987 resultados para epiphyllous organisms
A wide range of animals suffer from periodontal disease. However, there is very little reported on disease and oral micro-biota of Australian animals. Therefore, the oral cavity of 90 marsupials was examined for oral health status. Plaque samples were collected from the subgingival margins using curettes; or swabs. Plaque samples were plated onto. non-selective trypticase soy agar plates, selective trypticase soy agar, non-selective and selective Wilkens Chalgrens, Agar. Plates were incubated in an anaerobic atmosphere and examined after 7-14 days for the presence of black-brown-pigmented colonies. A combination of morphological and biochemical tests were used (colonial morphology, pigmentation, aerobic growth, Gram reaction, fluorescence under long-wave UV light (360 nm), production of catalase, enzymatic activity with fluorogenic substrates and haemagglutination of sheep red cells) to identify these organisms. Black-pigmented bacteria were cultivated from the plaque of 32 animals including six eastern grey kangaroos, a musky rat kangaroo, a whiptail and a red-necked wallaby, 18 koalas, a bandicoot and five brushtail possums. No black-pigmented colonies were cultivated from squirrel or sugar gliders or quokkas or from marsupial mice. The majority of isolates were identified as Porphyromonas gingivalis-like species with the higher prevalence of isolation from the oral cavity of macropods (the kangaroos and wallabies). Oral diseases, such as gingivitis can be found in native Australian animals with older koalas having an increase in disease indicators and black-pigmented bacteria. Non-selective Wilkens Chalgren Agar was the medium of choice for the isolation of black-pigmented bacteria. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cleaning behaviour has generally been viewed from the cleaner or client's point of view. Few studies, however, have examined cleaning behaviour from the parasites' perspective, yet they are the equally-important third players in such associations. All three players are likely to have had their evolution affected by the association. As cleaner organisms are important predators of parasites, cleaners are likely to have an important effect on their prey. Little, however, is known of how parasites are affected by cleaning associations and the strategies that parasites use in response to cleaners. I examine here what parasites are involved in cleaning interactions, the effect cleaners have on parasites, the potential counter-adaptations that parasites have evolved against the predatory activities of cleaner organisms, the potential influence of cleaners on the life history traits of parasites, and other factors affected by cleaners. I have found that a wide range of ectoparasites from diverse habitats have been reported to interact with a wide range of cleaner organisms. Some of the life history traits of parasites are consistent with the idea that they are in response to cleaner predation. It is clear, however, that although many cleaning systems exist their ecological role is largely unexplored. This has likely been hindered by our lack of information on the parasites involved in cleaning interactions.
The development of the new TOGA (titration and off-gas analysis) sensor for the detailed study of biological processes in wastewater treatment systems is outlined. The main innovation of the sensor is the amalgamation of titrimetric and off-gas measurement techniques. The resulting measured signals are: hydrogen ion production rate (HPR), oxygen transfer rate (OTR), nitrogen transfer rate (NTR), and carbon dioxide transfer rate (CTR). While OTR and NTR are applicable to aerobic and anoxic conditions, respectively, HPR and CTR are useful signals under all of the conditions found in biological wastewater treatment systems, namely, aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic. The sensor is therefore a powerful tool for studying the key biological processes under all these conditions. A major benefit from the integration of the titrimetric and off-gas analysis methods is that the acid/base buffering systems, in particular the bicarbonate system, are properly accounted for. Experimental data resulting from the TOGA sensor in aerobic, anoxic, and anaerobic conditions demonstrates the strength of the new sensor. In the aerobic environment, carbon oxidation (using acetate as an example carbon source) and nitrification are studied. Both the carbon and ammonia removal rates measured by the sensor compare very well with those obtained from off-line chemical analysis. Further, the aerobic acetate removal process is examined at a fundamental level using the metabolic pathway and stoichiometry established in the literature, whereby the rate of formation of storage products is identified. Under anoxic conditions, the denitrification process is monitored and, again, the measured rate of nitrogen gas transfer (NTR) matches well with the removal of the oxidised nitrogen compounds (measured chemically). In the anaerobic environment, the enhanced biological phosphorus process was investigated. In this case, the measured sensor signals (HPR and CTR) resulting from acetate uptake were used to determine the ratio of the rates of carbon dioxide production by competing groups of microorganisms, which consequently is a measure of the activity of these organisms. The sensor involves the use of expensive equipment such as a mass spectrometer and requires special gases to operate, thus incurring significant capital and operational costs. This makes the sensor more an advanced laboratory tool than an on-line sensor. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Nine novel arsenite-oxidizing bacteria have been isolated from two different gold mine environments in Australia. Four of these organisms grow chemolithoautotrophically with oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor, arsenite as the electron donor, and carbon dioxide-bicarbonate as the sole carbon source. Five heterotrophic arsenite-oxidizing bacteria were also isolated, one of which was found to be both phylogenetically and physiologically identical to the previously described heterotrophic arsenite oxidizer misidentified as Alcaligenes faecalis. The results showed that this strain belongs to the genus Achromobacter. Phylogenetically, the arsenite-oxidizing bacteria fall within two separate subdivisions of the Proteobacteria. Interestingly, the chemolithoautotrophic arsenite oxidizers belong to the alpha-Proteobacteria, whereas the heterotrophic arsenite oxidizers belong to the beta-Proteobacteria.
