909 resultados para estimador Kernel
The aim of this study is to evaluate the crystal structure of binary mixtures of palm kernel fat and fish oil, before and after chemical and enzymatic interesterification. The crystal structure was analyzed by polarized light microscopy. The addition of fish oil didn't change the palm kernel fat crystallization characteristics, spherullites of types A and B being observed. However, due to chemical and enzymatic interesterification, smaller crystals were obtained. There was no difference between chemical and enzymatic interesterification, probably as a function of acyl migration in discontinuous processes catalyzed by lipases.
The speed of traveling fronts for a two-dimensional model of a delayed reactiondispersal process is derived analytically and from simulations of molecular dynamics. We show that the one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) versions of a given kernel do not yield always the same speed. It is also shown that the speeds of time-delayed fronts may be higher than those predicted by the corresponding non-delayed models. This result is shown for systems with peaked dispersal kernels which lead to ballistic transport
The ongoing development of the digital media has brought a new set of challenges with it. As images containing more than three wavelength bands, often called spectral images, are becoming a more integral part of everyday life, problems in the quality of the RGB reproduction from the spectral images have turned into an important area of research. The notion of image quality is often thought to comprise two distinctive areas – image quality itself and image fidelity, both dealing with similar questions, image quality being the degree of excellence of the image, and image fidelity the measure of the match of the image under study to the original. In this thesis, both image fidelity and image quality are considered, with an emphasis on the influence of color and spectral image features on both. There are very few works dedicated to the quality and fidelity of spectral images. Several novel image fidelity measures were developed in this study, which include kernel similarity measures and 3D-SSIM (structural similarity index). The kernel measures incorporate the polynomial, Gaussian radial basis function (RBF) and sigmoid kernels. The 3D-SSIM is an extension of a traditional gray-scale SSIM measure developed to incorporate spectral data. The novel image quality model presented in this study is based on the assumption that the statistical parameters of the spectra of an image influence the overall appearance. The spectral image quality model comprises three parameters of quality: colorfulness, vividness and naturalness. The quality prediction is done by modeling the preference function expressed in JNDs (just noticeable difference). Both image fidelity measures and the image quality model have proven to be effective in the respective experiments.
Genetic algorithm and multiple linear regression (GA-MLR), partial least square (GA-PLS), kernel PLS (GA-KPLS) and Levenberg-Marquardt artificial neural network (L-M ANN) techniques were used to investigate the correlation between retention index (RI) and descriptors for 116 diverse compounds in essential oils of six Stachys species. The correlation coefficient LGO-CV (Q²) between experimental and predicted RI for test set by GA-MLR, GA-PLS, GA-KPLS and L-M ANN was 0.886, 0.912, 0.937 and 0.964, respectively. This is the first research on the QSRR of the essential oil compounds against the RI using the GA-KPLS and L-M ANN.
Genetic algorithm and partial least square (GA-PLS) and kernel PLS (GA-KPLS) techniques were used to investigate the correlation between retention indices (RI) and descriptors for 117 diverse compounds in essential oils from 5 Pimpinella species gathered from central Turkey which were obtained by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The square correlation coefficient leave-group-out cross validation (LGO-CV) (Q²) between experimental and predicted RI for training set by GA-PLS and GA-KPLS was 0.940 and 0.963, respectively. This indicates that GA-KPLS can be used as an alternative modeling tool for quantitative structure-retention relationship (QSRR) studies.
Preference relations, and their modeling, have played a crucial role in both social sciences and applied mathematics. A special category of preference relations is represented by cardinal preference relations, which are nothing other than relations which can also take into account the degree of relation. Preference relations play a pivotal role in most of multi criteria decision making methods and in the operational research. This thesis aims at showing some recent advances in their methodology. Actually, there are a number of open issues in this field and the contributions presented in this thesis can be grouped accordingly. The first issue regards the estimation of a weight vector given a preference relation. A new and efficient algorithm for estimating the priority vector of a reciprocal relation, i.e. a special type of preference relation, is going to be presented. The same section contains the proof that twenty methods already proposed in literature lead to unsatisfactory results as they employ a conflicting constraint in their optimization model. The second area of interest concerns consistency evaluation and it is possibly the kernel of the thesis. This thesis contains the proofs that some indices are equivalent and that therefore, some seemingly different formulae, end up leading to the very same result. Moreover, some numerical simulations are presented. The section ends with some consideration of a new method for fairly evaluating consistency. The third matter regards incomplete relations and how to estimate missing comparisons. This section reports a numerical study of the methods already proposed in literature and analyzes their behavior in different situations. The fourth, and last, topic, proposes a way to deal with group decision making by means of connecting preference relations with social network analysis.
