959 resultados para common law bill of rights


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This thesis examines the effect of rights issue announcements on stock prices by companies listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) between 1987 to 1996. The emphasis is to report whether the KLSE is semi strongly efficient with respect to the announcement of rights issues and to check whether the implications of corporate finance theories on the effect of an event can be supported in the context of an emerging market. Once the effect is established, potential determinants of abnormal returns identified by previous empirical work and corporate financial theory are analysed. By examining 70 companies making clean rights issue announcements, this thesis will hopefully shed light on some important issues in long term corporate financing. Event study analysis is used to check on the efficiency of the Malaysian stock market; while cross-sectional regression analysis is executed to identify possible explanators of the rights issue announcements' effect. To ensure the results presented are not contaminated, econometric and statistical issues raised in both analyses have been taken into account. Given the small amount of empirical research conducted in this part of the world, the results of this study will hopefully be of use to investors, security analysts, corporate financial managements, regulators and policy makers as well as those who are interested in capital market based research of an emerging market. It is found that the Malaysian stock market is not semi strongly efficient since there exists a persistent non-zero abnormal return. This finding is not consistent with the hypothesis that security returns adjust rapidly to reflect new information. It may be possible that the result is influenced by the sample, consisting mainly of below average size companies which tend to be thinly traded. Nevertheless, these issues have been addressed. Another important issue which has emerged from the study is that there is some evidence to suggest that insider trading activity existed in this market. In addition to these findings, when the rights issue announcements' effect is compared to the implications of corporate finance theories in predicting the sign of abnormal returns, the signalling model, asymmetric information model, perfect substitution hypothesis and Scholes' information hypothesis cannot be supported.


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The demands towards the contemporary information systems are constantly increasing. In a dynamic business environment an organization has to be prepared for sudden growth, shrinking or other type of reorganization. Such change would bring the need of adaptation of the information system, servicing the company. The association of access rights to parts of the system with users, groups of users, user roles etc. is of great importance to defining the different activities in the company and the restrictions of the access rights for each employee, according to his status. The mechanisms for access rights management in a system are taken in account during the system design. In most cases they are build in the system. This paper offers an approach in user rights framework development that is applicable in information systems. This work presents a reusable extendable mechanism that can be integrated in information systems.


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In 1979 the United Nations passed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), an international bill of rights for women. Much scholarship has focused on the degree to which states have adopted these new international gender norms, but have paid little attention to the fact that norms change in the processes of implementation. This dissertation focuses on that process assessing the translation of international gender equality norm in Lebanon.^ The study traces global gender equality norms as they are translated into a complex context characterized by a political structure that divides powers according to confessional groups, a social structure that empowers men as heads of families, and a geopolitical structure that opposes a secular West to the Muslim East. Through a comparison of three campaigns – the campaign to combat violence against women, the campaign to change personal status codes, and the campaign to give women equal rights to pass on their nationality – the study traces different ways in which norms are translated as activists negotiate the structures that make up the Lebanese context. Through ethnographic research, the process of norm translation was found to produce various filters, i.e., constellations of arguments put forward by activists as they seek to match international norms to the local context. The dissertation identifies six such filters and finds that these filters often have created faithless translations of international norms.^


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A widely diffused, engaged approach understands human rights as an opportunity to enhance moral progress. Less visible has a critical realm of research that reveals the often ambiguous social life of human rights discourses. This article draws on a specific case study from the intricate issue of how activism for Arab-Palestinian Bedouin citizens in Southern Israel engages with the global human rights discourse. It follows the implications of mobilization, focusing on events related to a campaign against house demolitions in informal,unrecognised settlements. The case shows how human rights discourses tend to silence the agency of political subjects, victimizing and patronizing those who seek emancipation. The ethnographic insights emphasize the role of a range of carnivalesque and spontaneous acts ofresistance, which subvert the patronizing implications of the human rights language.


