944 resultados para black rot of crucifers


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Pearson correlation coefficients were applied for the objective comparison of 30 black gel pen inks analysed by laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS). The mass spectra were obtained for ink lines directly on paper using positive and negative ion modes at several laser intensities. This methodology has the advantage of taking into account the reproducibility of the results as well as the variability between spectra of different pens. A differentiation threshold could thus be selected in order to avoid the risk of false differentiation. Combining results from positive and negative mode yielded a discriminating power up to 85%, which was better than the one obtained previously with other optical comparison methodologies. The technique also allowed discriminating between pens from the same brand.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate a free-breathing three-dimensional (3D) dual inversion-recovery (DIR) segmented k-space gradient-echo (turbo field echo [TFE]) imaging sequence at 3T for the quantification of aortic vessel wall dimensions. The effect of respiratory motion suppression on image quality was tested. Furthermore, the reproducibility of the aortic vessel wall measurements was investigated. Seven healthy subjects underwent 3D DIR TFE imaging of the aortic vessel wall with and without respiratory navigator. Subsequently, this sequence with respiratory navigator was performed twice in 10 healthy subjects to test its reproducibility. The signal-to-noise (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), vessel wall sharpness, and vessel wall volume (VWV) were assessed. Data were compared using the paired t-test, and the reproducibility of VWV measurements was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). SNR, CNR, and vessel wall sharpness were superior in scans performed with respiratory navigator compared to scans performed without. The ICCs concerning intraobserver, interobserver, and interscan reproducibility were excellent (0.99, 0.94, and 0.95, respectively). In conclusion, respiratory motion suppression substantially improves image quality of 3D DIR TFE imaging of the aortic vessel wall at 3T. Furthermore, this optimized technique with respiratory motion suppression enables assessment of aortic vessel wall dimensions with high reproducibility.


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Despite the agricultural importance of Indian Black Earth (IBE) in the Amazon region, there are few studies that report on the relation between soil texture and chemical fertility of IBE. These soils of pre-Colombian origin, with high contents of P, Ca and other nutrients are found across the Amazon valley. IBE profiles were studied to evaluate the total contents of P, its primary chemical forms and the P transformation phases in areas with IBE soils of variable texture and in adjacent reference soils. The soil texture strongly influenced soil fertility, changing in terms of transformation of the primary P forms and, consequently, predominant P forms in IBE. Soils with texture varying between clay and heavy clay had higher total P contents and primary Ca-P forms. Highest P-Al and lowest total P amounts were observed at the site Rio Preto da Eva, where texture varies from sandy loam to sandy clay loam. In the IBE with clay texture the amounts of soluble P, extracted with NH4Cl were highest, although different from Mehlich 1-extractable amounts.


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With the aid of the Landau-Lifshitz theory for thermodynamic fluctuations we estimate and comment on the fluctuations in the rates of mass, angular momentum, and other relevant quantities of massive Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes.


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The recently proposed correspondence principle of Horowitz and Polchinski provides a concrete means to relate (among others) black holes with electric Neveu-SchwarzNeveu-Schwarz charges to fundamental strings and correctly match their entropies. We further test this correspondence by examining the greybody factors in the absorption rates of neutral, minimally coupled scalars by a near extremal black hole. Perhaps surprisingly, the results disagree in general with the absorption by weakly coupled strings. Though this does not disprove the correspondence, it indicates that it might not be simple in this region of the black hole parameter space.


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It has been claimed that extreme black holes exhibit a phenomenon of flux expulsion for Abelian Higgs vortices, irrespective of the relative width of the vortex to the black hole. Recent work by two of the authors showed a subtlety in the treatment of the event horizon, which cast doubt on this claim. We analyze in detail the vortexextreme black hole system, showing that, while flux expulsion can occur, it does not do so in all cases. We give analytic proofs for both expulsion and penetration of flux, in each case deriving a bound for that behavior. We also present extensive numerical work backing up, and refining, these claims, and showing in detail how a vortex can end on a black hole in all situations. We also calculate the back reaction of the vortex on the geometry, and comment on the more general vortexblack hole system.


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rg model with A3 potential. The holographically dual field theories provide the description of the microscopic degrees of freedom which underlie all of the thermodynamics, as can be seen by examining the form of the microscopic fluctuations.


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We extend the recent microscopic analysis of extremal dyonic Kaluza-Klein (D0-D6) black holes to cover the regime of fast rotation in addition to slow rotation. Fastly rotating black holes, in contrast to slow ones, have nonzero angular velocity and possess ergospheres, so they are more similar to the Kerr black hole. The D-brane model reproduces their entropy exactly, but the mass gets renormalized from weak to strong coupling, in agreement with recent macroscopic analyses of rotating attractors. We discuss how the existence of the ergosphere and superradiance manifest themselves within the microscopic model. In addition, we show in full generality how Myers-Perry black holes are obtained as a limit of Kaluza-Klein black holes, and discuss the slow and fast rotation regimes and superradiance in this context.


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We argue that production of charged black hole pairs joined by a cosmic string in the presence of a magnetic field can be analyzed using the Ernst metric. The effect of the cosmic string is to pull the black holes towards each other, opposing to the background field. An estimation of the production rate using the Euclidean action shows that the process is suppressed as compared to the formation of black holes without strings.


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It has been argued that a black hole horizon can support the long range fields of a Nielsen-Olesen string, and that one can think of such a vortex as black hole hair. We show that the fields inside the vortex are completely expelled from a charged black hole in the extreme limit (but not in the near extreme limit). This would seem to imply that a vortex cannot be attached to an extreme black hole. Furthermore, we provide evidence that it is energetically unfavorable for a thin vortex to interact with a large extreme black hole. This dispels the notion that a black hole can support long Abelian Higgs hair in the extreme limit.


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(2+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS) gravity is quantized in the presence of an external scalar field. We find that the coupling between the scalar field and gravity is equivalently described by a perturbed conformal field theory at the boundary of AdS3. This allows us to perform a microscopic computation of the transition rates between black hole states due to absorption and induced emission of the scalar field. Detailed thermodynamic balance then yields Hawking radiation as spontaneous emission, and we find agreement with the semiclassical result, including greybody factors. This result also has application to four and five-dimensional black holes in supergravity.


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We consider vacuum solutions in M theory of the form of a five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein black hole cross T6. In a certain limit, these include the five-dimensional neutral rotating black hole (cross T6). From a type-IIA standpoint, these solutions carry D0 and D6 charges. We show that there is a simple D-brane description which precisely reproduces the Hawking-Bekenstein entropy in the extremal limit, even though supersymmetry is completely broken.


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A surprising new seven-parameter supersymmetric black ring solution of five-dimensional supergravity has recently been discovered. In this paper, M theory is used to give an exact microscopic accounting of its entropy.