969 resultados para Working course conclusion
A person working for the Centre for Indigenous Health, Education and Research provides an insight into the personal journey of an Indigenous professional embarking on a career in health and research, specifying the difficulties and problems within the course of development. He suggests that to increase the number and level of involvement of Indigenous researchers in research field the need for providing the opportunity for Indigenous people should be considered.
Individual differences in the variance of event-related potential (ERP) slow wave (SW) measures were examined. SW was recorded at prefrontal and parietal sites during memory and sensory trials of a delayed-response task in 391 adolescent twin pairs. Familial resemblance was identified and there was a strong suggestion of genetic influence. A common genetic factor influencing memory and sensory SW was identified at the prefrontal site (accounting for an estimated 35%-37% of the reliable variance) and at the parietal site (51%-52% of the reliable variance). Remaining reliable variance was influenced by unique environmental factors. Measurement error accounted for 24% to 30% of the total variance of each variable. The results show genetic independence for recording site, but not trial type, and suggest that the genetic factors identified relate more directly to brain structures, as defined by the cognitive functions they support, than to the cognitive networks that link them.
The genetic relationship between lower (information processing speed), intermediate (working memory), and higher levels (complex cognitive processes as indexed by IQ) of mental ability was studied in a classical twin design comprising 166 monozygotic and 190 dizygotic twin pairs. Processing speed was measured by a choice reaction time (RT) task (2-, 4-, and 8-choice), working memory by a visual-spatial delayed response task, and IQ by the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery. Multivariate analysis, adjusted for test-retest reliability, showed the presence of a genetic factor influencing all variables and a genetic factor influencing 4- and 8-choice RTs, working memory, and IQ. There were also genetic factors specific to 8-choice RT, working memory, and IQ. The results confirmed a strong relationship between choice RT and IQ (phenotypic correlations: -0.31 to -0.53 in females, -0.32 to -0.56 in males; genotypic correlations: -0.45 to -0.70) and a weaker but significant association between working memory and IQ (phenotypic: 0.26 in females, 0.13 in males; genotypic: 0.34). A significant part of the genetic variance (43%) in IQ was not related to either choice RT or delayed response performance, and may represent higher order cognitive processes.
This paper describes the background and current status of an OMERACT facilitated effort to improve the consistency of adverse event reporting in rheumatology clinical trials, The overall goal is the development of an adverse event assessment tool that would provide a basis for use of common terminology and improve the consistency of reporting severity of side effects within rheumatology clinical trials and during postmarketing surveillance. The resulting Rheumatology Common Toxicity Criteria Index encompassed the following organ systems: allergic/immunologic, cardiac, ENT, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, neuropsychiatric, ophthalmologic, pulmonary and skin/integument. Before this tool is widely accepted, its validity, consistency, and feasibility need to be assessed in clinical trials.
Objective: To investigate the efficacy of a stress management programme on symptoms of colds and influenza in 27 university students before and after the examination period. Method: The incidence of symptoms, levels of negative affect, and secretion rate of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) were recorded for 5 weeks before treatment, for the 4 weeks of treatment, and for 8 weeks after treatment in treated subjects and in 25 others who did not participate in stress management. Results: Symptoms decreased in treated subjects but not in controls during and after the examination period. Although sIgA secretion rate increased significantly after individual sessions of relaxation, resting secretion rate of sIgA did not increase over the course of the study. Negative affect decreased after examinations in both groups, but was not affected by treatment. Conclusion: Stress management reduced days of illness independently of negative affect and sIgA secretion rate. Although the component of treatment responsible for this effect has yet to be identified, psychological interventions may have a role in reducing symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Whereas in other Australian states voluntary organizations set up and managed infant health clinics and state governments only later became involved, in order to resolve conflicts or raise standards, Queensland began with government control. From the start, these well-baby clinics were established and maintained by the state government, whose policy precluded any involvement by the voluntary sector in baby clinic management or other aspects of the work of the Maternal and Child Welfare section of the Department of Health and Home Affairs. One organization, the Mothercraft Association of Queensland, attempted to contribute to maternal-infant welfare in the years 1931-1961. This article will discuss how the association worked in a way that was complementary to the government's work, and non-confrontationist, to achieve some of its goals.
Objectives. Intrusive memories of extreme trauma can disrupt a stepwise approach to imaginal exposure. Concurrent tasks that load the visuospatial sketchpad (VSSP) of working memory reduce the vividness of recalled images. This study tested whether relief of distress from competing VSSP tasks during imaginal exposure is at the cost of impaired desensitization. Design. This study examined repeated exposure to emotive memories using 18 unselected undergraduates and a within-subjects design with three exposure conditions (Eye Movement, Visual Noise, Exposure Alone) in random, counterbalanced order. Method. At baseline, participants recalled positive and negative experiences, and rated the vividness and emotiveness of each image. A different positive and negative recollection was then used for each condition. Vividness and emotiveness were rated after each of eight exposure trials. At a post-exposure session 1 week later, participants rated each image without any concurrent task. Results. Consistent with previous research, vividness and distress during imaging were lower during Eye Movements than in Exposure Alone, with passive visual interference giving intermediate results. A reduction in emotional responses from Baseline to Post was of similar size for the three conditions. Conclusion. Visuospatial tasks may offer a temporary response aid for imaginal exposure without affecting desensitization.
This paper describes the inception, planning and first delivery of a security course as part of a postgraduate ecommerce program. The course is reviewed in terms of existing literature on security courses, the common body of knowledge established for security professionals and the job market into which students will graduate. The course described in this paper is a core subject for the e-commerce program. This program was established in 1999 and the first batch of students graduated in 2001. The program is offered at both postgraduate and undergraduate level. The work described here relates to the postgraduate offering. Students on this program are graduates of diverse disciplines and do not have a common e-commerce or business background.
Genetic and environmental sources of covariation among the P3(00) and online performance elicited in a delayed-response working memory task, and psychometric IQ assessed by the multidimensional aptitude battery, were examined in an adolescent twin sample. An association between frontal P3 latency and task performance (phenotypic r = -0.33; genotypic r = -0.49) was indicated, with genes (i.e. twin status) accounting for a large part of the covariation ( > 70%). In contrast, genes influencing P3 amplitude mediated only a small part (2%) of the total genetic variation in task performance. While task performance mediated 15% of the total genetic variation in IQ (phenotypic r = 0.22; genotypic r = 0.39) there was no association between P3 latency and IQ or P3 amplitude with IQ. The findings provide some insight into the inter-relationships among psychophysiological, performance and psychometric measures of cognitive ability, and provide support for a levels-of-processing genetic model of cognition where genes act on specific sub-components of cognitive processes.
OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to examine occupational therapists' use and perceptions of written education materials for clients and the factors that therapists consider before distributing written materials to clients This study also aimed to determine whether use and perceptions of these materials differed for older clients METHOD. A random sample of 50 occupational therapists from Queensland, Australia, working in adult physical disabilities settings was surveyed with a structured questionnaire Data were analyzed descriptively and with nonparametric statistics RESULTS. Of 49 participants who used written materials, 54% had given them to more than halt of their last 10 clients, regardless of the clients' age Written materials, most often information sheets developed by the participants themselves; handwritten notes; and pamphlets were principally used to reinforce verbal information. Clients' cognitive abilities, primary language, communication skills, vision, and level of education most often were considered before distributing written materials Although participants generally were positive about the content and effectiveness of materials, ratings were significantly less positive related to older clients CONCLUSION. Client education was a core treatment modality for participants in this study, with written media most commonly being used to supplement verbal education Because participants were least positive about the effectiveness of written materials for older clients, further development of materials for this audience may be indicated.