954 resultados para campus nord
Dr. Deeks and Dr. Gibson admiring the Brock Unviersity sign at the Glenrdige Campus. Renovations to the old refigerator factory were only just underway at this time.
Dr. Deeks and Dr. Gibson touring the recently acquired Decew Campus site along a stretch of Merrittville Highway in early 1964. The Sanatorium can be seen in the background.
Dr. Deeks and Dr. Gibson examining the sign at the Decew Campus site along the stretch of Merrittville Highway just north of St. Davids Road. This photo was taken in March of 1964.
D. G. Willmot, Chair of the Board of Governors, signs the guest book while Dr. Gibson looks on during a tour of the Glenrdige Campus on October 13, 1964.
View of the Decew Campus from around 1970.
Aerial view of Brock University from around 1973-74.