Atividades de conservação e melhoramento genético requerem medidas de tamanho efetivo para manutenção e controle do potencial evolutivo das populações sob manipulação. Populações naturais são, muitas vezes, estruturadas e, conseqüentemente, podem apresentar algum grau de endogamia e parentesco. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever um simples estimador de tamanho efetivo de endogamia para populações de espécies monóicas com qualquer nível de endogamia e parentesco. O estimador foi derivado, assumindo-se que a endogamia é a mesma em todos os indivíduos da população. Ele pode ser utilizado em populações com pedigree conhecido ou o parentesco médio entre pares de indivíduos da população-alvo pode ser estimado a partir de dados de marcadores genéticos co-dominantes. Um exemplo é dado onde o estimador é aplicado em uma população de uma espécie arbórea monóica, Euterpe edulis.
Este trabalho foi realizado em eucaliptais localizados em áreas de relevo acidentado da Mata Atlântica, no Município de Belo Oriente, Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais, no período de janeiro de 2002 a fevereiro de 2005, em cinco talhões de Eucalyptus spp., totalizando 160,22 ha. Os objetivos foram desenvolver planos de amostragem para formigas-cortadeiras pelo método de transectos em faixas; determinar o melhor estimador de densidade populacional de formigueiros para os métodos de transectos em faixa e em linha; e validar o melhor plano de amostragem. Em cada entrelinha de plantio de cada talhão, os ninhos de formigas-cortadeiras foram localizados, georreferenciados e medidos. Foram gerados mapas com a localização dos ninhos e das árvores nos talhões, que serviram para a simulação dos planos. Concluiu-se que qualquer uma das linhas testadas para o lançamento de primeiro transecto pode ser utilizada no monitoramento de formigas-cortadeiras na área de estudo. A distância ótima entre os transectos em faixa foi de 96 m. A estimativa da densidade de ninhos de formigas-cortadeiras pelo estimador de área proporcional, usando transectos em faixa, é mais precisa do que pelo estimador Cottam & Curtis, com a utilização de transectos em linha, pois o primeiro produz resultados iguais aos do censo. O uso operacional dos transectos em faixa, com o estimador de área proporcional, lançados a cada 96 m a partir da terceira linha de plantio é valido para estimar a área total de formigueiros na região.
Tillgången på traditionella biobränslen är begränsad och därför behöver man ta fram nya, tidigare outnyttjade biobränslen för att möta de uppställda CO2 emissionsmålen av EU och det ständigt ökande energibehovet. Under de senare åren har intresset riktats mot termisk energiutvinning ur olika restfraktioner och avfall. Vid produktion av fordonsbränsle ur biomassa är den fasta restprodukten ofta den största procesströmmen i produktionsanläggningen. En riktig hantering av restprodukterna skulle göra produktionen mera lönsam och mer ekologiskt hållbar. Ett alternativ är att genom förbränning producera elektricitet och/eller värme eftersom dessa restprodukter anses som CO2-neutrala. Målsättningen med den här avhandlingen var att studera förbränningsegenskaperna hos några fasta restprodukter som uppstår vid framställning av förnybara fordonsbränslen. De fyra undersökta materialen är rapskaka, palmkärnskaka, torkad drank och stabiliserat rötslam. I studien används ett stort urval av undersökningsmetoder, från laboratorieskala till fullskalig förbränning, för att identifiera de huvudsakliga utmaningarna förknippade med förbränning av restprodukterna i pannor med fluidiserad bäddteknik. Med hjälp av detaljerad bränslekarakterisering kunde restprodukterna konstateras vara en värdefull källa för värme- och elproduktion. Den kemiska sammansättningen av restprodukterna varierar stort jämfört med mera traditionellt använda biobränslen. En gemensam faktor för alla de studerade restprodukterna är en hög fosforhalt. På grund av de låga fosforkoncentrationerna i de traditionella biobränslena har grundämnet hittills inte ansetts spela någon större roll i askkemin. Experimenten visade nu att fosfor inte mera kan försummas då man studerar kemin i förbränningsprocesser, då allt flera fosforrika bränslen tränger in på energimarknaden.
