920 resultados para atypical rotavirus


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Melioidosis is an emerging infection in Brazil and neighbouring South American countries. The wide range of clinical presentations include severe community-acquired pneumonia, septicaemia, central nervous system infection and less severe soft tissue infection. Diagnosis depends heavily on the clinical microbiology laboratory for culture. Burkholderia pseudomallei, the bacterial cause of melioidosis, is easily cultured from blood, sputum and other clinical samples. However, B. pseudomallei can be difficult to identify reliably, and can be confused with closely related bacteria, some of which may be dismissed as insignificant culture contaminants. Serological tests can help to support a diagnosis of melioidosis, but by themselves do not provide a definitive diagnosis. The use of a laboratory discovery pathway can help reduce the risk of missing atypical B. pseudomallei isolates. Recommended antibiotic treatment for severe infection is either intravenous Ceftazidime or Meropenem for several weeks, followed by up to 20 weeks oral treatment with a combination of trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole and doxycycline. Consistent use of diagnostic microbiology to confirm the diagnosis, and rigorous treatment of severe infection with the correct antibiotics in two stages; acute and eradication, will contribute to a reduction in mortality from melioidosis.


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Introdução. A infecção por rotavírus é a principal causa de diarreia aguda em todo o mundo. Nos países desenvolvidos não constitui uma causa importante de morte, mas cursa com uma alta morbilidade. Objectivo. Caracterizar a infecção por rotavírus em crianças hospitalizadas em dois Departamentos de Pediatria de Lisboa. Material e métodos. Revisão casuística dos internamentos com o diagnóstico de infecção por rotavírus, num hospital central especializado e num hospital geral na Zona Metropolitana de Lisboa, entre Janeiro e Dezembro de 2005. O diagnóstico foi efectuado através da identificação de antigénios virais nas fezes por “enzyme immunoassay”. Resultados. Foram analisados 92 casos; 82% ocorreram entre Dezembro e Março e 52,8% em crianças entre os três e os doze meses. Em metade dos casos registou-se bom nível socio-económico. Os factores de risco epidemiológicos encontrados foram: frequência de instituição de ensino ou ama em 21/38 (55%), contacto com pessoas com sintomatologia semelhante em 10/53 (19%) e irmãos com idade inferior a cinco anos em 25/76 (33%) das crianças. As infecções nosocomiais foram responsáveis por 26% dos casos estudados. A clínica cursou com: diarreia aquosa (96%), vómitos (87%) e febre (69%). Ocorreram complicações em 19/92 (21%) crianças e estas foram mais frequentes em lactentes com menos de seis meses de idade (35% vs. 16%, p=0,058). A mediana da duração de internamento foi cinco dias e o custo hospitalar directo variou entre 629,63 e 2342,38 euros. Discussão. O número de internamentos por infecção por rotavírus, especialmente em lactentes, a frequência de infecções nosocomiais por este agente, as complicações inerentes e os elevados custos, reflectem a importância da infecção por este agente em países desenvolvidos como Portugal.


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The distinction between primary melanoma and melanoma metastatic to the skin has major prognostic implications. We report a case of a 67-year-old male with a diagnosis of a superficial spreading melanoma (stage IB) rendered 6 years earlier who presented clinically with an atypical nevus on his left thigh. Histopathological examination showed an intraepidermal melanocytic proliferation that was interpreted as melanoma in situ. Subsequently, 45 additional pigmented macules appeared in crops over a 9-month period. Clinically and dermoscopically, these lesions were extremely polymorphic. Histopathological findings were compatible with melanoma in situ, as each lesion consisted of a wholly intraepidermal proliferation of markedly atypical melanocytes arranged singly and in nests. A complete gastrointestinal study showed multiple pigmented metastatic lesions throughout the stomach and small bowel, which supported a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma with gastrointestinal and epidermotropic skin involvement. Monosomy of chromosome 9 and a BRAF V600E mutation were detected in the primary tumor sample and in macro-dissected secondary lesions. No CDKN2A or CDK4 germline mutations were found. Intraepidermal epidermotropic metastases of melanoma have been rarely described in literature. In this case, histopathology alone was insufficient to distinguish metastatic melanoma from multiple in situ melanomas. The recognition of epidermotropic metastases should be based on the correlation between clinical, dermoscopic, histopathological and molecular findings.


