703 resultados para anatomical relationships


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ABSTRACT - (Climate, soil and tree flora relationships in forests in the state of São Paulo, southteastern Brasil). With the aim of verifying possible influences of abiotic features on the spatial distribution of forest tree species and families, thirteen surveys in the state of São Paulo were selected, representing different conditions (localization at the extreme coordenates and altitudes, succesional stages, surveying methods). By applying Jaccard's Index to the binary matrices of 806 synonymized specific binomina and 79 families (Cronquist's system) phenograms were constructed using the method of the unweighted pair grouping by mathematical average (UPGMA). The species formed two floristic blocks: hygrophyllous (yearly rainfall greater than 2000 mm without dry season) and mesophyllous (yearly rainfall about 1400 mm with variable dry season). The latter was divided in two other groups: the high-altitudinal (median altitudes higher than 750 m, frost average frequency greater than 3 days/year) and low-altitudinal. Both mesophyllous floristic blocks were subdivided according to soil conditions (texture, eutrophism, acid or allic dystrophism, iron content). At the family level the relations were weak, but also showed the soil nutritional status as a possible constraint to the spatial partition of families.


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The seed coat is one of the main determinants of seed germination, vigor and longevity potentials. It is also intimately associated with temporal and spatial dispersion of seed germination in a large number of plant species. The understanding of its properties and characteristics may explain, anticipate or even allow the modification of seed performance under certain environmental conditions. There is a growing volume of evidence associating seed coat characteristics to specific seed problems. For example, susceptibility to mechanical damage is related to lignin content of the seed coat, while seed longevity and tolerance to field weathering depends on seed coat integrity. Seed performance in many legumes has been associated with certain seed coat structures, such as the hilum, strophiole and micropyle. In soybean, permeability is also related with porosity, color, and cerosity, that affect seed vigor, storage potential, resistance to shrinking and fungi infection, and to susceptibility to imbibition damage. The understanding of these associations is necessary before genetic alterations through breeding for desirable characteristics and is fundamental for the development and improvement of seed pre-sowing treatments, production, handling and quality evaluation procedures, which may ultimately result in reduction of seed quality losses and increase the efficiency of agricultural production systems.


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A. peregrina var. falcata form mutualistic symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. An anatomical and ultrastructural study was carried out to analyze some aspects of this simbiotic association as well as some root features. The results evidenced the presence of fibers with non-lignified thicked secondary walls in the stele and sparse papillae on root surface. A. peregrina var. falcata mycorrhizas presented features of Arum-type (intercellular hyphae) and Paris-type (extensive coils) arbuscular mycorrhiza. Their general appearance with extraradical hyphae, intracellular coils, intercellular hyphae and arbuscules, is in agreement with arbuscular mycorrhizas of several plants. The ultrastructural observations showed that in intercellular hyphae and arbuscules vacuoles were dominant and that in rough endoplasmatic reticulum and small vesicles seems to be associated with arbuscule senescence process.


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The worry about the indiscriminate use of the terms cypsela and achene for the fruits of Asteraceae has been frequently detached by specialists in this family. The present work was developed aiming to verify the existence of arguments to justify the adoption of a term against the other. After historical and anatomical analysis, we concluded that there is technical basis to consider cypsela and achene as different types of fruits. For Asteraceae, the correct is to call cypsela; achenes are only derived from superior ovaries, as in Plumbaginaceae.


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Samples of healthy leaves and galls induced by Schizomyia macrocapillata Maia on Bauhinia brevipes Vogel were submitted to routine techniques to investigate gall anatomy and development. Pouch galls are induced on the abaxial surface of unfolded immature leaves, and become spheroid with long reddish hairs covering their external surface. Galls occur isolated or coalesce when in larger numbers. Gall development was divided into six phases: 1) initiation; 2) tissue re-arrangement; 3) tissue differentiation; 4) maturation; 5) growth phase; and 6) dehiscence. This last phase corresponds to gall senescence, which takes place just after the larva exits the chamber to pupate. An important developmental phase of tissue reorientation was recorded after the initiation phase. The presence of hyphae close to the covering layer characterizes this gall as an ambrosia gall and the feeding mode of the gall migde is discussed. Few hyphae were found during the first developmental phases and fungi may play an important role during gall morphogenesis. Neoformed trichomes may provide not only photoprotection but also protection against natural enemies and water loss. The neoformation of phloematic bundles suggests host manipulation and indicates the establishment of a deviating sink.


