987 resultados para air quality measurements


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Most available studies on lead smelter emissions deal with the environmental impact of outdoor particles, but only a few focus on air quality at workplaces. The objective of this study is to physically and chemically characterize the Pb-rich particles emitted at different workplaces in a lead recycling plant. A multi-scale characterization was conducted from bulk analysis to the level of individual particles, to assess the particles properties in relation with Pb speciation and availability. Process PM from various origins were sampled and then compared; namely Furnace and Refining PM respectively present in the smelter and at refinery workplaces, Emissions PM present in channeled emissions.These particles first differed by their morphology and size distribution, with finer particles found in emissions. Differences observed in chemical composition could be explained by the industrial processes. All PM contained the same major phases (Pb, PbS, PbO, PbSO4 and PbO·PbSO4) but differed on the nature and amount of minor phases. Due to high content in PM, Pb concentrations in the CaCl2 extractant reached relatively high values (40 mg.L-1). However, the ratios (soluble/total) of CaCl2 exchangeable Pb were relatively low (< 0.02%) in comparison with Cd (up to 18%). These results highlight the interest to assess the soluble fractions of all metals (minor and major) and discuss both total metal concentrations and ratios for risk evaluations. In most cases metal extractability increased with decreasing size of particles, in particular, lead exchangeability was highest for channeled emissions. Such type of study could help in the choice of targeted sanitary protection procedures and for further toxicological investigations. In the present context, particular attention is given to Emissions and Furnace PM. Moreover, exposure to other metals than Pb should be considered. [Authors]


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Road transport emissions are a major contributor to ambient particulate matter concentrations and have been associated with adverse health effects. Therefore, these emissions are targeted through increasingly stringent European emission standards. These policies succeed in reducing exhaust emissions, but do not address "nonexhaust" emissions from brake wear, tire wear, road wear, and suspension in air of road dust. Is this a problem? To what extent do nonexhaust emissions contribute to ambient concentrations of PM10 or PM2.5? In the near future, wear emissions may dominate the remaining traffic-related PM10 emissions in Europe, mostly due to the steep decrease in PM exhaust emissions. This underlines the need to determine the relevance of the wear emissions as a contribution to the existing ambient PM concentrations, and the need to assess the health risks related to wear particles, which has not yet received much attention. During a workshop in 2011, available knowledge was reported and evaluated so as to draw conclusions on the relevance of traffic-related wear emissions for air quality policy development. On the basis of available evidence, which is briefly presented in this paper, it was concluded that nonexhaust emissions and in particular suspension in air of road dust are major contributors to exceedances at street locations of the PM10 air quality standards in various European cities. Furthermore, wear-related PM emissions that contain high concentrations of metals may (despite their limited contribution to the mass of nonexhaust emissions) cause significant health risks for the population, especially those living near intensely trafficked locations. To quantify the existing health risks, targeted research is required on wear emissions, their dispersion in urban areas, population exposure, and its effects on health. Such information will be crucial for environmental policymakers as an input for discussions on the need to develop control strategies.


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The evaluation of radioactivity accidentally released into the atmosphere involves determining the radioactivity levels of rainwater samples. Rainwater scavenges atmospheric airborne radioactivity in such a way that surface contamination can be deduced from rainfall rate and rainwater radioactivity content. For this purpose, rainwater is usually collected in large surface collectors and then measured by gamma-spectrometry after such treatments as evaporation or iron hydroxide precipitation. We found that collectors can be adapted to accept large surface (diameter 47mm) cartridges containing a strongly acidic resin (Dowex AG 88) which is able to quantitatively extract radioactivity from rainwater, even during heavy rainfall. The resin can then be measured by gamma-spectrometry. The detection limit is 0.1Bq per sample of resin (80g) for (137)Cs. Natural (7)Be and (210)Pb can also be measured and the activity ratio of both radionuclides is comparable with those obtained through iron hydroxide precipitation and air filter measurements. Occasionally (22)Na has also been measured above the detection limit. A comparison between the evaporation method and the resin method demonstrated that 2/3 of (7)Be can be lost during the evaporation process. The resin method is simple and highly efficient at extracting radioactivity. Because of these great advantages, we anticipate it could replace former rainwater determination methods. Moreover, it does not necessitate the transportation of large rainwater volumes to the laboratory.


