924 resultados para droplet actuation
Este trabalho tem como proposta a realização de uma discussão comparativa a respeito de dois projetos de remodelamento da identidade nacional: a Revista do Brasil; do Brasil, aqui analisada na fase em que era dirigido por Monteiro Lobato, e a Revista Proa, argentina, editada por Jose Luis Borges, em alguns de seus colaboradores, tendo o iberismo como conceito-chave. Nossos olhares estarão voltados para o Brasil e a Argentina: como estes dois países desenvolveram suas trajetórias de organização política, desde o desligamento das suas respectivas metrópoles, até a (tentativa) de estruturação de seu projeto nacional?Os intelectuais são os atores privilegiados desta nossa análise: com eles, a apresentação do espaço das revistas como singulares na ação destes intérpretes; no Brasil, a Revista do Brasil, no seu período dirigido por Monteiro Lobato; e na Argentina, a Revista Proa, capitaneada por Jorge Luis Borges. O presente trabalho também contempla a análise acerca da atuação dos intelectuais e suas redes de contato no cenário latino-americano.
Service provisioning in assisted living environments faces distinct challenges due to the heterogeneity of networks, access technology, and sensing/actuation devices in such an environment. Existing solutions, such as SOAP-based web services, can interconnect heterogeneous devices and services, and can be published, discovered and invoked dynamically. However, it is considered heavier than what is required in the smart environment-like context and hence suffers from performance degradation. Alternatively, REpresentational State Transfer (REST) has gained much attention from the community and is considered as a lighter and cleaner technology compared to the SOAP-based web services. Since it is simple to publish and use a RESTful web service, more and more service providers are moving toward REST-based solutions, which promote a resource-centric conceptualization as opposed to a service-centric conceptualization. Despite such benefits of REST, the dynamic discovery and eventing of RESTful services are yet considered a major hurdle to utilization of the full potential of REST-based approaches. In this paper, we address this issue, by providing a RESTful discovery and eventing specification and demonstrate it in an assisted living healthcare scenario. We envisage that through this approach, the service provisioning in ambient assisted living or other smart environment settings will be more efficient, timely, and less resource-intensive.
Durante muito tempo, os membros das câmaras de vereadores brasileiras tiveram suas atuações políticas limitadas à circunscrição territorial dos seus respectivos municípios. Isso se deve muito à forma de organização e à outorga de competências conferidas aosentes federativos. O modelo de federação criado no Brasil apresenta peculiaridades em relação a outros modelos existentes no mundo. Uma das mais evidentes é o reconhecimento constitucional dos municípios como ente integrante de sua estrutura, dotando-os de autonomia em relação aos Estados-membros e à União, bem como conferidas atribuições políticas e administrativas próprias. Esse status transformou consideravelmente o papel das municipalidades brasileiras após o advento da Constituição de 1988. Mas, infelizmente, a forma de distribuição dos recursos públicos do país concentra grande parte das receitas nos entes federativos de maior dimensão, em especial da União. Essa desproporcionalidade impede que as municipalidades exerçam, de forma plena, todas as missões que lhes foram outorgadas. Em consequência,eles sentem o peso das várias incumbências a serem desenvolvidas, sem que possuam as verbas suficientes para isso. Uma das soluções para minimizar essa situação está na iniciativa dese integrarem a outros entes para que, de forma conjunta, concretizem as políticas públicas necessárias à população. Atualmente, verifica-se que muitos problemas existentes nos municípios são comuns a todos que estejam situados em determinada região. Esse fenômeno ocorre principalmente quando a expansão urbana gerou as conurbações, interligando os municípios de uma forma tal que acabam compartilhando, os anseios e mazelas. Prevendo essa situação, o constituinte brasileiro de 1988 outorgouaos Estados-membros a prerrogativa de instituir as regiões metropolitanas e outras formas de unidade territorial urbana.Possibilitou, comoisso, a criação de uma organização administrativa que pudesse desenvolverações estatais de dimensão regional, conjugando os esforços dos entes federativos envolvidos para a consecução do bem comum. Aproveitando a existência dessas regionalidades administrativas, surgiunas câmaras de vereadores o anseio de ampliar seu campo de atuação para levar à discussão regional os temas inerentes a todos os municípios que as integram.Assim, criaram-se em algumas partes do país, os parlamentos metropolitanos.Consistem em um fórum de discussão e atuação integrada das edilidades municipais inseridas nessas unidades territoriais urbanas. A presente pesquisa tem como objeto central analisar a formação e atuação desses parlamentos, bem como os resultados já alcançados por alguns, além de sugerir propostas que venham fortalecer o seu papel. Essas instituições podem contribuir consideravelmente para o aperfeiçoamento da denominada governança interfederativa das regiões metropolitanas, nos termos que são propostos pelo Estatuto das Metrópoles (Lei Federal n. 13.089/15). Trata-sede um vetor de colaboração e associação entre os entes e órgãos de poder integrantes da região metropolitana, em busca de concretizar as funções públicas de interesse comumem prol da população nela inserida.
