813 resultados para Websites - Otimização
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A vespa social Polybia paulista (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) é bastante abundante e endêmica nos Estados de São Paulo e sul de Minas Gerais. Os indivíduos da espécie causam um elevado número de acidentes de importância médica. Após a ferroada a vítima pode experimentar reações imunológicas locais e/ou sistêmicas, que em alguns casos podem conduzir a anafilaxia e morte. O diagnóstico e terapia de alergia à ferroada de P. paulista é baseado no uso de extrato de veneno bruto o que se associa à ocorrência de reatividade cruzada e reações imunológicas adversas durante a imunoterapia. O uso de alérgenos recombinantes (r) tem-se mostrado como uma alternativa interessante para reduzir o impacto destas desvantagens. Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas diferentes condições para otimizar a expressão recombinante e solubilização dos corpúsculos de inclusão da fosfolipase A1 (Poly p 1) (70kDa) do veneno de P. paulista previamente obtida mediante expressão heteróloga no sistema procariótico, Escherichia coli. Os resultados aqui obtidos contribuirão para aumentar as quantidades do r Poly p 1 necessárias para sua avaliação bioquímica e imunológica, e finalmente para melhorar os resultados do diagnóstico e imunoterapia específica de alergia ao veneno de P. paulista
In the current economic scenario, it is important to the incessant search for improvements in production quality and also in reducing costs. The great competition and technological innovation makes customers stay more and more demanding and seek multiple sources of improvement in production. The work aimed to use the general desirability to optimize a process involving multiple answers in machining experiment. The process of cylindrical turning is one of the most common processes of metal cutting machining and involves several factors, in which will be analysed the best combination of the input factors in machining process, with variable response to surface roughness (Ra) and cutting length (Lc) that vary important answers to measure process efficiency and product quality. The method is a case study, since it involves a study of a tool well addressed in the literature. Data analysis was used in the process of doctoral thesis of Ricardo Penteado on the theme using metaheuristicas combined with different methods of bonding for the optimization of a turning process of multiple responses, then used the desirability and analysis tool. Joint optimization by desirability, the method proposed the following combination of input variables, variable cutting speed at 90 m/min ( -1 level), the breakthrough in 0, 12 mm/revol. ( -1 level), the machining depth should be in 1.6 mm (level 1), gum used must be the TP2500 ( -1 level), in abundant fluid (level 1) and laminated material (level 1) to the maximization of the cutting length (Lc) and minimization of roughness (Ra)
This work deals with a problem of mixed integer optimization model applied to production planning of a real world factory that aims for hydraulic hose production. To optimize production planning, a mathematic model of MILP Mixed Integer Linear Programming, so that, along with the Analytic Hierarchy process method, would be possible to create a hierarchical structure of the most import criteria for production planning, thus finding through a solving software the optimum hose attribution to its respective machine. The hybrid modeling of Analytic Hierarchy Process along with Linear Programming is the focus of this work. The results show that using this method we could unite factory reality and quantitative analysis and had success on improving performance of production planning efficiency regarding product delivery and optimization of the production flow
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
This study evaluates the content and quality of academic library websites. An evaluation checklist is used as a tool for evaluation of academic library websites. The checklist is divided into five main parts followed by Rating Table. The quantitative pointing system (ten point scale) and five point rating scales are used to evaluate and rank the websites. The study reveals that very few (16 percent) websites provide information about the date of last updating. Similarly very few (20 percent) websites provide links to other web reference sites and a moderate number (40 percent) have feedback forms for comments. On the other side, a good number of websites (76 percent) are efficient in loading images, icons, and graphics, and a large number (80 percent) have incorporated a web OPAC. The study is limited to the evaluation of websites of five academic libraries located in Bangalore, India.
A vespa social Polybia paulista (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) é bastante abundante e endêmica nos Estados de São Paulo e sul de Minas Gerais. Os indivíduos da espécie causam um elevado número de acidentes de importância médica. Após a ferroada a vítima pode experimentar reações imunológicas locais e/ou sistêmicas, que em alguns casos podem conduzir a anafilaxia e morte. O diagnóstico e terapia de alergia à ferroada de P. paulista é baseado no uso de extrato de veneno bruto o que se associa à ocorrência de reatividade cruzada e reações imunológicas adversas durante a imunoterapia. O uso de alérgenos recombinantes (r) tem-se mostrado como uma alternativa interessante para reduzir o impacto destas desvantagens. Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas diferentes condições para otimizar a expressão recombinante e solubilização dos corpúsculos de inclusão da fosfolipase A1 (Poly p 1) (70kDa) do veneno de P. paulista previamente obtida mediante expressão heteróloga no sistema procariótico, Escherichia coli. Os resultados aqui obtidos contribuirão para aumentar as quantidades do r Poly p 1 necessárias para sua avaliação bioquímica e imunológica, e finalmente para melhorar os resultados do diagnóstico e imunoterapia específica de alergia ao veneno de P. paulista
