454 resultados para cornea


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Purpose: We studied whether the accumulation of advanced lipoxidation end-products (ALEs) in the diabetic retina is linked to the impairment of lipid aldehyde detoxification mechanisms.

Methods: Retinas were collected from nondiabetic and diabetic rats and processed for conventional and quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR), Western blotting, immunohistochemistry, and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity assays. The effect of the ALDH1a1 inhibitor, NCT-501, on ALE accumulation and cell viability in cultured Müller glia also was investigated.

Results: The rat retina expressed a range of lipid aldehyde detoxifying ALDH and aldo-keto reductase (AKR) genes. In diabetes, mRNA levels were reduced for 5 of 9 transcripts tested. These findings contrasted with those in the lens and cornea where many of these enzymes were upregulated. We have reported previously accumulation of the acrolein (ACR)-derived ALE, FDP-lysine, in retinal Müller glia during diabetes. In the present study, we show that the main ACR-detoxifying ALDH and AKR genes expressed in the retina, namely, ALDH1a1, ALDH2, and AKR1b1, are principally localized to Müller glia. Diabetes-induced FDP-lysine accumulation in Müller glia was associated with a reduction in ALDH1a1 mRNA and protein expression in whole retina and a decrease in ALDH1a1-immunoreactivity specifically within these cells. No such changes were detected for ALDH2 or AKR1b1. Activity of ALDH was suppressed in the diabetic retina and blockade of ALDH1a1 in cultured Müller glia triggered FDP-lysine accumulation and reduced cell viability.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that downregulation of ALDH and AKR enzymes, particularly ALDH1a1, may contribute ALE accumulation in the diabetic retina.


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PURPOSE: To better understand knowledge and attitudes concerning corneal donation among Chinese adults.
METHODS: Randomly selected residents in predetermined age strata 20 to 60+ years completed home-based questionnaires in each of 12 randomly chosen communities in Guangzhou, southern China.
RESULTS: Among 1217 selected persons, 430 (35.3%) completed the questionnaires (mean age 40.4 yrs, 57.9% female). Refusers were older (44.8 yrs, P < 0.001), but sex did not differ (52.2% female, P = 0.07). Among participants, 175 (40.7%) were willing to donate their corneas (WTD). Differences between WTD and not WTD included donation knowledge score (range, 1-12) [WTD (SD) 6.91 ± 2.21, not WTD 5.62 ± 2.43, P < 0.001]; having discussed donation (WTD 26.3%, not WTD 8.63%, P < 0.001); viewing donation as unpopular (WTD 88.0%, not WTD 96.5%, P = 0.001); and feeling donation "damages the body" (WTD 15.4%, not WTD 25.7%, P = 0.013). Associated significantly with WTD in multiple regression models were higher knowledge score [odds ratio (OR) = 1.18, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.04-1.32, P = 0.008]; not feeling donation "damages the body" (OR = 1.91, 95% CI, 1.07-3.43, P = 0.030); and willingness to discuss donation (OR = 10.6, 95% CI, 3.35-33.9, P < 0.001). WTD did not differ by age (>60 yrs: 22/51, 43.1%; ≤60 yrs: 153/379, 40.4%, P = 0.706). Assuming all those refusing the survey would not donate, 14.4% (175/1217) were WTD for themselves, though only 7.1% (86/1217) would do so on behalf of a family member if they did not know the deceased's preference.
CONCLUSIONS: Interventions to increase knowledge and promote discussions about donation, and policies allowing widespread expression of donation preference, are needed in this setting.


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Objective: To determine the prevalence of ocular findings of the external structures and anterior segment of the eye, detected by biomicroscopic examination in schoolchildren in Natal (RN) - Brazil. Methods: After previous random selection, 1,024 pupils from elementary and secondary public and private schools in the city of Natal were evaluated from March to June 2001. All were submitted to preestablished standard research norms, consisting of identification, demographic information, ophthalmologic biomicroscopic examination, with slit lamp, performed by ophthalmologists from the “Onofre Lopes” University Hospital. Results: Alterations of the conjunctival and palpebral conditions were the most prevalent (10.4% and 6.2% respectively). Follicles (4.2%) and papillae (3.0%) were the frequent conjunctival lesions, while blepharitis (3.5%) and meibomitis (1.1%) were the most detected abnormalities in the eyelids. Upon examining the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous, the most encountered findings were nubecula (0.5%), papillary membrane reliquiae (0.5%), posterior capsula opacity (0.8%) and hyaloid arteria reliquiae (2.0%). Conclusion: The most prevalent findings affecting the external structures of the eye such as eyelids and conjunctiva, consisted of blepharitis followed by follicular reaction of the conjunctiva. The most prevalent abnormalities in the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous were nubecula, papillary membrane reliquiae, posterior capsular opacity and hyaloid arteria reliquiae, in that order


