978 resultados para Washita Campaign, 1868-1869
[ES] El proceso de consolidación del régimen liberal a lo largo del siglo XIX plantea la necesidad de establecer un sistema de representación política. Conseguir el equilibrio del poder político, será el fin último que perseguirán los diversos modelos que se ofrecen para llevar a efecto esta representación a través del sufragio y los sistemas electorales. Modelos que varían en función de los intereses e ideologías que en esos momentos esté en juego.
[ES] La implantación política del régimen liberal en la España del XIX, necesitará de una organización política que actuará como elemento de dominaciónl social, lo que se consigue a través del control de las instituciones de poder y de los medios que permiten el acceso a ellas por parte de estos grupos hegemónicos. Este estudio se centra en esos medios y en las instituciones de poder político más próximas a la población, dentro del escalafón de la adminsitración estatal, como son los ayuntaminetos. En este caso se trata del municipio más importante de una isla periférica: Arrecife en Lanzarote, y en un espacio singular como es el Archipiélago canario.
[ES] Aproximación a la deportación política: causas, circunstancias que la rodean y caracterización del fenómeno, para ello nos centramos en un proceso concreto: la deportación de insurrectos cubanos en 1869 con dirección a Fernando Póo y que afecta directamente a las Islas Canarias, lugar utilizado tradicionalmente como destierro. En este sentido, intentamos acercarnos a las controversias y reacciones que genera el fenómeno de la deportación, en la población, en general así como en los grupos de poder político de las islas, en particular.
[ES] Aborda los temas que sobre la isla de Lanzarote plantean sus representantes en la Diputación Provincial, aprovechando la situación creada tras la Revolución de septiembre de 1868. Se realiza un acercamiento al funcionamiento de la institución provincial, el papel que juega dentro de las diferentes instancias de poder y el uso que de ella hacen las fuerzas políticas como mecanismo de control.
The main purpose of my thesis has been the analysis of the space debris environment and their characterization through optical measurements. In particular I had the opportunity to contribute to the Italian Space Agency activities in space debris optical observation campaign and I cooperated directly with NASA Orbital Debris Program Office by working at the Astronomy Department of the University of Michigan for six months.
A field study of thermal circulation over very gentle slope is described for a specific day characterised by weak synoptic conditions. The emphasis was on morning and evening transitions, but measurements cover the entire day; therefore a brief analysis is performed to represent the general thermal circulation pattern. Both transition periods are characterised by complex dynamic behaviours. During evening transition, the upslope flow has got through a stagnation condition characterised by wind velocity U<0:5 m=s. Only when the stagnating air has become negative buoyant, the flow is allowed to pour downslope like a slab. Some features of front formation has been found during the transition development, such as delay time of downslope flow start up along the slope, and the presence of positive turbulent kinetic energy at the onset of the motion. Eventually the observed evening transition has followed a mixed mechanisms, with features from different models. Therefore the Rayleigh number seems not to be a good criterion by which parametrise evening transition itself. Morning transition is characterised by destruction of nocturnal temperature inversion and the onset of upslope flow. Inversion destruction can be described in terms of CBL growth at surface and inversion decent from the top of the layer. KH has found to be a good indicator of inversion breakup, if used as parameter to study the inversion breakup in terms of temperature reversal. After the inversion breakup, buoyancy and mechanical productions supply the flow with the necessary energy to start the upslope wind. More quantitative analysis are provided by the study of stability parameters and turbulent kinetic energy budgets. Gradient Richardson number has been used in this terms, finding that a mixed SBL-CBL behaviour dominates the most of the observed layers. Tke budget has shown high turbulent behaviour during morning transition while the evening transition has developed entirely in laminar condition, apart from short intermittent turbulent events.
Conventional skin cancer prevention programs appeal to limited populations, and the middle aged male population responds less frequently. Our objective was to establish a complementary health promotion campaign tool for skin cancer prevention. Internet-based education, instruction for self assessment and teledermatological evaluation of skin lesions by an expert commission of dermatologists was used. Compliance and clinical diagnosis was assessed in a subgroup. 12,000 users visited the educational website. There was strong interest among the middle aged male population (53% (N = 262): male; mean age: 42). 28.5% of examined lesions (N = 494) were considered suspicious. Email requests, sent to the group whose lesions where considered suspicious, were answered by 46.0% of females (N = 29) and 59.7% of males (N = 46) with a female distribution predominantly in younger ages (52.6% of females with known age: < 30 years). Males were predominantly represented over 30 years (86.2% of all males). According to user's declarations, at least 8 (8.5%) malignant lesions (1 melanoma in situ, 1 squamous cell carcinoma, 4 basal cell carcinomas, 2 malignant lesions without declared diagnosis) were finally diagnosed by physicians. We conclude that internet-based, interactive, educational programs, in addition to existing health promotion campaigns, can enhance public participation in the middle aged male population in skin cancer prevention.
To evaluate the impact of a national HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) campaign on presentation to HIV care in a rural population in Tanzania.