912 resultados para YES, Aquatic toxicity


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Faculty of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The present work is a base line attempt to investigate and assess the toxicities of three surfactants viz. anionic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), non ionic Triton X-1OO (TX-IOO) and cationic cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). These compounds represent simple members of the often neglected group of aquatic pollutants i.e. the anionic alkyl sulfates, non ionics and the cationics. These compounds are widely used In plastic industry, pesticide/herbicide formulations, detergents, oil spill dispersants, molluscicides etc. The test organisms selected for the present study are the cyanobacterium Synechocystis salina Wislouch representing a primary producer in the marine environment and a fresh water adapted euryhaline teleost Oreochromis mossambicus (peters) at the consumer level of the ecological pyramid. The fish species, though not indigenous to our country, is now found ubiquitously in fresh water systems and estuaries. Also it is highly resistant to pollutants and has been suggested as an indicator of pollution in tropical region .


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The present study is an investigation to address relevant chemical aspects of the three varied aquatic environments, such as mangroves, river and the estuary. The sampling locations include a thick mangrove forest with high tidal activity, a mangrove nursery with minimal disturbances and low tidal inundation, a highly polluted riverine system and an estuarine site, as reference. Nutrients and bioorganic compounds in the water column and surface sediment were estimated in an attempt to understand the regeneration properties of these different aquatic systems.Assessment of the trace metal pollution was also carried out.


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The present study dealt with the haematological, biochemical and istopathological impacts of different sub lethal concentrations of ethanol on a euryhaline teleost Oreochromis In05.s‘ambicu.5' (Peters).Studies carried out using GC indicated an increase in blood ethanol oncentration of the fish which mainly arose due to fishes entering into a state of hypoxia which explains ethanol production as an ubiquitous “anaerobic” end product, which gets accumulated whenever metabolic demand exceeds the mitochondrial oxidative potential. The very low amount of ethanol detected in the control group ofO mossambicns was mainly due to the activity of microorganisms in the gut ofO. Nzossambicus.Oedcma observed in the present study, is a defense mechanism that reduces the branchial superficial area of the fish which comes in contact with the external milieu. These mechanisms also increase the diffusion barrier to the pollutant. Dilation of the blood vessels is due to increased permeability helping in the free passage of ethanol into the blood stream. Telangiectasis observed explains the state of asphyxia of the fish when subjected to ethanol toxicity indicating acute respiratory distress. Gill aneurysm observed indicates impaired respiratory function. This is related to the rupture of the pillar cells which results in an increased blood flow inside the lamellae, causing dilation of the blood vessel or even aneurysm of gill.The present findings warrant future studies to explore A'T'Pases as possible biomarkers of pollutant exposure in ecotoxicology. This study indicated that O. mossambicus when exposed for 7 and 21 days to ethanol was under tremendous stress and parameters employed in this study can be adapted for future investigations as biomarkers of damage caused by ethanol to aquatic organisms. The present study revealed that O. mossambicus is sensitive to sub lethal concentrations of ethanol.


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In recent years, pollution in general and sea water pollution in particular, has become an important topic for national and international considerations. Because of its impact on society, marine pollution has attracted great attention from politicians, administrators, natural scientists and technologists all over the world. To save our environment from further deterioration, it is essential to have an assessment of this problem This thesis involves investigation of the lethal and sub lethal effects of four pesticides and two petroleum oil, individually and in combinations on two commercially important bivalves. Among the four pesticides used two are organophosphates and the other two are organochlorines. Synthetic Pesticides, especially organophosphates and organochlorines have become increasingly important additions to chemical wastes polluting natural aquatic Communities special attention is given in the present investigation to delineate the combined toxic effect of oil and pesticides. The results are presented under different sections to make the presentation meaningful.


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In India industrial pollution has become a subject of increasing concern.Incidents of industrial pollution have been reported from many parts of the country. Cochin, the collection site of the present study, being the industrial capital of Kerela is also a harbour, is vulnerable to pollution by trace metal contaminants. In the recent times, pollutants of greatest concern in the aquatic environment are those which are persistent such as toxic heavy metals and the chlorinated hydrocarbons which include insecticides and pesticides.The animals collected from the clam bed situated on the northern side af Cochin bermouth are subject to wide fluctuations in salinity both seasonal and tidal. also; salinity is considered as an important parameter influencing the.-physiological functioning of an organism. Hence, the salinity tolerance of the animal is worked out. Considering the potential vulnerability of Cochin backwaters to heavy metal pollution, the impact of heavy metal copper (II) on the bivalve Sunetta sripta was conceived. Static bioassays were conducted for the determination of the sublethal concentrations of the metal as a preliminary step towards the toxicity studies. Oxygen consumption and filtration rate which are considered as reliable sublethal toxicity indices were employed for investigating the toxic effects of the metal. Bioaccumulation, a physiological phenomenon which can be of importance from the public health point of view, and also in the assessment of environmental quality is also dealt with.