Tropical forests are sources of many ecosystem services, but these forests are vanishing rapidly. The situation is severe in Sub-Saharan Africa and especially in Tanzania. The causes of change are multidimensional and strongly interdependent, and only understanding them comprehensively helps to change the ongoing unsustainable trends of forest decline. Ongoing forest changes, their spatiality and connection to humans and environment can be studied with the methods of Land Change Science. The knowledge produced with these methods helps to make arguments about the actors, actions and causes that are behind the forest decline. In this study of Unguja Island in Zanzibar the focus is in the current forest cover and its changes between 1996 and 2009. The cover and changes are measured with often used remote sensing methods of automated land cover classification and post-classification comparison from medium resolution satellite images. Kernel Density Estimation is used to determine the clusters of change, sub-area –analysis provides information about the differences between regions, while distance and regression analyses connect changes to environmental factors. These analyses do not only explain the happened changes, but also allow building quantitative and spatial future scenarios. Similar study has not been made for Unguja and therefore it provides new information, which is beneficial for the whole society. The results show that 572 km2 of Unguja is still forested, but 0,82–1,19% of these forests are disappearing annually. Besides deforestation also vertical degradation and spatial changes are significant problems. Deforestation is most severe in the communal indigenous forests, but also agroforests are decreasing. Spatially deforestation concentrates to the areas close to the coastline, population and Zanzibar Town. Biophysical factors on the other hand do not seem to influence the ongoing deforestation process. If the current trend continues there should be approximately 485 km2 of forests remaining in 2025. Solutions to these deforestation problems should be looked from sustainable land use management, surveying and protection of the forests in risk areas and spatially targeted self-sustainable tree planting schemes.
Some growers and researchers sustain the idea that regrowth or root setting of some weeds may occur after hoeing, with detrimental effects over corn. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of weed removal from the field, removal after each hoeing, and corn intercropped with gliricidia on weed control and corn yield values. The experimental design consisted of blocks with split-plots and six replicates. Cultivars AG 1051 and BM 2022, planted in the plots, were submitted to the following treatments: no hoeing, two hoeings (at 20 and 40 days after planting), and intercropped with gliricidia. The hoed plots were either submitted to weed removal after the first, second, or both hoeings, or remained without weed removal. In the intercropped treatment, gliricidia was sown by broadcasting at corn planting between the corn rows, at a density of 15 seeds m-2. Twenty-five weed species occurred in the experiment; the most frequent was Digitaria sanguinalis (family Poaceae). The weed control methods tested had similar effects on the cultivars, which were not different from one another with respect to the evaluated traits, except for one-hundred-kernel weight, with cultivar AG 1051 being superior. Weed removal did not influence green corn yield or grain yield. However, the number of kernels/ear was higher in plots where weeds were removed in relation to plots without weed removal, suggesting that weed removal might be beneficial to corn. Besides, a higher dry matter weight was obtained for the above-ground part of weeds removed from the field after the first and second hoeings than the weight of weeds removed after the second hoeing only which, in turn, was higher than the weight of weeds removed after the first hoeing only. Green ear yield, grain yield, and dry matter of the above-ground part of the weeds did not show differences in hoed plots and were superior to the non-weeded plots and the intercropped plots, which were not different from each other; therefore, intercropping with gliricidia did not improve corn yield values.
The system of rice intensification has emerged as a promising rice production package but weed infestation could lead to incomplete benefits from the system. A two-year field study was performed to determine an appropriate method of weed management in SRI. Weed management treatments were manual hoeing 20, 40 and 60 days after transplanting (DAT), hoeing with rotary hoe at 20, 40 and 60 DAT, hoeing with rotary hoe at 20 DAT + spray with sorghum and sunflower water extracts at 15 L ha-1 40 DAT, manual hoeing 20 DAT + spray with sorghum and sunflower water extracts, both in equal amount, at 15 L ha-1 40 DAT, orthosulfamuron at 145 g a.i. ha-1 7 DAT, weedy check and weed free. Manual hoeing at 20, 40 and 60 DAT was the treatment that exhibited the maximum kernel yield i.e. 5.34 and 4.99 t ha-1., which was 8.4 and 7.2% higher than orthosulfamuron and 61.0 and 64.9% higher than weedy check, during both years of study, respectively. The highest weed suppression was also achieved by manual hoeing at 20, 40 and 60 DAT with weed control efficiency of 87.89 and 82.32% during 2010 and 2011, respectively. Manual hoeing at 20, 40 and 60 DAT is an eco-friendly, non-chemical weed control method to increase kernel yield of fine rice under SRI.