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Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) is an atypical and unexpected reaction related to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients. IRIS includes an atypical response to an opportunistic pathogen (generally Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium complex, cytomegalovirus and herpes varicella-zoster), in patients responding to HAART with a reduction of plasma viral load and evidence of immune restoration based on increase of CD4+ T-cell count. We reported a case of a patient with AIDS which, after a first failure of HAART, developed a subcutaneous abscess and supraclavicular lymphadenitis as an expression of IRIS due to Mycobacterium avium complex after starting a second scheme of HAART.


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Introduction: Lesions at ipsilateral systems related to postural control at ipsilesional side, may justify the lower performance of stroke subjects during walking. Purpose: To analyse bilateral ankle antagonist coactivation during double-support in stroke subjects. Methods: Sixteen (8 females; 8 males) subjects with a first isquemic stroke, and twenty two controls (12 females; 10 males) participated in this study. The double support phase was assessed through ground reaction forces and electromyography of ankle muscles was assessed in both limbs. Results: Ipsilesional limb presented statistical significant differences from control when assuming specific roles during double support, being the tibialis anterior and soleus pair the one in which this atypical behavior was more pronounced. Conclusion: The ipsilesional limb presents a dysfunctional behavior when a higher postural control activity was demanded.


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No vector transmitted cases of Chagas disease had been notified in the state of São Paulo since the 1970s. However, in March, 2006, the death of a six-year-old boy from the municipality of Itaporanga was notified to the Center for Epidemiological Survey of the São Paulo State Health Secretariat: an autochthonous case of acute Chagas disease. The postmortem histopathological examination performed in the Hospital das Clínicas of the Botucatu School of Medicine confirmed the diagnosis. Reference to hospital records, consultation with the health professionals involved in the case and interviews with members of the patient's family supplied the basis for this study. We investigated parasite route of transmission, probable local reservoirs and vectors. No further human cases of acute Chagas disease were diagnosed. No locally captured vectors or reservoirs were found infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Alternative transmission hypotheses - such as the possible ingestion of foods contaminated with vector excreta - are discussed, as well as the need to keep previously endemic regions and infested houses under close surveillance. Clinicians should give due attention to such signs as uni- or bilateral palpebral edema, cardiac failure, myocarditis, pericarditis, anasarca and atypical signs of nephrotic syndrome or nephritis and consider the diagnostic hypothesis of Chagas disease.


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Background: Bartonella henselae infection typically presents as a self-limiting regional lymphadenopathy. Bone involvement is a very rare form of the disease. Aims: To describe bone infection associated to cat-scratch disease (CSD) in a portuguese pediatric hospital. Methods: Clinical records of children admitted at the hospital with the diagnosis of CSD associated bone infection, during 2010, were reviewed. Diagnosis was confirmed by serology using indirect fluorescence assay and nucleic acid amplification from lymph node biopsy. Results: Two boys, 2 and 7 years old, were identified. One had prolonged fever and neck pain. MRI suggested D6-D9 osteomyelitis. Cultures were negative and Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Brucella infection were excluded. He was treated with gentamicin and cotrimoxazol, with clinical, but no significant image, improvement. The second child presented subacute sternoclavicular swelling and mildly enlarged axillary lymph nodes. Image studies revealed an osteolytic lesion of the clavicle and hypoechogenic splenic lesions. Histopathology of lymph node showed granulomatous adenitis and excluded malignancy. Therapy with azythromicin and rifampicin was successful. Both had contact with cats. Primary and secondary immunodeficiency was excluded. Conclusion: The optimal therapy for atypical Bartonella henselae infection is unknown and the role of antibiotics uncertain. Several combinations of antibiotics have been proposed for bone disease treatment, but recommendations are lacking. The different outcome in the presented cases could be related with the distinct therapeutic regimens used. Although atypical infection has classically been associated with immunodeficiency, this has not been the rule in bone disease and the need for extensive evaluation must be reviewed.