In this paper, a novel approach to Petri net modeling of programmable logic controller (PLC) programs is presented. The modeling approach is a simple extension of elementary net systems, and a graphical design tool that supports the use of this modeling approach is provided. A key characteristic of the model is that the binary sensory inputs and binary actuation outputs of the PLC are explicitly represented. This leads to the following two improvements: outputs are unambiguous, and interaction patterns are more clearly represented in the graphical form. The use of this modeling approach produces programs that are simple, lightweight, and portable. The approach is demonstrated by applying it to the development of a control module for a MonTech Positioning Station. © 2008 IEEE.
An articulated lorry was instrumented in order to measure its performance in straight-line braking. The trailer was fitted with two interchangeable tandem axle sub-chassis, one with an air suspension and the other with a steel monoleaf four-spring suspension. The brakes were only applied to the trailer axles, which were fitted with anti-lock braking systems (ABS), with the brake torque controlled in response to anticipated locking of the leading axle of the tandem. The vehicle with the air suspension was observed to have significantly better braking performance than the steel suspension, and to generate smaller inter-axle load transfer and smaller vertical dynamic tyre forces. Computer models of the two suspensions were developed, including their brakes and anti-lock systems. The models were found to reproduce most of the important features of the experimental results. It was concluded that the poor braking performance of the steel four-spring suspension was mainly due to interaction between the ABS and inter-axle load transfer effects. The effect of road roughness was investigated and it was found that vehicle stopping distances can increase significantly with increasing road roughness. Two alternative anti-lock braking control strategies were simulated. It was found that independent sensing and actuation of the ABS system on each wheel greatly reduced the difference in stopping distances between the air and steel suspensions. A control strategy based on limiting wheel slip was least susceptible to the effects of road roughness.
Numerical techniques for non-equilibrium condensing flows are presented. Conservation equations for homogeneous gas-liquid two-phase compressible flows are solved by using a finite volume method based on an approximate Riemann solver. The phase change consists of the homogeneous nucleation and growth of existing droplets. Nucleation is computed with the classical Volmer-Frenkel model, corrected for the influence of the droplet temperature being higher than the steam temperature due to latent heat release. For droplet growth, two types of heat transfer model between droplets and the surrounding steam are used: a free molecular flow model and a semi-empirical two-layer model which is deemed to be valid over a wide range of Knudsen number. The computed pressure distribution and Sauter mean droplet diameters in a convergent-divergent (Laval) nozzle are compared with experimental data. Both droplet growth models capture qualitatively the pressure increases due to sudden heat release by the non-equilibrium condensation. However the agreement between computed and experimental pressure distributions is better for the two-layer model. The droplet diameter calculated by this model also agrees well with the experimental value, whereas that predicted by the free molecular model is too small. Condensing flows in a steam turbine cascade are calculated at different Mach numbers and inlet superheat conditions and are compared with experiments. Static pressure traverses downstream from the blade and pressure distributions on the blade surface agree well with experimental results in all cases. Once again, droplet diameters computed with the two-layer model give best agreement with the experiments. Droplet sizes are found to vary across the blade pitch due to the significant variation in expansion rate. Flow patterns including oblique shock waves and condensation-induced pressure increases are also presented and are similar to those shown in the experimental Schlieren photographs. Finally, calculations are presented for periodically unsteady condensing flows in a low expansion rate, convergent-divergent (Laval) nozzle. Depending on the inlet stagnation subcooling, two types of self-excited oscillations appear: a symmetric mode at lower inlet subcooling and an asymmetric mode at higher subcooling. Plots of oscillation frequency versus inlet sub-cooling exhibit a hysteresis loop, in accord with observations made by other researchers for moist air flow. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.
