444 resultados para actuation


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The inclusion of the dentist in the Family Health Program (FHP) teams designates a reorganization of the mouth health care in your country and establishes a new scenario in Brazilian odontology, through of a new way to organize the basic health care, creating conditions to consolidate in mouth health practice actions, in the level of the basic attention, the validation of Unique Health System (UHS) constitutional principles. The purpose of this research is to verify if the actuation of mouth health teams (MHT) dentists, in Natal city north sanitary district, is tuned with FHP goals.The target research population was composed by all dentists working in Basic Health Units (BHU) of Natal north sanitary district. Fifth-eight questionnaires were applied and using open and closed questions we look for identify the functional characteristics of each BHU, the dentists professional attributions on each BHU, as well as the clinical procedures that they execute. This research also searched to identify the factors that facilitate and/or difficult the inclusion process and the dentists activities performance on these BHUs, as well as the necessary actions to north sanitary district MHTs to fulfill the objectives proposed by FHP. The results point that the inclusion of mouth health actions in north sanitary district FHPs brought the incorporation of new values to the used practices. Whoever, its necessary a more frequent evaluation of the carried actions, in a way they can be adapted to the real community necessities, and, is fundamental the data accompaniment, for that these serve of base for planning and redirecting activities, in a way that we do not have only a reproduction of traditional practices, fragmented and isolated, but a truly substitution of the traditional practices and a new way of promoting health


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To implement policies and plans at the tourist sector involve disposition to the establishment of parceries among government and private initiative, space to the action of studious, researchers and professionals of several areas of knowledge and formation, able of to give new courses no only at the tourism, but to the economy how a every, seen which the tourism had a effect multiplicator, reaching 52 sectors of the economy. At this sense, the Brazil came pruning for a new phase of politic actuation at the touristy activity. Until the year 2002, the tourism politic in the Brazil no had detail, because herself treated of isolated actions and many without continuity. However, at to start 2003, several actions were developed in order to contribute for the national touristy planning. The principal was the creation of Ministério do Turismo, accompanied of the formulation and implementation of the Plano Nacional do Turismo (2003/2007). This work pretend to understand the implementation at the Rio Grande do Norte of the model of participative administration extolled by Plano Nacional do Turismo. The your centre detail the action of the Conselho Estadual de Turismo do Rio Grande do Norte (CONETUR), to promote the participation at the tourism public policies. The bibliographical research contemplated diverse sources in order to compile knowledge of credential authors in the quarrel of inherent subjects to the participation and to the tourism public policies, especially at the Brazil. A qualitative perspective the case study was adapted as research method and for attainment of the data interviews with the members of the Conselho had been carried through beyond consultation the referring documents the dynamics of functioning of the Conselho. The principal actuations of the CONETUR, the directives tourism public policies already made and directed to implementation, the type of participation at made decision, the principal difficulties of the implementation of the participative administration model of the Plano Nacional do Turismo and the degree of participation of the members of the Conselho at the reunions had been identified. The results had shown that exist some difficulties at the implementation of the participation at the Conselho Estadual de Turismo do Rio Grande do Norte, knowledge of the Conselheiros of CONETUR function, the presence of bodies which doesn t directly connected at the touristy activity; the absence of time of the Conselheiros to be presents at reunions; the discontinuity of the presidency of the Conselho; among others. So, the CONETUR show himself how a Conselho with participative characteristics, but with some adapted needs.