Unusually high concentrations of ammonium have been observed in a Vertisol below 1 m depth in southeast Queensland. This study investigated the possibility that an absence of nitrification is allowing this ammonium to accumulate and persist over time, and examined the soil environmental characteristics that may be responsible for limiting nitrifying organisms. The possibility that anaerobiosis, soil acidity, soil salinity, low organic carbon concentrations, and/or an absence of active nitrifying microorganisms were responsible for limiting nitrification was examined in laboratory and field studies. The presence/absence of anaerobic conditions was determined qualitatively using a field test to give an indication of electron lability. In addition, an incubation study was conducted and soil environmental conditions were improved for nitrifying organisms by adjusting the pH from 4.4 to 7, adjusting the electrical conductivity from 1.6 to 0.5 dS/m, amending with a soluble carbon substrate at a rate of 500 mg/kg, and using microorganisms from the surface horizon to inoculate to the subsoil. Over a 180-day period no nitrification was detected in the control samples from the incubation study, indicating that an extremely low rate of nitrification is likely to be responsible for allowing ammonium to accumulate in this soil. Analysis of the effect of soil environmental conditions on nitrification revealed that anaerobic conditions did not exist at depth and that pH, EC, organic carbon, and inoculation treatments added in isolation had no effect on nitrification. However, when inoculum was added to the soil in combination with pH, a significant increase in nitrification was observed, and the greatest amount of nitrification was observed when inoculum, pH, and EC treatments were added in combination. It was concluded that the reason for the low rate of nitrification in this soil is primarily the absence of a significant population of active nitrifying microorganisms, which may have been unable to colonise the subsoil environment due to its acidic, and to a lesser extent, its saline environment.
The snap-trap leaves of the aquatic waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda) resemble those of Venus' flytrap (Dionaea), its distribution and habit are reminiscent of bladderworts (Utricularia), but it shares many reproductive characters with sundews (Drosera). Moreover, Aldrovanda has never been included in molecular phylogenetic studies, so it has been unclear whether snap-traps evolved only once or more than once among angiosperms. Using sequences from nuclear 18S and plastid rbcL, atpB, and matK genes, we show that Aldrovanda is sister to Dionaea, and this pair is sister to Drosera. Our results indicate that snap-traps are derived from flypaper-traps and have a common ancestry among flowering plants, despite the fact that this mechanism is used by both a terrestrial species and an aquatic one. Genetic and fossil evidence for the close relationship between these unique and threatened organisms indicate that carnivory evolved from a common ancestor within this caryophyllid clade at least 65 million years ago.
The cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, is a major pest of cattle in Australia, Central and South America, and parts of Africa and Asia. Control of ticks with organophosphates (OPs) and carbamates, which target acetylcholinesterases (AChE), led to evolution of resistance to these pesticides. Alleles at the locus studied here, AChE2, from OP-susceptible female ticks from Australia and Mexico differed at 46 of 1689 nucleotide positions (20 putative amino acid differences) whereas alleles from three strains of OP-resistant ticks from Australia differed with the allele from the Australian susceptible ticks at six to 13 nucleotide positions (three to six putative amino acid differences). However, the role, if any, of these polymorphisms in the OP-resistance phenotype is unknown. Certainly none of the polymorphisms correspond to sites in ACK that are involved in catalysis or binding of acetylcholine in other organisms. Both of the AChE loci of B. microplus, AChE1 and AChE2, are apparently expressed in synganglia; AChE1 is also expressed in salivary glands and ovaries, in OP-susceptible and OP-resistant ticks. This seems to contradict studies of enzyme kinetics, which indicated that only one form of AChE was present in the synganglia, the site of the action of OPs, in this species of tick. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The UN Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety adopted in Montreal, 29 January, 2000 and opened for signature in Nairobi, 15-26 May, 2000 will exert a profound effect on international trade in genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their products. In this paper, the potential effects of various articles of the Protocol on international trade in GMOs are analyzed. Based on the present status of imports of GMOs and domestic research and development of biotechnology in China, likely trends in imports of foreign GM food and related products after China accedes to WTO is explored. Also, China's potential countermeasures to control and regulate imports of GMOs in line with implementation of the Protocol are discussed. China, in recent times, has increased its food and agricultural imports substantially from USA and Canada. China imported soybean 10.42 mill. tons in 2000 and about 15 mill tons in 2001, of which majority are from USA where GM soybean accounts for 60%. The plantation of US Monsanto's transgenic Bt cotton was increased to more than 1 million ha in China in 2001. Though China has paid great attention to develop biotechnology, it appears to have little scope to export GMOs and GM products. So China may consider a range of administrative measures to implement the Cartagena Protocol and to regulate its import of GMOs and GM agricultural products. Consequently, the Regulation on Safety of Agri-GMOs was issued on June, 2001 and followed three detailed rules issued in Jan. of 2002, with a priority to limit foreign GMOs importing by safety certification and labeling system. These were outlined taking into account policies adopted in Western countries such as green barriers to international trade.
