871 resultados para Wealth.


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Fonte de riquezas supostamente inesgotáveis, os oceanos e as zonas costeiras há muito tempo servem de depósito para todo tipo de resíduo produzido pelo homem, desde águas residuais a todo tipo de resíduos sólidos descartados inadequadamente e que acabam por originar o lixo marinho. A Baía de Guanabara é um reflexo histórico dessas ações mal geridas em terra e que acabam refletidas em seu espelho dágua. O presente estudo procura fazer uma analise sobre as origens do lixo marinho na Enseada de Jurujuba, localizada na Baía de Guanabara, e seu principal canal de drenagem, o Canal de São Francisco (CSF), com ênfase ao descarte de resíduos nas comunidades localizadas a montante do canal. Apresenta também uma avaliação da experiência de projetos de intervenção e prevenção à geração do lixo marinho, com destaque a um projeto de coleta de lixo flutuante com uso de embarcação, bem como a iniciativa da Prefeitura de Niterói em um Projeto de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos no alto da bacia contribuinte ao CSF. O trabalho foi estruturado através de observações de campo, entrevistas, analise de relatórios dos projetos envolvidos, bem como consulta a sites e blogs relacionados ao assunto. O fato de resíduos sólidos terminarem em um corpo hídrico torna sua retirada e destinação adequadas muito mais complicadas do que em terra, evidenciando a complexidade do lixo marinho. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de mais estudos nas áreas periféricas, que abrangem a maior parte da população, com vista à integração de politicas públicas no planejamento de ações por bacias ou microbacias hidrográficas e como forma de prevenção à geração do lixo marinho e melhora da qualidade de vida dessas populações.


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Em um contexto de demandas sociais tendencialmente crescentes, uma das alternativas para o aumento da arrecadação de receitas pelo Estado reside no manejo de aplicações financeiras. Os investimentos financeiros estatais, a rigor, já acontecem, mas nem sempre o objetivo claro e explícito de obtenção de resultados financeiramente interessantes e, eventualmente ou mesmo por isso , sob gestão economicamente ineficiente. Às vezes, até se enxerga o foco na obtenção de rendimentos relevantes na ação estatal, mas sem uma disciplina específica, o que pode abrir espaço a uma gestão de ativos desqualificada ou mesmo fraudulenta, com sérios prejuízos aos cofres públicos e, em situações extremas, ampliação ainda maior das despesas públicas. O objetivo desta tese, portanto, é reconhecer que nem sempre o Estado atua na economia com propósito interventivo e que, na qualidade de investidor institucional vale dizer, de ente que tem o dever de proceder aos investimentos e às aplicações financeiras que digam com as melhores práticas de administração dos ativos públicos , precisa atuar sob o jugo de normas jurídicas claras, que permitam ao Estado ampliar suas receitas dentro de limites razoáveis de exposição a risco financeiro e disponibilizem aos órgãos de fiscalização e controle da Administração Pública as ferramentas necessárias para, também quanto a esse aspecto, aferir a eficiência da ação estatal. Para tanto, têm-se como pressupostos o anacronismo da resistência cultural às aplicações financeiras dos entes da Administração Pública e a noção de que quaisquer ferramentas de obtenção de receitas pelo Estado estão sujeitas a algum grau de risco. Com base nas bem-sucedidas experiências nacionais e internacionais, será possível concluir, ao final, que é admissível, do ponto de vista constitucional e legal, a ação do Estado como investidor nos mercados financeiro e de capitais e que é viável a formulação de parâmetros gerais para a disciplina jurídica do Estado investidor.


