965 resultados para adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici, fiume Reno, Bologna


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In 1603, the Italian shoemaker Vincenzo Cascariolo found that a stone (baryte) from the outskirts of Bologna emitted light in the dark without any external excitation source. However, the calcination of the baryte was needed prior to this observation. The stone later named as the Bologna Stone was among the first luminescent materials and the first documented material to show persistent luminescence. The mechanism behind the persistent emission in this material has remained a mystery ever since. In this work, the Bologna Stone (BaS) was prepared from the natural baryte (Bologna, Italy) used by Cascariolo. Its properties, e. g. impurities (dopants) and their valences, luminescence, persistent luminescence and trap structure, were compared to those of the pure BaS materials doped with different (transition) metals (Cu, Ag, Pb) known to yield strong luminescence. The work was carried out by using different methods (XANES, TL, VUV-UV-vis luminescence, TGA-DTA, XPD). A plausible mechanism for the persistent luminescence from the Bologna Stone with Cu+ as the emitting species was constructed based on the results obtained. The puzzle of the Bologna Stone can thus be considered as resolved after some 400 years of studies.


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In order to provide information that may help researchers to understand the main cause(s) of differences in bull fertility frequently observed in field trials, this study aimed to investigate conception rates as well as several in vitro sperm characteristics of different sires of unknown fertility utilized in a Timed-AI (TAI) program. Suckled Nelore cows submitted to the same TAI protocol were allocated into eight breeding groups of approximately 120 animals each. Frozen semen doses from three Angus bulls and three different batches from each bull were utilized. Approximately 100 doses from each batch were used in TAI. Sires, batches and AI technicians were equally distributed across breeding groups. Cows were examined for pregnancy diagnosis 40 d after TAI. For in vitro sperm analyses, the same thawing procedure was repeated in the laboratory to mimic field conditions. The following in vitro sperm characteristics were assessed: computerized motility, thermal resistance, plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, lipid peroxidation, morphology, morphometry and chromatin structure. No effect of breeding group, body condition score, AI technician and sire was observed. However, some significant differences among bulls were detected in laboratory analyses. Semen from sire presenting numerically lower (P > 0.05) pregnancy/AI also presented lower (P < 0.05) values in all sperm characteristics analyzed in thermal resistance test at 4 h (Total Motility, Progressive Motility, Average Path Velocity, Straight-Line Velocity, Curvilinear Velocity, Amplitude of Lateral Head Displacement, Beat Cross Frequency, Straightness, Linearity, and Percentage of Rapidly Moving Cells), higher (P < 0.05) Major and Total Defects in sperm morphological test, lower (P < 0.05) Length, Ellipticity and Fourier parameter (Fourier 0) in sperm morphometric analysis as well as higher (P < 0.05) chromatin heterogeneity. It was concluded that, although no bull effect was observed in the field experiment, the sire that presented numerically lower pregnancy/AI also presented lower semen quality according to the laboratory analyses performed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective was to determine the effect of sequence of insemination after simultaneous thawing of multiple 0.5 mL semen straws on conception rate in suckled multiparous Nelore cows. The effect of this thawing procedure on in vitro sperm characteristics was also evaluated. All cows (N = 944) received the same timed AI protocol. Ten straws (0.5 mL) of frozen semen from the same batch were simultaneously thawed at 36 degrees C, for a minimum of 30 sec. One straw per cow was used for timed AI. Frozen semen from three Angus bulls was used. Timed AI records included sequence of insemination (first to tenth) and time of semen removal from thawing bath. For laboratory analyses, the same semen batches used in the field experiment were evaluated. Ten frozen straws from the same batch were thawed simultaneously in a thawing unit identical to that used in the field experiment. The following sperm characteristics were analyzed: sperm motility parameters, sperm thermal resistance, plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, lipid peroxidation, chromatin structure, and sperm morphometry. Based on logistic regression, there were no significant effects of breeding group, body condition score, AI technician, and sire on conception rate, but there was an interaction between sire and straw group (P = 0.002). Semen from only one bull had decreased (P < 0.05) field fertility for the group of straws associated with the longest interval from thawing to AI. However, the results of the laboratory experiment were unable to explain the findings of the field experiment. Sperm width:length ratio of morphometric analysis was the single sperm characteristic with a significant interaction between sire and straw group (P = 0.02). It was concluded that sequence of insemination after simultaneous thawing of 10 semen straws can differently affect conception rates at timed AI, depending on the sire used. Nevertheless, the effects of this thawing environment on in vitro sperm characteristics, remain to be further investigated. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Testo da sottoporre ad analisi prevalentemente linguistica, in classe o individuale ("tesina")


