793 resultados para empresariais
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar o impacto da privatização na Gestão de Recursos Humanos da Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional - CSN. Para tanto, comparou-se as Políticas de Recursos Humanos da cada Subsistema - Procura, Desenvolvimento, Manutenção, Aplicação e Pesquisa - em três fases distintas da empresa: na fase estatal ou histórica, na fase de transição ou preparatória para a privatização e, finalmente, na fase privada ou atual. o primeiro capítulo compreende a história das estatais brasileiras desde o início da intervenção do Estado na economia até o movimento inverso e atual de redução do Estado através da política de privatização. Já o segundo capítulo traz um estudo detalhado sobre a Administração de Recursos Humanos. O terceiro capítulo apresenta um estudo geral da CSN. O quarto e último capítulo compreende um estudo específico da Gestão de Recursos Humanos da empresa nas três fases distintas acima mencionadas. Dentre as principais medidas tomadas pela administração da CSN que maiS afetaram os recursos humanos da empresa, encontram-se: a redução do quadro de pessoal e a terceirização das atividades operacionais da Gestão de Recursos Humanos, tais como: Recrutamento, Seleção e Treinamento (entre as mais importantes), permanecendo sob a responsabilidade do Stalf de RH da CSN apenas as atividades mais estratégicas. A recuperação da CSN só foi possível a partir da obtenção de autonomia administrativa e política. A gestão da CSN era até então prejudicada pelo excesso de normas, assim como pela sua utilização como instrumento de política pública, que muitas vezes levava ao sacrificio de seus interesses empresariais. Concluiu-se que as grandes transformações, inclusive de melhoria da eficiência da CSN, ocorreram antes mesmo da sua venda, durante o período de recuperação e preparação da empresa para a privatização.
The concept of corporative social responsability emphasizes the divergence of opinions about your meaning. The business values that direct the social actions at the company are performed by employees. This work has the objective to verify if the business values directed to the social responsibility practice act on free social actions practice of the employees of ALUMAR Consortium. The social actors involved were employees of the company that took part in some kind of social action supported by it in the period of January 1st 2003 to December 31st 2004. The methodology used was description and explanation searching to describe the phenomenon of corporate social responsibility and explain yours dimensions and influence in the practice of free actions of social responsibility. The conclusions about demonstrate that business values act on employees in the practice of free actions of social responsibility as well emphasize the strategical importance of social responsibility, regardeless the way it could be stablished and finally to organize a concept more included of social responsablity that passes by several boarding about the subject.
The goal of this work is to present a contribution to the critical analysis of the rationality that supports the action of the members of productive organizations, starting from a perspective of the man's emancipation in the ambit of the work. The focus of attention is related to the administrative practices of one of the largest Brazilian's private foundations that they were analyzed based on the distinction among instrumental and substantive rationality and of the theory of the communicative action. The main research method used was the 'participant observation' that allowed to the author to verify in loco the rationality that permeates the administrative practices of the researched Foundation. The importance of this study is in the fact that are scarce the studies about the management of nonprofit organizations. For increasing, every day, the emphasis that the society is giving to the third sector, for the expectation of its growth, so much in quantitative level as of influence degree about the people's life, and for placing in the position of offering answers and solutions for the problems that the State doesn't get to solve, the third sector and its organizations need a theoretical reference for its administration that is coherent with its emancipatory purpose. The results led to conclusions that alert the managers of the private foundations to review the practices adopted in the management of those organizations and stimulate the debate and the continuity of researches on the theme.
This dissertation has as objective builds institutional sceneries capable to describe possible future paths they be traveled it by the Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. - Eletrobrás. Guided for the field of the managerial strategies, the author adopted the PROSPEX method, by Eduardo Marques (2003), and the obtained results pointed three main sceneries: spotlight, light and lamp. To these sceneries, the theory of the strategic business area (SBA) was applied, what allowed to detect new businesses for Eletrobrás.
