990 resultados para Ward-MLM


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Aims: To establish a model to measure bidirectional flow of water from a glucose oral rehydration solution (G-ORS) and a newly developed rice-based oral rehydration solution (R-ORS) using a dual isotope tracer technique in a rat perfusion model. To measure net water, sodium and potassium absorption from the ORS. Methods: In viva steady-state perfusion studies were carried out in normal and secreting (induced by cholera toxin) rat small intestine (n = 11 in each group). To determine bidirectional flow of water from the ORS the animals were initially labelled with tritium, and deuterium was added to the perfusion solution. Sequential perfusate and blood samples were collected after attainment of steady-state conditions and analysed for water and electrolyte content. Results: There was a significant increase in net water absorption from the R-ORS compared to the G-ORS in both the normal (P < 0.02) and secreting intestine (P < 0.05). Water efflux was significantly reduced in the R-ORS group compared to the G-ORS group in both the normal (P < 0.01) and the secreting intestine (P < 0.01). There was an increase in sodium absorption in the R-ORS group compared to the G-ORS. The G-ORS produced a significantly greater blood glucose level at 75 min compared to the R-ORS (P < 0.03) in the secreting intestine. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the improved water absorption from a rice-based ORS in both the normal and secreting intestine. Evidence that the absorption of water may be influenced by the osmolality of the ORS was also demonstrated.


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To evaluate the relative efficacy of nonele-mental versus semielemental enteral supplements for nutritional rehabilitation of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, whole-body protein turnover using the [15N]glycine method was studied in nine malnourished CF patients during enteral feedings, in a block design study compar-ing a semielemental formula (Criticare), a higher protein density but nonelemental formula (Traumacal) (T), and a nonelemental formula that had been modified to become isocaloric and isonitrogenous to the semielemental formula (modified Traumacal, MT). No significant differences in rates of protein synthesis or catabolism were observed comparing the three formulas. However the higher protein density nonelemental formula resulted in higher net protein deposition compared to the other two formulas (T + 0.42 g kg-110 h-1versus 0.33 g kg-110 h-1for Criticare and-0.59 g kg-110 h-1for MT), although this was significant (p < 0.05) for the MT versus T comparison only. This study lends support to the use of less expensive nonelemental formulas for the nutritional management of malnourished patients with CF. © 1990 Raven Press Ltd, New York.


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Effects of nutritional supplements on minimizing weight loss and abnormalities of protein turnover during pulmonary exacerbations in cystic fibrosis (CF) were studied by controlled trial. Patients received pulmonary therapy and either standard diet (n = 10) or adjunctive enteral supplements (n = 12). Initial protein turnover, measured by [15N]glycine kinetics, showed alterations of protein synthesis (P Syn) and catabolism (P Cat), which correlated with the degree of underweight, and negligible net protein deposition (P Dep). With treatment both groups had significant increases in mean body weight and forced expiratory volume in 1 s, expressed as percent predicted value for height (FEV1) by 3 wk, but a significant correlation between initial underweight and subsequent weight gain was observed only in supplemented patients. Mean P Syn and P Dep increased significantly (p < 0.001) only in the supplemented group. Pulmonary exacerbations in CF have important adverse effects on body-protein metabolism, similar to changes in protein-energy malnutrition and infection. These effects are reversed by short-term nutritional support. Strategic nutritional intervention should thus be considered in management, especially in malnourished patients.


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The male attractant pheromone of the scarab beetle Holotrichia reynaudi, an agricultural pest native to southern India, was extracted from abdominal glands of females with hexane and analyzed by gas chromatography– mass spectrometry. Field testing of the candidate chemicals, indole, phenol, and anisole, both alone and as binary mixtures, led us to conclude that anisole was the major component of the sex pheromone. Neither male nor female beetles were attracted to indole or phenol on their own. Similarly, when indole and anisole were combined, the attractiveness of the solution did not increase over that obtained with anisole alone. However, combination of phenol and anisole did alter the attractiveness of anisole, with fewer male beetles attracted to the binary mixture than to anisole on its own. The behavior of female beetles was not altered by any of the chemicals tested. Anisole is also the sex pheromone of H. consanguinea, making this the first known example of two melolonthine scarabs sharing the same pheromone.


