933 resultados para Wetland Restoration
The blistering disorder, lethal junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB), can result from mutations in the LAMB3 gene, which encodes laminin 5 β3 (β3). Appropriate expression of LAMβ3 in JEB skin tissue could potentially ameliorate the symptoms of the underlying disease. To explore the utility of this therapeutic approach, primary keratinocytes from six unrelated JEB patients were transduced with a retroviral vector encoding β3 and used to regenerate human skin on severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice. Tissue regenerated from β3-transduced JEB keratinocytes produced phenotypically normal skin characterized by sustained β3 expression and the formation of hemidesmosomes. Additionally, β3 gene transfer corrected the distribution of a number of important basement membrane zone proteins including BPAG2, integrins β4/β1, and laminins α3/γ2. Skin produced from β3-negative (β3[−]) JEB cells mimicked the hallmarks of the disease state and did not exhibit any of the aforementioned traits. Therefore, by effecting therapeutic gene transfer to β3-deficient primary keratinocytes, it is possible to produce healthy, normal skin tissue in vivo. These data support the utility of gene therapy for JEB and highlight the potential for gene delivery in the treatment of human genetic skin disease.
The Richmond Mine of the Iron Mountain copper deposit contains some of the most acid mine waters ever reported. Values of pH have been measured as low as −3.6, combined metal concentrations as high as 200 g/liter, and sulfate concentrations as high as 760 g/liter. Copious quantities of soluble metal sulfate salts such as melanterite, chalcanthite, coquimbite, rhomboclase, voltaite, copiapite, and halotrichite have been identified, and some of these are forming from negative-pH mine waters. Geochemical calculations show that, under a mine-plugging remediation scenario, these salts would dissolve and the resultant 600,000-m3 mine pool would have a pH of 1 or less and contain several grams of dissolved metals per liter, much like the current portal effluent water. In the absence of plugging or other at-source control, current weathering rates indicate that the portal effluent will continue for approximately 3,000 years. Other remedial actions have greatly reduced metal loads into downstream drainages and the Sacramento River, primarily by capturing the major acidic discharges and routing them to a lime neutralization plant. Incorporation of geochemical modeling and mineralogical expertise into the decision-making process for remediation can save time, save money, and reduce the likelihood of deleterious consequences.
In single isolated skeletal muscle fibers of the frog, we studied (i) the recovery from large sarcolemmal mechanical injuries of the response to electric stimulation and (ii) the integrity of the sarcolemma under the light microscope. In Ringer's solution, the damaged cells stopped contracting and deteriorated completely within 1 hr. In the presence of phosphatidylcholine (0.025 g/ml in Ringer's solution), the injured cells initially responded with local twitches. Within 0.5 hr, contractility and membrane integrity started to recover and both were back to control levels within 3 hr. When these cells were placed back in normal Ringer's solution, they remained viable and active for several hours. Our results suggest that phosphatidylcholine can protect muscle fibers from the effects of sarcolemmal injury.
The HS1 protein is one of the major substrates of non-receptor-type protein-tyrosine kinases and is phosphorylated immediately after crosslinking of the surface IgM on B cells. The mouse B-lymphoma cell line WEHI-231 is known to undergo apoptosis upon crosslinking of surface IgM by anti-IgM antibodies. Variants of WEHI-231 that were resistant to anti-IgM-induced apoptosis expressed dramatically reduced levels of HS1 protein. Expression of the human HS1 protein from an expression vector introduced into one of the variant cell lines restored the sensitivity of the cells to apoptosis induced by surface IgM crosslinking. These results suggest that HS1 protein plays a crucial role in the B-cell antigen receptor-mediated signal transduction pathway that leads to apoptosis.
Pseudoscalar susceptibilities and quark condensates: chiral restoration and lattice screening masses
We derive the formal Ward identities relating pseudoscalar susceptibilities and quark condensates in three-flavor QCD, including consistently the 77-n' sector and the U-A(1) anomaly. These identities are verified in the low-energy realization provided by ChPT, both in the standard SU(3) framework for the octet case and combining the use of the SU(3) framework and the large-Nc expansion of QCD to account properly for the nonet sector and anomalous contributions. The analysis is performed including finite temperature corrections as well as the calculation of U(3) quark condensates and all pseudoscalar susceptibilities, which together with the full set of Ward identities, are new results of this work. Finally, the Ward identities are used to derive scaling relations for pseudoscalar masses which explain the behavior with temperature of lattice screening masses near chiral symmetry restoration.
