1000 resultados para educação do campo
Cet étude s agit du domaine de l Éducation Physique comme composante curriculaire dans le contexte de l Ensino médio integrado (l enseignement secondaire professionnel intégré) dans le IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte (Régio Nord). Son objectif principal est sur le plan éducatif des actions de l enseingant au procès des convivialités avec la culture corporale à partir des expériences, désires, besoins et volontés des apprenants dans la perspective de l imersion dans le monde de la créativité, de la recherche, de la connaissance et de la transformation de l identité pédagogique de la composante curriculaire. Dans ce sens, l étude a eu comme objectif l élaboration d une propisition pédagogique, fondamentée sur la Théorie Post-critique de l éducation qui contribue pour la configuration de l identité de l Éducation Physique dans les cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire. La recherche s est configuré dans une intervention pédagogique fondamenté sur les préssuppositions methodologique d une expérience empirique du genre recherche-action apliqué dans l univers scolaire des cours thécniques intégrés de l enseignement secondaire de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Les sujets qui ont participé de la recherche, sont les apprenants des groupes de la première année du cours de Commerce et Éléctronique de la soirée (13h à 18h), inscrit à partir de l année 2012. Les instruments utilisés pour la recherche ont été deux questionaires et une cahier de bord. Les résultats obtenus sont disposés dans des graphiques qui représentent les paroles des sujets après le procès d intervantion et les analyses réalisées sous l étude-recherche, qui ont été faites por l analyse de contenu, de l image principale de la population recherchée. On considère que les résultats de la recherche ont été plausibles à la mesure que au-delà du support et de la participation dans la recherche, les réponses obtenues ont démontré que le procès d intervantion pédagogique a été pertinent pour les apprenants des cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire de Commerce et Électronique de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Le sense essentielle de cette thèse s est concentrée dans la dimension interculturelle pour l Éducation Physique dans le secondaire intégré, comme un travail fondamenté à partir des temoignage des apprenants et par la conception post-critique du curriculum qui refuse les explications évidentes et instituées comme des véritées finales dans l objectif de réguler et controler les sujets de l éducation. L option faite par cet abordage de thèse a été pour rompre avec l établi à partir de la proposition d un dialògue, avec les apprenants, à la recherche de nouveaux territoires pédagogiques pour l Education Physique à l enseignement intégré de l IFRN, Campus Natal Zona Norte. Des territoires qui occupent des espaces dans la culture scolaire, dans une dynamique dialogique avec les apprenants, qui se défine politique et pédagogiquement pour la diversité culturelle du mouvement, qui aborde le concept de mouvement dans la proximité des actions corporales cotidiennes et qui propose de nouvelles possibilités et de recréations pour les pratiques de la culture corporale. La perspective post-critique ouvre des possibilités pour de nouvelles langages en fortifiant les narratives de ce qui ont toujours entendu et cependant ont silencié ses voix et ainsi, la thèse a confirmé que, l étude présent et la recherche supporté par la théorie post-critique du curriculum ont possibilité une nouvelles configuration pour l identité pédagogique de l Éducation Physique dans la condition de composant curriculaire des cours téchniques intégrés de niveau secondaire de l IFRN au Campus Natal Zona Norte
El presente trabajo es el resultado de una investigación llevada a cabo con un grupo de etnia romaní Calon, en el territorio de Seridó, específicamente la ciudad de Florânia, estado do Rio Grande do Norte / RN, como un lugar con la Escola Municipal de Domingas Francelina das Neves . El grupo se trasladó a las pruebas de un nuevo espacio en la ciudad en los principios de l980, la construcción de casas para vivir de esta manera y fundar una escuela para sus hijos, desde el consumo de una cultura diferente a la manera de vivir y estar en el mundo, si los usuarios que hacen de las políticas públicas establecidas grupos sociales. Hemos elegido como base para el análisis de la importancia teórica y metodológica de la Escuela de Cultura Cultura Historia, conceptos y prácticas, estrategias y tácticas (Michel de Certeau), la entrevista completa (Kaufmann) y la memoria (Le Goff). Como una estrategia en la investigación de campo, se utiliza la técnica de observación participante (Minayo). En este trabajo, encontramos el ejercicio de la educación para la vida familiar, la práctica social y cultural de los gitanos, el trabajo de la institución de educación y los elementos postulada por los teóricos que abordan los cambios en los estilos de vida de la inclusión en la escuela, las culturas silenciadas o negada. La investigación representa una labor de diálogo intercultural en una investigación como resultado de intensas búsquedas en fuentes documentales y de archivo, después de haber sido un cuerpo empírico, con material de lectura en los archivos públicos de la Cidade de Florânia, Escola Municipal de archivo Domingas Francelina das Neves entrevistas, fotografías, películas, cuadernos, documentos personales y diarios de circulación nacional. Nuestra investigación tuvo como resultado en los estudios de la cultura escolar y la escuela, el lugar de la escuela como un instrumento de inclusión social de grupos marginados y los grupos étnicos, sin poder, los estudios para la comprensión de la convivencia con los distintos temas de la diversidad, así como la comprensión y posibilidades de la formulación de declaraciones de política, teniendo como punto de partida las prácticas sociales y culturales de la rutina escolar