In the current economic scenario, it is important to the incessant search for improvements in production quality and also in reducing costs. The great competition and technological innovation makes customers stay more and more demanding and seek multiple sources of improvement in production. The work aimed to use the general desirability to optimize a process involving multiple answers in machining experiment. The process of cylindrical turning is one of the most common processes of metal cutting machining and involves several factors, in which will be analysed the best combination of the input factors in machining process, with variable response to surface roughness (Ra) and cutting length (Lc) that vary important answers to measure process efficiency and product quality. The method is a case study, since it involves a study of a tool well addressed in the literature. Data analysis was used in the process of doctoral thesis of Ricardo Penteado on the theme using metaheuristicas combined with different methods of bonding for the optimization of a turning process of multiple responses, then used the desirability and analysis tool. Joint optimization by desirability, the method proposed the following combination of input variables, variable cutting speed at 90 m/min ( -1 level), the breakthrough in 0, 12 mm/revol. ( -1 level), the machining depth should be in 1.6 mm (level 1), gum used must be the TP2500 ( -1 level), in abundant fluid (level 1) and laminated material (level 1) to the maximization of the cutting length (Lc) and minimization of roughness (Ra)
This work deals with a problem of mixed integer optimization model applied to production planning of a real world factory that aims for hydraulic hose production. To optimize production planning, a mathematic model of MILP Mixed Integer Linear Programming, so that, along with the Analytic Hierarchy process method, would be possible to create a hierarchical structure of the most import criteria for production planning, thus finding through a solving software the optimum hose attribution to its respective machine. The hybrid modeling of Analytic Hierarchy Process along with Linear Programming is the focus of this work. The results show that using this method we could unite factory reality and quantitative analysis and had success on improving performance of production planning efficiency regarding product delivery and optimization of the production flow
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Este artigo apresenta um modelo matemático de otimização logística para o transporte multimodal de safras agrícolas pelo corredor Centro-Oeste. Tal ferramenta foi desenvolvida no contexto de três amplos projetos de pesquisa financiados pela FINEP e executados por um grupo de universidades. O modelo, conhecido genericamente como Modelo de fluxo de Custo Mínimo Multiproduto, considera a otimização de fluxos em rede, para os produtos açúcar, álcool, milho, soja, óleo de soja, farelo de soja e trigo. O modelo proposto para estimativa dos fluxos inter-regionais mostrou-se uma ferramenta factível para fins de avaliação do potencial de utilização da multimodalidade. A análise destes resultados gera importantes subsídios para a seleção dos locais com potencial para instalação de mecanismos e equipamentos de transferência de cargas, além de auxiliar no dimensionamento dessas infraestruturas. Também é um resultado importante do ferramental desenvolvido a identificação das zonas de cargas que apresentam potencial captável pelas ferrovias, hidrovias e dutovias, ou seja, possibilita a identificação das regiões que revelam potencial para uso da multimodalidade.
[EN]Parliamentary websites have become one of the most important windows for citizens and media to follow the activities of their legislatures and to hold parliaments to account. Therefore, most parliamentary institutions aim to provide new multimedia solutions capable of displaying video fragments on demand on plenary activities. This paper presents a multimedia system for parliamentary institutions to produce video fragments on demand through a website with linked information and public feedback that helps to explain the content shown in these fragments. A prototype implementation has been developed for the Canary Islands Parliament (Spain) and shows how traditional parliamentary streaming systems can be enhanced by the use of semantics and computer vision for video analytics...
Ein Tag ohne Internet ist für viele kaum vorstellbar. Das Spektrum der Internetnutzer ist breiter geworden und damit sind die Ansprüche an die Websites massiv angestiegen. Die Entscheidung auf einer Website zu bleiben oder auf einer anderen zu suchen fällt innerhalb von wenigen Sekunden. Diese Entscheidung ist sowohl vom Website-Design als auch von dem dargestellten Inhalt abhängig. Die Auswertung, wie schnell der Benutzer Online-Informationen finden und wie einfach er sie verstehen kann, ist die Aufgabe von Web-Usability-Testing. Für das Finden und Verstehen von Informationen sind die computertechnischen zusammen mit den linguistischen Aspekten zuständig. In der Usability-Forschung liegt jedoch der Fokus bislang weitgehend auf der Bewertung der computer¬linguistischen und ästhetischen Aspekte der Websites. In den Hintergrund gedrängt wurden dabei die linguistischen Aspekte. Im Vergleich sind diese weniger systematisch erforscht und in Usability-Richtlinien kaum zu finden. Stattdessen stößt man überwiegend auf allgemeine Empfehlungen. Motiviert davon hat die vorliegende Arbeit das Ziel, Die Web-Usability systematisch sowohl aus linguistischer als auch aus formaler Sicht zu erforschen. Auf linguistischer Ebene wurde in Anlehnung an die Zeichentheorie von Morris die Web-Usability analysiert und der Begriff Linguistische Web-Usability eingeführt. Auf Basis dieser Analyse sowie einer literaturstudie ‘literature review’ mehrerer Usability-Richtlinien wurde ein Kriterienkatalog entwickelt. Bei der Umsetzung dieses Kriterienkatalogs im Rahmen einer Usability-Studie wurde die Website der Universität Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU) im Usability-Labor unter Anwendung der Methode Eye-Tracking zusammen mit der Think-Aloud-Methode und der Retrospective-Think-Aloud-Methode getestet. Die empirischen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die linguistischen Usability-Probleme genau wie die formalen die Benutzer hindern, die gesuchten Informationen zu finden, oder zumindest ihre Suche verlangsamen. Dementsprechend sollten die linguistischen Perspektiven in die Usability-Richtlinien miteinbezogen werden.