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Following the intrinsically linked balance sheets in his Capital Formation Life Cycle, Lukas M. Stahl explains with his Triple A Model of Accounting, Allocation and Accountability the stages of the Capital Formation process from FIAT to EXIT. Based on the theoretical foundations of legal risk laid by the International Bar Association with the help of Roger McCormick and legal scholars such as Joanna Benjamin, Matthew Whalley and Tobias Mahler, and founded on the basis of Wesley Hohfeld’s category theory of jural relations, Stahl develops his mutually exclusive Four Determinants of Legal Risk of Law, Lack of Right, Liability and Limitation. Those Four Determinants of Legal Risk allow us to apply, assess, and precisely describe the respective legal risk at all stages of the Capital Formation Life Cycle as demonstrated in case studies of nine industry verticals of the proposed and currently negotiated Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the United States of America and the European Union, TTIP, as well as in the case of the often cited financing relation between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Having established the Four Determinants of Legal Risk and its application to the Capital Formation Life Cycle, Stahl then explores the theoretical foundations of capital formation, their historical basis in classical and neo-classical economics and its forefathers such as The Austrians around Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek and most notably and controversial, Karl Marx, and their impact on today’s exponential expansion of capital formation. Starting off with the first pillar of his Triple A Model, Accounting, Stahl then moves on to explain the Three Factors of Capital Formation, Man, Machines and Money and shows how “value-added” is created with respect to the non-monetary capital factors of human resources and industrial production. Followed by a detailed analysis discussing the roles of the Three Actors of Monetary Capital Formation, Central Banks, Commercial Banks and Citizens Stahl readily dismisses a number of myths regarding the creation of money providing in-depth insight into the workings of monetary policy makers, their institutions and ultimate beneficiaries, the corporate and consumer citizens. In his second pillar, Allocation, Stahl continues his analysis of the balance sheets of the Capital Formation Life Cycle by discussing the role of The Five Key Accounts of Monetary Capital Formation, the Sovereign, Financial, Corporate, Private and International account of Monetary Capital Formation and the associated legal risks in the allocation of capital pursuant to his Four Determinants of Legal Risk. In his third pillar, Accountability, Stahl discusses the ever recurring Crisis-Reaction-Acceleration-Sequence-History, in short: CRASH, since the beginning of the millennium starting with the dot-com crash at the turn of the millennium, followed seven years later by the financial crisis of 2008 and the dislocations in the global economy we are facing another seven years later today in 2015 with several sordid debt restructurings under way and hundred thousands of refugees on the way caused by war and increasing inequality. Together with the regulatory reactions they have caused in the form of so-called landmark legislation such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, the JOBS Act of 2012 or the introduction of the Basel Accords, Basel II in 2004 and III in 2010, the European Financial Stability Facility of 2010, the European Stability Mechanism of 2012 and the European Banking Union of 2013, Stahl analyses the acceleration in size and scope of crises that appears to find often seemingly helpless bureaucratic responses, the inherent legal risks and the complete lack of accountability on part of those responsible. Stahl argues that the order of the day requires to address the root cause of the problems in the form of two fundamental design defects of our Global Economic Order, namely our monetary and judicial order. Inspired by a 1933 plan of nine University of Chicago economists abolishing the fractional reserve system, he proposes the introduction of Sovereign Money as a prerequisite to void misallocations by way of judicial order in the course of domestic and transnational insolvency proceedings including the restructuring of sovereign debt throughout the entire monetary system back to its origin without causing domino effects of banking collapses and failed financial institutions. In recognizing Austrian-American economist Schumpeter’s Concept of Creative Destruction, as a process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one, Stahl responds to Schumpeter’s economic chemotherapy with his Concept of Equitable Default mimicking an immunotherapy that strengthens the corpus economicus own immune system by providing for the judicial authority to terminate precisely those misallocations that have proven malignant causing default perusing the century old common law concept of equity that allows for the equitable reformation, rescission or restitution of contract by way of judicial order. Following a review of the proposed mechanisms of transnational dispute resolution and current court systems with transnational jurisdiction, Stahl advocates as a first step in order to complete the Capital Formation Life Cycle from FIAT, the creation of money by way of credit, to EXIT, the termination of money by way of judicial order, the institution of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Court constituted by a panel of judges from the U.S. Court of International Trade and the European Court of Justice by following the model of the EFTA Court of the European Free Trade Association. Since the first time his proposal has been made public in June of 2014 after being discussed in academic circles since 2011, his or similar proposals have found numerous public supporters. Most notably, the former Vice President of the European Parliament, David Martin, has tabled an amendment in June 2015 in the course of the negotiations on TTIP calling for an independent judicial body and the Member of the European Commission, Cecilia Malmström, has presented her proposal of an International Investment Court on September 16, 2015. Stahl concludes, that for the first time in the history of our generation it appears that there is a real opportunity for reform of our Global Economic Order by curing the two fundamental design defects of our monetary order and judicial order with the abolition of the fractional reserve system and the introduction of Sovereign Money and the institution of a democratically elected Transatlantic Trade and Investment Court that commensurate with its jurisdiction extending to cases concerning the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership may complete the Capital Formation Life Cycle resolving cases of default with the transnational judicial authority for terminal resolution of misallocations in a New Global Economic Order without the ensuing dangers of systemic collapse from FIAT to EXIT.


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 We investigate all shear-free perfect fluid solutions of the Einstein field equations where the pressure and energy density satisfy a (Formula presented.)-law equation of state with (Formula presented.). We prove that such a fluid is either non rotating or non expanding. As a consequence, it follows by combining our result with those of Collins and Wainwright that any such shear-free perfect fluid which models either an expand universe or a collapsing star must in fact be a Friedmann–Robertson–Walker spacetime.