In current upbringing production, children are often conceived as rightful subjects, and concrete and singular people, marked by specificities that schools must respect, mainly their personal wholeness, their care and attention needs, as well as their abilities to learn and produce culture. In the educational practices frame, routine is considered to have a definitive roll in time, space and activities structuring, as with actions and relations of subjects involved. In that perspective, this research aims to analyze routines of zero to two years old children in the upbringing context, relating to their childish specificities. Anchored in the qualitative approach, a Case Study was developed, according the procedures of daily routine observation and semi-structured interviews with six nursery teachers of CMEI Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil, Natal-RN, the research field. The data analysis was based in Speech Analysis principles. The teachers utterances regarding routine and it s roll in the frame revealed significances related to control/regulation of actions theirs and students aiming to streamline tasks; learning relative to routine itself, time and school practices. Thus, prospects of discipline and exercise of power of teachers over students surges, reducing their possibilities to participate. These conceptions reflect the daily routine of the kids and their teachers. By analyzing the methods of routine operation in the time/space/activities frame of CMEI, it was possible to perceive its homogenization of actions and rhythms, not only of the group s children, but the whole institution, which creates, many times, a controlling character that contains/prevents children s initiative. However, it was also possible to observe that in routine recesses, when it s relaxed, and other spaces, times and actions are provided, kids have the opportunity to experience and create different ways of action and relation with time, materials, other kids and teachers, being, as such, respected their specificities. We highlight the importance of reflections regarding routine in upbringing context, as to comprehend it s functions and the need for it s construction to take a multiple character that respects the plurality of situations and singularities of children as persons
This work arose from our concerns with the issues of teacher training for early childhood education. From the difficulties encountered as a novice teacher in elementary, we deem important to research training needs of these professionals. Thus, we define the objective of this research to investigate the training needs of novice teachers teaching Early Childhood Education/Elementary school. Our work fits in Educational Research Qualitative Approach, and its construction procedures of the semistructured interview data and document analysis. Our empirical field was made up of schools in the metropolitan region of Natal / RN, offering kindergarten / elementary school. The subjects are five teachers who act as holder of the elementary school class and have 0-3 years of teaching practice, characterizing the second Huberman (2007) as novice teachers. Data analysis, based on principles of content analysis, three themes emerged: Beginner Teaching Professor in Early Childhood Education / Preschool; Reasons explaining the difficulties Faculty / Formative Needs Teaching and Training in Early Childhood Education / Elementary school, from the Training Needs Analysis, with their respective categories, subcategories, contributing to our understanding of the subject matter. The entry into the profession is marked by mixed feelings of euphoria and fear, where there seems to be a "clash" with reality. The difficulties are related to the planning / execution of activities, meet the individual needs of learning and assessment of children. As a strategy to overcome the difficulties the teachers exercise the action-reflection-action in their practices and seek continuous updates in the theoretical and methodological framework of early childhood education. The reasons that define these difficulties may be related to the teacher, school, family, and students of these institutions. In experiencing these difficulties has outlined the need for teacher training, among which stand out studies on ethics in teaching with children, the concept of children and their childhoods, peculiarities of teaching / learning in preschool, toys and legal determinations on early childhood education, multi-language and expressions in early childhood education, specific content areas of knowledge, among others. Furthermore, studies on the theoretical as Piaget, Vigotsky, Maria Carmen Barbosa and Emily Smith. For these professionals to be a professional early childhood education is: like children, be patient and careful, have specific theoretical and practical training for teachers in kindergarten, being able to improvise with seriousness and competence and get updates on continuing education. The surveys, together with the authors and teachers, to confirm our understanding that the training needs of beginners may be related to shortcomings in the initial and continuing education