Simulations of an n-heptane spray autoigniting under conditions relevant to a diesel engine are performed using two-dimensional, first-order conditional moment closure (CMC) with full treatment of spray terms in the mixture fraction variance and CMC equations. The conditional evaporation term in the CMC equations is closed assuming interphase exchange to occur at the droplet saturation mixture fraction values only. Modeling of the unclosed terms in themixture fraction variance equation is done accordingly. Comparison with experimental data for a range of ambient oxygen concentrations shows that the ignition delay is overpredicted. The trend of increasing ignition delay with decreasing oxygen concentration, however, is correctly captured. Good agreement is found between the computed and measured flame lift-off height for all conditions investigated. Analysis of source terms in the CMC temperature equation reveals that a convective-reactive balance sets in at the flame base, with spatial diffusion terms being important, but not as important as in lifted jet flames in cold air. Inclusion of droplet terms in the governing equations is found to affect the mixture fraction variance field in the region where evaporation is the strongest, and to slightly increase the ignition delay time due to the cooling associated with the evaporation. Both flame propagation and stabilization mechanisms, however, remain unaffected. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
Self-biased Terfenol-D 2-2 composites exhibit high frequency of actuation and good magnetomechanical properties; however, their potential usefulness is highly dependent on their magnetoacoustic properties, particularly for ultrasonic applications. The speed of sound, c, and its variation with an externally applied magnetic field have been measured for the above composites using a 10 MHz longitudinal pulse. When the sound propagates parallel to the layers, the acoustic impedance was found to be independent of the external applied field, and lower than that for bulk Terfenol-D. The magnetomechanical coupling coefficient was found to be generally low (up to 0.35) and dependent on the volume ratio of materials, being higher for the specimens with greater content of Terfenol-D. The low attenuation, low acoustic impedance, and high frequency of actuation make this structure an interesting alternative for use in underwatersound navigation and ranging and other ultrasonic applications. When the pulse propagates orthogonal to the layers, c was found to vary by up to 3% with the application of an external field, but the acoustic attenuation was found to be very high due to the multiple reflections produced at the interfaces between the layers. This latter phenomenon has been calculated theoretically. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
A parametric study of spark ignition in a uniform monodisperse turbulent spray is performed with complex chemistry three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulations in order to improve the understanding of the structure of the ignition kernel. The heat produced by the kernel increases with the amount of fuel evaporated inside the spark volume. Moreover, the heat sink by evaporation is initially higher than the heat release and can have a negative effect on ignition. With the sprays investigated, heat release occurs over a large range of mixture fractions, being high within the nominal flammability limits and finite but low below the lean flammability limit. The burning of very lean regions is attributed to the diffusion of heat and species from regions of high heat release, and from the spark, to lean regions. Two modes of spray ignition are reported. With a relatively dilute spray, nominally flammable material exists only near the droplets. Reaction zones are created locally near the droplets and have a non-premixed character. They spread from droplet to droplet through a very lean interdroplet spacing. With a dense spray, the hot spark region is rich due to substantial evaporation but the cold region remains lean. In between, a large surface of flammable material is generated by evaporation. Ignition occurs there and a large reaction zone propagates from the rich burned region to the cold lean region. This flame is wrinkled due to the stratified mixture fraction field and evaporative cooling. In the dilute spray, the reaction front curvature pdf contains high values associated with single droplet combustion, while in the dense spray, the curvature is lower and closer to the curvature associated with gaseous fuel ignition kernels. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.
New experimental work is reported on the effects of water ingestion on the performance of an axial flow compressor. The background to the work is the effect that heavy rain has on an aeroengine compressor when operating in a "descent idle" mode, i.e., when the compressor is operating at part speed and when the aeromechanical effects of water ingestion are more important than the thermodynamic effects. Most of our existing knowledge in this field comes from whole engine tests. The current work provides the first known results from direct measurements on a stand-alone compressor. The influence of droplet size on path trajectory is considered both computationally and experimentally to show that most rain droplets will collide with the first row of rotor blades. The water on the blades is then centrifuged toward the casing where the normal airflow patterns in the vicinity of the rotor tips are disrupted. The result of this disruption is a reduction in compressor delivery pressure and an increase in the torque required to keep the compressor speed constant. Both effects reduce the efficiency of the machine. The behavior of the water in the blade rows is examined in detail, and simple models are proposed to explain the loss of pressure rise and the increase in torque. The measurements were obtained in a low speed compressor, making it possible to study the mechanical (increase in torque) and aerodynamic (reduction in pressure rise) effects of water ingestion without the added complication of thermodynamic effects. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.