O presente estudo discute o movimento das privatizações recentemente ocorridas e seus impactos nas relações trabalhistas e sindicais brasileiras. A discussão está focada em estudo de caso de três organizações, pertencentes a ramos de negócio diferentes e busca entender os reflexos havidos nas relações entre os agentes SOCIaIS envolvidos: empregados, empregadores, gerentes, sindicatos e autoridades. O fenômeno estudado se situa a partir da década de noventa e trás conseqüências ao movimento trabalhista, ao emprego e às relações capital e trabalho pelo potencial de conflito que as privatizações apresentam. Para organizar o pensamento desenvolvemos uma abordagem histórica que mostra o desenvolvimento das relações trabalhistas, com as organizações aperfeiçoando os instrumentos de regulação de conflito e construindo, com os empregados, uma considerável experiência de convivência ainda que marcada por interesses imediatos conflitantes. Um pouco à frente observamos uma ruptura que é explicitada pela definição do modelo vigente, pela internacionalização da economia que é imposta como um determinismo histórico e pela necessidade de sobrevivência das empresas submetidas à globalização e competição sem fronteiras. Ainda procuramos entender o movimento de flexibilização dos direitos trabalhistas que de algum modo se constituem em obstáculo à equalização competitiva dos custos das empresas e estão a sofrer forte pressão para que possam se adequar às novas realidades econômicas e necessidades empresariais. Na narrativa dos fatos apontamos erros e acertos observados e, de forma crítica, sugerimos alternativas aos modelos políticos e gerenciais adotados.
o interesse pela responsabilidade social nos últimos anos, quer como conceito ou prática, vem crescendo à medida que os problemas sociais eclodem e aumentam as expectativas de contribuição das organizações como uma parceria qualificada. Nesse contexto, o segmento empresarial vem se deparando com pressões advindas de movimentos de defesa do consumidor, campanhas de combate à miséria e a fome, além de outros que surgem com o recrudescimento de temas de minorias excluídas da vida social. Diante deste quadro as empresas estão incorporando a responsabilidade social aos objetivos de seus negócios como um fator de diferenciação no mercado e para promover benefícios sociais de grande relevância. Este estudo enfoca a responsabilidade social empresarial e a alternativa de utilização de metodologia semelhante a das franquias comerciais, as franquias sociais, para a prática das ações sociais nas empresas cearenses. A abordagem da investigação é predominantemente qualitativa e parte de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a temática em foco, procurando compreender suas interações e incorporações nas práticas empresariais. A pesquisa considerou o universo de 32 empresas que concorreram ao "Premio Delmiro Gouvêa" , edição 2003, das maiores e melhores empresas do Estado do Ceará. A amostra corresponde a 22 dessas organizações onde as informações foram disponibilizadas. Os resultados encontrados produzem evidências que a metodologia das Franquias Sociais tem uma percepção positiva por parte do empresariado e novos estudos, sobre a temática, devem ser conduzidos com o intuito da construção de um referencial teórico mais abrangente que o ora disponível.
Organizations have shown a speech focused on Knowledge Management and share of knowledge that reveal the relevance of both the age of knowledge and the capture and transference of individual and colective knowledge. Due to its continued repetition, the speech has been legitimated, not establishing, however, what can be shared, which methods shall provide it and which personal and corporate reasons can stimulate sharing the knowledge. This speech tries to convince that the implementation depends exclusively on the actions promoted by the firm. It also admits the presence of necessary environment conditions to make share of knowledge possible. The speech makes one believe that individuals and teams, formal or informal, are prepared and desire to share their knowledge, not considering feelings, wishes or availability to do so. The research has revealed the difficulty of sharing knowledge within service companies, which are strongly results oriented, due to the competition among employees in order to catch better jobs, the fight to retain power and the lack of time to develop daily tasks. Such organizations prevent people from the desire and the availability to share knowledge.