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Com a primera part de la monitorització, mitjançant el líquens com a indicadors, del Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, hem seleccionat, marcat i caracteritzat 20 estacions de seguiment. Les estacions han quedat establertes en els següents ambients: rouredes amb boix, bosc caducifoli mixt, fagedes, fagedes amb avet, pinedes de pi roig, avetosa, avetosa amb neret, pinedes de pi negre amb nereto amb ginebró, i roquissars, tant en roques carbonatades com àcides. Donem, com a exemple de l'estudi d¿aquestes estacions, el cas d¿una d'avetosa amb neret. El seguiment de l'evolució, en el temps, de les diferents comunitats, ens haurà de permetre correlacionar les modificacions observades en les estacions amb els canvis produïts en la qualitat de l'aire o a causa de l'impacte humà.


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The use of abrasives in winter maintenance is a well-established practice. The sand or other abrasive is intended to increase friction between vehicles and the (often snow or ice covered) pavement. In many agencies (and in many Iowa Counties, the focus of this study) the use of sand is a standard part of winter maintenance. Yet very little information exists on the value of sanding as a winter maintenance procedure. Some studies suggest that friction gains from sanding are minimal. In addition, there are increasing environmental concerns about sanding. These concerns focus on air quality and stormwater quality issues. This report reviews the state of the practice of abrasive usage in Iowa Counties, and classifies that usage according to its effectiveness. Possible changes in practice (with respect to abrasive usage) are presented and discussed.


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Includes discussion and findings by a key note speaker at Natural Resources Task Force Workshop on trends to do with Iowa's natural resources such as urban and rural development on agricultural land, cultivation, farm ownership, air quality, disposing of solid waste and the recreational needs and the possibility of creating new agencies to deal with natural resources planning and regulation.


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Iowa’s three million acres of forest land provide environmental benefits to all Iowans in terms of soil erosion control, air quality, and water quality. In 2013, more than 6.5 million trees died. Within those trees there were more than 125 million board feet of wood, compared to 98 million board feet of wood harvested. This level of mortality is the highest level reported from US Forest Service inventories in twenty years. This is disturbing when considering more than 18,000 Iowans are employed in the wood products and manufacturing industry, generating nearly $4 billion in annual sales, more than $900 million in annual payroll and more than $25 million to private woodland owners annually from the sale of timber.


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Exposure to fine airborne particulate matter (PM(2.5)) is associated with cardiovascular events and mortality in older and cardiac patients. Potential physiologic effects of in-vehicle, roadside, and ambient PM(2.5) were investigated in young, healthy, nonsmoking, male North Carolina Highway Patrol troopers. Nine troopers (age 23 to 30) were monitored on 4 successive days while working a 3 P.M. to midnight shift. Each patrol car was equipped with air-quality monitors. Blood was drawn 14 hours after each shift, and ambulatory monitors recorded the electrocardiogram throughout the shift and until the next morning. Data were analyzed using mixed models. In-vehicle PM(2.5) (average of 24 microg/m(3)) was associated with decreased lymphocytes (-11% per 10 microg/m(3)) and increased red blood cell indices (1% mean corpuscular volume), neutrophils (6%), C-reactive protein (32%), von Willebrand factor (12%), next-morning heart beat cycle length (6%), next-morning heart rate variability parameters, and ectopic beats throughout the recording (20%). Controlling for potential confounders had little impact on the effect estimates. The associations of these health endpoints with ambient and roadside PM(2.5) were smaller and less significant. The observations in these healthy young men suggest that in-vehicle exposure to PM(2.5) may cause pathophysiologic changes that involve inflammation, coagulation, and cardiac rhythm.


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This plan was developed to assist Alburnett with the management, budgeting and future planning of their urban forest. Across the state, forestry budgets continue to decrease with more and more of that money spent on tree removal. With the anticipated arrival of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), an invasive pest that kills native ash trees, it is time to prepare for the increased costs of tree removal and replacement planting. With proper planning and management of the current canopy in Alburnett, these costs can be extended over years and public safety issues from dead and dying ash trees mitigated. Trees are an important component of Alburnett’s infrastructure and one of the greatest assets to the community. The benefits of trees are immense. Trees provide the community with improved air quality, stormwater runoff interception, energy conservation, lower traffic speeds, increased property values, reduced crime, improved mental health and create a desirable place to live, to name just a few benefits. It is essential that these benefits be maintained for the people of Alburnett and future generations through good urban forestry management. Good urban forestry management involves setting goals and developing management strategies to achieve these goals. An essential part of developing management strategies is a comprehensive public tree inventory. The inventory supplies information that will be used for maintenance, removal schedules, tree planting and budgeting. Basing actions on this information will help meet Alburnett’s urban forestry goals.