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La chirurgia refrattiva è una delle branche della medicina con il più alto bacino di potenziali pazienti, a causa dell’enorme incidenza nella popolazione dei difetti visivi, in particolare la miopia. E’ infatti stato stimato che il 20% della popolazione mondiale ne sia affetto, e solo in Italia gioverebbero di un intervento più di 8.000.000 di persone. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è mostrare i principi fisici, le caratteristiche e il funzionamento dei principali strumenti usati per la cura di questi difetti, ovvero il laser ad eccimeri e il laser a femtosecondi; oltre alle diverse operazioni chirurgiche in cui vengono utilizzati, le quali sono tutt’ora in continua evoluzione. Nel primo capitolo viene effettuata una breve presentazione dell’anatomia oculare,in particolare della cornea e dei difetti refrattivi; nel secondo vengono invece trattati i principi fisici su cui si basa la creazione di un raggio laser e si presentano le principali famiglie di laser chirurgici. Nel terzo capitolo ci si focalizzerà sul laser ad eccimeri, partendo da una trattazione degli eccimeri per poi passare alla struttura e caratteristiche della macchina e alle operazioni chirurgiche in cui viene usata. Infine nel quarto capitolo viene presentato il laser a femtosecondi, partendo dalla creazione di impulsi ultracorti per poi analizzare le operazioni chirurgiche che sfruttano questa tecnologia.


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La cornée est la couche la plus antérieure de l’oeil et sa transparence permet de laisser passer les ondes lumineuses vers la rétine. Cependant, la localisation de la cornée la prédispose à des blessures chimiques et mécaniques. La guérison des blessures cornéennes est un mécanisme complexe faisant intervenir la mort cellulaire, la migration, la prolifération, la différenciation et le remodelage de la matrice extracellulaire (MEC). Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé la cornée humaine reconstruite par génie tissulaire composée d’un épithélium et d’un stroma afin d’étudier les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires de la guérison des plaies, en particulier le remodelage de la MEC exercé par les métalloprotéinases matricielles (MMPs). Les analyses en profilage génique sur biopuces à ADN nous ont permis de démontrer que l’expression de plusieurs gènes était dérégulée lors de la guérison des plaies dans notre modèle. L’expression des gènes codant pour les MMPs, tel que confirmée en qPCR, est augmentée dans l’épithélium migrant afin de recouvrir la plaie. Les analyses en zymographie sur gel ont démontré que les MMPs étaient converties en leur forme enzymatiquement active au fur et à mesure que la lésion se referme. Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré que l’expression des MMPs par les cellules épithéliales est influencée par la présence des fibroblastes dans le stroma ainsi que par leur sécrétion d’une MEC enrichie en collagènes. De plus, les analyses en spectrométrie de masse ont confirmé que la présence d’un épithélium stratifié est requise pour la synthèse et l’organisation adéquate de la MEC. Enfin, les résultats de ces travaux améliorent nos connaissances des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires qui modulent la guérison des plaies cornéennes et pourront certainement mener à des progrès en clinique, notamment au niveau du développement de thérapies visant à traiter les troubles de la cornée.


