956 resultados para continental arc
Department of Marine Geology and Geophysics,Cochin University of Science and Technology
Department of Marine Biology,Microbiology and Biochemistry,Cochin University of Science and Technology
The Andaman-Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal lies in a zone where the Indian plate subducts beneath the Burmese microplate, and therefore forms a belt of frequent earthquakes. Few efforts, not withstanding the available historical and instrumental data were not effectively used before the Mw 9.3 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake to draw any inference on the spatial and temporal distribution of large subduction zone earthquakes in this region. An attempt to constrain the active crustal deformation of the Andaman-Nicobar arc in the background of the December 26, 2004 Great Sumatra-Andaman megathrust earthquake is made here, thereby presenting a unique data set representing the pre-seismic convergence and co-seismic displacement.Understanding the mechanisms of the subduction zone earthquakes is both challenging sCientifically and important for assessing the related earthquake hazards. In many subduction zones, thrust earthquakes may have characteristic patterns in space and time. However, the mechanism of mega events still remains largely unresolved.Large subduction zone earthquakes are usually associated with high amplitude co-seismic deformation above the plate boundary megathrust and the elastic relaxation of the fore-arc. These are expressed as vertical changes in land level with the up-dip part of the rupture surface uplifted and the areas above the down-dip edge subsided. One of the most characteristic pattern associated with the inter-seismic era is that the deformation is in an opposite sense that of co-seismic period.This work was started in 2002 to understand the tectonic deformation along the Andaman-Nicobar arc using seismological, geological and geodetic data. The occurrence of the 2004 megathrust earthquake gave a new dimension to this study, by providing an opportunity to examine the co-seismic deformation associated with the greatest earthquake to have occurred since the advent of Global Positioning System (GPS) and broadband seismometry. The major objectives of this study are to assess the pre-seismic stress regimes, to determine the pre-seismic convergence rate, to analyze and interpret the pattern of co-seismic displacement and slip on various segments and to look out for any possible recurrence interval for megathrust event occurrence for Andaman-Nicobar subduction zone. This thesis is arranged in six chapters with further subdivisions dealing all the above aspects.
The metals present in the surface sediments have high demand on a global perspective, and the main reservoir of these elements is believed to be the ocean floor. A lot of studies on metals are going on throughout the world for its quantification and exploitation. Even though, some preliminary attempts have been made in selected areas for the quantitative study of metals in the western continental shelf of India, no comprehensive work has been reported so far. The importance of this study also lies on the fact that there has not been a proper evaluation of the impact of the Great Tsunami of 2004 on the coastal areas of the south India. In View of this, an attempt has been made to address the seasonal distribution, behavior and mechanisms which control the deposition of metals in the sediments of the western continental shelf and Cochin Estuary, an annex to this coastal marine region.Surface sediment samples were collected seasonally from two subenvironemnts of southwest coast of India, (continental shelf of Kerala and Cochin estuarine system), to estimate the seasonal distribution and geochemical behavior of non-transition, transition, rare-earth elements, Th and U. Bottom water samples were also taken from each station, and analysed for temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, hence the response of redox sensitive elements to oxygen minimum zone can be addressed. In addition, other sedimentary parameters such as sand, silt, clay fractions, CaCO3 and organic carbon content were also estimated to evaluate the control factors on level of metals present in the sediment. The study used different environmental data analysis techniques to evaluate the distribution and behavior of elements during different seasons. This includes environmental parameters such as elemental normalisation, enrichment factor, element excess, cerium and europium anomalies and authigenic uranium.
