963 resultados para WC-CoCr
The present study evaluated the interchangeability of prosthetic components for external hexagon implants by measuring the precision of the implant/abutment (I/A) interface with scanning electron microscopy. Ten implants for each of three brands (SIN, Conexão, Neodent) were tested with their respective abutments (milled CoCr collar rotational and non-rotational) and another of an alternative manufacturer (Microplant) in randomly arranged I/A combinations. The degree of interchangeability between the various brands of components was defined using the original abutment interface gap with its respective implant as the benchmark dimension. Accordingly, when the result for a given component placed on an implant was equal to or smaller then that gap measured when the original component of the same brand as the implant was positioned, interchangeability was considered valid. Data were compared with the Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level. Some degree of misfit was observed in all specimens. Generally, the non-rotational component was more accurate than its rotational counterpart. The latter samples ranged from 0.6-16.9 µm, with a 4.6 µm median; and the former from 0.3-12.9 µm, with a 3.4 µm median. Specimens with the abutment and fixture from Conexão had larger microgap than the original set for SIN and Neodent (p<0.05). Even though the latter systems had similar results with their respective components, their interchanged abutments did not reproduce the original accuracy. The results suggest that the alternative brand abutment would have compatibility with all systems while the other brands were not completely interchangeable.
The scope of this study was to estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity and its association with socio-economic status in a sample of non-institutionalized elderly people from Vitória-ES, Brazil. This was a cross-sectional survey with a sample of 882 elderly people aged 60 and over. Obesity and overweight were assessed using the body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). All subjects answered a personal and socio-demographic questionnaire in relation to age, gender, marital status, physical activity, number of children, chronic diseases and smoking. Associations between categorical variables were tested using chi-square analysis with a 5% significance level. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was high (41.8% and 23.4%, respectively) and 50.7% of the elderly had a substantially increased waist circumference. About 4.3% of the individuals had diabetes, 50.4% had hypertension and 14.9% were found to have both diseases. It was observed that both the BMI and WC were significant associated (p<0.05) with sex, marital status, the presence of diseases and with cigarette smoking.
This research addresses the application of friction stir welding (FWS) of titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V. Friction stir welding is a recent process, developed in the 1990s for aluminum joining; this joining process is being increasingly applied in many industries from basic materials, such as steel alloys, to high performance alloys, such as titanium. It is a process in great development and has its economic advantages when compared to conventional welding. For high performance alloys such as titanium, a major problem to overcome is the construction of tools that can withstand the extreme process environment. In the literature, the possibilities approached are only few tungsten alloys. Early experiments with tools made of cemented carbide (WC) showed optimistic results consistent with the literature. It was initially thought that WC tools may be an option to the FSW process since it is possible to improve the wear resistance of the tool. The metallographic analysis of the welds did not show primary defects of voids (tunneling) or similar internal defects due to processing, only defects related to tool wear which can cause loss of weld quality. The severe tool wear caused loss of surface quality and inclusions of fragments inside the joining, which should be corrected or mitigated by means of coating techniques on tool, or the replacement of cemented carbide with tungsten alloys, as found in the literature.
Cutting tools with higher wear resistance are those manufactured by powder metallurgy process, which combines the development of materials and design properties, features of shape-making technology and sintering. The annual global market of cutting tools consumes about US$ 12 billion; therefore, any research to improve tool designs and machining process techniques adds value or reduces costs. The aim is to describe the Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) of cutting tools in functionally gradient materials, to show this structure design suitability through thermal residual stress model and, lastly, to present two kinds of inserts. For this, three cutting tool materials were used (Al2O3-ZrO2, Al2O3-TiC and WC-Co). The samples were sintered by SPS at 1300 °C and 70 MPa. The results showed that mechanical and thermal displacements may be separated during thermal treatment for analysis. Besides, the absence of cracks indicated coherence between experimental results and the residual stresses predicted.