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The present scientific investigation of the effects of copper, mercury and cadmium has focussed on their effects on two commercially important marine bivalve species, Perna indica (brown mussel) and Donax incarnatus (wedge clam), conspicuous representatives of the tropical intertidal areas. The investigation centred around delineating the cause and effects of heavy metal stress, individually and in combination on these species under laboratory conditions. A clear understanding of the cause and effect can be had only if laboratory experiments are conducted employing sub-lethal concentrations of the above toxicants. Therefore, during the course of the investigation, sub-lethal concentrations of copper, mercury and cadmium were employed to assess the concentration dependent effects on survival, ventilation rate, O:N ratio and tissues. The results obtained are compared with the already available information and partitioned in sections to make a meaningful presentation.The thesis is presented in five chapters comprising INTRODUCTION, ACUTE TOXICITY, VENTILATION RATE, OXYGEN : NITROGEN RATIO and HISTOPATHOLOGY. Each chapter has been divided into various sections such as INTRODUCTION, REVIEW OF LITERATURE, MATERIAL AND METHODS, RESULTS and DISCUSSION


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In this thesis certain important aspects of heavy metal toxicity have been worked out. Recent studies have clearly shown that when experimental media contained more than one heavy metals, such metals could conspicuously influence the toxic reaction of the animals both in terms of quantity and nature. The experimental results available on individual metal toxicity show that, in majority of such results, unrealistically high concentrations of dissolved metals are involved. A remarkable number of factors have been shown to influence metal toxicity such as various environmental factors particularly temperature and salinity, the condition of the organism and the ability of some of the marine organisms to adapt to metallic contamination. Further, some of the more sensitive functions like embryonic and larval development, growth and fecundity, oxygen utilization and the function of various enzymes are found to be demonstrably sensitive in the presence of heavy metals. However, some of the above functions could be compensated for by adaptive process. If it is assumed that the presence of a single metal in higher concentrations could affect the life function of marine animals, more than one metal in the experimental media should manifest such effects in a greater scale. Commonly known as synergism or more than additivity, majority of heavy metals bring about synergistic reaction .The work presented in this thesis comprises lethal and sublethal toxicities of different salt forms of copper and silver on the brown mussel Perna indica. during the present investigation sublethal concentrations of copper and silver in their dent effects on survival, oxygen consumption, filtration, accumulation and depuration on Perna indica. The results are presented under different sections to make the presentation meaningful .


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Pyocyanin is a versatile and multifunctional phenazine, widely used as a bio-control agent. Besides its toxicity in higher concentration, it has been applied as bio-control agents against many pathogens including the Vibrio spp. in aquaculture systems. The exact mechanism of the production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is well known, but the genetic modification of pyocyanin biosynthetic pathways in P. aeruginosa is not yet experimented to improve the yield of pyocyanin production. In this context, one of the aims of this work was to improve the yield of pyocyanin production in P. aeruginosa by way of increasing the copy number of pyocyanin pathway genes and their over expression. The specific aims of this work encompasses firstly, the identification of probiotic effect of P. aeruginosa isolated from various ecological niches, the overexpression of pyocyanin biosynthetic genes, development of an appropriate downstream process for large scale production of pyocyanin and its application in aquaculture industries. In addition, this work intends to examine the toxicity of pyocyanin on various developmental stages of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon), Artemia nauplii, microbial consortia of nitrifying bioreactors (Packed Bed Bioreactor, PBBR and Stringed Bed Suspended Bioreactor, SBSBR) and in vitro cell culture systems from invertebrates and vertebrates. The present study was undertaken with a vision to manage the pathogenic vibrios in aquaculture through eco-friendly and sustainable management strategies with the following objectives: Identification of Pseudomonas isolated from various ecological niches and its antagonism to pathogenic vibrios in aquaculture.,Saline dependent production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa originated from different ecological niches and their selective application in aquaculture,Cloning and overexpression of Phz genes encoding phenazine biosynthetic pathway for the enhanced production of pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa MCCB117,Development of an appropriate downstream process for large scale production of pyocyanin from PA-pUCP-Phz++; Structural elucidation and functional analysis of the purified compoundToxicity of pyocyanin on various biological systems.


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Aquatic ecosystem in the south west coast of India is noted for its diversity of habitats. Very often these environments turn bluegreen when the bloom of bluegreen algae (cyanobacteria) appear consequent to eutrophication. This phenomenon occursin these habitats one after the other or simultaneously. This conspicuousness make one curious enough to know more about these nature’s gift bestowed upon mankind. While persuing the literature on the magnificent flora) it is understood that it may provide food fertilizer, chemicals and bioactive substances. These bioactive substances are likely to be involved in regulating natural populations and are potentially useful as biochemical tools and as herbicidal or biocontrol agents. The role of cyanobacteria in the aquatic food chain and contribution in abatement of heavy metals from the natural environment are well documented. Considering the manifold utilization of the flora and their significance in the food chain, the present investigation has been undertaken


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Environmental persistence, fate and interactive effects with living organisms - beneficial or toxic - of trace elements are directly related to the physico-chemical forms in which they occur. Knowledge on the association of trace metals with different environmental compartments in an aquatic system are, therefore, essential for monitoring the trace metal pollution as well as transport, fate and bio-geochemical cycles of trace metals. This thesis is a modest attempt in assessing the trace metal levels and their behaviour in the aquatic environment of Kuttanad, an aquatic system that is severely affected by man's intervention on natural processes, by seriously evaluating the levels of trace metals in dissolved and particulate phases and also in the different chemical fractions of the sediments.