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Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage of patients assessed as malnourished using the Subjective Global Assessment in two hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho across multiple wards; and to investigate the association with factors including gender, age, days since admission, medical diagnosis and number of medications used. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 205 inpatients from a hospital in Ho Chi Minh City and 78 inpatients and 89 outpatients from a hospital in Can Tho. Malnutrition status was assessed using Subjective Global Assessment. Ward, gender, age, medical diagnosis, time since admission and medication number were extracted from medical records. Results: 35.6% of inpatients and 9.0% of outpatients were malnourished. Multivariate analysis revealed factors predicting malnutrition status within inpatients (OR (95%CI)) were: age (OR = 1.03 (1.01-1.06)); cancer diagnosis (OR = 34.25 (3.16-370.89)); respiratory ward (11.49 (1.05-125.92)); or general medicine ward (20.34 (2.10-196.88)). Conclusions: Results indicate that malnutrition is a common problem in hospitals in Vietnam. Further research is needed to confirm this finding across a wider range of hospitals and to investigate the feasibility and efficacy of implementation of nutrition interventions in hospital settings.


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Scarab species associated with groundnuts were surveyed in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, southern India, between 1995 and 2001. Scarab adults were collected from trees on which they were feeding and/or mating, and larvae (white grubs) from groundnut fields. Holotrichia species, especially H. reynaudi and H. serrata were the major species associated with groundnut. H. reynaudi predominated in the central Deccan area, while H. serrata was most abundant in areas to the south and west. A new, undescribed, Holotrichia species near H. consanguinea was collected south and south-west of Hyderabad in mixed populations with H. reynaudi. However, the full extent of this new species’ distribution remains uncertain. H. rufoflava was rarely associated with groundnut, but was common as an adult at some locations. Other genera encountered during surveys were Anomala, Adoretus, Schizonycha, Autoserica. In survey data, densities of Holotrichia larvae and ‘all other white grubs’ were both very highly correlated with % of damaged groundnut plants. These correlations in combination with concurrent observations of plant damage establish a causal link between white grubs and plant damage and death in southern Indian groundnut. Ranking of preferred host trees for adults were developed from field observations for four Holotrichia species and Schizonycha spp. and will assist grower-initiated surveys of pest occurrence. In combination with insecticide efficacy data published elsewhere, the survey provides the basis for an environmentally friendly and economically viable pest-management system for white grubs on groundnut in southern India.


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The damage potential of two phytophagous scarab larvae on groundnut (peanut) yield was determined. Holotrichia serrata, a root and pod feeding species from southern India, was studied in microplots while the damage potential of Heteronyx piceus, a pod feeder from Queensland, Australia, was determined by analysis of on-farm chemical-rate trials. H. serrata larva reduced groundnut yield by an average of 7.52 g/ larva. In crops yielding less and more than 1900 kg ha-1, H. piceus reduced yield by 4.20 g and 1.43 g/ larva, respectively. These damage potential estimates were used to determine provisional economic injury levels (EIL). For H. piceus, the provisional EIL is 1.67 and 4.91 larvae/ row-metre in crops yielding less and more than 1900 kg/ha, respectively. For H. serrata, the provisional EIL is one H. serrata larva in 7.1 m2. As more than 70% of southern India groundnut fields have Holotrichia populations greater than 1 larva in 1.35 m2, more widespread use of chlorpyrifos seed dressing of groundnut is likely to produce regional economic benefits.


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Large larval populations of the scarabaeid beetle Heteronyx piceus Blanchard that occur under peanuts, but not maize, in the South Burnett region of Australia are the result of a high rate and prolonged period of egg production by females feeding on peanut foliage. Heteronyx piceus is a relatively sedentary species and movement of females between adjacent fields is low. Populations of H. piceus varied markedly with landscape position. High larval populations are more likely (1 in 4 chance) to be encountered on the ‘scrub’ soils in the upper parts of the landscape than in the ‘forest’ soils in the lower half (1 in 20 chance), indicating that soil type/landscape position is a key risk factor in assessing the need for management intervention. The studies indicate that, because of the species' sedentary nature, the most meaningful population entity for management of H. piceus is the individual field, rather than the whole-farm or the region. The implications of this population ecology for management of the pest are discussed in relation to control strategies.