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O processo de employee branding tem demonstrado promover e reforçar o contrato psicológico entre os colaboradores e a organização, pelo incremento e potenciação do sentimento de comprometimento e lealdade do colaborador de acordo com Miles e Mangold. Esta investigação foca-se no estudo do impacto da mentoria e relações de ajuda no processo de employee branding, numa visão integrada da gestão de recursos humanos e do comportamento organizacional, com base nas relações de troca do marketing do relacionamento numa perspetiva da gestão por competências e foco nas Pessoas. Com a introdução da nova variável (mentoria e relações de ajuda) esta investigação, ao enriquecer e incrementar o processo de employee branding de Miles e Mangold proposto em 2004 e 2005, apresenta a construção de um instrumento de diagnóstico do inovador processo de Efeito de Marca de Empregado. A investigação decorreu em 30 organizações, com um total de 725 questionários, que permitiu a validação e fiabilidade do instrumento, bem como demonstra através de métodos estatísticos a influência das ações de mentoria e relações de ajuda e da atuação das relações interpessoais que promovem o processo employee branding. Se o processo de employee branding já incrementava os resultados organizacionais, com esta investigação, pode-se afirmar que o processo de Efeito de Marca de Empregado não só incrementa como também impulsiona a imagem de marca da organização pela atuação dinâmica e catalisadora das relações interpessoais dos seus colaboradores, dentro e fora da organização, com a introdução e promoção de ações mentoria e relações de ajuda entre chefias e chefiados; ABSTRACT: The employee branding process has shown as to promote and strengthen the psychological contract between employees and the organization, by increasing and maximizing the sense of employees’ commitment and loyalty, according with Miles and Mangold. This research focuses on the impact of mentoring and helping relationships in the employee branding process, in an integrated view of human resources management and organizational behavior, based on the exchange ratio of the relationship marketing in a perspective of management by competencies and people focused approach. With the introduction of the new variable (mentoring and helping relationships), this research enriches and enhances the Miles and Mangold employee branding process proposed in 2004 and 2005 and presents the construction of an diagnostic instrument for the innovative process of Employee Brand Effect. This research took place in 30 organizations with a total of 725 questionnaires, which allowed the validation and reliability of the instrument and the evidence through statistical methods of the influence of mentoring and helping relationships actions and of the interaction of interpersonal relationships promoting the employee branding process. If the employee branding process was already boosting organizational results with this research, it can be stated that the Employee Brand Effect process not only increases, but also boosts the organization’s brand image by the actuation of the dynamics of employees’ interpersonal relationships, inside and outside the organization, with the introduction and promotion of mentoring and helping relationships actions between leaders and followers.


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Strawberries harvested for processing as frozen fruits are currently de-calyxed manually in the field. This process requires the removal of the stem cap with green leaves (i.e. the calyx) and incurs many disadvantages when performed by hand. Not only does it necessitate the need to maintain cutting tool sanitation, but it also increases labor time and exposure of the de-capped strawberries before in-plant processing. This leads to labor inefficiency and decreased harvest yield. By moving the calyx removal process from the fields to the processing plants, this new practice would reduce field labor and improve management and logistics, while increasing annual yield. As labor prices continue to increase, the strawberry industry has shown great interest in the development and implementation of an automated calyx removal system. In response, this dissertation describes the design, operation, and performance of a full-scale automatic vision-guided intelligent de-calyxing (AVID) prototype machine. The AVID machine utilizes commercially available equipment to produce a relatively low cost automated de-calyxing system that can be retrofitted into existing food processing facilities. This dissertation is broken up into five sections. The first two sections include a machine overview and a 12-week processing plant pilot study. Results of the pilot study indicate the AVID machine is able to de-calyx grade-1-with-cap conical strawberries at roughly 66 percent output weight yield at a throughput of 10,000 pounds per hour. The remaining three sections describe in detail the three main components of the machine: a strawberry loading and orientation conveyor, a machine vision system for calyx identification, and a synchronized multi-waterjet knife calyx removal system. In short, the loading system utilizes rotational energy to orient conical strawberries. The machine vision system determines cut locations through RGB real-time feature extraction. The high-speed multi-waterjet knife system uses direct drive actuation to locate 30,000 psi cutting streams to precise coordinates for calyx removal. Based on the observations and studies performed within this dissertation, the AVID machine is seen to be a viable option for automated high-throughput strawberry calyx removal. A summary of future tasks and further improvements is discussed at the end.


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© IMechE 2014. Controlled auto-ignition, also known as homogeneous charge compression ignition, has been the subject of extensive research because of their ability to provide simultaneous reductions in fuel consumption and NOx emissions from a gasoline engine. However, due to its limited operation range, switching between controlled auto-ignition and spark ignition combustion is needed to cover the complete operating range of a gasoline engine for passenger car applications. Previous research has shown that the spark ignition -controlled auto-ignition hybrid combustion (SCHC) has the potential to control the ignition timing and heat release process during the mode transition operations. However, it was found that the SCHC is often characterized with large cycle-to-cycle variations. The cyclic variations in the in-cylinder pressure are particularly noticeable in terms of both their peak values and timings while the coefficient of variation in the indicated mean effective pressure is much less. In this work, the cyclic variations in SCHC operations were analyzed by means of in-cylinder pressure and heat release analysis in a single-cylinder gasoline engine equipped with Variable Valve Actuation (VVA) systems. First, characteristics of the in-cylinder pressure traces during the spark ignition-controlled auto-ignition hybrid combustion operation are presented and their heat release processes analyzed. In order to clarify the contribution to heat release and cyclic variation in SCHC, a new method is introduced to identify the occurrence of auto-ignition combustion and its subsequent heat release process. Based on the new method developed, the characteristics of cyclic variations in the maximum rate of pressure rise and different stages of heat release process have been analyzed and discussed.