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This plan was developed to assist Avoca with the management, budgeting and future planning of their urban forest. Across the state, forestry budgets continue to decrease with more and more of that money spent on tree removal. With the anticipated arrival of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), an invasive pest that kills native ash trees, it is time to prepare for the increased costs of tree removal and replacement planting. With proper planning and management of the current canopy in Avoca, these costs can be extended over years and public safety issues from dead and dying ash trees mitigated. Trees are an important component of Avoca’s infrastructure and one of the greatest assets to the community. The benefits of trees are immense. Trees provide the community with improved air quality, stormwater runoff interception, energy conservation, lower traffic speeds, increased property values, reduced crime, improved mental health and create a desirable place to live, to name just a few benefits. It is essential that these benefits be maintained for the people of Avoca and future generations through good urban forestry management. Good urban forestry management involves setting goals and developing management strategies to achieve these goals. An essential part of developing management strategies is a comprehensive public tree inventory. The inventory supplies information that will be used for maintenance, removal schedules, tree planting and budgeting. Basing actions on this information will help meet Avoca’s urban forestry goals.


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This plan was developed to assist Belle Plaine with the management, budgeting and future planning of their urban forest. Across the state, forestry budgets continue to decrease with more and more of that money spent on tree removal. With the anticipated arrival of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), an invasive pest that kills native ash trees, it is time to prepare for the increased costs of tree removal and replacement planting. With proper planning and management of the current canopy in Belle Plaine, these costs can be extended over years and public safety issues from dead and dying ash trees mitigated. Trees are an important component of Belle Plaine’s infrastructure and one of the greatest assets to the community. The benefits of trees are immense. Trees provide the community with improved air quality, stormwater runoff interception, energy conservation, lower traffic speeds, increased property values, reduced crime, improved mental health and create a desirable place to live, to name just a few benefits. It is essential that these benefits be maintained for the people of Belle Plaine and future generations through good urban forestry management. Good urban forestry management involves setting goals and developing management strategies to achieve these goals. An essential part of developing management strategies is a comprehensive public tree inventory. The inventory supplies information that will be used for maintenance, removal schedules, tree planting and budgeting. Basing actions on this information will help meet Belle Plaine’s urban forestry goals.


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The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) has been asked by several citizens of Clinton, Iowa to evaluate potential health effects from exposure to benzene from an above ground tank located near a residential area. The above ground tank is managed by Equistar Chemicals, LP (Equistar) and is use to store pyrolysis gasoline prior to off-loading onto barges. The IDPH in cooperation with the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) prepared this health consultation to review the air quality monitoring provided by Equistar and provide an evaluation of the health effects from exposure to benzene at the levels detected in ambient air near the tank. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.


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Henkilöautojen pakokaasut sisältävät satoja eri yhdisteitä, joista monet ovat ihmisen terveydelle haitallisia. Pysäköintihallien ilmanlaatua on tähän asti mitattu pääasiassa hiilimonoksidiantureilla, jolloin ilmanvaihtokoneita on voitu käyttää tarvepohjaisesti. Parantunut pakokaasujen puhdistustekniikka on vähentänyt perinteisesti haitallisimmaksi koettujen hiilimonoksidin ja typenoksidien määräpakokaasuissa. Tästä johtuen hiilidioksidin määrä pysäköintihallissa voi kohota haitalliselle tasolle ennen kuin hiilimonoksidianturit reagoivat tilanteeseen. Tässä diplomityössä tarkasteltiin pysäköintihallien ilmanlaatua ja hiilidioksidiantureiden edellytyksiä toimia ilmanvaihdon ohjauksessa. Hiilimonoksidi- ja hiilidioksidipitoisuuksia mitattiin Kampin ja Koskikeskuksen pysäköintihalleissa. Tuloksissa esitetään hiilimonoksidin ja hiilidioksidin riippuvuus ilmanvaihdon tehosta ja pysäköintihallin liikenteen määrästä. Johtopäätöksissä on kuvattu ehdotus hiilidioksidiantureiden käytöstä pysäköintihallien ilmanvaihdon ohjauksessa.