Carbonylsulfid (COS) ist eines der stabilsten reduzierten schwefelhaltigen Spurengase in der Atmosphäre. In der gut durchmischten Troposphäre bewegt sich seine Konzentration um 500 ppt. COS spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Produktion von stratosphärischem Aerosol und im Ozon Zyklus. Dieses Spurengas hat eine Vielfalt an natürlichen und anthropogenen Quellen, denen gleichstarke Senken, darunter die dominanten wie Vegetation und Boden, gegenüber stehen. Die Stärke der Senken ist trotz langjähriger Forschungen immer noch Gegenstand der Diskussionen. Daher ist es wichtig die kontrollierenden Parameter zu charakterisieren. Alle Austauschmessungen vor 1990 vermuteten Böden als Quelle von COS, was aber durch Castro and Galloway (1991) klar widerlegt wurde. Heute werden Böden in Ergänzung zur Vegetation grundsätzlich als Senke betrachtet. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden Bodenproben auf den Austausch von Carbonylsulfid mit der Atmosphäre unter verschiedenen Umgebungsbedingungen untersucht. Drei Ackerböden aus Deutschland, China und Finnland und zwei Waldböden aus Sibirien und Surinam konnten parametrisiert werden in Relation zur atmosphärischen Umgebungskonzentration, Temperatur und Bodenfeuchte (WC). Neben Umgebungskonzentration und Bodenfeuchte, scheinen Bodenstruktur und enzymatische Aktivität die Richtung und Größe des Austauschflusses zu kontrollieren. Die übereinstimmenden Optima für boreale Böden in Relation zum wassergefüllten Porenvolumen des Bodens (WFPS) und die Linearität zwischen Depositionsgeschwindigkeit (Vd) und Bulk density lassen auf eine Dominanz der Abhängigkeit der COS-Aufnahme von der durch WFPS bestimmten Diffusionsfähigkeit schließen. WFPS ist abhängig von WC, Bodenstruktur und Bodenporosität. In Ergänzung zu diesen eher physikalischen Parametern konnte die Carboanhydrase (CA) als kontrollierendes Enzym in Böden identifiziert werden. Erste Versuche zur direkten Bestimmung der CA in den untersuchten Böden erlaubten eine erste, aber noch sehr ungenaue Abschätzung der Enzymaktivität.
Lo studio condotto in questa tesi ha lo scopo di esplorare possibili soluzioni alternative per aumentare la vita in esercizio di componenti per un contatto tribologico da strisciamento in motori idraulici. In particolare, per limitare l’usura e ridurre l’attrito fra i corpi a contatto, è stata presa in considerazione la deposizione di rivestimenti in carbonio amorfo idrogenato, appartenenti alla famiglia dei rivestimenti DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon), prodotti con tecnologia PACVD (Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition), grazie alla collaborazione con la ditta STS srl presso la quale sono state prodotte ed in parte caratterizzate diverse tipologie di strati sottili a base carbonio-carbonio. Questa scelta è stata motivata dal fatto che i rivestimenti DLC combinano basso attrito ed alta resistenza ad usura, dato che l’elevata durezza (e resistenza ad usura) è data dalla presenza di un’elevata frazione di C ibridati sp3 (con struttura simil-diamante) fra loro interconnessi, mentre la tendenza al basso attrito contro la maggior parte degli antagonisti deriva dalla struttura lamellare (quindi a basso sforzo di taglio), tipica del C sp2 (simil-grafite), che permette lo scorrimento fra i piani basali. Nel corso del presente lavoro sono quindi stati presi in esame due gruppi di rivestimenti DLC, differenziati in base alla tipologia di interstrato impiegato per moderare le tensioni residue e migliorare l’adesione (CrN singolo strato o WC/C multistrato), depositati su acciaio 20MnV6 sottoposto preliminarmente a cementazione gassosa per ottenere una adeguata capacità di supporto del carico. Gli strati in esame sono stati caratterizzati dal punto di vista microstrutturale e meccanico (con prove sia di adesione e con prove di nanoindentazione). Successivamente, i materiali rivestiti sono stati sottoposti a prove tribologiche di laboratorio (block-on-ring) in condizioni di strisciamento non lubrificato, per effettuare una valutazione comparativa fra i rivestimenti ed identificare i meccanismi di usura prevalenti nelle diverse coppie tribologiche.