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Future power grids are envisioned to be serviced by heterogeneous arrangements of renewable energy sources. Due to their stochastic nature, energy storage distribution and management are pivotal in realizing microgrids serviced heavily by renewable energy assets. Identifying the required response characteristics to meet the operational requirements of a power grid are of great importance and must be illuminated in order to discern optimal hardware topologies. Hamiltonian Surface Shaping and Power Flow Control (HSSPFC) presents the tools to identify such characteristics. By using energy storage as actuation within the closed loop controller, the response requirements may be identified while providing a decoupled controller solution. A DC microgrid servicing a fixed RC load through source and bus level storage managed by HSSPFC was realized in hardware. A procedure was developed to calibrate the DC microgrid architecture of this work to the reduced order model used by the HSSPFC law. Storage requirements were examined through simulation and experimental testing. Bandwidth contributions between feed forward and PI components of the HSSPFC law are illuminated and suggest the need for well-known system losses to prevent the need for additional overhead in storage allocations. The following work outlines the steps taken in realizing a DC microgrid and presents design considerations for system calibration and storage requirements per the closed loop controls for future DC microgrids.


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This paper proposes a simple and compact compliant gripper, whose gripping stiffness can be thermally controlled to accommodate the actuation inaccuracy to avoid or reduce the risk of breaking objects. The principle of reducing jaw stiffness is that thermal change can cause an initial internal compressive force along each compliant beam. A prototype is fabricated with physical testing to verify the feasibility. It has been shown that when a voltage is applied, the gripping stiffness effectively reduces to accommodate more inaccuracy of actuation, which allows delicate or small-scale objects to be gripped.


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The subject of the present work is the synthesis of novel nanoscale objects, designed for self-propulsion under external actuation. The synthesized objects present asymmetric hybrid particles, consisting of a magnetic core and polymer flagella and their hydrodynamic properties under the actuation by external magnetic fields are investigated. The single-domain ferromagnetic cobalt ferrite nanoparticles are prepared by thermal decomposition of a mixture of metalorganic complexes based on iron (III) cobalt (II) in non-polar solvents. Further modification of the particles includes the growth of the silver particle on the surface of the cobalt ferrite particle to form a dumbbell-shaped heterodimer. Different possible mechanisms of dumbbell formation are discussed. A polyelectrolyte tail with ability to adjust the persistence length of the polymer, and thus the stiffness of the tail, by variation of pH is attached to the particles. A polymer tail consisting of a polyacrylic acid chain is synthesized by hydrolysis of poly(tert-butyl acrylate) obtained by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). A functional thiol end-group enables selective attachment of the tail to the silver part of the dumbbell, resulting in an asymmetric functionalization of the dumbbells. The calculations on the propulsion force and the sperm number for the resulting particles reveal a theoretical possibility for the propelled motion. Under the actuation of the particles with flagella by alternating magnetic field an increase in the diffusion coefficient compared to non-actuated or non-functionalized particles is observed. Further development of such systems for application as nanomotors or in drug delivery is promising.


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The emergence of any new educational technology is often accompanied by inflated expectations about its potential for transforming pedagogical practice and improving student learning outcomes. A critique of the rhetoric accompanying the evolution of 3D virtual world education reveals a similar pattern, with the initial hype based more on rhetoric than research demonstrating the extent to which rhetoric matches reality. Addressed are the perceived gaps in the literature through a critique of the rhetoric evident throughout the evolution of the application of virtual worlds in education and the reality based on the reported experiences of experts in the field of educational technology, who are all members of the Australian and New Zealand Virtual Worlds Working Group. The experiences reported highlight a range of effective virtual world collaborative and communicative teaching experiences conducted in members' institutions. Perspectives vary from those whose reality is the actuation of the initial rhetoric in the early years of virtual world education, to those whose reality is fraught with challenges that belie the rhetoric. Although there are concerns over institutional resistance, restrictions, and outdated processes on the one-hand, and excitement over the rapid emergence of innovation on the other, the prevailing reality seems to be that virtual world education is both persistent and sustainable. Explored are critical perspectives on the rhetoric and reality on the educational uptake and use of virtual worlds in higher education, providing an overview of the current and future directions for learning in virtual worlds.