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O objetivo central deste trabalho é analisar se os modelos de educação a distância mediados por Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação - TICs, gerados pelas políticas públicas desenvolvidas no Brasil, focam a formação de profissionais cidadãos ou são um mero instrumento de educação de massa. A pesquisa teve como objetivo o estudo de caso sobre as duas universidades mineiras, para identificar se os modelos de Ead se apresentam como um instrumento eficaz para formação humana e não apenas um mero instrumento de educação de massa, com o intuito único de distribuição de diplomas. Este estudo se torna relevante no sentido de contribuir como um referencial teórico para o modelo de Ead vigente no Brasil, em especial do Ensino a Distância do Estado de Minas Gerais, considerando sua especificidade e complexidade, que se reforçam por seu tamanho geográfico e pela carência de formação profissional dos municípios de Ouro Preto e Juiz de Fora, incluindo a população de seu entorno. O trabalho dos tutores, em conjunto com os professores, é considerado como eixo norteador de qualquer atividade realizada no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, mesmo considerando que os alunos possuem um manancial de ferramentas disponíveis para a realização de atividades. A presença e atuação desta equipe representa importante papel no processo educativo, na medida em que sua atuação pedagógica tem como objetivo estimular o domínio dos conteúdos disciplinares, bem como das respectivas metodologias, recursos e meios, visando o preparo de ambientes de aprendizagem e a condução de situações educativas. Num aspecto mais amplo, este trabalho pretende ser um referencial para a confirmação de que a Ead pode oferecer de fato uma formação educacional qualificada, trazendo a oportunidade de uma formação crítica e autônoma, contribuindo para a formação humana


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A questão que norteou esta pesquisa aborda os valores que podem sustentar a prática do acolhimento, na oferta da integralidade do cuidado, no contexto da Estratégia da Saúde da Família. O acolhimento é entendido nesta escrita como uma postura e prática orientada pelo Cuidado como Valor, pautada por uma relação que instigue o sentimento público de responsabilidade daquele que acolhe com quem busca o acolhimento. Além disso, indaga-se sobre em que meandros e sutilezas do trabalho em equipe as práticas de acolhimento podem surgir ou desaparecer do horizonte ético-político deste tipo de intervenção. A pesquisa, que tem como campo de estudo a Saúde Coletiva, busca agregar elementos da filosofia e sociologia, a fim de realizar aproximações com outros campos do conhecimento. Para tanto, a obra de Hannah Arendt é objeto de constantes aproximações, principalmente os conceitos de Responsabilidade e Julgamento, que nesta dissertação são defendidos como nexos axiológicos das práticas de acolhimento. O material estudado nesta pesquisa consiste nas experiências do próprio pesquisador, que são (re)construídas a partir de narrativas. A metodologia utilizada para tratar deste material, em consonância com o referencial teórico adotado, recorre às narrativas buscadas em relatórios e diários de campo que foram elaborados durante o período de inserção do pesquisador em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde. A escolha pelas narrativas é justificada, pois estas são apropriadas aos estudos que se fundamentam nas ideias fenomenológicas, além de manter os valores e percepções presentes na experiência narrada. A análise de implicação surge como uma importante ferramenta para a pesquisa que conta com participação do próprio pesquisador, uma vez que o conteúdo de pesquisa emerge a partir da análise das sensações e sentimentos que o pesquisador percebe em si mesmo no confronto com o campo, seus participantes e suas relações. Esse material, quando analisado, dá destaque ao lugar do pesquisador no campo, permitindo compreender os nexos de sua intervenção, além colocar luz nos jogos de poder presentes no campo de pesquisa. Os resultados são apresentados à luz dos conceitos de Responsabilidade e Julgamento, apoiados no construto do Cuidado como Valor. Na discussão que finaliza esta dissertação é possível encontrar a defesa de valores que possam colocar o homem e não o acúmulo de riquezas como o objetivo último das ações de saúde. São destacados elementos que permitem divergir de uma visão monológica de indivíduo, fundada pela teoria contratualista e que constitui um dos pilares do utilitarismo, para dar lugar a uma concepção de sujeito constituído na intersubjetividade, e que tem, portanto, responsabilidade para com os outros e o mundo que o cerca.


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Na trajetória de desenvolvimento do português, observa-se a forte presença do movimento cristão contribuindo diretamente no seu processo de transformação. Desde o fim do Império Romano até a legitimação da língua no século XVI, o português experimentou uma forte interferência do Cristianismo, seja na criação de um vocabulário próprio ou na significação de usos vocabulares que não pertencem diretamente ao movimento cristão. A partir da seleção vocabular presente nos Sermões de Padre Antônio Vieira, é possível identificar na língua portuguesa do século XVII a presença de um léxico cristão estabelecido desde a formação da língua no século XIII. Com as transformações sociais ocorridas a partir do surgimento de inúmeras vertentes do Cristianismo, outras influências foram percebidas, demonstrando que a deriva em um idioma é algo constante e dinâmico. O acompanhamento das mudanças lexicais a partir do latim cristão até o português do século XVII demonstra a riqueza na transformação da língua ainda nos dias atuais