This dissertation examines the contributions of juvenile literature reading for the problematization of the emotional experiences and conflicts of children at infant education. Its importance consists in providing useful information for the pedagogic work orientated to literature reading at the initial series of basic education, in order to increase the teacher s ability to explore the literary text from its instigating and enriching nature in view of the child s emotional experiences and conflicts. It is methodologically based on the principles of the qualitative research, what characterizes it as a case study. The research focused a level V-infant education class with 28 students in 5-6 age group, at a public school of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). The used resources were: audio recording, field diary, and interviews. Seventeen classes were carried out and they consisted in reading sessions of classic and contemporaneous tales, fables, and legends which used different didactic strategies. These sessions were developed in accordance with the reading experience through scaffolding instructions as it was described by Graves & Graves. The theoretical references were the studies of Amarilha (1997/ 2006), Bettelheim (2004), Coelho (1987/2000), Damásio (2005), Del Nero (2003), Eco (1994/2006), Held (1980), Iser (1996), Jauss (2002), Stierle (2002), Wallon (2007), Telles (2006), Yunes (2003), and Zilberman (1987). The analyses showed that literary reading in class is a special environment for inclusion of the reader s subjectivity; as well as the inclusion of their emotional experiences and their conflicts within the story by way of helping children think and become suitable for dealing with their inner feelings. The literary reading is presented as an experiential and formative activity which helps children understand their emotions through a process of identification, exteriorization, and catharsis; what implies that the esthetic experience from the text makes possible the reader s self-knowledge and increases the perception of his inner feelings and objective reality so that this reader has emotional capital to deal with life difficulties. It is important to highlight that the discussions carried out in the class represented a field of sharing experiences through which each reader had the chance to present their experience of life to the others, including their sorrows and sufferings, in order to help them to develop best strategies to deal with the social environment
A escola tem se guiado por ações pedagógicas do professor consideravelmente limitadas, as quais têm dificultado configurar com nitidez intenções educativas que contemplam a sua organização curricular. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação tem por objetivo apresentar uma experiência pedagógica da educação física a partir da operacionalização de temas transversais com os conteúdos curriculares no ensino médio integrado no IFRN, campus SGA. Os fundamentos teórico-metodológicos seguiram a linha qualitativa da pesquisa-ação. Participaram desta pesquisa estudantes dos cursos de Edificações e Informática do 1º ano do ensino médio integrado e a professora-pesquisadora, que é servidora efetiva do instituto. Optando pela pesquisa-ação, estruturamos uma intervenção pedagógica com intenção de promover a construção de conhecimento dos conteúdos da educação física com os temas transversais, tanto em amplitude como em profundidade, alicerçada no aporte teórico da teoria da ação dialógica (FREIRE, 2011) e da concepção aberta no ensino da educação física (HILDEBRANDT, 1986). A pesquisa teve como procedimentos a observação participante e a filmagem das aulas de educação física. As observações e os discursos dos estudantes foram organizados em categorias de questões, a saber: 1. Percepção dos estudantes sobre a educação física; 2. Sentidos e significados dos conteúdos da educação física na interfase com os temas transversais nas aulas; 3. Diálogos sobre a interação do conhecimento na relação professor-estudante. As observações e a análise dos depoimentos dos estudantes apontaram, em alguns momentos, que as aulas de educação física ainda são estruturadas no modelo rola bola , sem planejamento, configurando-se mera atividade, e não como prática pedagógica que trata dos saberes do campo da cultura de movimento. Por não constituir-se prática pedagógica que aborda os conteúdos de forma sistematizada, não se tem de forma precisa a ordenação e sequenciação dos aprendizados de práticas corporais, tampouco a introdução de temas transversais, os quais não poderiam ser aprendidos sem uma ação pedagógica concreta do professor. A interação professor-estudante afetiva e dialógica favoreceu que os estudantes se permitissem participar das experiências corporais de um jeito diferente, aceitando aprender os conteúdos curriculares em conjunto com os temas transversais, passando a perceber as aulas de educação física como espaços de experiências de movimento que lhes permitiram atribuir sentido/significado, além do conhecimento sobre o universo da cultura de movimento. A nosso ver, acrescentamos também que a escola não valorizou o trabalho com os temas transversais, pois a recente discussão sobre a inserção desses temas como temáticas relevantes, que devem ser tratadas pedagogicamente em conjunto nos componentes curriculares, ainda não é contemplada expressivamente no projeto curricular da escola