Il rilascio di detriti d’usura metallici è una grave problematicità connessa ai sistemi protesici, e principalmente riguarda le protesi d’anca ad accoppiamento metallo su metallo in lega CoCr. La presenza di un livello di ioni Co nel siero che supera la soglia di tossicità è correlata a metallosi periprotesica eal fallimento del l’impianto. Recentemente è emersa un’altra casistica, presumibilmente connessa alla distribuzione e accumulo di questi ioni in tessuti di organi anche lontani dall’impianto, che si manifesta con una sintomatologia sistemica analoga a casi noti di avvelenamento da Cobalto. Nel contesto di questa nuova patologia sarebbe di grande interesse la possibilità di monitorare in-vivo la distribuzione del Cobalto rilasciato da protesi articolari, in organi o tessuti di pazienti che manifestano alti ivelli ionici di Co nel siero utilizzando metodiche non invasive come l’NMR. L’ipotesi sperimentale di applicabilità prende spunto dalle proprietà magnetiche che alcuni composti del Cobalto possono presentare nell’organismo. In questo lavoro sperimentale, nato dalla collaborazione tra il laboratorio NMR del DIFA dell’Università di Bologna e l’Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (IOR) di Bolgna, si presentano i risultati relativi allo studio di fattibilità condotto con diverse metodiche di rilassometria NMR su campioni biologici in presenza di Co. L’obiettivo riguarda la caratterizzazione delle proprietà di rilassamento con elettromagnete a temperatura ambiente e fisiologica, e la valutazione delle dinamiche molecolari dai profili NMRD ottenuti alle basse frequenze con metodica Fast Field Cycling, dei nuclei 1H di tali sistemi in presenza di Co.
Oxytocin (OT) release and lactation performance in primiparous Syrian Shami cows were evaluated in response to two different machine milking regimes. Six cows were milked in the presence of the calves (PC) and subsequently suckled, whereas six cows were exclusively machine milked without the presence of their calves (WC) until day 91 post partum. Milk yield and milk constituents were determined weekly. The degree of udder evacuation was determined by the succeeding removal of residual milk. PC released OT during the milking process, whereas in WC no OT release was detected throughout the milking process. Consequently, the residual milk fraction was much lower in PC than in WC (11% v. 58%, P<0.05) and daily milk yield until day 91 post partum was higher in PC than in WC (12.6+/-0.3 v. 7.1+/-0.4 kg, P<0.05). In conclusion, Syrian Shami cattle are not suitable to be exclusively machine milked without the presence of their calves.
Disturbances of the motor and sensory system as well as an alteration of the preparation of movements have been reported to play a role in the pathogenesis of dystonias. However, it is unclear whether higher aspects of cortical – like cognitive – functions are also involved. Recently, the NoGo-anteriorization (NGA) elicited with a visual continuous performance test (CPT) during recording of a 21-channel electroencephalogram has been proposed as an electrophysiological standard-index for cognitive response control. The NGA consists of a more anterior location of the positive area of the brain electrical field associated with the inhibition (NoGo-condition) compared with that of the execution (Go-condition) of a prepared motor response in the CPT. This response control paradigm was applied in 16 patients with writer’s cramp (WC) and 14 age matched healthy controls. Topographical analysis of the associated event-related potentials revealed a significant (P < 0.05) NGA effect for both patients and controls. Moreover, patients with WC showed a significantly higher global field power value (P < 0.05) in the Go-condition and a significantly higher difference-amplitude (P < 0.05) in the NoGo-condition. A source location analysis with the low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) method demonstrated a hypoactivity for the Go-condition in the parietal cortex of the right hemisphere and a hyperactivity in the NoGo-condition in the left parietal cortex in patients with WC compared with healthy controls. These results indicate an altered response control in patients with WC in widespread cortical brain areas and therefore support the hypothesis that the pathogenesis of WC is not restricted to a pure sensory-motor dysfunction.
BACKGROUND Cocoa is rich in flavonoids, has anti-oxidative properties and increases the bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO). Adequate renal tissue oxygenation is crucial for the maintenance of renal function. The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of cocoa-rich dark chocolate (DC) on renal tissue oxygenation in humans, as compared to flavonoid-poor white chocolate (WC). METHODS Ten healthy volunteers with preserved kidney function (mean age ± SD 35 ± 12 years, 70% women, BMI 21 ± 3 kg/m2) underwent blood oxygenation level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-MRI) before and 2 hours after the ingestion of 1 g/kg of DC (70% cocoa). Renal tissue oxygenation was determined by the measurement of R2* maps on 4 coronal slices covering both kidneys. The mean R2* (= 1/T2*) values in the medulla and cortex were calculated, a low R2* indicating high tissue oxygenation. Eight participants also underwent BOLD-MRI at least 1 week later, before and 2 hours after the intake of 1 g/kg WC. RESULTS The mean medullary R2* was lower after DC intake compared to baseline (28.2 ± 1.3 s-1 vs. 29.6 ± 1.3 s-1, p = 0.04), whereas cortical and medullary R2* values did not change after WC intake. The change in medullary R2* correlated with the level of circulating (epi)catechines, metabolites of flavonoids (r = 0.74, p = 0.037), and was independent of plasma renin activity. CONCLUSION This study suggests for the first time an increase of renal medullary oxygenation after intake of dark chocolate. Whether this is linked to flavonoid-induced changes in renal perfusion or oxygen consumption, and whether cocoa has potentially renoprotective properties, merits further study.