A Cadeia do Espinhaço no Estado de Minas Gerais compreende um grupo de serras entre os limites 20°21'56" S e 43°26'02" W (Mariana) e 14°58'54" S e 42°30'10" W (Divisa Minas Gerais/Bahia). Foi realizado um levantamento florístico das espécies vasculares associadas a áreas úmidas em dez áreas, utilizando-se um transecto de 5 × 50 m, em cada área. Foram representadas 53 famílias, 126 gêneros e 224 espécies. As famílias com maior riqueza específica foram Cyperaceae (17,86%), Poaceae (10,27%), Asteraceae (7,14%), Eriocaulaceae (4,91%) e Melastomataceae (4,91%). A análise de agrupamento apresentou maior similaridade entre ambientes de rios e lagoas geograficamente mais próximas, porém o resultado do teste de Mantel para o conjunto das áreas não foi significativo (P = 0,17). O grande número de espécies únicas influenciou o valor elevado do estimador "Jacknife" (341,9). A insuficiência amostral indicada relaciona-se, principalmente, à grande abrangência geográfica e a heterogeneidade dos ambientes amostrados. A Bacia do Rio São Francisco apresentou a maior riqueza em número de espécies (116). Nos ambientes amostrados na Cadeia do Espinhaço, foram verificadas comunidades vegetais que refletem diferentes peculiaridades florísticas.
Identification of low-dimensional structures and main sources of variation from multivariate data are fundamental tasks in data analysis. Many methods aimed at these tasks involve solution of an optimization problem. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to develop computationally efficient and theoretically justified methods for solving such problems. Most of the thesis is based on a statistical model, where ridges of the density estimated from the data are considered as relevant features. Finding ridges, that are generalized maxima, necessitates development of advanced optimization methods. An efficient and convergent trust region Newton method for projecting a point onto a ridge of the underlying density is developed for this purpose. The method is utilized in a differential equation-based approach for tracing ridges and computing projection coordinates along them. The density estimation is done nonparametrically by using Gaussian kernels. This allows application of ridge-based methods with only mild assumptions on the underlying structure of the data. The statistical model and the ridge finding methods are adapted to two different applications. The first one is extraction of curvilinear structures from noisy data mixed with background clutter. The second one is a novel nonlinear generalization of principal component analysis (PCA) and its extension to time series data. The methods have a wide range of potential applications, where most of the earlier approaches are inadequate. Examples include identification of faults from seismic data and identification of filaments from cosmological data. Applicability of the nonlinear PCA to climate analysis and reconstruction of periodic patterns from noisy time series data are also demonstrated. Other contributions of the thesis include development of an efficient semidefinite optimization method for embedding graphs into the Euclidean space. The method produces structure-preserving embeddings that maximize interpoint distances. It is primarily developed for dimensionality reduction, but has also potential applications in graph theory and various areas of physics, chemistry and engineering. Asymptotic behaviour of ridges and maxima of Gaussian kernel densities is also investigated when the kernel bandwidth approaches infinity. The results are applied to the nonlinear PCA and to finding significant maxima of such densities, which is a typical problem in visual object tracking.
Protein characterization and results of proximate composition and mineral analyses of fruit kernels of bocaiuva, Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd., are reported. The kernels presented high contents of oil (51.7%), protein (17.6%) and fiber (15.8%). The seeds´ soluble proteins were isolated according to their solubility. The main separated proteins were globulins (53.5%) and glutelins (40.0%). Moreover, the presence of low molecular mass proteases in these two fractions was shown by the SDS-PAGE method. The assays of protease-inhibitory and hemagglutinating activities showed that bocaiuva´s protein fractions were not resistant to trypsin or chymotrypsin activities and that both had low lectin content. The globulin in vitro digestibility assay resembled a casein standard. Neither globulin nor glutelin enzymatic hydrolyses increased significantly (p < 0.05) after heat treatment. Threonine and lysine are the most limiting amino acids, respectively from two major protein fractions of the bocaiuva kernel, globulin (47.1% amino acid score) and glutelin (49.5% amino acid score), in terms of the theoretical profiles for children in the age range of 2 to 5 years recommended by the FAO/WHO. Bocaiuva kernels are found to be rich in calcium, phosphorus and manganese compared to some fruit nuts such as cashew and coconut.