The following study aims at the main conceptions around the body and the learning through physical education classes at school. Therefore, this research mainly presents a proposal of pedagogical intervention on physical education for Ensino Médio, centered on the knowledge about the body as well as how to evaluate the impacts of such interventions on the students‟ learning process. In order to surround our field of investigation, this work elaborates the following study questions: a) What have students learned about the body in physical education classes in Ensino Médio at IFRN? b) What methodological possibilities can contribute on the experience of meaningful learning processes in physical education in Ensino Médio related to the knowledge of body aspects? Regarding to the methodology used, this ethnographic research used several instruments for data collecting like dairies, diagnostic activities, self-assessment evaluations, portfolio, filming, photographs and posts on the social network facebook. The materialization of the pedagogical intervention and all of its implications allow us to consider that the physical education classes in Ensino Médio at IFRN, campus Parnamirim have supported meaningful experiences of learning. Also they motivate relevant discussions applicable to the students‟ everyday lives once they are supported by discussions related to the influence of media about the body of teenagers, the irregular use of steroids, massaging as a possibility of body relaxation. Also, we point out that the students had the chance to experience body activities which crossed the limits of physical education classes‟ hegemony at school, such as indoor soccer, dodgeball, volleyball, basketball and handball. Thus, the students could experience body activities beyond the limits of most common sports, which started several discussions about the juvenile universe and culture. Beside the professional and personal importance of this work, we list the scientific relevance for the production of knowledge on the educational field once the number of Works about the knowledge of the body are still only a few. This study is mainly about alternative body practices. Therefore, we consider that the knowledge about the body can and must be studied not only through alternative practices, but also in different approaches which can be attributed to body running phenomenon. Finally, we believe that the discussions hereby motivated about the matter are far from being enough, so we deliver our intention in deepening this study on forthcoming researches about the knowledge of the body in the field of physical education in Ensino Médio
This dissertation reports the results of a research which has aimed to analyze the senses attributed to the curriculum by the students of the Technical Course of Computation Maintenance and Support, organized through the Programme of Integration of the the Professional Education with the Basic Education in the Youngster and Adult Education Modality (PROEJA), at Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Campus Santa Cruz. It has been sought to know who the students are and to investigate their curriculum conceptions, on which the this investigation has been based on. Thus, those senses attributed by the students on their narratives have been compared to the official proposed curriculum for the Programme and to the curriculum implemented by IFRN. The current research follows the qualitative approach being led by a study case and life stories methods. In order to effective that approach, two data collecting instruments have been developed: questionnaires and semi structured interviews. The collected data has been complemented by the legal and institutional documents analysis. This study is derived from the presupposition that PROEJA s students, although are able to access school after the educational system restructuration, are still facing difficulties during their courses because of the excluding and traditional curriculum, decontextualized with their personal and work life, that is, without curriculum integration. This study has accomplished PROEJA s students characterization presenting important data for the integrated curriculum construction at IFRN and revealing that the students consider the Programme as inclusive. Nevertheless, the practices concerned to the democratic construction of the curriculum and its dialogical action indicate partial inclusion, considering that, in order to include those students indeed, it would be necessary to include them to the institutional and academic context. Contradictory situations have been detected on the course pedagogical project, considered traditional and decontextualized, especially regarding to methodological aspects. The research also allowed to increase PROEJA s investigation field as well as to contribute with a better implementation of the Programme as curricular proposal bonded to Basic and Professional Education in the Youngster and Adult Modality Education Modality