Several unknown, abundant brominated compounds (BCs) were recently detected in the blubber of dolphins and other marine mammals from Queensland (northeast Australia). The BC were interpreted as potential natural products due to the lack of anthropogenic sources for these compounds. This study investigated whether some of the BCs accumulated by diverse marine mammal species are identical with natural BCs previously isolated from sponges (Dysidea sp.) living in the same habitat. Isolates from sponges and mollusks (Asteronotus cespitosus) were compared with the signals detected in the mammals' tissue. Mass spectra and gas chromatography retention times on four different capillary columns of the isolates from sponges and mammals were identical in all respects. This proves that the chemical name of the compound previously labeled BC-2 is 4,6-dibromo-2-(2'-dibromo)phenoxyanisole and that the chemical name of BC-11 is 3,5-dibromo-2-(3',5'-dibromo-2'-methoxy)phenoxyanisole. Using a quantitative reference solution of BC-2, we established that the concentrations of the brominated metabolies found in the marine mammals are frequently >1 mg/kg. The highest concentration (3.8 mg/kg), found in a sample of pygmy sperm whale (Kogia breviceps), indicates that BC-2 is a bioaccumulative, natural organohalogen compound. This is supported by the concentrations of the BCs in our samples being equal to the highest concentrations of anthropogenic BCs in any environmental sample. The quantitative determination of BC-2 in blubber of marine mammals from Africa and the Antarctic suggests that BC-2 is wide-spread. These results are direct proof that marine biota can produce persistent organic chemicals that accumulate to substantial concentrations in higher trophic organisms.
Darwin's paradigm holds that the diversity of present-day organisms has arisen via a process of genetic descent with modification, as on a bifurcating tree. Evidence is accumulating that genes are sometimes transferred not along lineages but rather across lineages. To the extent that this is so, Darwin's paradigm can apply only imperfectly to genomes, potentially complicating or perhaps undermining attempts to reconstruct historical relationships among genomes (i.e., a genome tree). Whether most genes in a genome have arisen via treelike (vertical) descent or by lateral transfer across lineages can be tested if enough complete genome sequences are used. We define a phylogenetically discordant sequence (PDS) as an open reading frame (ORF) that exhibits patterns of similarity relationships statistically distinguishable from those of most other ORFs in the same genome. PDSs represent between 6.0 and 16.8% (mean, 10.8%) of the analyzable ORFs in the genomes of 28 bacteria, eight archaea, and one eukaryote (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). In this study we developed and assessed a distance-based approach, based on mean pairwise sequence similarity, for generating genome trees. Exclusion of PDSs improved bootstrap support for basal nodes but altered few topological features, indicating that there is little systematic bias among PDSs. Many but not all features of the genome tree from which PDSs were excluded are consistent with the 16S rRNA tree.
