956 resultados para choque frio
A reciclagem profunda com espuma de asfalto tem sido uma alternativa de sucesso para a restauração de pavimentos degradados. Em relação às soluções tradicionais de reabilitação, como os recapeamentos, tem a vantagem de proporcionar a correção de defeitos em camadas inferiores, com a manutenção ou pequena elevação do greide da pista, além de ganhos ambientais, como um menor consumo de materiais virgens da natureza e redução do volume de material descartado. Entretanto, no Brasil não há método para dimensionamento estrutural para esta tecnologia, o que dificulta seu emprego. Para o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de dimensionamento que contemple este tipo de solução, foram estudados métodos presentes na bibliografia internacional: guia da AASHTO de 1993 e Caltrans, dos EUA, TRL386 e TRL611, da Inglaterra, as duas versões do guia sul-africano TG2 e os métodos oriundos do Austroads, tanto o procedimento interino de 2011 como adaptações de órgãos da Austrália e Nova Zelândia. Observou-se divergência de opiniões quanto ao comportamento do material reciclado com espuma de asfalto. Alguns órgãos e autores consideram o comportamento do mesmo mais próximo às misturas asfálticas, sendo o mecanismo de falha o trincamento, e outros o definem como semelhante a um material granular modificado com alta coesão e ruptura devido às deformações permanentes. Correlaciona-se tal associação ao teor de espuma usualmente utilizado nas obras rodoviárias. Outros aspectos que se destacam para este tipo de base são o ganho de resistência ao longo do tempo devido à cura, mesmo com início da operação da rodovia e a importância da infraestrutura remanescente no dimensionamento. Tais fatos foram corroborados pelos estudos de caso e resultados do trecho experimental construído na Rodovia Ayrton Senna - SP 070, monitorado por meio de ensaios deflectométricos com FWD durante um ano. Como resultado do trabalho, foi proposto um procedimento para o dimensionamento estrutural de pavimentos com camadas recicladas a frio com espuma de asfalto utilizando dados deflectométricos que atende o método do Manual de Pavimentação do Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (DNIT) e incorpora diferentes aspectos na análise mecanicista. Outras conclusões são a viabilidade técnica a longo prazo da solução mencionada e a importância do controle tecnológico, com ênfase para o monitoramento deflectométrico nos primeiros meses de operação do pavimento para averiguar a evolução da cura do material.
A campanha dos refratários magnesianos aplicados como revestimento de trabalho de panelas de aciaria depende da soma de diversos fatores como resistência à corrosão, resistência à oxidação do carbono, estabilidade termomecânica, entre outros. A concepção microestrutural do refratário pode influenciar de forma benéfica ou deletéria no desempenho do refratário in situ. Nesta tese de doutorado os refratários magnesianos comerciais de panela de aciaria foram estudados sob três diferentes aspectos: redução da oxidação prematura do carbono, formação da fase espinélio de alumina e magnésio e resistência ao choque térmico e ao dano por choque térmico. Para reduzir a oxidação precoce do carbono foi desenvolvido um coating cerâmico que atua como uma eficiente barreira física, reduzindo o contato do oxigênio da atmosfera de aquecimento com o carbono presente no refratário. Como resultado reduz-se a oxidação prematura do carbono e eleva-se a vida útil do revestimento. A formação da fase espinélio de magnésia e alumina também influencia o desempenho termomecânico destes refratários, principalmente devido ao incremento volumétrico decorrente de sua formação. Nesta tese foram estudados os mecanismos de formação desta fase in situ, demonstrando experimentalmente o caminho preferencial que leva à formação desta fase mineralógica. O comportamento termomecânico dos refratários magnesianos foi determinado em função da resistência ao choque térmico (parâmetros R, R\'\'\') e quanto à resistência ao dano por choque térmico (parâmetro R\'\'\'\' e Rst). Estes parâmetros foram correlacionados com as respectivas características microestruturais destes refratários. Os resultados apresentados por esta tese de doutorado compõe uma importante ferramenta técnica para as indústrias produtoras de aço e de refratários por fornecer subsídio técnico e científico para fundamentar alterações em refratários já existentes e colaborar com o desenvolvimento de novos refratários de engenharia com elevado desempenho e maior vida útil.
Palestra efetuada a convite no espaço dedicado a “Talentos em Ciências”.