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Poisoning by pesticides from agricultural fields is a serious water pollution problem and its environmental long-term effect may result in the incidence of poisoning of fish and other aquatic life forms (jyothi and Narayan, 1999). Fishes like Heteropneustesfbssilis and C/arius batrac/nus are especially prone to serious pesticide pollution as their habitat is mostly the agriculture area. Though only few studies are conducted in this area, it can be assessed from the local information that, population of such fish is on the verge of vulnerability due to extensive use of pesticides. The knowledge of sublethal effects of xenobiotic compounds on hematological parameters, enzyme activities and metabolite concentrations is very important to delineate the fish health status and provide a future understanding of ecological impacts. These pesticides act by causing inhibition of cholinesterase enzymes (ChE) by formation of enzyme inhibitor complex (O'Brien, 1976) and damaging the nervous system. These effects may result in metabolic disorders. Associated to cholinesterase activities, a study of other enzymes such as phosphatases and aminotransferases close to intermediary metabolite determination provides a wider view of metabolism. Interest in toxicological aspects has grown in recent years and research is now increasingly focused on mechanistic aspects of oxidative damage and cellular responses in biological system. The term ‘biomarker’ is generally used in a broad sense to include almost any measurement reflecting an interaction between a biological system and a potential hazard, which may be chemical, physical or biological (WHO, 1993). As biomarker stands for immediate responses, they are used as early warning signals of biological effects caused by environmental pollutants. The present work attempts to assess the toxicity of organophosphorus insecticide monocrotophos on the experimental organism selected for this study namely stinging catfish (Heteropneustesfossi/is) (Bloch), and to probe into the stress responses of the organism


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Fishes are one of the most important members of the aquatic food chain, and through them some toxicants may reach human beings as well. The selection of organisms for toxicity test is mainly based on certain criteria like its ecological status, position within the food chain, suitability for laboratory studies, genetically stable, uniform populations and adequate background data on the organism (Buikema et al., 1982). The species selected for the present study Etroplus maculatus satisfy most of the above protocols. Rechten (1980) opined it as a laboratory favorite of fish researchers. However, there are difficulties in the rise of fishes for pollution assessment impact. Most important of these is our limited understanding of the mechanism of toxicity. The interpretation of the significance or specificity of a measured biological response could there for become difficult. Not withstanding these limitations, attempts have been made to the normal haematology and to analyze the impact of heavy metal at realistic levels to the experimental media, on the haematology, and enzymatic activity and histology of Etroplus maculatus


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Industrialisation affects air, water, and soil. Industrial effluents which enter the aquatic environment either by direct disposal or through run off, affect living organisms at morphological and physiological levels. In any living tissue toxic materials exert their effects first at molecular and biochemical levels (Robbins and Angell, 1976). Most of the industrial effluents contain elevated concentrations of organic and inorganic chemicals capable of eliciting stimulatory or inhibitory effects on the metabolism of aquatic organisms. Heavy metals form an important group of environmental pollutants. Effects of pollution on the aquatic environment by heavy metals have received considerable attention in recent years due to their toxicity even at very low levels, persistence in the environment, and chances of getting biomagnified. A pollutant that does not affect a particular process under normal unstressed condition may affect the ability of the animal to adjust to changing environmental conditions which ultimately decrease its chances of survival (Thurberg et al., 1973


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The nearshore marine ecosystem is a dynamic environment impacted by many activities, especially the coastal waters and sediments contiguous to major urban areas. Although heavy metals are natural constituents of the marine environment, inputs are considered to be conservative pollutants and are potentially toxic, accumulate in the sediment, are bioconcentrated by organisms and may cause health problems to humans via the food chain. A variety of metals in trace amounts are essential for biological processes in all organisms, but excessive levels can be detrimental by acting as enzyme inhibitors. Discharge of industrial wastewater, agriculture runoff and untreated sewage pose a particularly serious threat to the coastal environment of Kerala, but there is a dearth of studies in documenting the contaminant metals. This study aimed principally to assess such contamination by examining the results of heavy metal (Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cd and Hg) analysis in seawater, sediment and benthic biota from a survey of five transects along the central and northern coast of Kerala in 2008 covering a 10.0 km stretch of near shore environment in each transect. Trophic transfer of metal contaminants from aquatic invertebrates to its predators was also assessed, by employing a suitable benthic food chain model in order to understand which all metals are undergoing biotransference (transfer of metals from a food source to consumer).The study of present contamination levels will be useful for potential environmental remediation and ecosystem restoration at contaminated sites and provides a scientific basis for standards and protective measures for the coastal waters and sediments. The usefulness of biomonitor proposed in this study would allow identification of different bioavailable metals as well as provide an assessment of the magnitude of metal contamination in the coastal marine milieu. The increments in concentration of certain metals between the predator and prey discerned through benthic food chain can be interpreted as evidence of biotransference.