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We evaluated the floristic relationships among 20 swamp forests of Southeastern and Central-Western Brazil using multivariate analyses. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and TWINSPAN (Two way indicator species analysis) indicated two distinct floristic groups among forests, according to the Phytogeographic Province (Paranaense or Cerrado) and their climate conditions, phytophysiognomies, and species composition. Within the same province, edaphic conditions and geographical distance, among other factors, may be responsible for similarities or dissimilarities among the forests floras. Our results indicated that, despite the low a diversity, γ diversity is high among the forests, as a result of the low floristic similarities among the remnants and the high number of unique species (55% of all species). Although floristically distinct, we concluded that the inland swamp forests of Southeastern Brazil and the gallery swamp forests of Central Brazil are part of the same forest formation. These forests have in common, in addition to the swampy environment, low plant species diversity and species that have high local densities, such as Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess., Cecropia pachystachya Trécul, Dendropanax cuneatus Decne. & Planch., Guarea macrophylla Vahl, Magnolia ovata (A. St.-Hil.) Spreng., Protium spruceanum (Benth.) Engl. and Tapirira guianensis Aubl.


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Morphological, anatomical and biochemical alterations in foliar galls of Alstonia scholaris R. Br. induced by the insect Pauropsylla tuberculata (Psyllidae) are described and quantified. Galls occur isolated or agglomerated on the abaxial surface of the leaf. The insect along with the egg deposits some physiologic fluid which act as a stimulant for the induction of the gall. This stimulus brings about hypertrophy followed by hyperplasia of cells next to the location of the deposited eggs. The psyllid presents three nymphal instars, from eclosion of the egg to the adult. Hyperplasia in the palisade cells is very distinctly noticed. Hypertrophy followed by hyperplasia takes place and brings about elevation of hypodermal and palisade parenchyma which undergoes repeated anticlinal divisions. Neoformation of phloematic bundles were distinctly noticed close to the site of infection. With an increase in the growth of the gall, chlorophyll content in the gall tissue decreases. A steady increase of sugar content is noticed. The immature galled tissue showed almost two fold increases in the protein content. The mature galled tissue showed a very high increase in the proline content compared to the immature galled tissue indicating a stressed condition of the galled tissue.


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The present work characterized and compared the anatomical structures of the leaves of Bactris gasipaes (Arecaceae) plants grown under different cultivation conditions (in vitro, ex vitro and in vivo) with the goal of identifying the origins of the difficulties encountered in acclimatizing micro-plants. The Quant program was used to determine leaf tissue thicknesses and areas, and histochemical tests were performed on leaf sections and analyzed using light microscopy. Stomatal and trichome densities were determined using the epidermal impression method and by scanning electronic microscopy. Our results indicated that there were no discernible alterations of the anatomical characteristics of the leaves of micro-plants cultivated under differing conditions and that the thickening of the mesophyll and the vascular fibers indicated adaptive responses to ex vitro conditions. As such, the observed difficulties in acclimatizing peach palm micro-plants to ex vitro conditions cannot be attributed to plant anatomical characteristics acquired during in vitro cultivation.


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Structural differences between cerrado species with different leaf phenologies are linked to crown architecture, leaf production, and biomass allocation to shoots and leaves. The present study characterized crown structures and the patterns of biomass allocation to leaves and shoots in two woody cerrado species with contrasting leaf phenologies and quantified the irradiance reaching their leaves to determine the best period during the day for photosynthetic activity. The shoots and leaves of five individuals of both Annona coriacea (deciduous) and Hymenaea stigonocarpa (evergreen) were collected along a 50 m transect in a cerrado fragment within the urban perimeter of Catalão - GO, to determine their patterns of biomass allocation in their crowns. The evergreen H. stigonocarpa had significantly higher mean values of shoot inclination (SI), petiole length (PL), leaf area (LA), leaf display index (LDI), and individual leaf area per shoot (ILA), while the deciduous species A. coriacea had significantly higher leaf numbers (LN). The more complex crown of H. stigonocarpa had shoots in more erect positions (orthotropic), with intense self-shading within shoots; A. coriacea, on the other hand, had slanting (plagiotropic) shoots in the crown, allowing similar irradiance levels to all leaf surfaces. The production of plagiotropic shoots by the deciduous species (A. coriacea) is a strategy that enables its use of incident sunlight early in the morning and preventing excessive water loss or excessive irradiance. Hymenaea stigonocarpa (an evergreen), by contrast, had orthotropic shoots and uses intense self-shading as a strategy to avoid excessive irradiance, especially at midday. Differences in crown architectures between evergreen and deciduous species of cerrado sensu stricto can therefore be viewed as adaptations to the environmental light regime.