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Le stress oxydatif peut provenir de sources exogènes comme les UVA ou de sources endogènes comme la chaîne respiratoire (OXPHOS). L’oxydation des composants cellulaires a été associée avec la dégénération, des phénotypes de vieillissement et des pertes de fonctionnalités des tissus. Les UVA sont les plus efficaces des rayons UV à induire de l’oxydation, tel que démontré par la formation de dommages oxydatifs à l’ADN et par l’apparition de délétions mitochondriales qui en résultent. La délétion mitochondriale de 4977 pb (ADNmtCD4977), la plus commune, et celle de 3895 pb (ADNmt3895) sont deux délétions reliées au photovieillissement cutané et à l’exposition au stress oxydant. Le phénomène de vieillissement dans la peau est bien documenté et se traduit par une dégradation de la matrice extracellulaire, une perte d’élasticité et la formation de rides. Toutefois, peu d’études portent sur la cornée humaine alors qu’elle est un tissu exposé directement aux rayonnements UV au même titre que la peau. Nous avons donc tenté mieux comprendre l’effet de l’oxydation exogène et endogène sur cette structure. L’analyse de la localisation des délétions ADNmtCD4977 et ADNmtCD4977 dans l’oeil humain a permis de révéler qu’elles se concentrent principalement dans le stroma cornéen et s’accumule avec l’âge. Le stroma cornéen est la couche cellulaire qui confère la transparence et la rigidité à la cornée humaine. Ces résultats nous ont suggéré une implication des UVA dans le photovieillissement de la cornée. Nous avons donc entrepris de vérifier les changements liés à l’exposition aux UVA dans le stroma cornéen puisque les UVA sont connus pour causer des altérations à la matrice extracellulaire (ECM) au niveau cutané. Nous avons donc créé un modèle de photovieillisement par une exposition chronique aux UVA sur des kératocytes avec lesquels nous avons fait sécréter une ECM. Nos résultats nous ont démontré qu’une exposition chronique aux UVA cause des altérations à l’ECM cornéen semblable à des phénotypes de photvieillissement. En effet, nous avons dénoté des changements transcriptomiques et protéomiques pour certains collagènes et protéoglycans. Une atteinte aux collagènes par le vieillissement cornéen se traduit entre autres par une rigidification, une opacification et un changement dans son pouvoir réfractif qui mène à une perte de la vision. Par ailleurs, notre avons également investigué l’implication du stress oxydatif dans la dystrophie cornéenne endothéliale de Fuchs (FECD), une maladie dégénérative de l’endothélium cornéen, qui mène à une perte de vision et est une cause principale de greffe cornéenne. L’étiologie de la maladie est encore inconnue, mais le stress oxydatif est soupçonné de jouer un rôle important dans la pathogenèse. Nos résultats ont amené de nouvelles évidences de l’implication de l’oxydation dans la maladie par l’augmentation de la quantité d’ADN mitochondrial et un raccourcissement des télomères dans des explants de cornées pathologiques. Nos résultats nous ont également démontré que la mise en culture de cellules FECD permettait la sélection de cellules fonctionnelles et comparables à des cellules saines en termes de quantité d’ADN mitochondrial et de son intégrité, de sensibilité à l’oxydation et de longueur télomérique. Les résultats obtenus soutiennent ainsi la possibilité d’employer les cellules FECD fonctionnelles sélectionnées pour utilisation en génie tissulaire afin de créer des cornées autologues pour pallier aux manques de greffes cornéennes. Enfin, nos résultats apportent de nouvelles évidences quant à l’implication du stress oxydatif dans le photovieillissement cornéen et dans l’étiologie de la FECD.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Visión).-- Universidad de La Salle. Maestría en Ciencias de la Visión, 2014


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Visión).-- Universidad de La Salle. Maestría en Ciencias de la Visión, 2014


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Objective: To determine the prevalence of ocular findings of the external structures and anterior segment of the eye, detected by biomicroscopic examination in schoolchildren in Natal (RN) - Brazil. Methods: After previous random selection, 1,024 pupils from elementary and secondary public and private schools in the city of Natal were evaluated from March to June 2001. All were submitted to preestablished standard research norms, consisting of identification, demographic information, ophthalmologic biomicroscopic examination, with slit lamp, performed by ophthalmologists from the “Onofre Lopes” University Hospital. Results: Alterations of the conjunctival and palpebral conditions were the most prevalent (10.4% and 6.2% respectively). Follicles (4.2%) and papillae (3.0%) were the frequent conjunctival lesions, while blepharitis (3.5%) and meibomitis (1.1%) were the most detected abnormalities in the eyelids. Upon examining the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous, the most encountered findings were nubecula (0.5%), papillary membrane reliquiae (0.5%), posterior capsula opacity (0.8%) and hyaloid arteria reliquiae (2.0%). Conclusion: The most prevalent findings affecting the external structures of the eye such as eyelids and conjunctiva, consisted of blepharitis followed by follicular reaction of the conjunctiva. The most prevalent abnormalities in the cornea, iris, lens and anterior vitreous were nubecula, papillary membrane reliquiae, posterior capsular opacity and hyaloid arteria reliquiae, in that order


