988 resultados para differential calculus


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By generalization of the methods presented in Part I of the study [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 12, 600 (1994)] to the four-dimensional (4D) Riemannian manifold case, the time-dependent behavior of light transmitting in a medium is investigated theoretically by the geodesic equation and curvature in a 4D manifold. In addition, the field equation is restudied, and the 4D conserved current of the optical fluid and its conservation equation are derived and applied to deduce the time-dependent general refractive index. On this basis the forces acting on the fluid are dynamically analyzed and the self-consistency analysis is given.


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This paper investigates stability and asymptotic properties of the error with respect to its nominal version of a nonlinear time-varying perturbed functional differential system subject to point, finite-distributed, and Volterra-type distributed delays associated with linear dynamics together with a class of nonlinear delayed dynamics. The boundedness of the error and its asymptotic convergence to zero are investigated with the results being obtained based on the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias analysis.


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Background: 5'-deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine (MTA) is an endogenous compound produced through the metabolism of polyamines. The therapeutic potential of MTA has been assayed mainly in liver diseases and, more recently, in animal models of multiple sclerosis. The aim of this study was to determine the neuroprotective effect of this molecule in vitro and to assess whether MTA can cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) in order to also analyze its potential neuroprotective efficacy in vivo. Methods: Neuroprotection was assessed in vitro using models of excitotoxicity in primary neurons, mixed astrocyte-neuron and primary oligodendrocyte cultures. The capacity of MTA to cross the BBB was measured in an artificial membrane assay and using an in vitro cell model. Finally, in vivo tests were performed in models of hypoxic brain damage, Parkinson's disease and epilepsy. Results: MTA displays a wide array of neuroprotective activities against different insults in vitro. While the data from the two complementary approaches adopted indicate that MTA is likely to cross the BBB, the in vivo data showed that MTA may provide therapeutic benefits in specific circumstances. Whereas MTA reduced the neuronal cell death in pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus and the size of the lesion in global but not focal ischemic brain damage, it was ineffective in preserving dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-pyridine (MPTP)-mice model. However, in this model of Parkinson's disease the combined administration of MTA and an A(2A) adenosine receptor antagonist did produce significant neuroprotection in this brain region. Conclusion: MTA may potentially offer therapeutic neuroprotection.


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While TRAIL is a promising anticancer agent due to its ability to selectively induce apoptosis in neoplastic cells, many tumors, including pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA), display intrinsic resistance, highlighting the need for TRAIL-sensitizing agents. Here we report that TRAIL-induced apoptosis in PDA cell lines is enhanced by pharmacological inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) or by shRNA-mediated depletion of either GSK-3 alpha or GSK-3 beta. In contrast, depletion of GSK-3 beta, but not GSK-3 alpha, sensitized PDA cell lines to TNF alpha-induced cell death. Further experiments demonstrated that TNF alpha-stimulated I kappa B alpha phosphorylation and degradation as well as p65 nuclear translocation were normal in GSK-3 beta-deficient MEFs. Nonetheless, inhibition of GSK-3 beta function in MEFs or PDA cell lines impaired the expression of the NF-kappa B target genes Bcl-xL and cIAP2, but not I kappa B alpha. Significantly, the expression of Bcl-xL and cIAP2 could be reestablished by expression of GSK-3 beta targeted to the nucleus but not GSK-3 beta targeted to the cytoplasm, suggesting that GSK-3 beta regulates NF-kappa B function within the nucleus. Consistent with this notion, chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrated that GSK-3 inhibition resulted in either decreased p65 binding to the promoter of BIR3, which encodes cIAP2, or increased p50 binding as well as recruitment of SIRT1 and HDAC3 to the promoter of BCL2L1, which encodes Bcl-xL. Importantly, depletion of Bcl-xL but not cIAP2, mimicked the sensitizing effect of GSK-3 inhibition on TRAIL-induced apoptosis, whereas Bcl-xL overexpression ameliorated the sensitization by GSK-3 inhibition. These results not only suggest that GSK-3 beta overexpression and nuclear localization contribute to TNF alpha and TRAIL resistance via anti-apoptotic NF-kappa B genes such as Bcl-xL, but also provide a rationale for further exploration of GSK-3 inhibitors combined with TRAIL for the treatment of PDA.


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This paper investigates the errors of the solutions as well as the shadowing property of a class of nonlinear differential equations which possess unique solutions on a certain interval for any admissible initial condition. The class of differential equations is assumed to be approximated by well-posed truncated Taylor series expansions up to a certain order obtained about certain, in general nonperiodic, sampling points t(i) is an element of [t(0), t(J)] for i = 0, 1, . . . , J of the solution. Two examples are provided.


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This paper is devoted to the investigation of nonnegative solutions and the stability and asymptotic properties of the solutions of fractional differential dynamic linear time-varying systems involving delayed dynamics with delays. The dynamic systems are described based on q-calculus and Caputo fractional derivatives on any order.


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The objective of this dissertation is to study the theory of distributions and some of its applications. Certain concepts which we would include in the theory of distributions nowadays have been widely used in several fields of mathematics and physics. It was Dirac who first introduced the delta function as we know it, in an attempt to keep a convenient notation in his works in quantum mechanics. Their work contributed to open a new path in mathematics, as new objects, similar to functions but not of their same nature, were being used systematically. Distributions are believed to have been first formally introduced by the Soviet mathematician Sergei Sobolev and by Laurent Schwartz. The aim of this project is to show how distribution theory can be used to obtain what we call fundamental solutions of partial differential equations.


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A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de propor a reinclusão de elementos de Cálculo no ensino médio, pois no passado o Cálculo fazia parte do currículo e foi abolido após uma reforma no ensino da matemática. O trabalho apresenta os resultados de um levantamento estatístico sobre os índices de reprovação na disciplina Cálculo Diferencial e Integral I nos períodos mais recentes da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) e, também, uma pesquisa quantitativa com quarenta professores de matemática com o objetivo de analisar a viabilidade do projeto e os problemas a serem enfrentados. Por fim, a dissertação conta com uma série de atividades comentadas sobre o tema de limites, que é o foco do trabalho. Tais atividades podem ser incluídas já no 1 ano do ensino médio, paralelamente ao conteúdo de funções, e visam proporcionar aos estudantes o contato com elementos de Cálculo em uma linguagem acessível, e orientar o professor nesta tarefa


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Este trabalho traz uma proposta de atividades, a serem desenvolvidas em sala de aula, com o objetivo de introduzir o conceito de derivadas para os alunos da primeira série do Ensino Médio. Antes das atividades, estão presentes algumas breves pesquisas. O histórico da presença de tópicos do Cálculo Diferencial e Integral no Ensino Médio no Brasil, assim como a análise de alguns livros didáticos, serve para mostrar como o assunto já foi e está sendo tratado no país. Também são exibidos aspectos sobre o Ensino Médio na Alemanha e nos Estados Unidos, países onde o cálculo está presente na Escola Secundária, embora de formas bastante diferentes. Um capítulo sobre a preparação adequada para as aulas também foi incluído, uma vez que a simples inserção da derivada poderia causar problemas de tempo para o cumprimento do cronograma e não trazer os resultados esperados. São necessários algum grau de adequação dos conteúdos ministrados e de cooperação com professores de Física. As atividades visando o ensino dos conceitos iniciais de derivada são motivadas por um problema físico de movimento. O foco é dado na intuição e na visualização de gráficos, para que haja uma melhor compreensão dos conceitos envolvidos. A utilização de um software de geometria dinâmica é requerida em boa parte do tempo, como importante ferramenta de apoio pedagógico