Based on the approaches and studies on the subject of organizational strategies aimed at intra-firm aspects, resources and competencies developed by organizations have been identified as the key elements toward assessing and explaining a company¿s performance. Considering such perspective, it has been observed that the development and effective implementation of organizational strategies depend on the skills and knowledge supplied by workers who are motivated or led to contribute with their effort so as to meet the organization¿s goals. Considering this, the purpose of this dissertation is to identify how the competencies of the operational levels of an organization are mobilized to contribute to the shaping and implementation of organizational strategies. This assessment was accomplished by observing the existing relationships between organizational and human resources management processes and processes of short term and long term strategies in a company of the pharmaceutical industry. The analysis of the evidence collected during the observation of this company has shown a strong link between personnel processes and the accomplishment of short term strategic goals, and a weaker link with the establishment of long term strategies. As a rule, the corporation¿s operational levels have little influence on the strategic planning and its implementation, even though the company uses a model of competencies designed to create more effective and measurable relationships between individual competencies and the company¿s performance.
This work intends to analyze the influence of the power in the process of quality improvement in managerial organizations, being taken based on a case study regarding to a company of medium load placed in the southeast area of Brazil which in the intention of solving difficulties in inserting its products in the market, it opted to implement quality programs. The data were collected through observations and bibliographical researches about the company, where the author participated as employee for a close period of 6 years. The results indicate that the imported methodologies of administration ¿ as it is the case of the quality models ¿ cannot produce the expected results, when these methodologies are implemented by ignoring cultural factors, mainly related to form as the power is shared and practiced in the organizations.
O mundo está passando por grandes mudanças que vêm afetando as esferas sociais, tecnológicas, empresariais e mentais. As empresas têm sido ameaçadas por diversos fatores como rapidez no lançamento de novos produtos, interferência dos governos, clientes cada vez mais conscientes e exigentes, aumento da concorrência, globalização e o surgimento constante de novas tecnologias. Essas mudanças exigem das empresas uma estrutura mais flexível capaz de absorver as rápidas necessidades do ambiente, e o formato atual não tem se mostrado adequado para vencer estes desafios. Nesse contexto, a gestão baseada em processos tem se mostrado promissora ao ser incorporada nas principais tecnologias de gestão como BSC, NBR ISO 9000, gestão de custos com ABC, entre outras. Como toda nova abordagem, as tecnologias (ou modelos) baseadas em processos sofrem de vários problemas, sendo alguns já conhecidos, como resistência às mudanças, falta de preparo e apoio insuficiente da alta direção. Os estudos desses fatores são incipientes e em sua maioria não tratam de seus impactos em empresas públicas. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo justamente identificar esses fatores na literatura (teoria e casos de estudo) e confrontá-los com aqueles encontrados em uma empresa pública (estudo de caso), analisando sua pertinência. Os resultados encontrados, além de confirmarem os fatores, sugerem que a sua utilização, na forma de um checklist, podem beneficiar as empresas na prevenção, redução ou eliminação de problemas que impactam ou inviabilizam um projeto.
The partnerships have become the subject of study as an innovative element in the production management and a strategic option in the entrepreneurial activities that characterize this momentum of great instability due to the globalization of the financial dimension and the opening of captive markets all over the world.The objective of this research was to investigate and evaluate the in-fluence and relevance of the factor process approach among the other critical factors identified for the strategic management of partnerships. In view of the service offer of Telecommunications, mainly in the Case Study of Telemar Corporate, that belongs to the Tele Norte Leste Group S.A. (Telemar) responsible for rendering services to the corporate market. A research was performed in the Diretoria de Produtos Empresariais - DPE, a unit of the Telemar Corporate, analyzing these critical factors in 3 clusters related to the constitution of part-nerships: the definition of the strategic objectives, the quality of the human re-sources applied and the management of the partnership processes. The Theoretical Reference contributed to the definition of contemporary concepts on the management and the classification of the partnerships as well as the identification of the critical factors. The research was methodological and exploratory, using in this Case Study the field search through the employment of interviews and questionnaires in a selected sample. It was possible to identify that among the more relevant critical factors the process approach, is the most influential and relevant for the management of the partnerships at Telemar Corporate. It is succeeded by other factors equally important, such as the definition of objectives and the strategic intention that confirms the initial hypothesis of this study.