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The mission of NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP) is to serve as the trustee for a system of marine protected areas, to conserve, protect, and enhance their biodiversity, ecological integrity, and cultural legacy while facilitating compatible uses. Since 1972, thirteen National Marine Sanctuaries, representing a wide variety of ocean environments, have been established, each with management goals tuned to their unique diversity. Extending from Cape Ann to Cape Cod across the mouth of Massachusetts Bay, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (NMS) encompasses 2,181 square kilometers of highly productive, diverse, and culturally unique Federal waters. As a result of its varied seafloor topography, oceanographic conditions, and high primary productivity, Stellwagen Bank NMS is utilized by diverse assemblages of seabirds, marine mammals, invertebrates, and fish species, as well as containing a number of maritime heritage resources. Furthermore, it is a region of cultural significance, highlighted by the recent discovery of several historic shipwrecks. Officially designated in 1992, Stellwagen Bank became the Nation’s twelfth National Marine Sanctuary in order to protect these and other unique biological, geological, oceanographic, and cultural features of the region. The Stellwagen Bank NMS is in the midst of its first management plan review since designation. The management plan review process, required by law, is designed to evaluate, enhance, and guide the development of future research efforts, education and outreach, and the management approaches used by Sanctuaries. Given the ecological and physical complexity of Stellwagen Bank NMS, burgeoning anthropogenic impacts to the region, and competing human and biological uses, the review process was challenged to assimilate and analyze the wealth of existing scientific knowledge in a framework which could enhance management decision-making. Unquestionably, the Gulf of Maine, Massachusetts Bay, and Stellwagen Bank-proper are extremely well studied systems, and in many regards, the scientific information available greatly exceeds that which is available for other Sanctuaries. However, the propensity of scientific information reinforces the need to utilize a comprehensive analytical approach to synthesize and explore linkages between disparate information on physical, biological, and chemical processes, while identifying topics needing further study. Given this requirement, a partnership was established between NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP) and the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) so as to leverage existing NOAA technical expertise to assist the Sanctuary in developing additional ecological assessment products which would benefit the management plan review process.


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We review the progress made in the emerging field of coastal seascape ecology, i.e. the application of landscape ecology concepts and techniques to the coastal marine environment. Since the early 1990s, the landscape ecology approach has been applied in several coastal subtidal and intertidal biogenic habitats across a range of spatial scales. Emerging evidence indicates that animals in these seascapes respond to the structure of patches and patch mosaics in different ways and at different spatial scales, yet we still know very little about the ecological significance of these relationships and the consequences of change in seascape patterning for ecosystem functioning and overall biodiversity. Ecological interactions that occur within patches and among different types of patches (or seascapes) are likely to be critically important in maintaining primary and secondary production, trophic transfer, biodiversity, coastal protection, and supporting a wealth of ecosystem goods and services. We review faunal responses to patch and seascape structure, including effects of fragmentation on 5 focal habitats: seagrass meadows, salt marshes, coral reefs, mangrove forests, and oyster reefs. Extrapolating and generalizing spatial relationships between ecological patterns and processes across scales remains a significant challenge, and we show that there are major gaps in our understanding of these relationships. Filling these gaps will be crucial for managing and responding to an inevitably changing coastal environment. We show that critical ecological thresholds exist in the structural patterning of biogenic ecosystems that, when exceeded, cause abrupt shifts in the distribution and abundance of organisms. A better understanding of faunal–seascape relationships, including the identifications of threshold effects, is urgently needed to support the development of more effective and holistic management actions in restoration, site prioritization, and forecasting the impacts of environmental change.


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The Republic of Kiribati is a vast South Pacific island group with one of the largest exclusive economic zones (EEZs) in the world. Kiribati waters support a wealth of marine fisheries activities. These activities occur in oceanic, coastal and inshore environments and range from large, foreign, industrial-scale oceanic fishing operations to small-scale, domestic, inshore subsistence fisheries, aquaculture and recreational fisheries. Kiribati has developed a framework of domestic and international governance arrangements that are designed to sustainably manage its wealth of marine resources. The report provides background information for fisheries projects in Kiribati that aim to build food security, improve artisanal livelihoods and strengthen community engagement in fisheries governance. It provides information on the current status of Kiribati fishery resources (oceanic and coastal), their current governance and future challenges. Fish and fisher alike pay little heed to maritime boundaries and bureaucratic distinctions. This report covers both sides of the oceanic/coastal boundary because of the I-Kiribati communities’ interest in oceanic fisheries such as tuna and their heavy dependence on its fisheries resources for food security and economic development. The report focuses on two potential pilot sites for community-based fisheries management projects: North Tarawa and Butaritari.