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Cerebral tuberculomas constitute a major differential diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients in developing countries. We report the case of a 34-year old woman co-infected with HIV and possible disseminated tuberculosis (hepatitis, lymphadenopathy, and pleural effusion) who presented a large and solitary intracranial mass lesion. Despite extensive diagnostic efforts, including brain, ganglionar, and liver biopsies, no definitive diagnosis was reached. However, a trial with first-line antituberculous drugs led to a significant clinical and radiological improvement. Atypical presentations of cerebral tuberculomas should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of intracranial mass lesions in HIV-infected patients and a trial with antituberculous drugs is a valuable strategy to infer the diagnosis in a subset of patients.


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Introdução: Os Inquéritos de prevalência são estudos transversais que medem o número de doentes com infecção um determinado dia. Enquadramento: foram realizados dois inquéritos de prevalência em Portugal em anos sequenciais – 2009 e 2010. O hospital de Dona Estefânia participou em ambos. O objectivo deste estudo foi mostrar os resultados obtidos num hospital pediátrico e compará-los com resultados nacionais e do CHLC. População: Para efeitos do estudo foram excluídas grávidas e puérperas e mulheres internadas em enfermaria de ginecologia e as crianças transferidas de outros hospitais para tratarem infecções adquiridas nesses hospitais. Foram incluídos no estudo 121 doentes no primeiro ano e 126 no segundo. Resultados: A percentagem de RN foi semelhante nos dois anos (19% e 20,6%) assim como a de lactentes (24,8% e 27,8%). A taxa de infecção hospitalar foi de 11,6% em 2009 e 4,8% em 2010. A grande prematuridade (IG<28s) e o muito baixo peso (PN<1500g) como risco intrínseco e a punção venosa periférica e a cirurgia como risco extrínseco sobressaíram como os mais importantes nos dois anos. No que respeita a exposição a dispositivos invasivos, procedimentos e intervenções sobressaíram a NPT, a ventilação mecânica e os CVC. A infecção da corrente sanguínea e a pneumonia foram as localizações mais frequentes da infecção. Em 2009 houve 14,2% de infecções de órgão/espaço e 7,1% de infecção incisional/superficial em doentes operados mas em 2010 não foram registadas infecções em doentes cirúrgicos. A infecção hospitalar foi mais prevalente em unidades de cuidados intensivos, enfermaria de urologia e de queimados. Foram isolados 10 agentes infecciosos - Candida, Klebsiella, Staph aureus, E. coli e rotavirus. Os antimicrobianos mais utilizados foram cefotaxime, gentamicina, ampicilina/amoxicilina e metronidazol. Comparando com dados nacionais e do CHLC verifica-se que a percentagem de doentes com infecção hospitalar em 2010 foi superior na população pediátrica nacional excluindo o HDE e que nos dois anos foi muito superior nos adultos, sobretudo nos do Centro Hospitalar, a localização da infecção foi diferente assim como os agentes isolados e os antimicrobianos utilizados podendo concluir-se que um hospital pediátrico continua a ser uma ilha no panorama da infecção hospitalar.


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Objetivo: O autismo é uma perturbação global do desenvolvimento infantil que se prolonga por toda a vida e evolui com a idade. Carateriza-se pela presença de um desenvolvimento acentuadamente atípico na interação social e na comunicação, por um repertório de atividades e interesses marcadamente restritos, por dificuldades de flexibilidade de pensamento e de comportamento, que se exibem em comportamentos estereotipados e rígidos, associados a dificuldades na aceitação de alterações de rotinas. Dentro da grande variação possível na severidade do autismo, encontram-se crianças sem linguagem verbal e com dificuldades na comunicação por qualquer outra via, assim como se encontram crianças que apresentam linguagem verbal com um vocabulário restrito, repetitivo e não comunicativo. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar e potenciar o desenvolvimento da linguagem, a aquisição de palavras e frases na criança autista, tendo em vista a generalização dos resultados. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo de caso de uma criança de 4 anos de idade com comportamentos que sugerem uma Perturbação Pervasiva do Desenvolvimento. Utilizou-se o recurso aos instrumentos de observação e entrevistas, procedendo-se à sua análise e ao desenho da intervenção a realizar. Foi implementada a intervenção “Ensinar crianças com autismo a fazer perguntas sobre objetos escondidos” na qual são utilizados brinquedos de interesse para a criança, motivacionais para a concretização do objetivo do estudo.


