809 resultados para competència professional
Os autores realizaram estudo de corte transversal para avaliar a competência de juízo moral, com a aplicação do Moral Judgment Test (MJT) proposto por Lind, entre estudantes do primeiro e do oitavo semestre de uma escola médica na Região Nordeste do Brasil. Compararam-se as turmas do primeiro e do oitavo semestre com relação ao escore C e avaliou-se a influência de fatores como idade e sexo sobre a competência moral. Uma diferença igual ou superior a 5,0 pontos (absolute effect-size) entre os valores do escore C foi considerada significante. Observou-se regressão da competência de juízo moral entre os alunos do oitavo semestre com relação aos do primeiro semestre (escore C 20,5 x 26,2 pontos, respectivamente). Na análise do desempenho dos alunos por dilemas do MJT, observou-se o fenômeno da "segmentação moral" em ambas as turmas, com melhor desempenho dos alunos no dilema do operário com relação ao dilema do médico. Entre alunos do mesmo semestre, aqueles com idade mais avançada apresentaram níveis mais baixos de escore C quando comparados aos alunos mais jovens. Não houve diferença significante entre homens e mulheres com relação à competência de juízo moral. A constatação de que ocorre estagnação ou regressão da competência de juízo moral no transcurso da graduação médica deve ser motivo de preocupação para os professores e para os responsáveis pelo planejamento curricular, no sentido de buscar estratégias para reverter o quadro.
As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Curso de Medicina de 2001 têm como eixo norteador 28 competências, sem uma definição do conceito de competência utilizado. Na literatura há uma série de definições, sendo esse tema vasto e polêmico. Desse modo, a forma como a competência é compreendida pelo docente terá um impacto direto na formação do aluno. Com a finalidade de clarificar o conceito de competência médica adotado por docentes do curso de Medicina de uma universidade, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa a partir da apresentação e questionamentos frente a um caso clínico comum. Para a síntese, organização e análise desses discursos foi utilizado o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Entre os conceitos de competência pode-se notar a aplicabilidade prática dos conhecimentos, das habilidades e atitudes, aliada a uma prática reflexiva e ética. Esta última tem destaque e é um pilar das competências. Atitudes como comprometimento e respeito foram apontadas como essenciais para apresentar competência. As atitudes e a ética têm um papel central na competência do egresso, e estratégias para estimular seu desenvolvimento devem ser um dos focos da formação médica.
No processo de formação dos profissionais da área da saúde, as DCN orientam a organização de um modelo curricular pautado no desenvolvimento de competência profissional. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido por meio de conferência de consenso, com o objetivo de elaborar indicadores para avaliar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem na área de cuidado individual. Uma matriz foi organizada com base nos desempenhos contidos nos manuais de cada série e formatos de avaliação. Em seguida, os avaliadores analisaram esta matriz e a discutiram na conferência de consenso, para a consolidação dos indicadores. A análise dos resultados permitiu olhar para as ações desenvolvidas no curso a partir da compreensão de que, durante essas atividades, os estudantes têm a oportunidade de realizar o cuidado na perspectiva da integralidade, como preconizado no Sistema Único de Saúde e nas DCN. Dessa maneira, foram construídos indicadores relacionados a história clínica, exame físico e raciocínio clínico para o monitoramento do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. No contexto do currículo orientado por competência, esses indicadores podem nortear o processo de planejamento educacional, bem como permitir a participação ativa e a corresponsabilidade dos envolvidos para o alcance de uma aprendizagem significativa, que permita ao futuro profissional a realização de um cuidado qualificado em saúde.
Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar a competência moral de estudantes de Odontologia no Estado do Ceará. O estudo foi do tipo observacional transversal descritivo. Aplicou-se o Moral Judgement Test (MJT) com os alunos regularmente matriculados no primeiro e último semestres dos cursos de Odontologia do Estado. Para a análise do ambiente de aprendizagem, realizou-se a coleta dos conteúdos das disciplinas e estágios de todas as IES envolvidas para consolidação das cargas horárias. Avaliou-se como variável dependente o aspecto cognitivo – competência de juízo moral calculada a partir do MJT e expressa pelo escore C. As variáveis independentes foram: (a) tipo de instituição; (b) tempo de aprendizagem; (c) gênero; (d) idade. Para análise da diferença estatística significante entre gênero, semestre e tipo de instituição, calculou-se a diferença de médias através do teste t.O teste de Anova foi utilizado para análise das diferenças entre grupos etários por semestre.Os resultados apontam que a média de competência de juízo moral (escore C)dos entrevistados foi de 18,3, não havendo diferença significativa entre os sexos. Analisando-se a média de escore C dos estudantes do primeiro e último semestre, observou-se uma tendência de perda de competência do primeiro (19,0) para o último semestre (17,6) e uma diferença significativa entre alunos de instituições públicas (21,0) e privadas (16,5). Observou-se também que as disciplinas com conteúdo de Ciências Humanas não ultrapassaram20% dos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos, condicionando os futuros cirurgiões-dentistas a desenvolver uma competência moral limitada.
