brazil, through the quantification of metals in water and sediment. The methodology was based on the investigation of metals (Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn), in four micro-basins, determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The most significant result showed high concentration levels of chromium (969 μg L-1), downstream of the discharge of sewage from the city of Nova Odessa. This concentration in the river was above the allowed limit of Brazilian regulation agency (50 μg L-1 for Cr). Also high levels of Cr were found in the sediment (98.9 μg g-1) collected at the same monitored site. These results are important indicators of environmental performance and anthropogenic activities to help the government establish environmental management strategies aimed at the reduction of water pollution. © 2013 WIT Press.
Butyltin (BTs) quantification in environmental matrices can be affected by interfering species found primarily in complex matrices,such as sediment and biota tissues. This study investigated matrix effects in analytical procedures for butyltin (TBT,DBT and MBT) quantification and speciation in sediments and in two fish tissues (gill and liver) by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detection (GC-PFPD) analysis. Unlike sediment samples,tissues exhibited a significant matrix effect,thus,the quantification should be made by curve over matrix to avoid quantification errors and loss of analytical accuracy. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
This study investigated the hematological parameters of the tropical estuarine fish Centropomus parallelus and their use as a non-destructive biomarker for aquatic pollution. Individuals were collected, in summer and winter, at two estuaries, Cananéia (CAN) and São Vicente (SVE), and blood was extracted by caudal puncture. The evaluated parameters were hematocrit (Ht), red blood cells (RBC), Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), and the leukocyte (WBC) and thrombocyte counts. Fishes from CAN showed higher values of absolute number of thrombocytes in the summer. The fishes from SVE presented lower values of Ht and MCV in winter. Comparing the hematological parameters of fishes from these two sites, Ht, MCV, WBC and RBC were higher in fishes from SVE in the summer, whereas during the winter, Ht and thrombocytes were higher in animals from SVE. The results allow attributing the changes in the blood of fishes to seasonality and the presence of contaminants.
The Guarani aquifer system (GAS) represents one of the biggest aquifers in the world and is the most relevant groundwater resource in South America. For the first time, by combining field and laboratory measurements, a high-resolution aquifer analog model of fluvial-aeolian sediments of the GAS in São Paulo State (Brazil) is constructed. Three parallel sections of frontal outcrops, 28 m × 5.8 m, and two parallel sections of lateral outcrops, 7 m × 5.8 m, are recorded during open-pit mining of sandy sediments and describe in detail the three-dimensional distribution of the local lithofacies and hydrofacies. Variations of hydraulic conductivity, K, and porosity, n, are resolved on the centimeter scale, and the most permeable units of the fluvial-aeolian facies association are identified. The constructed aquifer analog model shows moderate hydraulic heterogeneity and a mean K value of 1.36 × 10-4 m/s, which is greater than the reported range of K values for the entire GAS in São Paulo State. The results suggest that the examined sedimentary unit constitutes a relevant portion of the GAS in São Paulo State in the context of groundwater extraction and pollution. Moreover, the constructed aquifer analog is considered an ideal basis for future numerical model experiments, aiming at in-depth understanding of the groundwater flow and contaminant transport patterns at this GAS portion or at comparable fluvial-aeolian facies associations. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed to evaluate the environmental quality of the marine portion of Xixová-Japuí State Park (XJSP), an urban marine protected area, which is influenced by multiple contamination sources, by using ecotoxicological and geochemical analyses. Sediments were predominantly sandy, with low CaCO3 and organic matter contents, and presented contamination by metals (Cd,Cu,Zn). Acute toxicity was detected in three tested samples, and copepod exposed to sediments from four stations exhibited lower fecundities, despite the absence of significant effects. Contamination and toxicity seemed to be associated, suggesting that the environment is degraded and presents risks to the biota. Whole sediment TIE indicated ammonia as a main responsible for toxicity, suggesting sewage is a main contributor to sediment degradation. As external contamination sources seem to be negatively influencing the sediment quality, the park conservation objectives are not being fully reached, demanding actions to mitigate impacts. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Os rios são os agentes mais importantes no transporte dos sedimentos para as áreas mais baixas dos continentes e para o mar. Além dos efeitos diretos do clima local, a cobertura vegetal atua no controle da descarga e no suprimento de sedimentos. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho enfoca o padrão de distribuição granulométrica do rio Urumajó (nordeste paraense) em relação ao estado de preservação da mata ciliar. Cinco estações (A-E) foram estabelecidas de forma a registrar um transecto da nascente à foz do rio. Nessas estações, procedeu-se com a caracterização da mata ciliar, bem como do seu grau de preservação. Além disto, elaborou-se um perfil transversal ao canal para cada estação, com coleta de cinco amostras de sedimentos em cada perfil. Estes foram submetidos à análise granulométrica, que resultou na obtenção de valores da média, mediana, seleção, assimetria e curtose. Com os resultados foi possível reconhecer as características sedimentares normais do rio, onde areia média é a principal classe granulométrica transportada. Foram observadas nas estações A e C a clara tendência das amostras serem moderadamente bem selecionadas e aproximadamente simétricas, com dominância absoluta de areia média, o que está diretamente relacionado ao seu bom estado de preservação. Significativas variações granulométricas nas estações B, D e E foram associadas com o processo erosivo das margens do rio, conseqüência da degradação da mata ciliar. Além disso, foi constatada a influência das correntes de maré na sedimentologia da estação E, subsidiando também a delimitação do ambiente estuarino que se encontra associado ao canal fluvial.
Amostras de sedimentos de fundo foram coletadas e analisadas para o mercúrio no Estuário de Santos-SP. Os resultados analíticos foram revistos para contaminação antropogênica de alguns setores da área estuarina como resultado de resíduos petroquímico e metalúrgico derivados do distrito industrial de Cubatão, das atividades siderúrgicas do Estado de São Paulo (COSIPA), do porto de Santos e, finalmente, das descargas dos efluentes do emissário submarino dentro da baía de Santos. Os valores para o fator de contaminação médio (FC) obtidos para os sedimentos de fundo variam de 1 a 3, principalmente para os canais de Santos e São Vicente; entretanto, na baía de Santos, os valores de FC (abaixo de 1) indicam baixa contaminação, exceto na área de descarga do emissário submarino.