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The popularity of online location services provides opportunities to discover useful knowledge from trajectories of moving objects. This paper addresses the problem of mining longest common route (LCR) patterns. As a trajectory of a moving object is generally represented by a sequence of discrete locations sampled with an interval, the different trajectory instances along the same route may be denoted by different sequences of points (location, timestamp). Thus, the most challenging task in the mining process is to abstract trajectories by the right points. We propose a novel mining algorithm for LCR patterns based on turning regions (LCRTurning), which discovers a sequence of turning regions to abstract a trajectory and then maps the problem into the traditional problem of mining longest common subsequences (LCS). Effectiveness of LCRTurning algorithm is validated by an experimental study based on various sizes of simulated moving objects datasets. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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In common law jurisdictions such as England, Australia, Canada and New Zealand good faith in contracting has long been recognised in specific areas of the law such as insurance law and franchising, and more recently the implied duties of good faith and mutual trust and convenience in employment contracts have generated a considerable volume of case law. Outside of these areas of law that may be characterised as being strongly‘relational’ in character,the courts in common law jurisdictions have been reluctant to embrace a more universal application of good faith in contracting and performance. However increasingly there are cases which support the proposition that there is a common law duty of good faith of general application to all commercial contracts. Most important in this context is the recent decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Bhasin v Hrynew.1 However, this matter is by no means resolved in all common law jurisdictions. This article looks at the recent case law and literature and at various legislative incursions including statutes, codes of conduct and regulations impacting good faith in commercial dealings.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2014


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Toda Constitución es un esquema de poder. Como toda concepción de poder se refiere y tiene por objeto al hombre, implica una toma de posición, un pronunciamiento sobre la libertad y sus garantías. La idea de libertad - garantía, de la libertad defendida, o de las garantías constitucionales de la libertad, se atribuye con justicia al constitucionalismo liberal, creado por la tradición inglesa (Magna Charta, 1215; Petito of right 1627; Hábeas Corpus, Act 1679; Bill of Rights 1689), su secuencia norteamericana (Declaración de Derechos de Virginia, 1776 y Acta de declaración de la independencia, 1776), y el movimiento ideológico francés del enciclopedismo y la ilustración que quedó plasmado en la Declaración de Derecho del Hombre y el Ciudadano de 1789. Generalidad y oponibilidad al Estado constituyen la esencia de las garantías ciudadanas proclamadas por el liberalismo: mecanismos, prestación, servicio, procedimiento de vigilancia y control, reparación, control, moderación o intervención, que tiendan a dar seguridad, vigencia real y eficacia a una libertad para todos, es una garantía.


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Primeiramente, o trabalho descreve sinteticamente a tradição common law, inserindo o o duty to mitigate the loss em contexto próprio. Então, traça as linhas gerais que, naquele cenário, conformam o instituto. Atenção é dada aos fundamentos do duty to mitigate the loss e às funções por ele desempenhadas, inclusive nos casos subordinados à United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). No contexto próprio, o duty to mitigate the loss tem por fundamento primeiro a causation e funciona como um limitador do quantum indenizatório; não trata de um “dever”; cabe ao demandante; tem na razoabilidade das medidas mitigadoras e no reembolso das despesas incorridas características essenciais. Em segundo lugar, a dissertação investiga o duty to mitigate the loss no Brasil, a partir da doutrina selecionada e de decisões do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e de diversos tribunais estaduais. As pesquisas demonstram que o duty to mitigate the loss, sob o nome de mitigation doctrine, ingressou no Brasil pela doutrina, mas desta forma repercutiu pouco nos tribunais. Desprovido desta influência doutrinária anterior, o duty to mitigate the loss retornou ao Brasil por meio de enunciado do Conselho da Justiça Federal, proposto em documento cujo conteúdo é objeto de reflexões neste trabalho, notadamente na questão da íntima relação entre o duty to mitigate the loss e a boa-fé objetiva. A partir do leading case no Superior Tribunal de Justiça, que adotou o enunciado e o documento que lhe serviu de proposta, o duty to mitigate the loss expandiu rapidamente no Brasil. Em São Paulo, foi alçado à princípio e brocardo. No Superior Tribunal e Justiça, foi considerado sub-princípio da boa-fé e aplicado em questões adjetivas e substantivas criminais. Comparativamente, o duty to mitigate the loss no Brasil guarda remotas semelhanças ao instituto homônimo da common law. Este trabalho aponta as diferenças entre os intitutos e concluí com a sistematização das funções que o duty to mitigate the loss desempenha no Brasil, formulando proposta para a reedição de enunciado do Conselho da Justiça Federal.