A concentração demográfica e de sistemas coletivos de esgotamento sanitário dentro do perímetro urbano da maioria dos municípios brasileiros, dificulta a viabilização do fornecimento de serviços de tratamento de esgotos domésticos à habitações e núcleos habitacionais isolados situados em áreas periurbanas e rurais, intensificando os danos provocados pela poluição de origem antrópica ao meio ambiente e à preservação da saúde pública. Para contribuir no equacionamento deste problema, o presente estudo teve por finalidade avaliar uma wetland construída híbrida em escala real, composta por uma unidade com fluxo contínuo subsuperficial vertical seguida por uma unidade de fluxo contínuo subsuperficial horizontal, cultivadas com capim Vetiver, para o tratamento de efluente proveniente de tanque séptico. A presente configuração experimental busca uma solução de baixo custo e simplificada para o tratamento descentralizado de esgotos domésticos. A estação experimental de tratamento de esgotos, parte integrante e um dos produtos da Rede Nacional de Tratamento de Esgotos Descentralizados RENTED, foi construída no Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica CTH / Escola Politécnica EPUSP, campus Butantã da USP, em São Paulo. O esgoto bruto foi proveniente do Conjunto Residencial da USP e do restaurante central da Cidade Universitária. As vazões média e máxima de esgoto bruto, respectivamente, de 640L.d-1 e 1600L.d-1, foram aplicadas à entrada do TS de 5.000L e deste escoaram por gravidade à entrada da wetland construída híbrida, com TDH total de 2,8d e 1,1d, respectivamente, sob aplicação das vazões média e máxima de projeto. O monitoramento do experimento em campo, incluindo o período inicial de partida, durou 6 meses consecutivos. Foram avaliados os parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos do esgoto bruto e do efluente do tanque séptico e das câmaras da wetland construída híbrida durante 97 dias consecutivos. Os resultados indicaram que tanto as mudas jovens quanto as adultas de capim Vetiver adaptaram-se bem às condições ambientais. As eficiências médias de remoção no efluente tratado final quanto à matéria orgânica carbonácea foram de 96 por cento para DBO5,20 e 90 por cento para DQO, 40 por cento para N-total, 23 por cento para N-amoniacal total, 60 por cento para P-total, 52 por cento para P-PO4, 74 por cento para SST, 96 por cento para SSV, 75 por cento para sólidos sedimentáveis, 44 por cento para SDV, 88 por cento para sulfeto total, e 97 por cento para óleos e graxas totais, variando entre 73 por cento a 100 por cento . Cerca de 80 por cento da fração orgânica da matéria nitrogenada presente no esgoto bruto foi removida. A remoção de coliformes termotolerantes foi, em média, de 2 e 3 unidades log, e de Escherichia Coli, média de 1 e 3 unidades log, respectivamente, sob aplicação das vazões máxima e média, Giardia sp, média de 99,995 por cento , Cryptosporidium sp, média de 98,7 por cento , Enterovírus, média de 99,6 por cento , e Ascaris sp, média de 0,10 ovo/L. A remoção de sulfetos propiciou a geração de efluente tratado sem odores desagradáveis. A diminuição da vazão aplicada e a elevação do TDH influenciaram positivamente no desempenho do sistema com relação às remoções dos parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos. Com base no presente estudo, ficou evidente o benefício da associação de wetlands construídas com fluxo vertical e horizontal no tratamento de efluente de tanque séptico. O capim Vetiver apresentou bom potencial de utilização em wetlands 8 construídas para tratamento de esgotos domésticos. O sistema experimental de tratamento apresentou flexibilidade operacional, mantendo bom desempenho inclusive nos períodos de sobrecarga. A qualidade do efluente tratado final obtido no presente estudo atende às exigências de lançamento e aos padrões de emissão de efluentes líquidos em corpos dágua e em sistemas públicos de esgotamento sanitário definidos na legislação ambiental federal e do Estado de São Paulo. A tecnologia de wetlands construídas híbridas associada ao tratamento de efluentes de tanque séptico apresentou bom potencial para o tratamento descentralizado de esgotos domésticos, inclusive em regiões com pouca disponibilidade de área livre.
A wetland that does not comply with the ecological standards of EU Directive 2000/60/EC cannot properly provide its services. This paper presents a review of the criteria for wetland assessment based on the Spanish experience in two specific Ramsar areas: the Tablas de Daimiel and the Ruidera Lakes. The aim of this article is to consider and promote a holistic awareness of the hydrological cycle and of the wetland area ecosystems within it. The methodology developed under the umbrella of the UNESCO project IGCP 604 is applied to describe the groundwater-wetland-human interrelationship. This methodology was chosen for two reasons: (a) it is designed to assess the services the wetlands provide; (b) it focuses on groundwater dependent wetlands such as the two cases presented here. In each case, although to a different extent, agricultural activities and water management have led to important changes in the services provided by the two ecosystems.
High maturity fears predict poor treatment outcomes in women with anorexia nervosa (AN). The purpose of this study was to determine if weight gain predicts decreases in maturity fears (MF) for AN patients. Fifty-six patients in an eating disorders partial hospitalization program were administered a series of psychological tests at intake and discharge. R2 values indicate that percent change in weight restoration will not accurately forecast the change in MF scores, although a positive trend was identified between the two variables. The weak predictive relationship suggests that weight restoration alone is not adequate to address the psychological components of AN.
