900 resultados para dendritic cell vaccine
Although tissue engineering and cell therapies are becoming realistic approaches for medical therapeutics, it is likely that musculoskeletal applications will be among the first to benefit on a large scale. Cell sources for tissue engineering and cell therapies for tendon pathologies are reviewed with an emphasis on small defect tendon injuries as seen in the hand which could adapt well to injectable cell administration. Specifically, cell sources including tenocytes, tendon sheath fibroblasts, bone marrow or adipose-derived stem cells, amniotic cells, placenta cells and platelet-derivatives have been proposed to enhance tendon regeneration. The associated advantages and disadvantages for these different strategies will be discussed and evolving regulatory requirements for cellular therapies will also be addressed. Human progenitor tenocytes, along with their clinical cell banking potential, will be presented as an alternative cell source solution. Similar cell banking techniques have already been described with other progenitor cell types in the 1950's for vaccine production, and these "old" cell types incite potentially interesting therapeutic options that could be improved with modern innovation for tendon regeneration and repair.
The antiviral response is largely mediated by dendritic cells (DCs), including conventional (c) DCs that function as antigen-presenting cells, and plasmacytoid (p) DCs that produce type I interferons, making them an attractive target for viruses. We find that the Old World arenaviruses lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus clone 13 (LCMV Cl13) and Lassa virus bind pDCs to a greater extent than cDCs. Consistently, LCMV Cl13 targets pDCs early after in vivo infection of its natural murine host and establishes a productive and robust replication cycle. pDCs coproduce type I interferons and proinflammatory cytokines, with the former being induced in both infected and uninfected pDCs, demonstrating a dissociation from intrinsic virus replication. TLR7 globally mediates pDC responses, limits pDC viral load, and promotes rapid innate and adaptive immune cell activation. These early events likely help dictate the outcome of infections with arenaviruses and other DC-replicating viruses and shed light on potential therapeutic targets.
Cross-talk between NK cells and dendritic cells (DCs) is critical for the potent therapeutic response to dsRNA, but the receptors involved remained controversial. We show in this paper that two dsRNAs, polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid and polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)], similarly engaged human TLR3, whereas only poly(I:C) triggered human RIG-I and MDA5. Both dsRNA enhanced NK cell activation within PBMCs but only poly(I:C) induced IFN-gamma. Although myeloid DCs (mDCs) were required for NK cell activation, induction of cytolytic potential and IFN-gamma production did not require contact with mDCs but was dependent on type I IFN and IL-12, respectively. Poly(I:C) but not polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid synergized with mDC-derived IL-12 for IFN-gamma production by acting directly on NK cells. Finally, the requirement of both TLR3 and Rig-like receptor (RLR) on mDCs and RLRs but not TLR3 on NK cells for IFN-gamma production was demonstrated using TLR3- and Cardif-deficient mice and human RIG-I-specific activator. Thus, we report the requirement of cotriggering TLR3 and RLR on mDCs and RLRs on NK cells for a pathogen product to induce potent innate cell activation.
Large numbers and functionally competent T cells are required to protect from diseases for which antibody-based vaccines have consistently failed (1), which is the case for many chronic viral infections and solid tumors. Therefore, therapeutic vaccines aim at the induction of strong antigen-specific T-cell responses. Novel adjuvants have considerably improved the capacity of synthetic vaccines to activate T cells, but more research is necessary to identify optimal compositions of potent vaccine formulations. Consequently, there is a great need to develop accurate methods for the efficient identification of antigen-specific T cells and the assessment of their functional characteristics directly ex vivo. In this regard, hundreds of clinical vaccination trials have been implemented during the last 15 years, and monitoring techniques become more and more standardized.
BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis remains one of the world's deadliest transmissible diseases despite widespread use of the BCG vaccine. MTBVAC is a new live tuberculosis vaccine based on genetically attenuated Mycobacterium tuberculosis that expresses most antigens present in human isolates of M tuberculosis. We aimed to compare the safety of MTBVAC with BCG in healthy adult volunteers. METHODS: We did this single-centre, randomised, double-blind, controlled phase 1 study at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV; Lausanne, Switzerland). Volunteers were eligible for inclusion if they were aged 18-45 years, clinically healthy, HIV-negative and tuberculosis-negative, and had no history of active tuberculosis, chemoprophylaxis for tuberculosis, or BCG vaccination. Volunteers fulfilling the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to three cohorts in a dose-escalation manner. Randomisation was done centrally by the CHUV Pharmacy and treatments were masked from the study team and volunteers. As participants were recruited within each cohort, they were randomly assigned 3:1 to receive MTBVAC or BCG. Of the participants allocated MTBVAC, those in the first cohort received 5 × 10(3) colony forming units (CFU) MTBVAC, those in the second cohort received 5 × 10(4) CFU MTBVAC, and those in the third cohort received 5 × 10(5) CFU MTBVAC. In all cohorts, participants assigned to receive BCG were given 5 × 10(5) CFU BCG. Each participant received a single intradermal injection of their assigned vaccine in 0·1 mL sterile water in their non-dominant arm. The primary outcome was safety in all vaccinated participants. Secondary outcomes included whole blood cell-mediated immune response to live MTBVAC and BCG, and interferon γ release assays (IGRA) of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02013245. FINDINGS: Between Jan 23, 2013, and Nov 6, 2013, we enrolled 36 volunteers into three cohorts, each of which consisted of nine participants who received MTBVAC and three who received BCG. 34 volunteers completed the trial. The safety of vaccination with MTBVAC at all doses was similar to that of BCG, and vaccination did not induce any serious adverse events. All individuals were IGRA negative at the end of follow-up (day 210). After whole blood stimulation with live MTBVAC or BCG, MTBVAC was at least as immunogenic as BCG. At the same dose as BCG (5×10(5) CFU), although no statistical significance could be achieved, there were more responders in the MTBVAC group than in the BCG group, with a greater frequency of polyfunctional CD4+ central memory T cells. INTERPRETATION: To our knowledge, MTBVAC is the first live-attenuated M tuberculosis vaccine to reach clinical assessment, showing similar safety to BCG. MTBVAC seemed to be at least as immunogenic as BCG, but the study was not powered to investigate this outcome. Further plans to use more immunogenicity endpoints in a larger number of volunteers (adults and adolescents) are underway, with the aim to thoroughly characterise and potentially distinguish immunogenicity between MTBVAC and BCG in tuberculosis-endemic countries. Combined with an excellent safety profile, these data support advanced clinical development in high-burden tuberculosis endemic countries. FUNDING: Biofabri and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through the TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI).
Le syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (SRRP) est une des maladies les plus dévastatrices économiquement pour l'industrie mondiale du porc. L'agent étiologique du SRRP est le virus du SRRP (VSRRP) lequel est connu pour avoir une spécificité d'hôte très restreinte et pour sa transmission par voie aerosol. Les antigènes et les ARN du VSRRP ont été trouvés dans des cellules épithéliales du tractus respiratoire de porcs infectés par le virus. L’interaction entre les macrophages alvéolaires porcins (PAMs) et le VSRRP a été démontrée comme jouant un rôle important dans l’infection causée par le virus. Malgré cela, l’interaction prenant place entre les cellules épithéliales du tractus respiratoire porcin et le virus ne devrait pas être négligée. Jusqu’à présent, la réplication du VSRRP in vitro dans des cellules épithéliales du tractus respiratoire porcin n’a pas été conduite avec succès et les tentatives pour le faire ont échoué. Une nouvelle lignée de cellules épithéliales de poumon de porc (SJPL) est maintenant disponible et sera utilisée dans cette étude afin de déterminer si elle est permissive à la réplication du VSRRP et si elle peut être un modèle approprié pour l’étude de la pathogénèse virale du VSRRP. L’expérimentation a démontré que cette nouvelle lignée cellulaire était permissive à l’infection et à la réplication du VSRRP. Afin de corroborer ces résultats, la cinétique de réplication du virus à été effectuée avec les cellules MARC-145 et SJPL. Aucune différence significative dans la production virale totale n’a été trouvée entre les deux lignées cellulaires. Les cellules SJPL ont permis la réplication de plusieurs souches Nord-Américaines du VSRRP, quoiqu’elles sont légèrement moins efficaces que les cellules MARC-145 pour l’isolement du virus. De plus, les cellules SJPL sont phénotypiquement différentes des cellules MARC-145. Plus précisément, les cellules SJPL sont plus sensibles à l’activation par le VSRRP des pro-caspases 3/7 et plusieurs inducteurs apoptotiques. Elles ont également montré de 8 à 16 fois plus de sensibilité à l’effet antiviral causé par l’IFN-α sur la réplication du virus contrairement aux cellules MARC-145. Ces résultats démontrent que les cellules SJPL pourraient représenter un substitut intéressant aux cellules MARC-145 pour la production d’antigènes pour un vaccin anti-VSRRP. Également, dû à leurs origines (poumon de l’hôte naturel), elles pourraient s’avérer être un modèle in vitro plus approprié pour l’étude de la pathogénèse du VSRRP.