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Dermatophytes are among the most frequent causes of ringworm infections in domesticated animals. They are known to serve as reservoirs of the zoophilic dermatophytes and these infections have important zoonotic implication. In Nigeria and probably West Africa, there are not many studies on the incidence of dermatophytosis in domesticated animals. In the current study, 538 domesticated animals with clinically suggestive lesions were investigated for dermatophytes. Identification of dermatophyte species was performed by macro- and micro morphological examination of colonies and by biochemical methods. In the cases of isolates that had atypical morphology and/or biochemical test results, the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS 2) sequencing was performed. Out of this number, 214 (39.8%) were found to be colonized by a variety of ten species of dermatophytes. M. canis was the most frequently isolated species (37.4%), followed by T. mentagrophytes (22.9%) and T. verrucosum (15.9%). M. persicolor and T. gallinae were jointly the least species isolated with a frequency of 0.55% respectively. The recovery of dermatophyte isolates previously shown to be common etiological agents of dermatophytosis especially from children in the same region suggests that animal to human transmission may be common. Possible implications and recommendations are discussed.


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Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a marine bacterium, responsible for gastroenteritis in humans. Most of the clinical isolates produce thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) and TDH-related hemolysin (TRH) encoded by tdh and trh genes respectively. In this study, twenty-three V. parahaemolyticus, previously isolated from oysters and mussels were analyzed by PCR using specific primers for the 16S rRNA and virulence genes (tdh, trh and tlh) and for resistance to different classes of antibiotics and PFGE. Nineteen isolates were confirmed by PCR as V. parahaemolyticus. The tlh gene was present in 100% of isolates, the tdh gene was identified in two (10.5%) isolates, whereas the gene trh was not detected. Each isolate was resistant to at least one of the nine antimicrobials tested. Additionally, all isolates possessed the blaTEM-116 gene. The presence of this gene in V. parahaemolyticus indicates the possibility of spreading this gene in the environment. Atypical strains of V. parahaemolyticus were also detected in this study.


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Esta versão não contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri


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Introduction: Sulfite oxidase deficiency (SOD) is an autosomal recessive inherited disease usually presenting in the neonatal period with severe neurological symptoms including seizures, often refractory to anticonvulsant therapy, and a rapidly progressive encephalopathy resembling neonatal hypoxic ischemia, with premature death. Most patients develop dislocated ocular lenses. Later or milder presentations of SOD are being reported with increasing frequency. These presentations include neurological regression with loss of previously acquired milestones or movement disorders. Case report: We report a four years old girl presenting with intermittent ataxia and uncoordinated limb movements. A similar episode of ataxia had occurred previously, one year before, with complete neurologic recovery and normal developmental milestones. Bilateral lens dislocation had been recently diagnosed. Cranial MRI demonstrated bilateral globus pallidus enhancement. Low homocysteine was found in plasma and SulfitestR was positive. Further investigations led to confirmation of isolated sulfite oxidase deficiency with no enzyme activity detected on skin fibroblasts culture. Discussion: This case illustrates the clinical variability of SOD and it is not only atypical but also seems to be the mildest form described so far. The association of ectopia lentis with a movement disorder, even without psychomotor regression, should prompt us to look for this diagnosis.


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Introduction: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and etiological profile of enteropathogens in children from a daycare center. Methods: From October 2010 to February 2011 stool samples from 100 children enrolled in a government daycare center in the municipality of São José do Rio Preto, in the state of São Paulo, were collected and analyzed. Results: A total of 246 bacteria were isolated in 99% of the fecal samples; 129 were in the diarrheal group and 117 in the non-diarrheal group. Seventy-three strains of Escherichia coli were isolated, 19 of Enterobacter, one of Alcaligenes and one of Proteus. There were 14 cases of mixed colonization with Enterobacter and E. coli. Norovirus and Astrovirus were detected in children with clinical signs suggestive of diarrhea. These viruses were detected exclusively among children residing in urban areas. All fecal samples were negative for the presence of the rotavirus species A and C. The presence of Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba coli, Endolimax nana and hookworm was observed. A significant association was found between food consumption outside home and daycare center and the presence of intestinal parasites. Conclusions: For children of this daycare center, intestinal infection due to pathogens does not seem to have contributed to the occurrence of diarrhea or other intestinal symptoms. The observed differences may be due to the wide diversity of geographical, social and economic characteristics and the climate of Brazil, all of which have been reported as critical factors in the modulation of the frequency of different enteropathogens.