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La ricerca presentata è un’ampia esplorazione delle possibili applicazioni di concetti, metodi e procedure della Fuzzy Logic all’Ingegneria dei Materiali. Tale nuovo approccio è giustificato dalla inadeguatezza dei risultati conseguiti con i soli metodi tradizionali riguardo alla reologia ed alla durabilità, all’utilizzo di dati di laboratorio nella progettazione e alla necessità di usare un linguaggio (informatizzabile) che consenta una valutazione congiunta degli aspetti tecnici, culturali, economici, paesaggistici della progettazione. – In particolare, la Fuzzy Logic permette di affrontare in modo razionale l’aleatorietà delle variabili e dei dati che, nel settore specifico dei materiali in opera nel costruito dei Beni Culturali, non possono essere trattati con i metodi statistici ordinari. – La scelta di concentrare l’attenzione su materiali e strutture in opera in siti archeologici discende non solo dall’interesse culturale ed economico connesso ai sempre più numerosi interventi in questo nuovo settore di pertinenza dell’Ingegneria dei Materiali, ma anche dal fatto che, in tali contesti, i termini della rappresentatività dei campionamenti, della complessità delle interazioni tra le variabili (fisiche e non), del tempo e quindi della durabilità sono evidenti ed esasperati. – Nell’ambito di questa ricerca si è anche condotto un ampio lavoro sperimentale di laboratorio per l’acquisizione dei dati utilizzati nelle procedure di modellazione fuzzy (fuzzy modeling). In tali situazioni si è operato secondo protocolli sperimentali standard: acquisizione della composizione mineralogica tramite diffrazione di raggi X (XRD), definizione della tessitura microstrutturale con osservazioni microscopiche (OM, SEM) e porosimetria tramite intrusione forzata di mercurio (MIP), determinazioni fisiche quali la velocità di propagazione degli ultrasuoni e rotoviscosimetria, misure tecnologiche di resistenza meccanica a compressione uniassiale, lavorabilità, ecc. – Nell’elaborazione dei dati e nella modellazione in termini fuzzy, la ricerca è articolata su tre livelli: a. quello dei singoli fenomeni chimico-fisici, di natura complessa, che non hanno trovato, a tutt’oggi, una trattazione soddisfacente e di generale consenso; le applicazioni riguardano la reologia delle dispersioni ad alto tenore di solido in acqua (calci, cementi, malte, calcestruzzi SCC), la correlazione della resistenza a compressione, la gelività dei materiali porosi ed alcuni aspetti della durabilità del calcestruzzo armato; b. quello della modellazione della durabilità dei materiali alla scala del sito archeologico; le applicazioni presentate riguardano i centri di cultura nuragica di Su Monte-Sorradile, GennaMaria-Villanovaforru e Is Paras-Isili; c. quello della scelta strategica costituita dalla selezione del miglior progetto di conservazione considerando gli aspetti connessi all’Ingegneria dei Materiali congiuntamente a quelli culturali, paesaggistici ed economici; le applicazioni hanno riguardato due importanti monumenti (Anfiteatro e Terme a Mare) del sito Romano di Nora-Pula.