Les cellules dendritiques (DC) sont parmi les premières cellules à rencontrer le virus d’immunodéficience humaine (VIH) au niveau des muqueuses. De plus, le fait que les DC sont, de manière directe ou indirecte par le virus et ses composantes, altérées tant par leur nombre, leur phénotype et leur fonction suggère leur implication dans les dérégulations des cellules B. Selon cette hypothèse, des études longitudinales impliquant des individus infectés au VIH-1 présentant différents profils de progression clinique menées dans notre laboratoire ont démontré que les altérations des cellules B sont concomitantes à une augmentation de l’expression de BLyS/BAFF dans le sang ainsi que par les DC myéloïdes (mDC) sanguines. De plus, lors de travaux antérieurs utilisant le modèle murin VIH-transgénique, les altérations des cellules B ont démontré une implication des DC et d’un excès de BLyS/BAFF, et ce, dépendamment du facteur négatif du VIH (Nef). Dans cette optique, nous investiguons dans cette présente étude l’implication de Nef dans la modulation du phénotype des DC ainsi que dans les dérégulations des cellules B. Chez tous les patients virémiques infectés au VIH-1, nous avons détecté la présence de Nef dans le plasma ainsi qu’au niveau des mDC et de leurs précurseurs d’origine monocytaire, tout au long du suivi de la progression clinique et au-delà de la thérapie antirétrovirale (ART). La surexpression de BLyS/BAFF est associée à la présence de Nef au niveau des mDC et de leur précurseur.. Des essais in vitro ont permis de démontrer l’induction d’un phénotype proinflammatoire par des mDC dérivés de monocytes lorsqu’en présence de Nef soluble, via l’augmentation de l’expression de BLyS/BAFF et de TNF-α, et où cet effet est bloqué par l’ajout de l’acide rétinoïque. Nos résultats suggèrent donc que Nef est impliquée dans le déclenchement et la persistance des dérégulations des cellules B retrouvées chez les individus infectés au VIH-1. Basé sur nos observations, une thérapie adjointe impliquant le blocage de BLyS/BAFF et/ou Nef pourrait contribuer au contrôle de l’inflammation et des altérations des cellules B. De plus, la quantification de Nef post-ART pourrait s’avérer utile dans l’évaluation du statut des réservoirs. Précédemment, nous avons démontré que les dérégulations des cellules B sanguines de ces mêmes individus présentant un profil de progression rapide et classique sont accompagnées par l’augmentation de la fréquence d’une population partageant des caractéristiques des cellules B transitionnelles immatures (TI) et des cellules B de la zone marginale (ZM), que nous avons nommé les cellules B précurseur de la ZM. Toutefois, cette population est préservée chez les contrôleurs élites, chez qui nous avons trouvé une diminution significative de la fréquence des cellules B de la ZM présentant des marqueurs phénotypiques plus matures. Récemment, ces cellules ont été associées à un potentiel de fonction régulatrice (Breg), motivant ainsi notre poursuite, dans cette étude, de la caractérisation de ces cellules B. Comme pour les individus non infectés au VIH-1, nous avons démontré que les cellules B matures de la ZM contrôlent leur capacité de production d’IL-10 chez les contrôleurs élites, contrairement à une augmentation chez les progresseurs rapides et classiques. Aussi, les cellules B précurseur de la ZM des contrôleurs élites fournissent une expression importante de LT-α lorsque comparés aux individus non infectés au VIH-1, alors que cet apport de LT-α est attribué aux cellules B TI chez les progresseurs. Le contrôle de la progression clinique semble associé à un ratio en faveur de LT-α vs IL-10 au niveau des cellules B précurseur de la ZM. Nos résultats suggèrent qu’un maintien de l’intégrité du potentiel régulateur ainsi qu’une expression augmentée de LT-α par les cellules B de première ligne, telles les populations de la ZM, sont impliqués dans le contrôle de la progression clinique du VIH-1, possiblement par leur contribution à la modulation et l’homéostasie immunitaire. De telles populations doivent être considérées lors de l’élaboration de vaccins, ces derniers cherchant à générer une réponse protectrice de première ligne et adaptative.