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The establishment of experimental populations of scarab larvae using eggs and early instar larvae has proven to be difficult for many researchers. Despite this, little work has been published examining ways to optimise establishment under artificial conditions. In this experiment, we examined the effect of shade and irrigation on the establishment of Heteronyx piceus Blanchard larvae introduced into pots as eggs and first-, second- and third-instar larvae to optimise artificial infestation techniques. The most important factor affecting larval establishment was the life stage introduced. Establishment of eggs and first instars was very low, with only 21% of eggs and 11% of first-instar larvae establishing. In contrast, 82% of second-instar larvae and 84% of third-instar larvae established successfully. The addition of shade marginally improved overall survival from 45% in the unshaded pots to 53% in the shaded pots. However, most of this increase was in the eggs and first instars. Irrigation did not improve survival. These results suggest that when introducing scarab larvae to field or pot experiments, second- or thirdinstar larvae should be used to maximise establishment. The provision of shade and supplementary irrigation is optional.


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A recent study using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates found a sequence type (ST60) to be common to both Thailand and Australia, contradicting earlier studies showing complete distinction between isolates from these regions. The ST60 isolates reportedly from Australia had been obtained for MLST from United Kingdom and U.S. collections. We have located and characterized the original Australian isolates; they were collected in 1983, and they are neither ST60 nor B. pseudomallei isolates. The B. pseudomallei MLST database has been corrected, and there is no ST common to isolates verified as obtained from Australia or from Thailand.


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Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were analysed in six population samples from four locations of the Australian endemic brown tiger prawn, Penaeus esculentus. Tests of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were generally in accord with expectations, with only one locus, in two samples, showing significant deviations. Three samples were taken in different years from the Exmouth Gulf. These showed no significant heterogeneity, and it was concluded that they were from a single panmictic population. A sample from Shark Bay, also on the west coast of Australia, showed barely detectable differentiation from Exmouth Gulf (F (ST) = 0 to 0.0014). A northeast sample from the Gulf of Carpentaria showed low (F (ST) = 0.008) but significant differentiation from Moreton Bay, on the east coast. However, Exmouth Gulf/Shark Bay samples were well differentiated from the Gulf of Carpentaria/Moreton Bay (F (ST) = 0.047-0.063). The data do not fit a simple isolation by distance model. It is postulated that the east-west differentiation largely reflects the isolation of east and west coast populations that occurred at the last glacial maximum when there was a land bridge between north-eastern Australia and New Guinea.


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All of Us is a ground-breaking Australian government approved anti-bullying educational resource comprised of seven online videos that feature gender diverse, sexual diverse and intersex youths. The videos, along with unit guides and student handouts, have been designed to address a gap in high school curriculum as they teach not just about sexual diversity and gender diversity but also the values of empathy and respect, which has been demonstrated to improve students’ wellbeing and educational engagement. The resource captures the real life experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex young people through a collection of short videos and teaching activities that are aligned to the Year 7/8 Health and Physical Education learning area of the Australian Curriculum. All Of Us has been developed to have a real impact on student attitudes towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and to encourage whole school change that affirms and supports the right of all students, staff and families to feel safe at school. This free video resource is widely available and allows all schools, regardless of experience, location or funding, the chance to create an environment where every student can learn, every teacher can teach and every family can belong from the beginning of 2016. The resource was launched on Thursday, 26 November 2015 at Treasury Theatre, 1 Macarthur St, Melbourne. The launch was attended by almost 200 people including former Safe Schools Coalition Ambassador Jason Ball, Victorian Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality Ro Allen, Chris Bush, Executive Producer of All Of Us, Micah Scott, CEO of Minus18, All Of Us Margot Fink; Safe Schools Coalition Victoria's Manager Roz Ward and; Sally Richardson, National Program Director of Safe Schools Coalition Australia.