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Raising design quality and value in the built environment requires continuous improvement, drawing on feedback from clients or occupiers and other industry players. The challenging task for architectural and engineering designers has always been to use their intellectual knowledge to deliver both forms of benefits, tangibles and intangibles, in the built environment. Increasingly as clients demand best value for money, there is a greater need to understand the potential from intangibles, to see projects not as ends in themselves but as means to improved quality of life and wealth creation. As we begin to understand more about how - through the design of the built environment - to deliver these improvements in outcomes, clients will be better placed to expect their successful delivery from designers, and designers themselves will be better placed to provide them. This paper discusses cross-disciplinary issues about intangibles and is aimed at designers, clients, investors and entrepreneurs within the built environment. It presents some findings from a minuscule study that investigated intangible benefits in a new primary school. © 2004 IEEE.


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The study is prompted by the poverty that persisted among the fishing communities of lake victoria at time of considerable cash inflow into the fisheries development of fish processing industry. There has been need for understanding of the poverty and what strategies would be most appreciate for it's reduction.This study has attempted to respond to the needby identifying the nature and distribution of the poverty within the fisheries lake victoria,Uganda, the factor responsible for itand the options for poverty reduction intervention. The study examined the global and regional perspectives of poverty and wealth distribution, noting that wide disparities existed between the developed and the developing world and also between the developing countries themselves. A historical review of development policies and strategies revealed that while successive strategies were able to contribute to growth, their achievement towards poverty alleviation were less than satisfactory, hence the need for continually developing new strategies. A background to Uganda’s society and economy is provided, examining the demographic, political, environmental and economic conditions of the country. Uganda’s development strategies are reviewed, highlighting the role of the Poverty Eradication Action Plan, Uganda’s main strategy for implementing the policy of poverty reduction and wealth distribution. At the agricultural sector level, the Plan for the Modernisation of Agriculture has been formulated, followed by the National Fisheries Policy, aimed at providing a policy framework for the management and development of the fisheries. An appropriate definition of poverty was formulated, considered relevant to the situation of Lake Victoria. The dimensions of poverty included inadequate basic necessities, low education and health achievements, a sense of insecurity and exposure to risk. The research methodology was enhanced by the examination of the Lélé Model of the Poverty–Environmental Degradation problem, the World Bank Model of Poverty Causation and the subsequent Lake Victoria Model developed in this study. It has provided a plan for the research, the consideration of criteria and a data collection plan. The data collection instruments included secondary data search, key informant interviews and a sample survey based on a structured questionnaire. The study identified all the four dimensions of poverty in the fisheries, provided poverty profiles with respect to the different activities, groups of people and regions in the fisheries, based on consumption poverty. Among the people identified to be in poverty were the fishing labourers, fishers of Oreochromis niloticus and those operating with non-powered boats. In the post-harvest fisheries, large proportions of processors involved in salting and sun-drying, market stall and bicycle traders were in the poverty category. The ethnic groups most affected included the Samia, Basoga and Bakenye while the Districts of Jinja, Bugiri and Busia had the highest proportions of fishers in the poverty category. With respect to the other dimensions of poverty, the study showed that educational achievement was low within the fishing communities. The health status was poor, due mainly to the prevalence of malaria, diarrhoea, bilharzia and HIV/AIDS. There was a sense of insecurity within certain sections of the fishing community, due to leadership weaknesses within the local as well as the Government institutions. Some community members operated in a state of risk because they were vulnerable to episodes of income, health and education. The causes of poverty in fisheries included weaknesses within the institutional and social environment, limitations in the technology available to the poor, resource degradation and unfavourable economic factors. The recommendations of the study for poverty reduction included strengthening of policies, developing links, improving capacities and increasing resources, to be applied at the levels of Central Government, Local Government and of the community. In view of the achievements of the methodology used on this study, involving reference to the models, it is recommended that future research should build upon this model approach, as it will continue to produce results, especially when attempting to forecast changes relating to interventions.