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Dinucleoside polyphosphates comprises a group of dinucleotides formed by two nucleosides linked by a variable number of phosphates, abbreviated NpnN (where n represents the number of phosphates). These compounds are naturally occurring substances present in tears, aqueous humour and in the retina. As the consequence of their presence, these dinucleotides contribute to many ocular physiological processes. On the ocular surface, dinucleoside polyphosphates can stimulate tear secretion, mucin release from goblet cells and they help epithelial wound healing by accelerating cell migration rate. These dinucleotides can also stimulate the presence of proteins known to protect the ocular surface against microorganisms, such as lysozyme and lactoferrin. One of the latest discoveries is the ability of some dinucleotides to facilitate the paracellular way on the cornea, therefore allowing the delivery of compounds, such as antiglaucomatous ones, more easily within the eye. The compound Ap4A has been described being abnormally elevated in patient's tears suffering of dry eye, Sjogren syndrome, congenital aniridia, or after refractive surgery, suggesting this molecule as biomarker for dry eye condition. At the intraocular level, some diadenosine polyphosphates are abnormally elevated in glaucoma patients, and this can be related to the stimulation of a P2Y2 receptor that increases the chloride efflux and water movement in the ciliary epithelium. In the retina, the dinucleotide dCp4U, has been proven to be useful to help in the recovery of retinal detachments. Altogether, dinucleoside polyphosphates are a group of compounds which present relevant physiological actions but which also can perform promising therapeutic benefits.


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Purpose: We have investigated the effect of melatonin and its analogues on rabbit corneal epithelial wound healing. Methods: New Zealand rabbits were anaesthetised and wounds were made by placing Whatman paper discs soaked in n-heptanol on the cornea. Melatonin and analogues (all 10 nmol) were instilled. Wound diameter was measured every 2 hours by means of fluorescein application with a Topcon SL-8Z slit lamp. Melatonin antagonists (all 10 nmol) were applied 2 hours before the application of the n-heptanol-soaked disc and then every 6 hours together with melatonin. To confirm the presence of MT2 receptors in corneal epithelial cells immunohistochemistry, Western blot and RT-PCR assays in native tissue and in rabbit corneal epithelial cells were performed. The tear components were extracted then processed by HPLC to quantify melatonin in tears. Results: Migration assays revealed that melatonin and particularly the treatment with the MT2 agonist IIK7, accelerated the rate of healing (p < 0.001). The application of the non-selective melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole and the MT2 antagonist DH97 (but not prazosin), prevented the effect of melatonin on wound healing (both p < 0.001). Immunohistochemistry, Western blot and RT-PCR assays showed the presence of MT2 melatonin receptor in corneal epithelial cells. In addition, we have identified melatonin in tears and determined its daily variations. Conclusions: These data suggest that MT2 receptors are implicated in the effect of melatonin on corneal wound healing regulating migration rate. This suggests the potential use of melatonin and its analogues to enhance epithelial wound healing in ocular surface disease.


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Purpose. To investigate the role of ERK1/2 and RhoA/ROCK intracellular pathways in the modification of corneal re-epithelialization when stimulated by the diadenosine polyphosphates Ap4A and Ap3A. Methods. In wounded confluent SIRC (Statens Seruminstitut rabbit cornea) cell monolayers and in the presence or absence of Ap4A or Ap3A 100 μM, a battery of P2 receptor antagonists and inhibitors of tyrosin kinases, MAPK, and cytoskeleton pathways (AG1478 100 μM, U0126 100 μM, Y27632 100 nM, and (−)-blebbistatin 10 μM; n = 8 each) were assayed. Also, the activation of ERK1/2 and ROCK-I was examined by Western blot assay after treatment with Ap4A and Ap3A (100 μM), with or without suramin, RB-2, U0126, and Y27632. The intracellular distribution of pERK and ROCK-I was examined in the presence of Ap4A or Ap3A (100 μM) with U0126 and Y27632 (100 nM). Results. In the presence of Ap4A, U0126, Y27632, AG1478, and (−)-blebbistatin, reduced the migration rate compared to the effect of Ap4A alone (P < 0.0001, P < 0.001, P < 0.01, and P < 0.1 versus Ap4A, respectively). In the presence of Ap3A 100 μM, U0126 and Y27632 accelerated the migration rate when compared with the effect of Ap3A alone, whereas AG1478 and (−)-blebbistatin (P < 0.0001 versus Ap3A) slowed the migration rate. Western blot assays demonstrated that both dinucleotides activated the ERK1/2 pathway but only Ap4A activated the ROCK-I pathway. The intracellular distribution of pERK1/2 and ROCK-I reflected cross-talk between these two pathways. Conclusions. The activation of the Ap4A/P2Y2 receptor, accelerates corneal epithelial cell migration during wound healing with the activation of MAPK and cytoskeleton pathways, whereas activation of the Ap3A/P2Y6 receptor signals only the MAPK pathway.