890 resultados para endothelial cell


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their cell-surface-bound ligands, the ephrins, regulate axon guidance and bundling in the developing brain, control cell migration and adhesion, and help patterning the embryo. Here we report that two ephrinB ligands and three EphB receptors are expressed in and regulate the formation of the vascular network. Mice lacking ephrinB2 and a proportion of double mutants deficient in EphB2 and EphB3 receptor signaling die in utero before embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5) because of defects in the remodeling of the embryonic vascular system. Our phenotypic analysis suggests complex interactions and multiple functions of Eph receptors and ephrins in the embryonic vasculature. Interaction between ephrinB2 on arteries and its EphB receptors on veins suggests a role in defining boundaries between arterial and venous domains. Expression of ephrinB1 by arterial and venous endothelial cells and EphB3 by veins and some arteries indicates that endothelial cell-to-cell interactions between ephrins and Eph receptors are not restricted to the border between arteries and veins. Furthermore, expression of ephrinB2 and EphB2 in mesenchyme adjacent to vessels and vascular defects in ephB2/ephB3 double mutants indicate a requirement for ephrin-Eph signaling between endothelial cells and surrounding mesenchymal cells. Finally, ephrinB ligands induce capillary sprouting in vitro with a similar efficiency as angiopoietin-1 (Ang1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), demonstrating a stimulatory role of ephrins in the remodeling of the developing vascular system.


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Accumulating experimental evidence indicates that endothelial cell growth and blood vessel morphogenesis are processes that are governed by the activity of specifically expressed receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). We have used two new rat monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to study the expression and phosphorylation of one such receptor, mouse Tie2 (tyrosine kinase that contains immunoglobulin-like loops and epidermal-growth-factor-similar domains 2]), in transfected cells, endothelioma cell lines and mouse tissues. The Tie2 receptor was found to be constitutively autophosphorylated when over-expressed in COS7 cells. In contrast, the endogenous Tie2 protein was not phosphorylated in endothelioma cell lines. However, in these cell lines, Tie2 could be induced to become tyrosine phosphorylated, and this activation was found to be independent of Tie1. Studying Tie2 receptor activity during angiogenesis in mouse development, the receptor was only weakly phosphorylated in the early postnatal mouse brain whereas a stronger activation could be detected in mouse embryos at day 10.5 post coitum.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is amenable to only few treatments. Inhibitors of the kinase mTOR are a new class of immunosuppressors already in use after liver transplantation. Their antiproliferative and antiangiogenic properties suggest that these drugs could be considered to treat HCC. We investigated the antitumoral effects of mTOR inhibition in a HCC model. METHODS: Hepatoma cells were implanted into livers of syngeneic rats. Animals were treated with the mTOR inhibitor sirolimus for 4 weeks. Tumor growth was monitored by MR imaging. Antiangiogenic effects were assessed in vivo by microvessel density and corrosion casts and in vitro by cell proliferation, tube formation and aortic ring assays. RESULTS: Treated rats had significantly longer survival and developed smaller tumors, fewer extrahepatic metastases and less ascites than controls. Sirolimus decreased intratumoral microvessel density resulting in extensive necrosis. Endothelial cell proliferation was inhibited at lower drug concentrations than hepatoma cells. Tube formation and vascular sprouting of aortic rings were significantly impaired by mTOR inhibition. Casts revealed that in tumors treated with sirolimus vascular sprouting was absent, whereas intussusception was observed. CONCLUSIONS: mTOR inhibition significantly reduces HCC growth and improves survival primarily via antiangiogenic effects. Inhibitors of mTOR may have a role in HCC treatment.


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In this paper, we investigated whether bcl-xL can be involved in the modulation of the angiogenic phenotype of human tumor cells. Using the ADF human glioblastoma and the M14 melanoma lines, and their derivative bcl-xL-overexpressing clones, we showed that the conditioned medium of bcl-xL transfectants increased in vitro endothelial cell functions, such as proliferation and morphogenesis, and in vivo vessel formation in Matrigel plugs, compared with the conditioned medium of control cells. Moreover, the overexpression of bcl-xL induced an increased expression of the proangiogenic interleukin-8 (CXCL8), both at the protein and mRNA levels, and an enhanced CXCL8 promoter activity. The role of CXCL8 on bcl-xL-induced angiogenesis was validated using CXCL8-neutralizing antibodies, whereas down-regulation of bcl-xL through antisense oligonucleotide or RNA interference strategies confirmed the involvement of bcl-xL on CXCL8 expression. Transient overexpression of bcl-xL led to extend this observation to other tumor cell lines with different origin, such as colon and prostate carcinoma. In conclusion, our results showed that CXCL8 modulation by bcl-xL regulates tumor angiogenesis, and they point to elucidate an additional function of bcl-xL protein.