This dissertation aims at examining empirical evidences obtained in the light of taxonomies and strategies for measuring firms technological capabilities and innovation in the context of developing countries, motivated by the fact that debates and studies directed to innovation has been intensified, for the last thirty years, by the recognition of its vital and growing importance to the technological, economic, competitive and industrial development of firms and countries. Two main tendencies can be identified on this debate. At one side, it¿s the literature related to the developed countries logic, whose companies are, in majority, positioned at the technological frontier, characterized by the domain of innovative advanced capabilities, directed to its sustaining, deepening and renewal. At the other side, there are the perspectives directed to the developing countries reality, where there is a prevalence of companies with deficiency of resources, still in process of accumulating basic and intermediate technological capabilities, with characteristics and technological development trajectories distinct or even reverse from those of developing countries. From this last tradition of studies, the measuring approaches based in C&T indicators and in types and levels of technological capabilities stand out. The first offers a macro level, aggregated perspective, through the analysis of a representative sample of firms, seeking to the generation of internationally comparable data, without addressing the intraorganizational specificities and nuances of the paths of technological accumulation developed by the firms, using, mostly, R&D statistics, patents, individual qualifications, indicators that carry their own limitations. On the other hand, studies that examine types and levels of technological capabilities are scarce, usually directed to a small sample of firms and/or industrial sectors. Therefore, in the light of the focus and potentialities of each of the perspectives, this scenario exposes a lack of studies that examine, in a parallel and complementary way, both types of strategies, seeking to offer more realistic, consistent and concrete information about the technological reality of developing countries. In order to close this gap, this dissertation examines (i) strategies of innovation measurement in the contexts of developing countries based on traditional approaches and C&T indicators, represented by four innovation surveys - ECIB, PINTEC, PAEP and EAI, and, (ii) from the perspective of technological capabilities as an intrinsic resource of the firm, the development of which occurs in a cumulative way and based on learning, presents and extracts generalizations of empirical applications of a metric that identifies types and levels of technological capabilities, through a dynamic and intra-firm perspective. The exam of the empirical evidences of the two approaches showed what each one of the metrics are capable to offer and the way they can contribute to the generation of information that reflect the technological development of specific industrial sectors in developing countries. In spite of the fact that the focus, objective, perspective, inclusion, scope and lens used are substantially distinct, generating, on a side, an aggregated view, and of other, an intra-sector, intra-organizational and specific view, the results suggest that the use of one doesn't implicate discarding or abdicating the other. On the contrary, using both in a complementary way means the generation of more complete, rich and relevant evidences and analysis that offer a realistic notion of the industrial development and contribute in a more direct way to the design of corporate strategies and government policies, including those directed to the macro level aspects just as those more specific and focused, designed to increment and foment firms in-house innovative efforts.
Empresas de base tecnológica (EBT) requerem a existência ou desenvolvimento de capacidades empresariais que determinarão a sustentabilidade do negócio. As incubadoras de empresas têm sido consideradas como um dos meios possíveis para que as EBTs atinjam um nível de desenvolvimento dessas capacidades que podem assegurar, após a incubação, sua permanência e progresso no mercado. Entretanto, é importante determinar se os objetivos para os quais as incubadoras foram criadas estão sendo atingidos e em que grau. O estudo apresenta pesquisa que buscou avaliar impacto do processo de incubação de empresas, medindo o desenvolvimento de capacidades em três dimensões: inovação, solidez financeira e capacidade gerencial. Estas dimensões, foram mensuradas em dezesseis EBTs do setor de informática do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul em dois grupos de empresas com características similares: o grupo de empresas pós-incubadas e o grupo de empresas não-incubadas. O método utilizado é o estudo de múltiplos casos em um desenho quase-experimental. Para a coleta de dados, o principal sócio de cada empresa respondeu a uma entrevista semi-estruturada e a um questionário fechado. A análise dos dados revelou que as empresas pós-incubadas demonstraram ser mais inovadoras e têm gestores melhor capacitados na área gerencial mas, no entanto, possuem menor solidez financeira. Por outro lado, as empresas não-incubadas são menos inovadoras e seus gestores têm menor capacitação gerencial, mas apresentam maior solidez financeira, indicada pela relação favorável entre receita e despesa e uma receita mensal regular. Os resultados deste estudo, com suas limitações de tamanho da amostra, evidenciam que o processo de incubação tem o impacto esperado no desenvolvimento de EBTs.