RESUMO Estudantes de Medicina iniciam a faculdade idealistas, mas muitos consideram sair indiferentes: este é o maior desafio da educação médica. Estudos ratificam uma involução da competência moral durante o curso. Outro interesse crescente no meio acadêmico é a espiritualidade. Objetivo Avaliar a relação entre competência moral e espiritualidade dos estudantes de Medicina. Métodos Estudo descritivo transversal, com 121 estudantes. A coleta foi realizada por meio do software limesurvey, contendo o TCLE e três questionários: sociodemográfico, teste de competência moral de George Lind, calculado em planilha do Excel, e escala de espiritualidade de Pinto e Pais-Ribeiro. Utilizou-se o software Stata 12.0 na análise. Resultados Ter religião está associado a maior espiritualidade. Em relação ao gênero feminino e a ter pais médicos, houve tendência de associação com espiritualidade elevada. O escore C manteve-se crescente durante o curso. Na relação entre espiritualidade e competência moral, estudantes com baixa espiritualidade apresentaram tendência a escore C maior. Conclusão Estudantes mais espiritualizados apresentam tendência a ter competência moral menor. O questionário de espiritualidade, contudo, está intrincado com dimensões religiosas, que tendem a limitar o desenvolvimento da competência moral na população estudada.
The objective of this master’s thesis was to study how customer relationships should be assessed and categorized in order to support customer relationship management (CRM) in the context of business-to-business (B2B) and professional services. This sophisticated and complex market is utilizing possibilities of CRM only rarely and even then the focus is often on technology. The theoretical part considered first CRM from the value chain point of view and then discussed the cyclical nature of relationships. The case study focused on B2B professional service firm. The data was collected from company databases and included the sample of 90 customers. The research was conducted in three phases first studying the age, then the service type of relationships and finally executing the cluster analysis. The data was analysed by statistical analysis program SAS Enterprise Guide. The results indicate that there are great differences between developments of customer relationships. While some relationships are dynamically growing and changing, most of customers are remaining constant. This implies expectations and requirements of customers are similarly divergent and relationships should be managed accordingly.
Delays in the justice system have been undermining the functioning and performance of the court system all over the world for decades. Despite the widespread concern about delays, the solutions have not kept up with the growth of the problem. The delay problem existing in the justice courts processes is a good example of the growing need and pressure in professional public organizations to start improving their business process performance.This study analyses the possibilities and challenges of process improvement in professional public organizations. The study is based on experiences gained in two longitudinal action research improvement projects conducted in two separate Finnish law instances; in the Helsinki Court of Appeal and in the Insurance Court. The thesis has two objectives. First objective is to study what kinds of factors in court system operations cause delays and unmanageable backlogs and how to reduce and prevent delays. Based on the lessons learned from the case projects the objective is to give new insights on the critical factors of process improvement conducted in professional public organizations. Four main areas and factors behind the delay problem is identified: 1) goal setting and performance measurement practices, 2) the process control system, 3) production and capacity planning procedures, and 4) process roles and responsibilities. The appropriate improvement solutions include tools to enhance project planning and scheduling and monitoring the agreed time-frames for different phases of the handling process and pending inventory. The study introduces the identified critical factors in different phases of process improvement work carried out in professional public organizations, the ways the critical factors can be incorporated to the different stages of the projects, and discusses the role of external facilitator in assisting process improvement work and in enhancing ownership towards the solutions and improvement. The study highlights the need to concentrate on the critical factors aiming to get the employees to challenge their existing ways of conducting work, analyze their own processes, and create procedures for diffusing the process improvement culture instead of merely concentrating of finding tools, techniques, and solutions appropriate for applications from the manufacturing sector
With the objective to stimulate the use of irrigation and the electric energy fee reduction during night time program granted by the 2004 Federal law, the Government of the state of Paraná, Brazil launched the Night Irrigation Program - NPI. Beyond this discount, the farmer that adheres to NPI will get additional benefits, as completion of the electric grid without cost, subsidized financing of equipment, technical assistance, support with environmental farm compliance, and the possibility of replacing the entire pump energy matrix. As part of the NPI strategy of action, installation of learning centers for irrigation technology was planned in agricultural schools, thus contributing both to improve technical professional training in agriculture, and for the dissemination of knowledge in irrigated agriculture, in order to increase agricultural productivity.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relation of medical research, with the participation of prominent plastic surgeon in Congress.METHODS: We reviewed the scientific programs of the last 3 Brazilian Congress of Surgery, were selected 21 Brazilian plástic surgeons invited to serve as panelists or speakers in roundtable sessions in the last 3 congresses (Group 1). We randomly selected and paired by other members (associates) of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, with no participation in congress as speaker (Group 2). We conducted a search for articles published in journals indexed in Medline, Lilacs and SciELO for all doctors selected during the entire academic career and the last 5 years from March 2007 until March 2012. We assessed the research activity through the simple counting of the number of publications in indexed journals for each professional. The number of publications groups was compared.RESULTS: articles produced throughout career: Group 1- 639 articles (average of 30.42 items each). Group 2- 79 articles (mean 3.95 articles each). Difference between medias: p <0.001.CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate that the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery seeking professionals with a greater number of publications and journals of higher impact. This approach encourages new members to pursue a higher qualification, and give security to congressmen, they can rely on the existence of a technical criterion in the choice of speakers.