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BACKGROUND: We examined whether vascular smooth muscle (VSMC) or endothelial cell (EC) migration from internal mammary artery (MA) differed from VSMC or EC migration from saphenous vein (SV). METHODS AND RESULTS: Migration to PDGF-BB (1-10 ng/ml) was lower in VSMC from MA than SV; however, attachment, movement without chemokine, and chemokinesis were identical. Unlike VSMC, migration of EC was similar in response to several mediators. Expression of PDGF receptor-beta was lower in VSMC from MA than SV, while alpha-receptor expression was higher. PDGF-BB-induced RhoA activity was lower in MA than SV, while basal activity was identical. Rosuvastatin and hydroxyfasudil impaired PDGF-BB-induced migration of VSMC from MA and SV. Mevalonate and geranylgeranylpyrophosphate rescued inhibition by rosuvastatin. PDGF-BB induced less stress fiber formation in VSMC from MA than SV. A dominant negative RhoA mutant inhibited stress fiber formation to PDGF-BB, while a constitutively active mutant resulted in maximal stress fiber formation in MA and SV. Rosuvastatin and hydroxyfasudil impaired PDGF-BB-induced stress fiber formation in MA and SV. CONCLUSIONS: VSMC migration to PDGF-BB is lower in MA than SV, which is at least in part related to lower activity of the Rho/ROCK pathway.


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Morbidity and mortality associated with bacterial meningitis remain high, although antibiotic therapy has improved during recent decades. The major intracranial complications of bacterial meningitis are cerebrovascular arterial and venous involvement, brain edema, and hydrocephalus with a subsequent increase of intracranial pressure. Experiments in animal models and cell culture systems have focused on the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of bacterial meningitis in an attempt to identify the bacterial and/or host factors responsible for brain injury during the course of infection. An international workshop entitled "Bacterial Meningitis: Mechanisms of Brain Injury" was organized by the Department of Neurology at the University of Munich and was held in Eibsee, Germany, in June 1993. This conference provided a forum for the exchange of current information on bacterial meningitis, including data on the clinical spectrum of complications, the associated morphological alterations, the role of soluble inflammatory mediators (in particular cytokines) and of leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in tissue injury, and the molecular mechanisms of neuronal injury, with potential mediators such as reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, and excitatory amino acids. It is hoped that a better understanding of the pathophysiological events that take place during bacterial meningitis will lead to the development of new therapeutic regimens.