The objective of this work is to search a real case of capital budgeting, relating the practical technical aspects of the elaboration of project, with theoretical referential and following secondary objectives: (i) to analyze the relations established between the bibliographical material and the found practical technical problems of capital budgeting in the enterprise; (ii) to search and to describe the necessary pacing to the economic and financial elaboration of an project, from the prospecting of the demand, the projection of revenues and expenditures and the evaluation of the necessary investments to its development; (iii) to relate and to exemplify the influences of the restrictions presented for the methods of capital budgeting, correlating the practical theoretical referential with the enterprise; (iv) to analyze the yield of the investment project, (v) to verify the influence of the financing, on the yield of the project; and, finally, (vi) to demonstrate the choice process among some alternatives of supply, when used as tools of aid to the purchase decision, the methods of the Internal Tax of Return and the Net Present Value. To the end of the study one concluded that the methods of the Internal Tax of Return and the Net Present Value are powerful tools in the yield evaluation and viability of investments projects. However, to only understand the methods through what they teach in books is not enough for the daily practical of capital budgeting. Literature starts from two basic points: (i) the investments analyst dominates all the countable revenues, expenditures, and investments concepts.(ii) the numerical examples are simple and easy to understand, to infer its practical applications is a contouring question to be raised and passed by the analyst. This study intends to show the conjunction of the bibliography with the practical one, therefore, from the instant that demonstrates the countable concept of the prescription, it also explains as it was constituted from the calculation of the demand, until its inclusion in the project. Thus, searching concepts of revenues, expenditures, depreciation and capital assets, disclosing its constitution and, over all, the application inside of the project, it all takes the analyst to the final part of the process, that consists in the determination of the numerical calculations, allowing to dedicate more time to the difficult task to interpret the data. Finally, understood the analysis of the economic viability of the project, the study guides the purchase of the equipment under the economic-financial point of view.
O estudo descrito neste relato de pesquisa concentra-se na busca por compreender os mecanismos pelos quais o capital intelectual de empresas participantes em redes estratégicas empresariais é afetado pelo capital social desenvolvido no âmbito dessas redes. O autor procura demonstrar, com base em um estudo de caso com múltiplas unidades de análise, realizado na mineradora multinacional Yamana Gold Inc., que, como as redes representam comunidades pautadas por regras de conduta pré-acordadas, mútuo comprometimento entre os seus participantes e compartilhamentos de recursos físicos e conhecimento, não raro, as empresas participantes desenvolvem processos sinérgicos e processos de colaboração interempresarial, trazendo, para o ambiente de interação, elementos que constroem novas competências para os participantes. Esses processos colaborativos favorecem os processos cognitivos, com impacto direto sobre a formação de capital intelectual individual das empresas, em especial as empresas focais, aquelas que lideram os padrões ou concentram a dominância econômica sobre os processos da rede. O estudo resultou na elaboração de um modelo teórico capaz de demonstrar os elementos do capital social das redes que afetam positivamente o capital intelectual da empresas e, por meio de entrevistas e observações de campo, o modelo pode ser testado e operacionalizado para comprovar a tese defendida pelo autor. O estudo traz importantes esclarecimentos sobre como esses elementos propiciam o surgimento de capital intelectual, com implicações práticas e teóricas.