914 resultados para child care environment


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Objectives This study aimed to investigate post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) in childhood brain tumour survivors and their parents. A further aim was to explore the relationship between objective illness parameters, parent–child interactions, coping styles and PTSS. Methods A cross-sectional correlational design was employed. Fifty-two childhood brain tumour survivors, aged 8–16, and 52 parents completed a battery of questionnaires designed to assess quality of parent–child interactions, monitoring and blunting attentional coping styles and PTSS. Results Over one-third (35%) of survivors and 29% of their parents reported severe levels of PTSS (suggestive of post-traumatic stress disorder ‘caseness’). Increased parent–child conflict resolution for survivors and number of tumour recurrences for parents independently predicted the variance in PTSS. Conclusions For a substantial proportion of brain tumour survivors and their parents the process of survivorship is a considerably distressing experience.


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Background:  Some contend that attachment insecurity increases risk for the development of externalizing behavior problems in children. Method:  Latent-growth curve analyses were applied to data on 1,364 children from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care to evaluate the association between early attachment and teacher-rated externalizing problems across the primary-school years. Results:  Findings indicate that (a) both avoidant and disorganized attachment predict higher levels of externalizing problems but (b) that effects of disorganized attachment are moderated by family cumulative contextual risk, child gender and child age, with disorganized boys from risky social contexts manifesting increases in behavior problems over time. Conclusions:  These findings highlight the potentially conditional role of early attachment in children’s externalizing behavior problems and the need for further research evaluating causation and mediating mechanisms.


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Life-history theories of the early programming of human reproductive strategy stipulate that early rearing experience, including that reflected in infant-parent attachment security, regulates psychological, behavioral, and reproductive development. We tested the hypothesis that infant attachment insecurity, compared with infant attachment security, at the age of 15 months predicts earlier pubertal maturation. Focusing on 373 White females enrolled in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, we gathered data from annual physical exams from the ages of 9½ years to 15½ years and from self-reported age of menarche. Results revealed that individuals who had been insecure infants initiated and completed pubertal development earlier and had an earlier age of menarche compared with individuals who had been secure infants, even after accounting for age of menarche in the infants’ mothers. These results support a conditional-adaptational view of individual differences in attachment security and raise questions about the biological mechanisms responsible for the attachment effects we discerned.


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Background: Children’s representations of mothers in doll-play are associated with child adjustment. Despite the importance of fathers for children’s adjustment, especially in the context of maternal psychopathology, few studies have considered children’s representations of their fathers. Method: We examined the portrayal of fathers by 5-year-old children of depressed (N = 55) and non-depressed (N = 39) mothers in a doll-play procedure concerning family experience. Results: Children gave equal prominence in their play to mothers and fathers. Representations of fathers were unrelated to maternal mood, but were associated with parental conflict. Representations of child care for the father that was unreciprocated predicted poor child adjustment in school, but only in children exposed to maternal postnatal depression. Conclusions: It may be clinically useful to consider children’s distinctive representations of their mother and father; but the concept of parentification in relation to risk and resilience effects requires refinement.


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Although the concept of multi-agency working has been pursued and adopted as the most appropriate way to improve child care provision and health workforces in recent years, both in the UK and more globally, research suggests that participation in such work can be problematic. This article examines current developments in inter-professional education and collaborative professional practice. Drawing on desk research across the fields of Education, Health and Social Care, it applies a critical lens to re-examine inter-professional working using well-established concepts of profession, identity, culture, career, and training/work transitions. The article uses theoretical hooks to look for similarities and differences in the promotion of inter-professionality across the Education, Health and Social Care sectors, alongside those which occur within each. It looks towards a re-invigoration of knowledge creation and application through research. This is viewed as especially urgent in times of fragmentation, transformation, and arguably, disintegration, in the services its professional and academic educators and workers seek to serve.


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Health care provision is significantly impacted by the ability of the health providers to engineer a viable healthcare space to support care stakeholders needs. In this paper we discuss and propose use of organisational semiotics as a set of methods to link stakeholders to systems, which allows us to capture clinician activity, information transfer, and building use; which in tern allows us to define the value of specific systems in the care environment to specific stakeholders and the dependence between systems in a care space. We suggest use of a semantically enhanced building information model (BIM) to support the linking of clinician activity to the physical resource objects and space; and facilitate the capture of quantifiable data, over time, concerning resource use by key stakeholders. Finally we argue for the inclusion of appropriate stakeholder feedback and persuasive mechanism, to incentivise building user behaviour to support organisational level sustainability policy.