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Extracellular nucleotides (e.g. ATP, UTP, ADP) are released by activated endothelium, leukocytes and platelets within the injured vasculature and bind specific cell-surface type-2 purinergic (P2) receptors. This process drives vascular inflammation and thrombosis within grafted organs. Importantly, there are also vascular ectonucleotidases i.e. ectoenzymes that hydrolyze extracellular nucleotides in the blood to generate nucleosides (viz. adenosine). Endothelial cell NTPDase1/CD39 has been shown to critically modulate levels of circulating nucleotides. This process tends to limit the activation of platelet and leukocyte expressed P2 receptors and also generates adenosine to reverse inflammatory events. This vascular protective CD39 activity is rapidly inhibited by oxidative reactions, such as is observed with liver ischemia reperfusion injury. In this review, we chiefly address the impact of these signaling cascades following liver transplantation. Interestingly, the hepatic vasculature, hepatocytes and all non-parenchymal cell types express several components co-ordinating the purinergic signaling response. With hepatic and vascular dysfunction, we note heightened P2- expression and alterations in ectonucleotidase expression and function that may predispose to progression of disease. In addition to documented impacts upon the vasculature during engraftment, extracellular nucleotides also have direct influences upon liver function and bile flow (both under physiological and pathological states). We have recently shown that alterations in purinergic signaling mediated by altered CD39 expression have major impacts upon hepatic metabolism, repair mechanisms, regeneration and associated immune responses. Future clinical applications in transplantation might involve new therapeutic modalities using soluble recombinant forms of CD39, altering expression of this ectonucleotidase by drugs and/or using small molecules to inhibit deleterious P2-mediated signaling while augmenting beneficial adenosine-mediated effects within the transplanted liver.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Little is known about how endothelial cells respond to injury, regulate hepatocyte turnover and reconstitute the hepatic vasculature. We aimed to determine the effects of the vascular ectonucleotidase CD39 on sinusoidal endothelial cell responses following partial hepatectomy and to dissect purinergic and growth factor interactions in this model. METHODS: Parameters of liver injury and regeneration, as well as the kinetics of hepatocellular and sinusoidal endothelial cell proliferation, were assessed following partial hepatectomy in mice that do not express CD39, that do not express ATP/UTP receptor P2Y2, and in controls. The effects of extracellular ATP on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and interleukin-6 responses were determined in vivo and in vitro. Phosphorylation of the endothelial VEGF receptor in response to extracellular nucleotides and growth factors was assessed in vitro. RESULTS: After partial hepatectomy, expression of the vascular ectonucleotidase CD39 increased on sinusoidal endothelial cells. Targeted disruption of CD39 impaired hepatocellular regeneration, reduced angiogenesis, and increased hepatic injury, resulting in pronounced vascular endothelial apoptosis, and decreased survival. Decreased HGF release by sinusoidal endothelial cells, despite high levels of VEGF, reduced paracrine stimulation of hepatocytes. Failure of VEGF receptor-2/KDR transactivation by extracellular nucleotides on CD39-null endothelial cells was associated with P2Y2 receptor desensitization. CONCLUSIONS: Regulated phosphohydrolysis of extracellular nucleotides by CD39 coordinates both hepatocyte and endothelial cell proliferation following partial hepatectomy. Lack of CD39 activity is associated with decreased hepatic regeneration and failure of vascular reconstitution.


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New vessel formation and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) influence host responses to malignant tissues. Extracellular adenosine-mediated pathways promote both vascular endothelial cell proliferation and inhibit cytotoxic T cells, thereby potentiating cancer growth. CD39 is the dominant ectonucleotidase of vascular and T regulatory cells and has the potential to generate high levels of adenosine locally. We have previously shown that deletion of Cd39 results in angiogenic failure and T regulatory cell dysfunction with loss of immune suppressive functions. Aim: Investigate impact of CD39 upon development of hepatic metastases. Methods and Results: We studied the development of metastatic liver deposits following portal vein infusion of 1.5x105 melanoma B16/F10 cells, with luciferase expression, in wild type and Cd39-null C57BL/6 mice (n=24). Tumor formation in liver was directly examined and animals imaged at days 7-17 after tumor cell implantation. As predicted, the formation of hepatic malignant foci was markedly suppressed in Cd39-null mice, at all time points examined. To test whether the major impact of Cd39-deletion was upon neovasculature formation or immune responsiveness, adoptive transfer experiments were conducted. Bone marrow transplants (BMT) from Cd39-null or wild type BL/6 mice were placed in lethally irradiated control and/or null mice, in a crossover manner (total n=24 for each group, respectively). Eight weeks postadoptive transfer, melanoma cells were infused via portal vein as before and tumor growth studied. The Cd39-null mice that received wild type BMT mirrored the wild type phenotype with progressive tumor growth observed (n=8 per time point; p=0.015). In contrast, metastases were significantly inhibited in both number and size and ultimately became necrotic in the wild type mice that had received Cd39-null BMT. Conclusions: Bone marrow derived cells mediate the major inhibitory effects of CD39 deletion on tumor growth. Pharmacological inhibition of CD39 may find utility as an adjunct therapy in the management of hepatic malignancy.