With over 80 000 described species, Brachycera represent one of the most diverse clades of organisms with a Mesozoic origin. Larvae of the majority of early lineages are detritivores or carnivores. However, Brachycera are ecologically innovative and they now employ a diverse range of feeding strategies. Brachyceran relationships have been the subject of numerous qualitative analyses using morphological characters. These analyses are often based on characters from one or a few character systems and general agreement on relationships has been elusive. In order to understand the evolution of basal brachyceran lineages, 101 discrete morphological characters were scored and compiled into a single data set. Terminals were scored at the family level, and the data set includes characters from larvae, pupae and adults, internal and external morphology, and male and female terminalia. The results show that all infraorders of Brachycera are monophyletic, but there is little evidence for relationships between the infraorders. Stratiomyomorpha, Tabanomorpha, and Xylophagomorpha together form the sister group to Muscomorpha. Xylophagomorpha and Tabanomorpha are sister groups. Within Muscomorpha, the paraphyletic Nemestrinoidea form the two most basal lineages. There is weak evidence for the monophyly of Asiloidea, and Hilarimorphidae appear to be more closely related to Eremoneura than other muscomorphs. Apsilocephalidae, Scenopinidae and Therevidae form a clade of Asiloidea. This phylogenetic evidence is consistent with the contemporaneous differentiation of the main brachyceran lineages in the early Jurassic. The first major radiation of Muscomorpha were asiloids and they may have diversified in response to the radiation of angiosperms in the early Cretaceous.
Plant toxins are substances produced and secreted by plants to defend themselves against predators. In a broad sense, this includes all substances that have a toxic effect on targeted organisms, whether they are microbes, other plants, insects, or higher animals. Plant toxins have a diverse range of structures, from small organic molecules through to proteins. This review gives an overview of the various classes of plant toxins but focuses on an interesting class of protein-based plant toxins containing a cystine knot motif. This structural motif confers exceptional stability on proteins containing it and is associated with a wide range of biological activities. The biological activities and structural stability offer many potential applications in the pharmaceutical and agricultural fields. One particularly exciting prospect is in the use of protein-based plant toxins as molecular scaffolds for displaying pharmaceutically important bioactivities. Future applications of plant toxins are likely to involve genetic engineering techniques and molecular pharming approaches.
The reason for the reported difference in spoilage behaviour of skim and whole pasteurised milks was investigated The rates of growth of psychrotrophic bacteria were not significantly different in the two milks and the bacterial types. till pseudomonad, present at spoilage were also similar. However. when representative spoilage organisms were cultured into freshly pasteurised skim and whole milks, skim milks exhibited predominantly bitter flavours while whole milk showed mostly sour flavours. The different spoilage, behaviours can be largely explained by greater proteolysis in skim milk than in whole milk. caused by, higher production of protease and greater susceptibility of the protein to protease attack. In addition, lipolysis in whole milk, caused by the substantial quantities of lipase produced by spoilage pseudomonads in this milk. also contributes to the different flavours produced during cold storage of these milk types.
Dinoflagellates exist in symbiosis with a number of marine invertebrates including giant clams, which are the largest of these symbiotic organisms. The dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) live intercellularly within tubules in the mantle of the host clam. The transport of inorganic carbon (Ci) from seawater to Symbiodinium (=zooxanthellae) is an essential function of hosts that derive the majority of their respiratory energy from the photosynthate exported by the zooxanthellae. Immunolocalisation studies show that the host has adapted its physiology to acquire, rather than remove CO2, from the haemolymph and clam tissues. Two carbonic anhydrase (CA) isoforms (32 and 70 kDa) play an essential part in this process. These have been localised to the mantle and gill tissues where they catalyse the interconversion of HCO3- to CO2, which then diffuses into the host tissues. The zooxanthellae exhibit a number of strategies to maximise Ci acquisition and utilisation. This is necessary as they express a form II Rubisco that has poor discrimination between CO2 and O-2. Evidence is presented for a carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) to overcome. this disadvantage. The CCM incorporates the presence of a light-activated CA activity, a capacity to take up both HCO3- and CO2, an ability to accumulate an elevated concentration of Ci within the algal cell, and localisation of Rubisco to the pyrenoid. These algae also express both external and intracellular CAs, with the intracellular isoforms being localised to the thylakoid lumen and pyrenoid. These results have been incorporated into a model that explains the transport of Ci from seawater through the clam to the zooxanthellae.
There is very little human disease associated with enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 in Australia even though these organisms are present in the animal population. A group of Australian isolates of E. coli O157:H7 and O157:H- from human and animal sources were tested for the presence of virulence markers and compared by XbaI DNA macrorestriction analysis using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Each of 102 isolates tested contained the gene eae which encodes the E. coli attaching and effacing factor and all but one carried the enterohaemolysin gene, ehxA, found on the EHEC plasmid. The most common Shiga toxin gene carried was stx(2c), either alone (16%) or in combination with stx(1) (74%) or stx(2) (3%) PFGE grouped the isolates based on H serotype and some clusters were source specific. Australian E. coli O157:H7 and H- isolates from human, animal and meat sources carry all the virulence markers associated with EHEC disease in humans therefore other factors must be responsible for the low rates of human infection in Australia.