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This degree project was intendet to construct and design packaging for beauty care. At the requestof AssiDomän Frövi the project group were instructed to innovate creative packagesmade of their cardboard Frövi Bright.Three different packages have been developed. Two of them are for child care products and onepackage is for several bath products. These results show that there are possibilities to create creativeand different packages of the cardboard Frövi Bright.The report also enters deeply into the special qualities of Frövi Bright and studies of packagingdesign.


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The aim of this study was to conduct an instrument test of the Canadian questionnaire Alberta Context Tool (ACT) version Long-Term care for Swedish conditions. ACT is designed in order to measure the context in the care environment and different behaviours related to the changes in clinical practice. In total, 159 Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Registered Nurses (RNs) within municipality care of the elderly were included in the survey. The test included the instrument's reliability and face validity.The reliability test was implemented through calculation of Cronbach´s Alpha, and showed internal consistency for five of the scales of the ACT-instrument with Cronbach´s Alpha values ranging between 0,728 and 0,873. However, three dimensions got lower values (0,558 - 0,683).The analysis was carried out with content analysis and carried out for LPNs and RNs in separate groups. The majority of LPNs expressed that it was easy to respond to the questions (56%), while nine percent considered it as difficult. Eleven comments were given about questions that were perceived to be unclear, complicated or contained difficult words. In the RN group only 30 percent considered that the questions were easy to respond to. One third of the RNs considered that part of the questions were unclear, and six RNs expressed also which questions they experienced as unclear. In general, the questions in the ACT were perceived as relevant. The instrument's relevance as a tool to measure contextual factors that influence the implementation of evidence based nursing can also be considered to be determined. By modifying the content in the questionnaire in accordance with what appeared in this survey and to implement yet another test, the instrument should be considered to be relevant for use within Swedish municipality care of the elderly. ACT can be used both as a tool in the work on improvement of clinical practice and as a tool for further research about implementation of evidence based nursing.


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Bakgrund: Vårdpersonalen på en akutmottagning har stora krav på sig, ansvar för många patienter och måste fatta många egna beslut, ibland med mycket kort betänketid. Vårdpersonalen möter många olika patienter med olika problem och personligheter, och måste bemöta varje patient så att denne känner sig bekräftad och sedd. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten är att undersöka patienters upplevelse av att vårdas på en akutmottagning. Metod: Artiklar till arbetet har söks i olika databaser. Aktuella artiklar har lästs och relevanta fynd har markerats, för att analyseras och sammanställa ett resultat. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre underrubriker: Information, Bemötande och Vårdmiljö, med uppdelning av positiva och negativa upplevelser. Många patienter var nöjda med vården, men hade låga förväntningar från början. Patienterna har förstående för personalens tuffa arbetsmiljö, men önskade att få bättre information om väntetid och undersökningar. De tyckte att väntetiden var för lång, och kände sig ofta ensamma och övergivna. Slutsats: Mycket behöver förändras för att patienterna ska få en mer positiv upplevelse av akuten. Detta arbeta kan hjälpa till att belysa vilka punkter som vården måste arbeta extra mycket med för att patienterna ska känna sig trygga, exempelvis bättre information om väntetider och ett bemötande där sjusköterskan ser hela patienten.


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Syftet med denna studie är att nå en djupare förståelse om hur samhället ska kunna stödja barn som växer upp under ogynnsamma förhållanden på ett bättre sätt. Studien baseras på en litteraturstudie på sex stycken självbiografier som valts ut efter vissa kriterier. Dessa självbiografier har sammanställts utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och ett antal teman som svarar på våra forskningsfrågor identifierades. Utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar har teorier om risk- och skyddsfaktorer, KASAM, skam, resiliens samt anknytning valts ut. Tidigare forskning visar på att utsatta barn och social barnavård är ett eftersatt forskningsområde. Vårt resultat av denna studie visar på brister inom såväl socialtjänsten som samhället i övrigt. Det finns ett omfattande behov av att ständigt uppmärksamma och tydliggöra vilket stöd dessa barn kan få.


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The aim of this study was to receive a rapt understanding of how child-welfare officer’s reasons about the meaning of attachment theory, from the child´s best, in placements of a child. The aim was also to examine the possibilities child-welfare officer´s feel they have to work with the child´s best and attachment in focus. The study has a qualitative approach and the empirical material is collected thru semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework used is attachment theory, the child´s best and street-level bureaucracy. The result of the study shows that child-welfare officers have equivalent knowledge, experiences and thoughts about the meaning of attachment theory for a favorable development in foster children. The study concludes is that more knowledge about attachment theory is necessary and child-welfare officers demands methods to better assess attachment patterns in children. The child-welfare officers express frustration when they talk about matters in the "grey area" and situations where different perspectives clashes and the child´s best end up in the background.