The potential of palm methyl esters (PME) as an alternative fuel for gas turbines is investigated using a swirl burner. The main air flow is preheated to 623 K, and a swirling spray flame is established at atmospheric pressure. The spray combustion characteristics of PME are compared to diesel and Jet-A1 fuel under the same burner power output of 6 kW. Investigation of the fuel atomizing characteristics using phase Doppler anemometry (PDA) shows that most droplets are distributed within the flame reaction zone region. PME droplets exhibit higher Sautermean diameter (SMD) values than baseline fuels, and thus higher droplet penetration length and longer evaporation timescales. The PME swirl flame presents a different visible flame reaction zone while combusting with low luminosity and produces no soot. NO x emissions per unit mass of fuel and per unit energy are reduced by using PME relative to those of conventional fuels. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
A new experimental configuration has been developed to examine the effects of flow on the autoignition of dilute diesel and biodiesel sprays, where the spray is injected in the form of monodisperse individual droplets at right angles to a hot air turbulent flow. The ignition location has been measured by monitoring the OH * chemiluminescence. A qualitative comparison of the flame behaviour between ethanol, acetone, heptane and biodiesel as fuels has also been carried out. With decreasing volatility of the fuel, the flame showed progressively a higher number of individual droplets burning, with the first autoignition spots appearing at random locations but in general earlier than the intense droplet-flame emission. The time-averaged autoignition length increased with increasing air velocity and with increasing intensity of the turbulence, while it decreased with the temperature and the droplet size. The data can be used for validating models for two-phase turbulent combustion. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
A numerical model is developed to analyse the interaction of artificial cilia with the surrounding fluid in a three-dimensional setting in the limit of vanishing fluid inertia forces. The cilia are modelled using finite shell elements and the fluid is modelled using a boundary element approach. The coupling between both models is performed by imposing no-slip boundary conditions on the surface of the cilia. The performance of the model is verified using various reference problems available in the literature. The model is used to simulate the fluid flow due to magnetically actuated artificial cilia. The results show that narrow and closely spaced cilia create the largest flow, that metachronal waves along the width of the cilia create a significant flow in the direction of the cilia width and that the recovery stroke in the case of the out-of-plane actuation of the cilia strongly depends on the cilia width. © 2012 Cambridge University Press.
Differential growth of thin elastic bodies furnishes a surprisingly simple explanation of the complex and intriguing shapes of many biological systems, such as plant leaves and organs. Similarly, inelastic strains induced by thermal effects or active materials in layered plates are extensively used to control the curvature of thin engineering structures. Such behaviour inspires us to distinguish and to compare two possible modes of differential growth not normally compared to each other, in order to reveal the full range of out-of-plane shapes of an initially flat disk. The first growth mode, frequently employed by engineers, is characterised by direct bending strains through the thickness, and the second mode, mainly apparent in biological systems, is driven by extensional strains of the middle surface. When each mode is considered separately, it is shown that buckling is common to both modes, leading to bistable shapes: growth from bending strains results in a double-curvature limit at buckling, followed by almost developable deformation in which the Gaussian curvature at buckling is conserved; during extensional growth, out-of-plane distortions occur only when the buckling condition is reached, and the Gaussian curvature continues to increase. When both growth modes are present, it is shown that, generally, larger displacements are obtained under in-plane growth when the disk is relatively thick and growth strains are small, and vice versa. It is also shown that shapes can be mono-, bi-, tri- or neutrally stable, depending on the growth strain levels and the material properties: furthermore, it is shown that certain combinations of growth modes result in a free, or natural, response in which the doubly curved shape of disk exactly matches the imposed strains. Such diverse behaviour, in general, may help to realise more effective actuation schemes for engineering structures. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work presents a new method to generate droplets with diameters significantly smaller than the nozzle from which they emerge. The electrical waveform used to produce the jetting consists of a single square negative pulse. The negative edge of the pressure wave pulls the meniscus in, overturning the surface in such a way that a cavity is created. This cavity is then forced to collapse under the action of the positive edge of the pressure wave. This violent collapse produces a thin jet that eventually breaks up and produces droplets. Four droplet generator prototypes that demonstrate the capabilities of this novel mechanism are described. It is also shown that the proposed mechanism extends the existing limits of the commonly accepted inkjet operating regime.