Since the enactment of LDBEN 9.9394/96, Physical Education began to be understood as a curricular component in school. Thus, we see the need for systematization of content. We observed that the physical education classes at the public schools in Natal/RN from the game content, teachers did not use the existing proposals for systematization. And it was on this reality that the study occurred, aiming to present and discuss a proposal to systematization the game content in physical education classes in elementary and secondary education. Accordingly, we departed of following question: What possibilities of systematization of the game content in school physical education classes?. The methodology used was the action research, which allowed us to structure the intervention plan for the game content, directed to a reflective didactic process. The dialogue with action research provided an opportunity to understand of the proposal of systematization, the knowledge of game content, the planning and process of teaching and learning in physical education lessons developed. We use the proposed systematization the book Educação Física Escolar e Organização Curricular , to direct and organize the lesson plans. As research technique, we use the participant observation, filming, photographic records and field diary, guiding us in the debates and discussions about the field of research. The applications of the lesson plans were carried out in three schools, all located in Natal / RN: Escola Municipal Professora Ivonete Maciel, Escola Municipal Professor Ulisses de Góis e Professor Escola Estadual Josino Macedo. The members of this study were students PIBID-EF-UFRN, teachers, supervisors and school. They made the bridge between research and action, theoretical foundation and pedagogical practice, university and school. The results were advanced for beyond the propositions submitted by the above-mentioned book. For the Elementary School 1, the proposed systematization broadened experiences and learning of knowledge of the game and of playful and body manifestations. Provided an opportunity to know and learn about game of make account, rules, popular games, cooperative games, among others. For Elementary Schools 2 and Middle education, systematized lessons allowed the practical, the incorporation of knowledge of the game and its features: such as rules, origin, meaning of the name, different denominations, among others. The students experienced and learned, popular games, pre-sport games, cooperative games, with recycled material, among others. The treatment from three dimensions of contents: procedural, conceptual and attitudinal, occurred parallel to approach the game content, and in conjunction with our interventions, not being done separately during practice, but an ongoing process during class. This new perspective of work the game, in a systematized way, with applying, description and discussion the activities, allowed elaborate a summary framework of thematizations for game content, by year of teaching
The joint enters the teams of the Strategy Health of Family (ESF) and the Municipal Center of Infantile education (CMEI) blunts as a form to assure the monitoring and promotion to the health of the children of 2 the 5 years when entering the day-care center environment/daily pay-school. It was traced as objective: To analyze the actions developed for the team of the Strategy Health of the Family in the promotion the health of the child, taken care of in a CMEI. Description-exploratory is to a study, qualitative nature, the type research-action. Developed in a CMEI and the USF of the quarter of New City, Natal-RN. The population was constituted by the professionals of the team of the ESF and the CMEI and parents. During the stages of the research-action diverse techniques had been used as the individually interview and in group, focal group, comment participant, and daily of field. The analysis of the data occurred by means of the content analysis, in the thematic modality, proposal for Bardin (1977) and description of the stages of the research-action. In the stage of situational diagnosis that it investigates the reality lived deeply for the citizens of ESF and CMEI how much to the health of the child seven categories had emerged that they enclosed: the context of the attention child in the CMEI identifying the actions that already came being developed for the ESF in the CMEI; the functioning of the CMEI and its routine of activities; the paper of the CMEI in the care the child; the daily one of the ESF, how much to the care to the health of the child of 2 the 5 years involving the diverse difficulties faced for the ESF; difficulties faced in daily of the CMEI for the care the child of 2 the 5 years; paper of joint ESF and CMEI for the confrontation of the difficulties; e action of health to be developed that they had subsidized the stage of planning of the research-action. During the stages of planning and implementation of the actions the actions of education in health with professionals of the CMEI and parents had been materialize and the actions of direct attention the health of the child. In the stage of evaluation of the actions for the involved citizens one searched to ahead understand the perception of the actions developed and perspective of continuity of the actions, through 4 boarded subjects for the citizens. For all the passage of the research-action it can be inferred that joint ESF and CMEI is a necessary initiative ahead of the current situation of the services of health for the promotion of an integral attention the health of the child, but that the teams of the ESF not yet make use of material conditions and staff enough to develop actions that exceed the limits of the USF, being necessary for this the reinforcement of the joints mainly with the Federal University of the Rio Grande of the North.
