998 resultados para Warming, Eugenius, 1841-1924.


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Global warming is a reality and its effects have been widely studied. However, the consequences for marine invertebrates remain poorly understood. Thus, the present study proposed to evaluate the effect of elevated temperature on the innate immune system of Antarctic sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri. Sea urchins were collected nearby Brazilian Antarctic Station "Comandante Ferraz" and exposed to 0 (control), 2 and 4A degrees C for periods of 48 h, 2, 7 and 14 days. After the experimental periods, coelomic fluid was collected in order to perform the following analyses: coelomocytes differential counting, phagocytic response, adhesion and spreading coelomocytes assay, intranuclear iron crystalloid and ultra structural analysis of coelomocytes. The red sphere cell was considered a biomarker for heat stress, as they increased in acute stress. Besides that, a significant increase in phagocytic indexes was observed at 2A degrees C coinciding with a significant increase of intranuclear iron crystalloid at the same temperature and same time period. Furthermore, significant alterations in cell adhesion and spreading were observed in elevated temperatures. The ultra structural analysis of coelomocytes showed no significant difference across treatments. This was the first time that innate immune response alterations were observed in response to elevated temperature in a Polar echinoid.


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This study analyzed the evidence available in the literature concerning the effectiveness of different active cutaneous warming systems to prevent intraoperative hypothermia. This is a systematic review with primary studies found in the following databases: CINAHL, EMBASE, Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials and Medline. The sample comprised 23 randomized controlled trials. There is evidence in the literature indicating that the circulating water garment system is the most effective in maintaining patient body temperature. These results can support nurses in the decision-making process concerning the implementation of effective measures to maintain normothermia, though the decision of health services concerning which system to choose should also take into account its cost-benefit status given the cost related to the acquisition of such systems.


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[ES] Este estudio muestra, a grandes rasgos, la evolución de una empresa industrial del subsector Bebidas en Canarias (1924-1993), primando los aspectos relacionados con las estrategias comerciales. Se trata de una síntesis del trabajo más amplio que con el título ?La empresa cervecera en Canarias: desarrollo y evolución de la marca Tropical ? se elaboró dentro del programa Innova. En él se muestran las principales etapas seguidas por la empresa, tratando de explicar la evolución de la misma a partir del mercado regional.


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School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ, USA


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Departamento de Biología Vegetal (Botánica), Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Canary Islands


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La ricerca mira ad indagare l’origine della Scuola ingegneristica bolognese ed il ruolo che essa ha avuto durante i suoi primi 50 anni di attività nella diffusione del calcestruzzo armato in Italia, ed in particolare nella città di Bologna, sia dal punto di vista teorico che architettonico. Il processo di sviluppo del cemento armato è stato indagato secondo i percorsi tipici della scienza e della tecnica: teoria e pratica appaiono nel periodo di sperimentazione del materiale assai lontane; soltanto grazie alla comprensione delle sue potenzialità costruttive e del modo di sfruttarle al meglio, esse iniziano a convergere. L’interesse specifico per la Scuola bolognese va quindi a collocarsi all’interno di un panorama assai più ampio, con l’obiettivo di comprendere se, e fino a quando, le due discipline proseguono lungo strade parallele o se, al contrario, esse godono di reciproche influenze.


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Wine grape must deal with serious problems due to the unfavorable climatic conditions resulted from global warming. High temperatures result in oxidative damages to grape vines. The excessive elevated temperatures are critical for grapevine productivity and survival and contribute to degradation of grape and wine quality and yield. Elevated temperature can negatively affect anthocyanin accumulation in red grape. Particularly, cv. Sangiovese was identified to be very sensitive to such condition. The quantitative real-time PCR analysis showed that flavonoid biosynthetic genes were slightly repressed by high temperature. Also, the heat stress repressed the expression of the transcription factor “VvMYBA1” that activates the expression of UFGT. Moreover, high temperatures had repressing effects on the activity of the flavonoids biosynthetic enzymes “PAL” and “UFGT”.Anthocyanin accumulation in berry skin is due to the balance between its synthesis and oxidation. In grape cv. Sangiovese, the gene transcription and activity of peroxidases enzyme was elevated by heat stress as a defensive mechanism of ROS-scavenging. Among many isoforms of peroxidases genes, one gene (POD 1) was induced in Sangiovese under thermal stress condition. This gene was isolated and evaluated via the technique of genes transformation from grape to Petunia. Reduction in anthocyanins concentration and higher enzymatic activity of peroxidase was observed in POD 1 transformed Petunia after heat shock compared to untrasformed control. Moreover, in wine producing regions, it is inevitable for the grape growers to adopt some adaptive strategies to alleviate grape damages to abiotic stresses. Therefore, in this thesis, the technique of post veraison trimming was done to improve the coupling of phenolic and sugar ripening in Vitis vinifera L. cultivar Sangiovese. Trimming after veraison showed to be executable to slow down the rate of sugar accumulation in grape (to decrease the alcohol potential in wines) without evolution of the main berry flavonoids compounds.


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BACKGROUND: Several adverse consequences are caused by mild perioperative hypothermia. Maintaining normothermia with patient warming systems, today mostly with forced air (FA), has thus become a standard procedure during anesthesia. Recently, a polymer-based resistive patient warming system was developed. We compared the efficacy of a widely distributed FA system with the resistive-polymer (RP) system in a prospective, randomized clinical study. METHODS: Eighty patients scheduled for orthopedic surgery were randomized to either FA warming (Bair Hugger warming blanket #522 and blower #750, Arizant, Eden Prairie, MN) or RP warming (Hot Dog Multi-Position Blanket and Hot Dog controller, Augustine Biomedical, Eden Prairie, MN). Core temperature, skin temperature (head, upper and lower arm, chest, abdomen, back, thigh, and calf), and room temperature (general and near the patient) were recorded continuously. RESULTS: After an initial decrease, core temperatures increased in both groups at comparable rates (FA: 0.33 degrees C/h +/- 0.34 degrees C/h; RP: 0.29 degrees C/h +/- 0.35 degrees C/h; P = 0.6). There was also no difference in the course of mean skin and mean body (core) temperature. FA warming increased the environment close to the patient (the workplace of anesthesiologists and surgeons) more than RP warming (24.4 degrees C +/- 5.2 degrees C for FA vs 22.6 degrees C +/- 1.9 degrees C for RP at 30 minutes; P(AUC) <0.01). CONCLUSION: RP warming performed as efficiently as FA warming in patients undergoing orthopedic surgery.


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