Vaccination is a useful option to control infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), and several modified live-PRRSV vaccines have been developed. These vaccines have shown some efficacy in reducing the incidence and severity of clinical disease as well as the duration of viremia and virus shedding but have failed to provide sterilizing immunity. The efficacy of modified live-virus (MLV) vaccines is greater against a homologous strain compared with heterologous PRRSV strains. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Fostera PRRS MLV vaccine in protecting against challenge with a heterologous field strain widely circulating in the swine herds of eastern Canada. Forty-six piglets were divided into 4 groups: nonvaccinated-nonchallenged; nonvaccinated-challenged; vaccinated-challenged; and vaccinated-nonchallenged. The animals were vaccinated at 23 d of age with Fostera PRRS and challenged 23 d later with a heterologous field strain of PRRSV (FMV12-1425619). Overall, the vaccine showed some beneficial effects in the challenged animals by reducing the severity of clinical signs and the viral load. A significant difference between nonvaccinated and vaccinated animals was detected for some parameters starting 11 to 13 d after challenge, which suggested that the cell-mediated immune response or other delayed responses could be more important than pre-existing PRRSV antibodies in vaccinated animals within the context of protection against heterologous strains.
RESUMEN Antecedentes y Justificación: El cáncer de pulmón es la principal causa de muerte relacionada con Cáncer en el mundo. El cáncer pulmonar de células no pequeñas (Non-Small-cell lung cancer NSCLC) representa el 85% de todos los cánceres de pulmón y en un 40% es diagnosticado tardíamente y con los tratamientos disponibles actualmente (cirugía, radioterapia y quimioterapia) presenta una supervivencia a 5 años entre el 10 y el 15%. En los últimos años han surgido nuevos tratamientos basados en la inmunoterapia que prometen mejorar la supervivencia de estos pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia de la inmunoterapia en el tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas (NSCLC) con el fin de integrar la información disponible para su posterior uso en la clínica. Metodología: Se realizó búsqueda exhaustiva de la literatura disponible del 1 de Enero de 2003 al 31 de Diciembre de 2013. Se examinaron las siguientes bases de datos: Pubmed, Scielo, Medline, Lilacs, EMBASE, Bandolier, peDRO y Cochrane. Se utilizaron los términos MeSH de búsqueda: immunotherapy, NSCLC, clinical trials. Resultados: de 163 referencias identificadas en las bases de datos, 12 fueron seleccionadas para la revisión. Se identificaron 11 estrategias inmunoterapéuticas que fueron complementarias al uso de quimioterapia, radioterapia o ambas. No se encontró diferencia significativa entre la supervivencia global de los grupos de intervención y controles con excepción de 1 artículo. La mayoría de efectos secundarios fueron de leves a moderados y no hubo diferencias significativas entre los grupos. Discusión: no se evidenció un aumento significativo de la supervivencia global con la utilización de inmunoterapias, a excepción de la que emplea células asesinas inducidas por citocinas junto a células dendríticas. Sin embargo es necesario esperar resultados de estudios fase III en curso.
CD40 ligation triggers IL-12 production by dendritic cells (DC) in vitro. Here, we demonstrate that CD40 cross-linking alone is not sufficient to induce IL-12 production by DC in vivo. Indeed, resting DC make neither the IL-12 p35 nor IL-12 p40 subunits and express only low levels of CD40. Nevertheless, after DC activation by microbial stimuli that primarily upregulate IL-12 p40 and augment CD40 expression, CD40 ligation induces a significant increase in IL-12 p35 and IL-12 p70 heterodimer production. Similarly, IL-12 p70 is produced during T cell activation in the presence but not in the absence of microbial stimuli. Thus, production of bioactive IL-12 by DC can be amplified by T cell–derived signals but must be initiated by innate signals.