The marine environment is indubitably the largest contiguous habitat on Earth. Because of its vast volume and area, the influence of the world ocean on global climate is profound and plays an important role in human welfare and destiny. The marine environment encompasses several habitats, from the sea surface layer down through the bulk water column, which extends >10,000 meters depth, and further down to the habitats on and under the sea floor. Compared to surface habitats, which have relatively high kinetic energy, deep-ocean circulation is very sluggish. By comparison, life in the deep sea is characterized by a relatively constant physical and chemical environment. Deep water occupying the world ocean basin is a potential natural resource based on its properties such as low temperature, high pressure and relatively unexplored properties. So, a judicious assessment of the marine resources and its management are essential to ensure sustainable development of the country’s ocean resources. Marine sediments are complex environments that are affected by both physiological and biological factors, water movements and burrowing animals. They encompass a large extent of aggregates falling from the surface waters. In aquatic ecosystems, the flux of organic matter to the bottom sediments depend on primary productivity at the ocean surface and water depth. Over 50% of the earth’s surface is covered by deep-sea sediments that are primarily formed through the continual deposition of particles from the productive pelagic waters (Vetriani et al., 1999). These aggregates are regarded as ‘hot spots’ of microbial activity in the ocean (Simon et al., 2002). This represents a good nutritional substrate for heterotrophic bacteria and favours bacterial growth
The distribution and accumulation of the rare earth elements (REE) in the sediments of the Cochin Estuary and adjacent continental shelf were investigated. The rare earth elements like La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu and the heavy metals like Mg, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, U, Th were analysed by using standard analytical methods. The Post-Archean Australian Shale composition was used to normalise the rare earth elements. It was found that the sediments were more enriched with the lighter rare earth elements than the heavier ones. The positive correlation between the concentrations of REE, Fe and Mn could explain the precipitation of oxyhydroxides in the study area. The factor analysis and correlation analysis suggest common sources of origin for the REEs. From the Ce-anomalies calculated, it was found that an oxic environment predominates in all stations except the station No. 2. The Eu-anomaly gave an idea that the origin of REEs may be from the feldspar. The parameters like total organic carbon, U/Th ratio, authigenic U, Cu/Zn, V/Cr ratios revealed the oxic environment and thus the depositional behaviour of REEs in the region
Worldwide water managers are increasingly challenged to allocate sufficient and affordable water supplies to different water use sectors without further degrading river ecosystems and their valuable services to mankind. Since 1950 human population almost tripled, water abstractions increased by a factor of four, and the number of large dam constructions is about eight times higher today. From a hydrological perspective, the alteration of river flows (temporally and spatially) is one of the main consequences of global change and further impairments can be expected given growing population pressure and projected climate change. Implications have been addressed in numerous hydrological studies, but with a clear focus on human water demands. Ecological water requirements have often been neglected or addressed in a very simplistic manner, particularly from the large-scale perspective. With his PhD thesis, Christof Schneider took up the challenge to assess direct (dam operation and water abstraction) and indirect (climate change) impacts of human activities on river flow regimes and evaluate the consequences for river ecosystems by using a modeling approach. The global hydrology model WaterGAP3 (developed at CESR) was applied and further developed within this thesis to carry out several model experiments and assess anthropogenic river flow regime modifications and their effects on river ecosystems. To address the complexity of ecological water requirements the assessment is based on three main ideas: (i) the natural flow paradigm, (ii) the perception that different flows have different ecological functions, and (iii) the flood pulse concept. The thesis shows that WaterGAP3 performs well in representing ecologically relevant flow characteristics on a daily time step, and therefore justifies its application within this research field. For the first time a methodology was established to estimate bankfull flow on a 5 by 5 arc minute grid cell raster globally, which is a key parameter in eFlow assessments as it marks the point where rivers hydraulically connect to adjacent floodplains. Management of dams and water consumption pose a risk to floodplains and riparian wetlands as flood volumes are significantly reduced. The thesis highlights that almost one-third of 93 selected Ramsar sites are seriously affected by modified inundation patterns today, and in the future, inundation patterns are very likely to be further impaired as a result of new major dam initiatives and climate change. Global warming has been identified as a major threat to river flow regimes as rising temperatures, declining snow cover, changing precipitation patterns and increasing climate variability are expected to seriously modify river flow regimes in the future. Flow regimes in all climate zones will be affected, in particular the polar zone (Northern Scandinavia) with higher river flows during the year and higher flood peaks in spring. On the other side, river flows in the Mediterranean are likely to be even more intermittent in the future because of strong reductions in mean summer precipitation as well as a decrease in winter precipitation, leading to an increasing number of zero flow events creating isolated pools along the river and transitions from lotic to lentic waters. As a result, strong impacts on river ecosystem integrity can be expected. Already today, large amounts of water are withdrawn in this region for agricultural irrigation and climate change is likely to exacerbate the current situation of water shortages.
Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology that utilizes computer vision methods to overlay virtual objects onto the real world scene so as to make them appear to co-exist with the real objects. Its main objective is to enhance the user’s interaction with the real world by providing the right information needed to perform a certain task. Applications of this technology in manufacturing include maintenance, assembly and telerobotics. In this paper, we explore the potential of teaching a robot to perform an arc welding task in an AR environment. We present the motivation, features of a system using the popular ARToolkit package, and a discussion on the issues and implications of our research.
El Cambio Climático y los Mecanismos de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL) en Colombia: Con el protocolo de Kyoto nacen los Mecanismos de Desarrollo Limpio, los cuales posibilitan a los países en desarrollo el generar cambios en los modelos de producción de las industrias altamente contaminantes por producciones limpias, obteniendo beneficios adicionales por la comercialización de los títulos de Reducciones Certificadas de las Emisiones (RCE). Nuestro país, tiene un potencial importante para fomentar el desarrollo de proyectos MDL con lo cuál puede aumentar su capacidad de negociación frente a políticas ambientales internacionales, contribuyendo al incremento del comercio exterior colombiano.
Por medio de la metodología suministrada por el CIDEM-MALOKA, se ha elaborado un análisis integral de la compañía, junto a la proyección de tres mercados objetivos a los cuales se puede realizar una exportación efectiva, y como resultado de lo anterior, una serie de actividades que la empresa llevara a cabo para la consecución de sus objetivos tanto a corto como a largo plazo. La Metodología de plan exportador desarrollada por el CIDEM Universidad del rosario se constituye en la realización de procesos de consultoria de cada uno de los procesos productivos de la empresa, esto, con el fin de encontrar estrategias de mejoramiento y capacitación para la penetración del mercado internacional. Dicha metodología se desarrolla a partir de los siguientes componentes: Se describe inicialmente un diagnostico empresarial en el que se definen cada una de las debilidades y fortalezas de la empresa, así como las oportunidades explicitas en el entorno con el fin de realizar planes de acción determinados en las áreas de mejoramiento existentes; luego de esto, la empresa recibe consultoria particular en cada una de sus áreas productivas (descritas inicialmente en el diagnostico), de las cuales surgen nuevas estrategias orientadas a la misión y al visión de la misma pero enfocadas al entorno internacional, se describen en esta nueva fase : área productiva y administrativa y luego de mercadeo dirigida a tres países con clientes potenciales para el producto de exportación y por ultimo comercio exterior y plan exportador, en estas ultimas, cuando la empresa se encuentra preparada para penetrar los mercados internacionales, se establecen estrategias dirigidas a países en los que se encuentran los clientes potenciales de la misma con lo que la empresa logra hacer efectiva su estrategia exportadora. A partir de lo anterior, el presente documento servirá a la empresa continental Trade como una herramienta que preparara a la empresa para realizar su proceso de exportación; permitirá entonces al empresario dar cuenta de las debilidades y fortalezas respecto al funcionamiento actual, con el fin de realizar un redireccionamiento estratégico, y consecutivamente a esto, llevar a cabo su primer proyecto exportador.
This paper focus on the problem of locating single-phase faults in mixed distribution electric systems, with overhead lines and underground cables, using voltage and current measurements at the sending-end and sequence model of the network. Since calculating series impedance for underground cables is not as simple as in the case of overhead lines, the paper proposes a methodology to obtain an estimation of zero-sequence impedance of underground cables starting from previous single-faults occurred in the system, in which an electric arc occurred at the fault location. For this reason, the signal is previously pretreated to eliminate its peaks voltage and the analysis can be done working with a signal as close as a sinus wave as possible
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