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Low molecular weight dextran sulfate (DXS) has been reported to inhibit the classical, alternative pathway as well as the mannan-binding lectin pathway of the complement system. Furthermore, it acts as an endothelial cell protectant inhibiting complement-mediated endothelial cell damage. Endothelial cells are covered with a layer of heparan sulfate (HS), which is rapidly released under conditions of inflammation and tissue injury. Soluble HS induces maturation of dendritic cells (DC) via TLR4. In this study, we show the inhibitory effect of DXS on human DC maturation. DXS significantly prevents phenotypic maturation of monocyte-derived DC and peripheral myeloid DC by inhibiting the up-regulation of CD40, CD80, CD83, CD86, ICAM-1, and HLA-DR and down-regulates DC-SIGN in response to HS or exogenous TLR ligands. DXS also inhibits the functional maturation of DC as demonstrated by reduced T cell proliferation, and strongly impairs secretion of the proinflammatory mediators IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-12p70, and TNF-alpha. Exposure to DXS leads to a reduced production of the complement component C1q and a decreased phagocytic activity, whereas C3 secretion is increased. Moreover, DXS was found to inhibit phosphorylation of IkappaB-alpha and activation of NF-kappaB. These findings suggest that DXS prevents TLR-induced maturation of human DC and may therefore be a useful reagent to impede the link between innate and adaptive immunity.


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AIMS: To compare the outcome of prophylactic oral valacyclovir (VAL) or oral acyclovir treatment (ACV) in patients having undergone penetrating keratoplasty for herpetic keratitis (HK). METHODS: All patients having received a penetrating keratoplasty for HK and being treated postoperatively with either oral VAL or oral ACV (inclusion period from 12/97 to 3/06 and 5/92 to 9/96, respectively) were retrospectively evaluated. Records were analysed for postoperative reactivation of recurrent HK, graft rejection, endothelial cell loss, central corneal thickness and visual acuity after a follow-up of up to 5 years. RESULTS: Twenty patients received VAL and were compared with 19 patients being treated with ACV. Two patients developed clinical signs of recurrent herpetic disease in the VAL group compared with three patients in the ACV group. Two patients from both groups each developed an irreversible graft failure. Best corrected visual acuity improved in both treatment groups from baseline (logMAR) -1.97 (VAL), -1.47 (ACV) to -0.85, -0.72, respectively, at the 1-year follow-up and slightly deteriorated after 5 years in the ACV group (-0.71 VAL vs -1.14 ACV). CONCLUSION: Prophylactic oral VAL treatment is at least as effective as ACV in preventing recurrence in patients who underwent corneal transplantation for HK. The tolerability of the two drugs is similar, but the dosing for VAL might be more comfortable for patients.