O cuidado à criança envolve a identificação e o atendimento às necessidades de modo a oferecer-lhe atenção como pessoa em contínuo processo de crescimento e desenvolvimento. Contudo, o cuidado oferecido à criança que convive em instituição escolar está permeado por conflitos que fragilizam a relação família-escola, não sendo estimulada a articulação desses atores no que refere ao cuidar da criança. Diante dessa problemática, objetivou-se analisar a construção de um pacto do cuidar entre mães e educadoras de crianças que frequentam um Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, tendo como método a pesquisa-ação. Envolveu doze mães e oito educadoras de uma instituição de educação infantil de Cidade Nova, no município de Natal, no período de abril a novembro de 2013. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista grupo focal, observação participante, seminários e diário de campo. Os resultados foram analisados seguindo o direcionamento da análise temática freireana. Na etapa do diagnóstico situacional, que investigou a realidade vivenciada pelas participantes do estudo, percebeu-se que as educadoras não se sentem preparadas para lidar com aspectos de saúde-doença da criança e recusam as ações de cuidado como desempenho de suas funções, interpretada como uma atitude que ultrapassa sua competência profissional. Os pais, por sua vez, apresentaram dificuldade de entendimento e clareza da sua função e relação com a instituição e executam as ações de saúde sem associá-lo à promoção e prevenção, além de realizarem com conhecimento empírico. Vista a necessidade de mudança das ações de saúde prestadas à criança, decidiu-se conjuntamente, através de uma roda de conversa, realizar capacitações sobre higiene e limpeza, medidas caseiras no cuidado à criança e primeiros socorros. Na etapa de implementação da ação coletiva as participantes consideraram as atividades úteis no cuidado prestado à criança e perceberam a importância do cuidado compartilhado para o desenvolvimento infantil. Com o desenvolvimento das capacitações, as participantes sentiram a necessidade de sistematizar as atividades prestadas à criança nos problemas de saúde e, para tanto, foram construídos, conjuntamente, protocolos e procedimentos operacionais padrão para a formalizar as ações. Na etapa de avaliação dos encontros, constatou-se que há expectativas positivas para a continuidade do cuidado em comunhão entre pais e educadores, pois foram construídas novas percepções em relação ao cuidado da criança. Percebeu-se mudança considerável nas mães assíduas ao estudo quanto ao cuidado e interesse, no entanto tornaram-se evidentes as fragilidades no processo de trabalho do CMEI, pois emergiram a dificuldade existente nos membros que compõe a instituição de educação infantil de articular o cuidado à educação. Como principal dificuldade, elenca-se o alto índice de mães faltosas e a dificuldade de articular com outros profissionais de saúde para as atividades. Considera-se que o pacto de cuidar não foi implantado integralmente, pois partilhar cuidados sugere o encontro de pais e educadores que podem ter aspectos divergentes sobre necessidades infantis e desenvolvimento, o que requer constante negociação entre as partes. Nesse sentido, constitui-se em um processo contínuo de aperfeiçoamento entre família e instituição de educação infantil
O texto levanta os perfis epistemológico e socianalítico da questão paradigmática. Mauss evidenciara o moule affectif das noções científicas de força e causa. Posteriormente Baudouin falaria na indução arquetípica das noções e a antropologia do imaginário de Durand concluiria pela indução arquetipal do conceito pela imagem. Chegava-se, assim, ao desvendamento do substrato inconsciente das ideações, de um substrato regido pela catexis vetorializada, traduzindo-se nos valores como cerne das ideações. É o famoso a priori emotivo. Portanto, no texto, questionam-se dois mitos, esteios da ciência clássica: o mito da objetividade científica e o da neutralidade axiológica. Destaca, assim, a falácia da existência de uma ruptura epistemológica entre ciência e ideologia. A partir daí, as ideações tornam-se ideologias, sobretudo nas ciências do homem e nas ciências da educação que, ademais, tornam-se suporte de uma disfarçada luta ideológica, na qual, num colonialismo cognitivo, as estratégias de conhecimento dissimulam as de preconceito. Entretanto, assumir a realidade desse suporte fantasmanalítico e ideológico propicia uma tarefa educativa salutar: os paradigmas tornam-se fantasias e, nessa relativização crítica, podem ser usados como um campo de objetos transicionais coletivos num ludismo cultural e educativo. No policulturalismo da sociedade contemporânea, o politeísmo de valores de Weber transforma-se num politeísmo epistemológico, regido pelo relativismo ontológico de Feyerabend e por uma ética do pragmatismo. Articulando cultura, organização e educação, a antropologia das organizações educativas e a culturanálise de grupos de Paula Carvalho traduzem as heurísticas dessa dialética transicional.