Moreno Garbayo,
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Surface defects on steel parts borne costs of smelting industries due to the need of rework. Sand molds are frequently used in foundry industries and largely responsible for providing surface defects. This study aims to optimize the levels of the molding process variables to minimize the occurrence of surface defects in steel castings in silica sand molds chemically linked by cold cure process. The methodology used the experimental design with split plot, being considered in the study the resin percentage factors in the mold formulation, addition of iron oxide, type of paint, the paint application method, amount of ink layers, use of hot air along the lines and waiting time of the mold before casting. They were analyzed as response variables erosion defects, sand inclusion, penetration, porosity and surface finish. Tensile strength tests were performed to evaluate the influence of factors on mechanical parameters and the microstructural parameters were carried out the analysis of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermal analysis (TG / DSC / dilatometry). The results elucidate that for the faulty erosion, the only significant factor with a 95% confidence level was the type of ink and the ink alumina-based superior results obtained. For the sand inclusion of defect, there were three significant factors, with best results obtained with alumina-based paint and spray applied using hot air in the mold before casting the metal. For the defect penetration, there were four significant factors, the best results being achieved with 0.8% of resin and addition of iron oxide in the molding formulation, the paint being applied by brush and standby time of 24 hours before leak. For the defect porosity with a 95% confidence level, no significant factors. For the defect surface finish, the best results were achieved with the 0.8% formulation of the resin in the mold and application of the paint brush. To obtain the levels of the factors that optimize all defects simultaneously, we performed a weighted average of the results of each type of fault, concluding that the best levels of the factors were: 0.8% resin and addition of iron oxide in the formulation of the template, application of two coats of paint applied with a brush or spray, using hot air in the mold before casting and 24 hours of waiting ready the mold before casting. These levels of the optimized factors were used in an experiment to confirm that ratified the results, helping to reduce rework and consequently reducing costs of cast steel parts.
Squamous cell carcinoma of oral tongue shows high rates of morbidity and mortality in the population, therefore, great efforts are being made to classify morphological changes and identify biomarkers that have prognostic value and that are able to group patients in individualized therapeutic options. From this perspective, there is the heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which is a heat shock factor transcription protein (HSPs) that allows the cancer to deal with stressors associated with malignancy, acting differently in tumor progression. This research aimed to perform a clinico-pathological analysis of 70 cases of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and immunohistochemical study of the expression of HSF1 protein in OTSCC, comparing it with 30 specimens of normal oral mucosa (NOM), and correlating this immunostaining with clinico-pathological aspects of OTSCC. To analyze the association between immunoexpression of HSF1 and clinicophatoloical aspects, the cases were categorized in minor and major overexpression, based in the median immunostaining score. Regarding the cases of OTSCC, 57.1% showed clinical stage III or IV, 82.9% were graded as high grade according to Bryne (1998) and 47.1% as high risk of malignancy according to Brandwein-Gensler et al., (2005). A disease free survival rate of 47.84% and overall survival rate of 68.20% was observed in the analyzed cases, and the high degree of malignancy according to Bryne’s system (1998) (p=0.05), tumor size T3 or T4 (p=0.04), local recurrence (p=0.02), and perineural invasion (p=0.02) determined negative impacts in survival time. We observed also a statistically significant result (p<0.01) when comparing the immunoreactivity of HSF1 between NOM and OTSCC. This significantly increased expression of HSF1 in cases of OTSCC suggests that this protein acts, indeed, in the pathogenesis of this disease. However, there were no statistically significant associations between this overexpression and the clinico-pathological parameters analyzed. This finding may reflect the influence of epigenetic events on HSF1 gene or a possible stability of this protein expression throughout disease progression.