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Resistance to chemotherapy in cancer cells is mainly mediated by overexpression of P-glycoprotein (Pgp), a plasma membrane ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter which extrudes cytotoxic drugs at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. Pgp consists of two homologous halves each containing a transmembrane domain and a cytosolic nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) which contains two consensus Walker motifs, A and B, involved in ATP binding and hydrolysis. The protein also contains an S signature characteristic of ABC transporters. The molecular mechanism of Pgp-mediated drug transport is not known. Since the transporter has an extraordinarily broad substrate specificity, its cellular function has been described as a "hydrophobic vacuum cleaner". The limited knowledge about the mechanism of Pgp, partly due to the lack of a high-resolution structure, is well reflected in the failure to efficiently inhibit its activity in cancer cells and thus to reverse multidrug resistance (MDR). In contrast to the difficulties encountered when studying the full-length Pgp, the recombinant NBDs can be obtained in large amounts as soluble proteins. The biochemical and biophysical characterization of recombinant NBDs is shown here to provide a suitable alternative route to establish structure-function relationships. NBDs were shown to bind ATP and analogues as well as potent modulators of MDR, such as hydrophobic steroids, at a region close to the ATP site. Interestingly, flavonoids also bind to NBDs with high affinity. Their binding site partly overlaps both the ATP-binding site and the steroid-interacting region. Therefore flavonoids constitute a new promising class of bifunctional modulators of Pgp.


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The recombinant heat shock protein (18 kDa-hsp) from Mycobacterium leprae was studied as a T-epitope model for vaccine development. We present a structural analysis of the stability of recombinant 18 kDa-hsp during different processing steps. Circular dichroism and ELISA were used to monitor protein structure after thermal stress, lyophilization and chemical modification. We observed that the 18 kDa-hsp is extremely resistant to a wide range of temperatures (60% of activity is retained at 80ºC for 20 min). N-Acylation increased its ordered structure by 4% and decreased its ß-T1 structure by 2%. ELISA demonstrated that the native conformation of the 18 kDa-hsp was preserved after hydrophobic modification by acylation. The recombinant 18 kDa-hsp resists to a wide range of temperatures and chemical modifications without loss of its main characteristic, which is to be a source of T epitopes. This resistance is probably directly related to its lack of organization at the level of tertiary and secondary structures.


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The periaqueductal gray (PAG) has been traditionally considered to be an exit relay for defensive responses. Functional mapping of its subdivisions has advanced our knowledge of this structure, but synthesis remains difficult mainly because results from lesion and stimulation studies have not correlated perfectly. After using a strategy that combined both techniques and a reevaluation of the available literature on PAG function and connections, we propose here that freezing could be mediated by different PAG subdivisions depending on the presence of immediate danger or exposure to related signaling cues. These subdivisions are separate functional entities with distinct descending and ascending connections that are likely to play a role in different defensive responses. The existence of ascending connections also suggests that the PAG is not simply a final common path for defensive responses. For example, the possibility that indirect ascending connections to the cingulate cortex could play a role in the expression of freezing evoked by activation of the neural substrate of fear in the dorsal PAG has been considered.


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The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of the establishment of dominance relationships and social stress on plasma cortisol and metabolite levels in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). During the 30-day experiment, the fish weighing 236 ± 29 g were kept in individual aquaria, except for two pairings lasting 6 h each. Blood samples were taken from the animals before and after pairing. Display, approach, attack, rebuff, chase flight, and coloration were carried out on days 16 and 30. Activities and behaviors characteristic of the establishment of dominance relationships were described. It was possible to classify all experimental fish (N = 30) as dominant or subordinate. No differences were detected between dominant (N = 15) and subordinate (N = 15) fish during isolation or after pairing in cortisol (isolated: 5.76 ± 0.98 vs 5.42 ± 0.63; paired: 10.94 ± 1.62 vs 11.21 ± 2.45 µg/dl), glucose (isolated: 60.02 ± 4.9 vs 67.85 ± 16.16; paired: 110.44 ± 15.72 vs 136.26 ± 22.46 mg/dl), triglyceride (isolated: 167.87 ± 5.06 vs 185.68 ± 7.24; paired: 210.85 ± 13.40 vs 221.82 ± 12.70 mg/dl) or total protein levels (isolated: 7.01 ± 0.42 vs 6.69 ± 0.59; paired: 9.21 ± 0.62 vs 9.51 ± 0.66 g/dl). However, when isolated (N = 30) and paired (N = 30) tilapia were compared, there were significant differences in cortisol and metabolite levels. The similar response presented by dominant and subordinate tilapia indicates that establishment of dominance relationships was a stressor for both groups.