This is work itself insert in the mathematics education field of the youth and adult education to aim to practitioners of the educational action into the mathematics area performing to with this is teaching kind, adopting to as parameter the Mathematics Molding approach. The motive of the research is to draw up a application proposal of the molding mathematics as teaching and learning geometry alternative in the youth and adult education. The research it develops in three class of the third level (series 5th and 6th) of he youth and adults education in the one school municipal from the Natal outskirts. Its have qualitative nature with participating observation approach, once performing to directly in to research environment as a mathematics teacher of those same classes. We are used questionnaires, lesson notes and analyses of the officials documents as an basis of claim instruments. The results indicates that activity used the mathematic moldings were appreciated the savoir-faire of the student in to knowledge construction process, when search develop to significant learning methods, helping to student build has mathematics connections with other knowledge areas and inside mathematics himself, so much that enlarges your understanding and assist has in your participation in the other socials place, over there propitiate to change in student and teacher posture with relation to mathematic classroom dynamics
In the context of late modernity, the socio-cultural transformations established new social practices which corroborate discursive changes in dialectic movements, contributing to the order of the educational discourses to be more and more affected by typical market discourses and values which are covered by ideologies, hegemonic struggles and power relations. In this sense, this research study, which is based on the theoretical tenets of the Critical Discourse Analysis in its interdisciplinary branch (FAIRCLOUGH, 2006; ORMUNDO, 2010; PEDROSA, 2010; RAMALHO E RESENDE, 2011), aims at discussing how the sociocultural changes in the context of private education interact with the market proposal of neoliberal and economical policies. The research was methodologically based on the qualitative approach (CHIZZOTTI, 1991; BOGDAN e BIKLEN, 1994; MINAYO, 1994), especially on the principles of contemporary Applied Linguistics (SIGNORINI, 1998; MOITA-LOPES, 2006; MENEZES, SILVA, GOMES, 2009). Data were gathered from advertisements used in campaigns by private educational institutions and agencies in Natal/RN; the advertisements were collected in primary and secondary levels and in language courses from October to December, 2010. The data analysis indicate that education, in the context of globalization and late modernity, has become a market agency and that the new face of the educational discourse of private institutions is interwoven with a social representation of education as a site of struggle and hegemonic dispute. Therefore, the research leads us to infer that, as the educational public policies based on hegemonic economy and on ideological assumptions of international agents (Global Bank, FMI, etc.) have become widespread, education has become an arena of dispute and a powerful economic product to the market of cultural and commercial industry, thus emphasizing a society in which everything is economically based
This ethnographical research-action is included in the Applied Linguistics area and its study object is related to literacy projects (KLEIMAN, 2000), since they bring a new sense to the literacy practices in school and emphasizes the agentive writing character and the role of the discursive genres in the formation of literacy agents who aim at the action and the social change. Considering the emancipatory potential that these didactic organizations have in the civic literacy of those who live in social risk and vulnerability situations our aim in this investigation is: to reflect about the role of the redefinition of the literacy school practices and investigate how the action of teachers and students as literacy agents occur. The specific aims are: to promote literacy events which encourage the writing practice for the action and social change; to comprehend how the identity construction of the literacy student-agent occurs by the reflection of its agency process in the literacy projects; to identify teaching strategies and procedures which enable the development of emancipatory language practices; to investigate the axiological values constructed by the learners in and about the writing work in literacy projects. Our discussion is based on the language conception supported by Bakhtin (BAKHTIN/VOLOSHINOV, 2000; BAKHTIN, 1990, 2003); in literacy studies (KLEIMAN, 1995; BAYNHAM, 1995; BARTON; HAMILTON; IVANIC, 2000, LAZERE, 2005); on critical studies which defend the idea that the texts are ideological instruments able to give power to the individuals (MCLAREN, 1988, 1991, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001; FREIRE, 1971, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1992, 1996, 2001a, 2001b, 2009; GIROUX, 1983, 1986, 1990, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2003; APPLE, 1989); on the social genre approach inspired by the New Rhetoric (BAZERMAN, 2005, 2006, 2007; MILLER, 1984, 2009). The data were generated between 2006 and 2010 in the Youth and Adult Education (YAE), in public schools in Natal-RN. The research permitted us to deduce, firstly, that the redefinition of the work with discursive genres provide the learner to read and write to act discursively in the social world, earning, thus, empowerment, autonomy and emancipation; secondly, that involving the students in literacy projects goes beyond didactic competence related to specificities and content domain. It is necessary that the teacher is certain about to whom, what, why and how to teach and that he/she gets a reflexive posture, becoming a learner as well; thirdly, that through the literacy practices which were developed, the collaborators of the research have constructed a more conscious and a more critical view in relation to the language and to the world where they live through the social-political writing and they have improved as interventive and politicized citizens