The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge is being re-seeded to native shortgrass prairie, but the effects of prairie dog colonization on some sites may be limiting successful native plant establishment. This Capstone Project compares vegetation monitoring data and prairie dog distributions in four refuge sites to evaluate the effects of prairie dog colonization on restoration. In general, native plant abundance has increased on study plots since initiation of restoration. Localized changes in plant abundance have occurred among transects, but prairie dog densities could not be correlated with the changes. Future prairie dog expansion is cause for concern due to intensified burrowing and grazing effects. Seven recommendations are presented to aid future restoration efforts.
Wetlands that are lost to development are not effectively compensated by the current wetland mitigation banking regulatory program due to inadequate monitoring and compliance. Based on a critical investigation of two wetland mitigation banks in Colorado described herein, recommendations are given to improve the effectiveness of the wetland mitigation banking program. The recommendations to improve mitigation banking are to specify and follow comprehensive monitoring and reporting plans, develop solid contingency and adaptive management plans, utilize specially developed checklists and templates, and impose enforcement when compliance is not met. Implementing these recommendations will assist regulators and bankers in achieving more effective wetland mitigation and will help the United States reach its no net loss of wetlands goal.
The following document identifies the impact to the current management plan of the Rio Salado Riparian Habitat Restoration Area in the event the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher is found nesting at the project site. Rio Salado is managed by the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, and consists of a low-flow channel with native vegetation and wildlife along the Salt River. This paper analyzes the regulatory responsibilities of project site management and discusses the necessary adjustments to the management plan. Despite the current absence of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher from Rio Salado, management should enter into a Safe Harbor Agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to legally protect themselves from the regulations stipulated in the Endangered Species Act.
U.S. Air Force installations by virtue of their isolation and often remote locations provide protection to critical habitats that would otherwise be susceptible to development and other stressors. While Air Force activities may not always compliment environmental protection, a balance between environmental protection and Air Force requirements must be achieved to minimize conflict. Special Area Management Plans (SAMPs) are a possible solution in the quest to balance conservation with mission requirements. Beale Air Force Base, California is the first military installation to pursue implementation of a SAMP. This project found that SAMP implementation could be a tool to successfully balance conservation efforts with military requirements on other Air Force installations; however, further education on the SAMP process would be required.
The petroleum pipeline industry in the United States is challenged with maintaining the integrity of their pipelines, while also protecting the environment during any pipeline repairs. This project provides information on the activities relating to the industry Integrity Management Program, assesses the process that federal agencies are developing to create streamlined permitting processes, and if the necessary federal, state, and local wetland permits can be obtained in the time frame required by the law. Recommendations are also made for implementation of a fast-track wetland permitting process and what pipeline companies can do to speed up the permitting process. This project focuses on the refined petroleum pipelines that originate near the Gulf of Mexico and terminate in the Northeastern United States.
Este estudio pretende profundizar en el conocimiento sobre el funcionamiento de pequeños humedales mediterráneos, en estado de degradación, que, por razones históricas y socioeconómicas, han quedado confinados en un espacio urbano, olvidando la importancia ambiental de estas anomalías hídricas positivas en espacios sometidos a déficit hídrico. Este tipo de humedales, como el de Calpe (Alicante), suelen localizarse en áreas costeras de alta densidad urbana, lo que supone un importante valor añadido desde la ordenación y gestión territorial, ya que contribuyen a mantener la conectividad ambiental a una escala mucho más amplia, funcionando como auténticos reservorios de biodiversidad. Así, se ha llevado a cabo una aproximación holística, analizando el estado actual de la lámina de agua y del espacio circundante, donde se han incluido parámetros del medio físico, del medio biótico y los usos del suelo. Para ello se han combinado técnicas de muestreo de campo con el uso de GPS y sistemas de información geográfica (SIG). Una vez detectadas las amenazas, y estudiado el potencial ecológico del humedal, se ha desarrollado un plan de restauración y conservación de la zona con la pretensión de implicar a la población local para devolver a este espacio el protagonismo que merece. En definitiva, se pretende proporcionar las herramientas teóricas y técnicas necesarias para garantizar la conservación y gestión sostenible de los humedales costeros urbanos y sus recursos naturales.
The diet of Common Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita wintering in a Mediterranean wetland (El Hondo Natural Park, SE Spain) was studied by analysing the gizzard content of 17 individuals that died accidentally when trapped for ringing. Prey availability was assessed via water-trap sampling over two winters. The bulk of the diet was composed of midges (Chironomidae), which were found in all the gizzards and represented approximately 95% of the prey. Brachycera flies were one of the most captured taxa in the water-traps but represented less than 0.5% of the total number of prey consumed. Compositional analysis revealed very strong prey selection, with Chiffchaffs selecting clumped and less mobile prey, such as chironomids, and avoiding abundant but fast-escaping prey, such as Brachycera.