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Protein electrophoresis was used to examine the blood protein polymorphism in Yunnan local pig breeds, i.e., the Saba pig, Dahe pig, and Diannan small-ear pig breeds, Of 38 genetic loci surveyed 9 were found to be polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P) varies from 0.1875 to 0.2121, and the mean individual heterozygosity (H) varies front 0.0712 to 0.1027 in three pig breeds. The results indicate that blood protein polymorphism in Yunnan pig breeds is high. Yunnan local pig breeds have a wealth of genetic diversity at the level of blood proteins.


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The capability to automatically identify shapes, objects and materials from the image content through direct and indirect methodologies has enabled the development of several civil engineering related applications that assist in the design, construction and maintenance of construction projects. This capability is a product of the technological breakthroughs in the area of image processing that has allowed for the development of a large number of digital imaging applications in all industries. In this paper, an automated and content based construction site image retrieval method is presented. This method is based on image retrieval techniques, and specifically those related with material and object identification and matches known material samples with material clusters within the image content. The results demonstrate the suitability of this method for construction site image retrieval purposes and reveal the capability of existing image processing technologies to accurately identify a wealth of materials from construction site images.


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The capability to automatically identify shapes, objects and materials from the image content through direct and indirect methodologies has enabled the development of several civil engineering related applications that assist in the design, construction and maintenance of construction projects. Examples include surface cracks detection, assessment of fire-damaged mortar, fatigue evaluation of asphalt mixes, aggregate shape measurements, velocimentry, vehicles detection, pore size distribution in geotextiles, damage detection and others. This capability is a product of the technological breakthroughs in the area of Image and Video Processing that has allowed for the development of a large number of digital imaging applications in all industries ranging from the well established medical diagnostic tools (magnetic resonance imaging, spectroscopy and nuclear medical imaging) to image searching mechanisms (image matching, content based image retrieval). Content based image retrieval techniques can also assist in the automated recognition of materials in construction site images and thus enable the development of reliable methods for image classification and retrieval. The amount of original imaging information produced yearly in the construction industry during the last decade has experienced a tremendous growth. Digital cameras and image databases are gradually replacing traditional photography while owners demand complete site photograph logs and engineers store thousands of images for each project to use in a number of construction management tasks. However, construction companies tend to store images without following any standardized indexing protocols, thus making the manual searching and retrieval a tedious and time-consuming effort. Alternatively, material and object identification techniques can be used for the development of automated, content based, construction site image retrieval methodology. These methods can utilize automatic material or object based indexing to remove the user from the time-consuming and tedious manual classification process. In this paper, a novel material identification methodology is presented. This method utilizes content based image retrieval concepts to match known material samples with material clusters within the image content. The results demonstrate the suitability of this methodology for construction site image retrieval purposes and reveal the capability of existing image processing technologies to accurately identify a wealth of materials from construction site images.


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The capability to automatically identify shapes, objects and materials from the image content through direct and indirect methodologies has enabled the development of several civil engineering related applications that assist in the design, construction and maintenance of construction projects. This capability is a product of the technological breakthroughs in the area of Image Processing that has allowed for the development of a large number of digital imaging applications in all industries. In this paper, an automated and content based shape recognition model is presented. This model was devised to enhance the recognition capabilities of our existing material based image retrieval model. The shape recognition model is based on clustering techniques, and specifically those related with material and object segmentation. The model detects the borders of each previously detected material depicted in the image, examines its linearity (length/width ratio) and detects its orientation (horizontal/vertical). The results emonstrate the suitability of this model for construction site image retrieval purposes and reveal the capability of existing clustering technologies to accurately identify the shape of a wealth of materials from construction site images.


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Technological progress is determined, to a great extent, by developments in material science. Breakthroughs can happen when a new type of material or new combinations of known materials with different dimensionality and functionality are created. Multilayered structures, being planar or concentric, are now emerging as major players at the forefront of research. Raman spectroscopy is a well-established characterization technique for carbon nanomaterials and is being developed for layered materials. In this issue of ACS Nano, Hirschmann et al. investigate triple-wall carbon nanotubes via resonant Raman spectroscopy, showing how a wealth of information can be derived about these complex structures. The next challenge is to tackle hybrid heterostructures, consisting of different planar or concentric materials, arranged "on demand" to achieve targeted properties.