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The most common explanation for species diversity increasing towards the tropics is the corresponding increase in habitats (spatial heterogeneity). Consequently, a monoculture (like cotton in Australia) which is grown along a latitudinal gradient, should have the same degree of species diversity throughout its range. We tested to see if diversity in a dominant cotton community (spiders) changed with latitude, and if the community was structurally identical in different parts of Australia. We sampled seven sites extending over 20 degrees of latitude. At each site we sampled 1-3 fields 3-5 times during the cotton growing season using pitfall traps and beatsheets, recording all the spiders collected to family. We found that spider communities in cotton are diverse, including a large range of foraging guilds, making them suitable for a conservation biological control programme. We also found that spider diversity increased from high to low latitudes, and the communities were different, even though the spiders were in the same monocultural habitat. Spider beatsheet communities around Australia were dominated by different families, and responded differently to seasonal changes, indicating that different pest groups would be targeted at different locations. These results show that diversity can increase from high to low latitudes, even if spatial heterogeneity is held constant, and that other factors external to the cotton crop are influencing spider species composition. Other models which may account for the latitudinal gradient, such as non-equilibrium regional processes, are discussed.


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Objective: To explore the effect of education and training on the delivery of alcohol screening and brief intervention and referral to high-risk patients in a hospital setting. Main outcome measures included; delivery of training; practice change in relation to staff performing alcohol screening, brief intervention and referrals. Methods: Observational study design using mixed methods set in a tertiary referral hospital. Pre-post assessment of medical records and semi-structured interviews with key informants. Results: Routine screening for substance misuse (9% pre / 71.4% post) and wellbeing concerns (6.6% pre / 15 % post) was more frequent following the introduction of resources and staff participation in educational workshops. There was no evidence of a concomitant increase in delivery of brief intervention or referrals to services. Implementation challenges, including time constraints and staff attitudes, and enablers such as collaboration and visible pathways, were identified. Conclusion: Rates of patient screening increased, however barriers to delivery of brief intervention and referrals remained. Implementation strategies targeting specific barriers and enablers to introducing interventions are both required to improve the application of secondary prevention for patients in acute settings. Implications: Educational training, formalised liaison between services, systematised early intervention protocols, and continuous quality improvement processes will progress service delivery in this area.


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The present review identifies various constraints relating to poor adoption of ley-pastures in south-west Queensland, and suggests changes in research, development and extension efforts for improved adoption. The constraints include biophysical, economic and social constraints. In terms of biophysical constraints, first, shallower soil profiles with subsoil constraints (salt and sodicity), unpredictable rainfall, drier conditions with higher soil temperature and evaporative demand in summer, and frost and subzero temperature in winter, frequently result in a failure of established, or establishing, pastures. Second, there are limited options for legumes in a ley-pasture, with the legumes currently being mostly winter-active legumes such as lucerne and medics. Winter-active legumes are ineffective in improving soil conditions in a region with summer-dominant rainfall. Third, most grain growers are reluctant to include grasses in their ley-pasture mix, which can be uneconomical for various reasons, including nitrogen immobilisation, carryover of cereal diseases and depressed yields of the following cereal crops. Fourth, a severe depletion of soil water following perennial ley-pastures (grass + legumes or lucerne) can reduce the yields of subsequent crops for several seasons, and the practice of longer fallows to increase soil water storage may be uneconomical and damaging to the environment. Economic assessments of integrating medium- to long-term ley-pastures into cropping regions are generally less attractive because of reduced capital flow, increased capital investment, economic loss associated with establishment and termination phases of ley-pastures, and lost opportunities for cropping in a favourable season. Income from livestock on ley-pastures and soil productivity gains to subsequent crops in rotation may not be comparable to cropping when grain prices are high. However, the economic benefits of ley-pastures may be underestimated, because of unaccounted environmental benefits such as enhanced water use, and reduced soil erosion from summer-dominant rainfall, and therefore, this requires further investigation. In terms of social constraints, the risk of poor and unreliable establishment and persistence, uncertainties in economic and environmental benefits, the complicated process of changing from crop to ley-pastures and vice versa, and the additional labour and management requirements of livestock, present growers socially unattractive and complex decision-making processes for considering adoption of an existing medium- to long-term ley-pasture technology. It is essential that research, development and extension efforts should consider that new ley-pasture options, such as incorporation of a short-term summer forage legume, need to be less risky in establishment, productive in a region with prevailing biophysical constraints, economically viable, less complex and highly flexible in the change-over processes, and socially attractive to growers for adoption in south-west Queensland.