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the contribution of a post-graduation program in surgeons professional careers. METHODS: participants were asked to answer a questionnaire with questions related to possible changes in their professional performance after the end of the course. RESULTS: forty-three (76.7%) of the 56 participants eligible for the study responded to the questionnaires. Most participants, 32 (74.4%), had previous contact with laparoscopic surgery; however, only 14 (32.5%) reported the experience as primary surgeon. The expectations on the course were reached or exceeded for 36 (83.7%) participants. Thirty-seven (86%) incorporated minimally invasive procedures in their daily surgical practice, 37 (86%) reported improvements in their income above 10% and 12% reported income increase of over 100%, directly related to their increase of laparoscopic activity. CONCLUSION: the program in minimally invasive surgery provides a high level of satisfaction to its participants, enables them to perform more complex technical procedures, such as sutures, and improves their professional economic performance.
Implementation of different policies and plans aiming at providing education for all is a challenge in Tanzania. The need for educators and professionals with relevant knowledge and qualifications in special education is substantial. Teacher education does not equip educators with sufficient knowledge and skills in special education and professional development programs in special education are few in number. Up to 2005 no degree programs in special education at university level were available in Tanzania. The B.Ed. Special Education program offered by the Open University of Tanzania in collaboration with Åbo Akademi University in Finland was one of the efforts aimed at addressing the big national need for teachers and other professionals with degree qualifications in special education. This pilot program offered unique possibilities to study professional development in Tanzania. The research group in this study consisted of the group of students who participated in the degree program 2005-2007. The study is guided by three theoretical perspectives: individual, social and societal. The individual perspective emphasizes psychological factors as motives, motivation, achievement, self-directed behavior and personal growth. Within social perspective, professional development is viewed as situated within the social and cultural context. The third perspective, the societal, focuses on change, reforms, innovations and transformation of school systems and societies. Accordingly, professional development is viewed as an individual, social and societal phenomenon. The overall aim of the study is to explore the participants’ motives for participating in a B.Ed. Special Education program and the perceived outcomes of the program in terms of professional development. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a case study approach was adopted. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were administered in three waves between January 2007 and February 2009 to the 35 educators participating in the B.Ed. Special Education program. The findings of the study reveal that the participants expressed motives which were related to job performance, knowledge, skills, academic degree and career. Also altruistic motives were expressed by the participants in terms of helping and supporting students with special needs and their communities. The perceived outcomes of the program were in line with the expressed motives. However, the results indicate that the participants also learned new skills, as interaction skills and guidance and counseling skills. Increased self-confidence was also mentioned as an outcome. The participants also got deepened understanding of disability issues. In addition, they learned strategies for creating awareness of persons with disability in the communities. Thus the findings of the study indicate positive outcomes of the program in terms of professional development. The conclusion of the study is that individual, social and societal factors interact when it comes to explaining why Tanzanian educators in special education choose to pursue a degree program in special education. The individual motives, as increased knowledge and better prospects of career development interact with the social and societal motives to help and support vulnerable student groups. The study contributes to increased understanding of the complexity of professional development and of the realities educators meet when educational reforms are implemented in a developing country.