The presence of resident Langerhans cells (LCs) in the epidermis makes the skin an attractive target for DNA vaccination. However, reliable animal models for cutaneous vaccination studies are limited. We demonstrate an ex vivo human skin model for cutaneous DNA vaccination which can potentially bridge the gap between pre-clinical in vivo animal models and clinical studies. Cutaneous transgene expression was utilised to demonstrate epidermal tissue viability in culture. LC response to the culture environment was monitored by immunohistochemistry. Full-thickness and split-thickness skin remained genetically viable in culture for at least 72 h in both phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and full organ culture medium (OCM). The epidermis of explants cultured in OCM remained morphologically intact throughout the culture duration. LCs in full-thickness skin exhibited a delayed response (reduction in cell number and increase in cell size) to the culture conditions compared with split-thickness skin, whose response was immediate. In conclusion, excised human skin can be cultured for a minimum of 72 h for analysis of gene expression and immune cell activation. However, the use of split-thickness skin for vaccine formulation studies may not be appropriate because of the nature of the activation. Full-thickness skin explants are a more suitable model to assess cutaneous vaccination ex vivo.
Rational engineering of recombinant picornavirus capsids to produce safe, protective vaccine antigen
Foot-and-mouth disease remains a major plague of livestock and outbreaks are often economically catastrophic. Current inactivated virus vaccines require expensive high containment facilities for their production and maintenance of a cold-chain for their activity. We have addressed both of these major drawbacks. Firstly we have developed methods to efficiently express recombinant empty capsids. Expression constructs aimed at lowering the levels and activity of the viral protease required for the cleavage of the capsid protein precursor were used; this enabled the synthesis of empty A-serotype capsids in eukaryotic cells at levels potentially attractive to industry using both vaccinia virus and baculovirus driven expression. Secondly we have enhanced capsid stability by incorporating a rationally designed mutation, and shown by X-ray crystallography that stabilised and wild-type empty capsids have essentially the same structure as intact virus. Cattle vaccinated with recombinant capsids showed sustained virus neutralisation titres and protection from challenge 34 weeks after immunization. This approach to vaccine antigen production has several potential advantages over current technologies by reducing production costs, eliminating the risk of infectivity and enhancing the temperature stability of the product. Similar strategies that will optimize host cell viability during expression of a foreign toxic gene and/or improve capsid stability could allow the production of safe vaccines for other pathogenic picornaviruses of humans and animals.
Absence of lymph nodes in nonmammalian species, expression of MHCII by APCs in the periphery, and the recent findings that T cells can change their polarization status after presentation in the lymph nodes imply a role for MHCII-mediated presentation outside the organized lymphoid tissue. This study shows that MHCII+ ECs and DCs from the intestinal mucosa of the pig can present antigen to T cells in vitro. In vivo, APCs colocalize with T cells in pig and mouse intestinal mucosa. In the pig, endothelium is involved in these interactions in neonates but not in adults, indicating different roles for stromal and professional APCs in the neonate compared with the adult. The ratio of expression of DQ and DR MHCII locus products was lower on ECs than on other mucosal APCs, indicating that the two types of cells present different peptide sets. Adult nonendothelial APCs expressed a higher ratio of DQ/DR than in neonates. These results suggest that mucosal DCs can present antigen locally to primed T cells and that stromal APCs are recruited to these interactions in some cases. This raises the possibility that local presentation may influence T cell responses at the effector stage after initial presentation in the lymph node.
A candidate live vaccine for avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) was constructed from a virulent field APEC O78 strain by mutation of the aroA gene. The mutant was highly similar to the parent wild-type strain in respect of colony morphology, motility, growth in suspension, hemagglutination, Congo Red binding, HEp-2 cell adhesion, and the elaboration of surface antigens type 1 fimbriae and flagella, although production of curli fimbriae was reduced marginally. The mutant proved avirulent when inoculated into 1-day-old chicks by spray application and when presented again in the drinking water at 7 days of age. Chickens and turkeys vaccinated with an O78 aroA mutant were protected against a challenge at 6 wk of age by virulent APEC strains.