Squamous cell carcinoma of oral tongue shows high rates of morbidity and mortality in the population, therefore, great efforts are being made to classify morphological changes and identify biomarkers that have prognostic value and that are able to group patients in individualized therapeutic options. From this perspective, there is the heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which is a heat shock factor transcription protein (HSPs) that allows the cancer to deal with stressors associated with malignancy, acting differently in tumor progression. This research aimed to perform a clinico-pathological analysis of 70 cases of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) and immunohistochemical study of the expression of HSF1 protein in OTSCC, comparing it with 30 specimens of normal oral mucosa (NOM), and correlating this immunostaining with clinico-pathological aspects of OTSCC. To analyze the association between immunoexpression of HSF1 and clinicophatoloical aspects, the cases were categorized in minor and major overexpression, based in the median immunostaining score. Regarding the cases of OTSCC, 57.1% showed clinical stage III or IV, 82.9% were graded as high grade according to Bryne (1998) and 47.1% as high risk of malignancy according to Brandwein-Gensler et al., (2005). A disease free survival rate of 47.84% and overall survival rate of 68.20% was observed in the analyzed cases, and the high degree of malignancy according to Bryne’s system (1998) (p=0.05), tumor size T3 or T4 (p=0.04), local recurrence (p=0.02), and perineural invasion (p=0.02) determined negative impacts in survival time. We observed also a statistically significant result (p<0.01) when comparing the immunoreactivity of HSF1 between NOM and OTSCC. This significantly increased expression of HSF1 in cases of OTSCC suggests that this protein acts, indeed, in the pathogenesis of this disease. However, there were no statistically significant associations between this overexpression and the clinico-pathological parameters analyzed. This finding may reflect the influence of epigenetic events on HSF1 gene or a possible stability of this protein expression throughout disease progression.
The present work analyzed the tribological behavior of coatings/surface modifications traditionally used in cold rolling mill rolls and new coatings/surface modificationswith potential to replace the carcinogenic hard chrome. The study started with identification of wear mechanisms occurring in real coldrollingmill rolls. Due the high cost and dimensions of the rolls, thereplication technique was used. Replicas were obtained from 4 different rolling millBrazilian companies before and after a normal rolling campaign. Initial sliding tests were conducted using spherical and cylindrical counter bodies in order to verifywhichtribological conditions allowed to reproduce the wear mechanisms found in the replicas. These tests indicated the use of reciprocating sliding tests with cylindrical counter bodies (line contact), normal load of 100 N, and test times of and 1 h and 5 h. Different surface modifications were carried out on samples produced from a fragment of a rolling mill roll. The specimens were heat treated and ground on both sides. After, some specimens were surface textured by electrical discharge texturing (EDT). For both groups (ground and EDT), subsequent treatments of chromium plating, electroless NiP coating and plasma nitriding were carried out. The results of the reciprocating tests showed that specimens with electroless NiP coating presented the lowest friction coefficients, while plasma nitrided specimens showed the highest. In general, previous surface texturing before the coating/surface modification increased the wear of the counter bodies. Oneexceptionwas for EDT with subsequent electroless NiP coating, which presented the lowest counter bodies wear rate. The samples withelectroless NiP coating promoted a tribolayer consisting of Nickel, Phosphorus and Oxygen on both the specimens andthecounter bodies, which was apparently responsible for the reduction of friction coefficient and wear rate. The increase of the test time reduced the wear rate of the samples, apparently due the stability of the tribolayers formed, except for the nitrided samples. For the textured specimens, NiP coating showed the best performance in maintaining the surface topography of the specimens after the sliding tests.
Os perfis enformados a frio estão em crescente uso na indústria da construção, utilizados como estruturas secundárias e primárias, por apresentar resistência em relação ao baixo peso, facilidade de utilização em obra e sustentabilidade. A norma europeia EN1993-1-3, também adotada em Portugal, que apresenta as especificações normativas sobre o uso estrutural de perfis enformados a frio é de difícil aplicação para os projetistas devido à quantidade e complexidade de cálculos para que sejam efetuadas as verificações de segurança necessárias, pelas limitações dos programas informáticos e complexidade de compreensão dos fenómenos da instabilidade local e distorcional que condicionam o comportamento deste tipo de secções, classificadas como de classe 4. O presente trabalho procura explicar os procedimentos do eurocódigo e os seus aspetos mais controversos, como, por exemplo, o processo de cálculo da distribuição de tensões numa secção arbitrária constituída por segmentos retos, o cálculo de larguras efetivas e espessuras reduzidas e as verificações de segurança em termos de resistência e estabilidade global requeridos pela norma. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento um programa de cálculo para verificar barras com secções de classe 4 que tenha a abrangência das especificações do Eurocódigo (EC3-1-3), que possa auxiliar engenheiros no processo de projeto, dimensionamento e verificação regulamentar de estruturas metálicas que utilizem este tipo de secções. Para isso foi criada uma aplicação informática, em ambiente Windows®, que está ligada ao programa Autodesk® Robot Structural Analisys® para obtenção de dados de cálculo e executar os cálculos de secções efetivas e verificações de segurança de acordo com a norma europeia. São apresentados diagramas de blocos com a sequência do procedimento de cálculo das várias fases de cálculo de secções efetivas e de verificação de barras, com vista a mostrar a lógica de funcionamento interno da aplicação criada no âmbito deste trabalho. Por fim desenvolve-se um manual de utilização da aplicação e um exemplo comparativo, de cálculo das propriedades efetivas de uma secção, entre os resultados do programa e documentos de referência com cálculos manuais
The peaches and nectarines are highly appreciated by consumer, but it is climacteric fruits, with availability in the market in small time. It is necessary to invest to obtain genotypes with fruit quality and small perishability or that it presente less physiological disorders after storage. The aims of this work were i) to evaluate the genetic divergence among 40 peach and nectarine trees genotypes based on postharvest quality and select posible parents; ii) to evaluate the susceptibility to chilling injury in peaches and nectarines after cold storage; iii) to evaluate divergence of peaches and nectarines on the basis in the susceptibility for chiling injury and select superior genotypes; iv) evaluate the correlations between quality and susceptibility to chilling injury of peaches and nectarines v) select parents with the combination of lower susceptibility to chilling injury and higher quality fruit. The study was carried out in EEAD-CSIC, Zaragoza - Spain, during the production cycle 2013/2014. A total of 40 peaches and nectarines genotypes from germplasm collection were evaluated. The quality characteristics as flesh firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, rippining index and flesh color parameters were evaluated. The fruits were submitted to cold storage at 0 °C and 5 °C, with 95% average relative humidity. The evaluations were after 14 and 28 days, it being observed the presence of symptoms, such as wooliness through mealiness, flesh grainy, leatheriness and flesh color changes, through browning, bleeding and off flavor. As a selection parameter was adopted 20% of genotypes that had a higher frequency of superiority for quality characteristics, susceptibility to chilling injury and the combining of both. For quality characteristic presented greater divergence the ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Sudanel Blanco’ and ‘Borracho de Jarque’. Based on the quality the eight genotypes were selected, ‘Andross’, ‘San Jaime’, ‘San Lorenzo’, ‘Borracho de Jarque’, ‘Sudanell 1’, ‘Carson’, ‘Baby Gold 6’ and ‘Stanford’. All genotypes studied exhibited susceptibility to one or more symptoms caused by cold storage during 28 days, independent of temperature. For 14 days, the ‘Baby Gold 6’, ‘Flavortop’ and ‘Queen Giant’ genotypes did not show any physiological disorder caused by cold. In general, the temperature of 0 °C favored fruit postharvest conservation, it have a lower incidence and severity of symptoms caused by cold storage. The storage for 14 days contributed for the lower incidence of damage in the genotypes fruits studied. For 14 days, with both temperatures, it was observed divergence for ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Sudanell Blanco’, ‘Baby Gold 6’ ‘GF3’, ‘Baby Gold 8’, ‘Campiel’ and ‘Campiel Rojo’ genotypes. For 28 days, in the 5 °C condition, ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Big Top’, ‘Flavortop’ and ‘Redhaven’ genotypes were divergents. Based on susceptibility to chilling injury at 0 °C, the eight genotypes were selected, it being these, ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Keimoes’, ‘Flavortop’, ‘Big Top’, 'Redhaven', 'Sudanell 3', 'Bonet I' and ‘Carson’. The quality parameters as rippining index, soluble solids, firmness and titratable acidity presented correlation among them. These, also it had correlation with woolines and bowning, what it indicate that fruits with more ripening can have this symptoms more easily. The browning, mealiness, flesh grainy and off flavor variables were correlationed with the time period and temperartures, what it confirm that these symptoms are the main disorders caused by cold storage. The quality characteristics together susceptibility to chilling injury allowed selected ‘Baby Gold 6’, ‘Sarell’, ‘Keimoes’, ‘GF3’ ‘San Jaime’, ‘Big Top’, ‘Sudanell 1’, ‘Carson’, ‘Baby Gold 8’, and ‘San Lorenzo’ genotypes.