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DEN KOMMUNALA FÖRVALTNINGEN SOM RATIONALISTISKT IDEAL - en fallstudie om styrning och handlingsutrymme inom skola, barnomsorg och miljö- och hälsoskydd.(The municipal authority as a rationalist ideal - a case-study on steering and scope for initiative within child-care, education and environmental departments.)A municipal authority is a considerable producer of services in the local community and iscommonly perceived as an important sector of the Swedish welfare system. One aspect of awell-functioning municipal organisation is that its administrative organs function efficiently.This study examines how activities in municipal administration are steered. The focus is on how different methods are used within a vertical hierarchical perspective to influence the actions of the participants and how the latter try to create space for action. To analyse the problem an ideal-type steering model is used.The study consists of three sections. In the first the research problem and the aims of the study are introduced as well as the methodological and theoretical approach. The result of the study is presented in the second section and in the third conclusions are drawn and discussed.The study shows that the perceptions of the participants involved regarding the possibilities of steering the everyday activities with the support of the methods studied differ on a number of points depending on the sector studied. When control of the various steering methods is distributed in different organisational units in the municipality a number of steering mechanisms operate side-by-side, sometimes in harmony and sometimes independently or in pure conflict with their goals. Steering leads to clear restrictions but there is clearlyroom for initiative, a ‘free-zone’ where the individual has room to act independently. Is it possible based on this study to state whether the ideal-type model functions in the way intended? On many accounts it would seem doubtful whether the effects of steering lead to beneficial effects for the activity. Rather it would seem that the effects of steeringsometimes function more or less randomly because the administration exists in a complexcontext in which the staff can be expected to have its own expectations and act in accordancewith them.


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Bakgrund: Andliga och existentiella frågor hamnar i allt större utsträckning hos sjukvårdspersonal. Det palliativa förhållningssättet betonar vikten av att ge en god omvårdnad vad gäller andliga och existentiella frågor. Sjuksköterskans roll är att genom goda relationer skapa en anpassad och balanserad omvårdnad för att öka välbefinnandet för patienten den sista tiden i livet. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att sammanställa hur andliga och existentiella frågor beskrivs i forskning utifrån sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av palliativ vård. Metod: En litteraturöversikt som sammanställer aktuell forskning inom det valda omvårdnadsområdet. Resultat: I resultatet framträdde att tid är det vanligaste hindret och utbildning är det som främjar givandet av andlig och existentiell omvårdnad. Att skapa relationer och kommunicera är viktiga aspekter inom vårdandets konst. Egenskaper som sjuksköterskan bör inneha för att underlätta givandet av andlig och existentiell omvårdnad är; en god självkännedom, empati, intuition och observationsförmåga. Slutsats: För att kunna ge en bättre andlig och existentiell omvårdnad behöver de yttre förutsättningarna ge tid för mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient, vårdmiljön organiseras så detta möjliggörs, teamarbete tillämpas och utbildning ges.


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A better understanding of motivation for behaviour change among sex offenders against children would improve treatment programmes designed to modify sexual offending behaviour. However, investigation of this issue is limited by lack of theoretically and empirically sound measures of motivation for behaviour change among sex offenders. This paper reports on two studies that were conducted to investigate the psychometric properties (validity, reliability, and social desirability) of the Stages of Change Questionnaire, adapted to measure motivation for behaviour change among sex offenders against children. In Study 1, the psychometric properties of the questionnaire were assessed for sex offenders against children (n=36) who were on a treatment waiting list. In Study 2, the psychometric properties of the questionnaire were assessed for sex offenders against children (n=47) at pre-treatment, mid-treatment, and post-treatment. Both studies supported the validity and reliability of the adapted Stages of Change Questionnaire, and the influence of social desirability upon responding was less than expected. The results of this investigation supported the potential utility of the Stages of Change Questionnaire as a measure of motivation for behaviour change for sex offenders against children.


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The present paper investigates what the term discharge planning actually means to nurses working in the acute care environment. A qualitative approach was used for this study. Twelve volunteer registered nurses (RNs) working in a large metropolitan Victorian public hospital were interviewed. All participants stated emphatically that they were involved in the discharge planning process although differing levels of involvement existed. ‘Organizing’ and ‘planning’ were key words used by participants to define the term discharge planning. All but one participant considered the nurse to be the coordinator of the discharge planning process. How participants communicated with other nursing staff regarding the discharge planning needs of individual patients depended on the policy of each individual ward. Communication was perceived to be a major factor that either enhanced or impeded the discharge planning process.