Services are getting more complex and difficult to manage, but much less attention and resources are directed towards service development than product development both in literature and business life. The paper sheds light on how productization together with modularization and service blueprinting would help make consultancy services more manageable, scalable and efficient while retaining their customer focus. The research was qualitative and based on active research and participant observation. A theoretical framework was constructed on the basis of relevant literature and was then evaluated in two steps: first the overall framework was evaluated by mirroring it to a real life case at QPR Software. Then a service blueprint was created of a selected service, and its benefits and challenges were evaluated. The framework reflected the case company's situation well. Service blueprinting proved to be a valuable tool for facilitating discussion and knowledge sharing. The characteristics of consultancy services provide many challenges for productization. They are highly heterogeneous and people-centric whereas productization is based on standardizing the offering, the delivery processes and managing the service's tangible properties. The research indicated that by modularizing services, both customer focus and standardization can be achieved by creating variety.
This study examines how to institutional environment of gambling is currently in motion both in Europe and Finland. Furthermore, it examines the criticism by Finnish professional sport clubs directed towards the national gambling monopolies, especially Veikkaus Oy. This criticism addresses the acclaimed issue of low or non-existing sponsorship funds coming to the clubs despite the clubs’ duties to promote Veikkaus Oy in their stadiums etc. In essence the main research objective was to examine the interaction and institutional environments of both Finnish professional sport clubs and gambling regulation. This was done through three sub-objectives: 1) to analyze professional sport as business and its institutional environment 2) to analyze the institutions of gambling in their current state and their potential future 3) to evaluate the potential impact of an institutional change in gambling legislation to the professional sport clubs The findings from Finland were then compared to those of Denmark where an institutional change had occurred in gambling regulation. Empirical data was collected through multiple interviews. Interviewees represented sport clubs (7), sport association (1), sport league (1), Finnish monopoly representatives (2), commercial gambling providers (1), Danish monopoly system representatives (1), Danish sport club (1). In addition a vast amount of secondary data (e.g. Green and white books by EU, court decisions, a variety of studies etc.). Theoretically this study combines the aspects of institutional theory with the theory of professional sports as business. This proved to be a rather new approach and no published literature was found to have done specifically this. The findings of this study are twofold, on the European level it is clear that the momentum if towards a more liberated gambling market while Finland is at the moment trying to go the opposite direction and uphold its monopoly. From the sport club’s level the findings suggest that currently sport clubs do not directly benefit from the funds originated from Veikkaus Oy as these funds are more or less used on the association/league levels. However, the clubs themselves are also lacking in self-criticism as they are lacking in clear sponsorship packages/programs which Veikkaus Oy might be interested in participating. If liberation of the gambling market would occur it is highly possible that that the largest clubs in football and ice-hockey would be the main beneficiaries while smaller clubs and sports could possibly be worse off than currently. These interpretations were well supported by the findings from Denmark.
In the past few decades, sport has become a major business with remarkable international reach. As part of the commercial sector of sport, professional sport is said to be intrinsically different from other businesses due to its unique characteristics, such as the peculiar economics and the intense loyalty of fans. Simultaneously with the growing business aspect, sport continues to have great social and cultural impacts on our society. Sport has also become an increasingly popular means of attending social problems due to its alleged suitability for such purposes and its popular appeal. A great number of actors in the professional sport industry have long been involved in socially responsible activities, many of which have been sport-related. While Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been extensively studied in general, its role in the professional sport industry has received less attention in the academic research until recently. It has been argued that due to the unique characteristics of professional sport, CSR should also be studied in this particular context. The objective of this study was to contribute to filling the research gap and increase the understanding of CSR in the context of professional sport by examining sport-related CSR realized by professional football clubs in Europe. The theoretical part of this study leaned on previous literature about using sport as a means of attending social issues and the role of CSR in professional sport industry. The empirical part of the study was carried out through web site analyses and interviews. The clubs to be examined were chosen by using purposive sampling technique and taking into consideration the accessibility and suitability of information the clubs could offer. The method used for analyzing the data was qualitative content analysis. The empirical findings were largely in line with the theoretical framework of the study. The sportrelated CSR of the clubs was concentrated on teaching the participants diverse skills and values, improving their health, encouraging social inclusion, supporting disabled people, and promoting overall participation in sport. The clubs also emphasized the importance of local communities as targets of their CSR. CSR had been an integral part of the clubs’ activities from the beginning, but there were remarkable differences between large and small clubs in terms of structured organization and realization of their CSR. Measuring and evaluation of CSR appeared to be a challenge for most clubs regardless of their size and resources. The motives for the clubs to engage in CSR seemed to be related to the clubs’ values or to their stakeholders’ interests. In general, the clubs’ CSR went beyond what the society is likely to expect from them in legal or ethical sense.
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