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OBJECTIVE: Contact of blood with artificial surfaces and air as well as ischemia/reperfusion injury to the heart and lungs mediate systemic and local inflammation during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Activation of complement and coagulation cascades leads to and accompanies endothelial cell damage. Therefore, endothelial-targeted cytoprotection with the complement inhibitor and endothelial protectant dextran sulfate (DXS, MW 5000) may attenuate CBP-associated myocardial and pulmonary injury. METHODS: Eighteen pigs (DXS, n=10; phosphate buffered saline [PBS], n=8) underwent standard cardiopulmonary bypass. After aortic cross-clamping, cardiac arrest was initiated with modified Buckberg blood cardioplegia (BCP), repeated after 30 and 60 min with BCP containing either DXS (300 mg/10 ml, equivalent to 5mg/kg) or 10 ml of PBS. Following 30 min reperfusion, pigs were weaned from CPB. During 2h of observation, cardiac function was monitored by echocardiography and invasive pressure measurements. Inflammatory and coagulation markers were assessed regularly. Animals were then sacrificed and heart and lungs analyzed. RESULTS: DXS significantly reduced CK-MB levels (43.4+/-14.8 ng/ml PBS, 35.9+/-11.1 ng/ml DXS, p=0.042) and significantly diminished cytokine release: TNFalpha (1507.6+/-269.2 pg/ml PBS, 222.1+/-125.6 pg/ml DXS, p=0.0071), IL1beta (1081.8+/-203.0 pg/ml PBS, 110.7+/-79.4 pg/ml DXS, p=0.0071), IL-6 (173.0+/-91.5 pg/ml PBS, 40.8+/-19.4 pg/ml DXS, p=0.002) and IL-8 (304.6+/-81.3 pg/ml PBS, 25.4+/-14.2 pg/ml DXS, p=0.0071). Tissue endothelin-1 levels were significantly reduced (6.29+/-1.90 pg/100mg PBS, 3.55+/-1.15 pg/100mg DXS p=0.030) as well as thrombin-anti-thrombin formation (20.7+/-1.0 microg/ml PBS, 12.8+/-4.1 microg/ml DXS, p=0.043). Also DXS reduced cardiac and pulmonary complement deposition, neutrophil infiltration, hemorrhage and pulmonary edema (measured as lung water content, 81+/-3% vs 78+/-3%, p=0.047), indicative of attenuated myocardial and pulmonary CPB-injury. Diastolic left ventricular function (measured as dp/dt(min)), pulmonary artery pressure (21+/-3 mmHg PBS, 19+/-3 mmHg DXS, p=0.002) and right ventricular pressure (21+/-1 mmHg PBS, 19+/-3 mmHg DXS p=0.021) were significantly improved with the use of DXS. CONCLUSIONS: Addition of DXS to the BCP solution ameliorates post-CPB injury and to a certain extent improves cardiopulmonary function. Endothelial protection in addition to myocyte protection may improve post-CPB outcome and recovery.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is resistant to chemotherapy. We reported that sirolimus, an mTOR inhibitor, has antiangiogenic properties in HCC. Since antiangiogenic therapy may enhance chemotherapy effects, we tested the antitumorigenic properties of sirolimus combined with doxorubicin in experimental HCC. METHODS: Morris Hepatoma (MH) cells were implanted into livers of syngeneic rats. Animals were assigned to sirolimus, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, both combined or control groups. Tumoral growth was followed by MRI. Antiangiogenic effects were assessed by CD31 immunostaining and capillary tube formation assays. Cell proliferation was monitored in vitro by thymidine incorporation. Expression of p21 and phosphorylated MAPKAP kinase-2 was quantified by immunoblotting. RESULTS: Animals treated with the combination developed smaller tumors with decreased tumor microvessel density compared to animals that received monotherapies. In vitro, inhibition of mTOR further impaired capillary formation in the presence of doxorubicin. Doxorubicin reduced endothelial cell proliferation; inhibition of mTOR accentuated this effect. Doxorubicin stimulated p21 expression and the phosphorylation of MAPKAP kinase-2 in endothelial cells. Addition of mTOR inhibitor down-regulated p21, but did not decrease MAPKAP kinase-2 phosphorylation. CONCLUSIONS: Sirolimus has additive antitumoral and antiangiogenic effects when administered with doxorubicin. These findings offer a rationale for combining mTOR inhibitors with chemotherapy in HCC treatment.


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The preparation and biological evaluation of a novel series of dimeric epothilone A derivatives (1-6) are described. Two types of diacyl spacers were introduced to establish the various dimeric epothilone A constructs. The effect of these compounds on tubulin polymerization and their cytotoxicity against four different cancer cell lines are reported. Several of the newly synthesized compounds inhibit endothelial cell differentiation and endothelial cell migration that are key steps of the angiogenic process.


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Tenomodulin (Tnmd) is a member of a new family of type II transmembrane glycoproteins. It is predominantly expressed in tendons, ligaments, and eyes, whereas the only other family member, chondromodulin I (ChM-I), is highly expressed in cartilage and at lower levels in the eye and thymus. The C-terminal extracellular domains of both proteins were shown to modulate endothelial-cell proliferation and tube formation in vitro and in vivo. We analyzed Tnmd function in vivo and provide evidence that Tnmd is processed in vivo and that the proteolytically cleaved C-terminal domain can be found in tendon extracts. Loss of Tnmd expression in gene targeted mice abated tenocyte proliferation and led to a reduced tenocyte density. The deposited amounts of extracellular matrix proteins, including collagen types I, II, III, and VI and decorin, lumican, aggrecan, and matrilin-2, were not affected, but the calibers of collagen fibrils varied significantly and exhibited increased maximal diameters. Tnmd-deficient mice did not have changes in tendon vessel density, and mice lacking both Tnmd and ChM-I had normal retinal vascularization and neovascularization after oxygen-induced retinopathy. These results suggest that Tnmd is a regulator of tenocyte proliferation and is involved in collagen fibril maturation but do not confirm an in vivo involvement of Tnmd in angiogenesis.