In this work, we provide a passive location monitoring system for IEEE 802.15.4 signal emitters. The system adopts software defined radio techniques to passively overhear IEEE 802.15.4 packets and to extract power information from baseband signals. In our system, we provide a new model based on the nonlinear regression for ranging. After obtaining distance information, a Weighted Centroid (WC) algorithm is adopted to locate users. In WC, each weight is inversely proportional to the nth power of propagation distance, and the degree n is obtained from some initial measurements. We evaluate our system in a 16m-18m area with complex indoor propagation conditions. We are able to achieve a median error of 2:1m with only 4 anchor nodes.
Indoor localization systems become more interesting for researchers because of the attractiveness of business cases in various application fields. A WiFi-based passive localization system can provide user location information to third-party providers of positioning services. However, indoor localization techniques are prone to multipath and Non-Line Of Sight (NLOS) propagation, which lead to significant performance degradation. To overcome these problems, we provide a passive localization system for WiFi targets with several improved algorithms for localization. Through Software Defined Radio (SDR) techniques, we extract Channel Impulse Response (CIR) information at the physical layer. CIR is later adopted to mitigate the multipath fading problem. We propose to use a Nonlinear Regression (NLR) method to relate the filtered power information to propagation distances, which significantly improves the ranging accuracy compared to the commonly used log-distance path loss model. To mitigate the influence of ranging errors, a new trilateration algorithm is designed as well by combining Weighted Centroid and Constrained Weighted Least Square (WC-CWLS) algorithms. Experiment results show that our algorithm is robust against ranging errors and outperforms the linear least square algorithm and weighted centroid algorithm.
„Entwicklung und Implementierung von Modellen für ein Skills-Training-Parcours für internistische Assistenzärzte “ V. Maier1 - K. Schnabel2 1 Universitätslinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Inselspital, Bern 2 Berner interdisziplinäres Skills- und Schauspielpatientenzentrum (BiSS), Institut für Medizinische Lehre (IML), Abteilung für Unterricht und Medien (AUM) Einleitung: Im klinischen Alltag sind praktische Fertigkeiten gefordert, um Patienten sicher zu behandeln. Auch in der Schweizer Fachgesellschaft FMH kam es zu einer stärkeren Gewichtung der praktischen Fertigkeiten und müssen jetzt ein Logbuch über Art und Zeitpunkt der Intervention führen [1]. Am Inselspital Bern wurde dafür ein Skillsparcours etabliert, da in vielen Bereichen simulationsbasierte Ausbildungen traditionellen Methoden überlegen ist [2]. Der Skillsparcours besteht aus einem Nachmittag mit 4 nicht-invasiven Prozeduren und einem Nachmittag mit 5 invasiven Prozeduren. Eigens dafür wurden drei Modelle entwickelt und deren Tauglichkeit evaluiert. Fragestellung: Bilden die selbst gefertigten Modelle die Realität ausreichend ab? Material und Methoden: Innerhalb der 9 Posten (5 invasiv und 4 nichtinvasiv) wurden für die 5 invasiven Posten zwei Modelle aus dem Skillslab (BiSS) genutzt (Lumbalpunktion (LP) und Blasenkatheter (BK)) und drei Modelle neu entwickelt (Pleura-(PP), Aszites-(AP) und Knochenmarks-Punktion (KMP)). Die Modelle wurden mit Materialien aus dem Baumarkt entwickelt (Material ca. CHF 50/Stück). Der Aufbau der Modelle soll auf der Tagung demonstriert werden. Die Teilnehmer (N=12) und Dozenten (N=5) wurden zu der Qualität mittels Fragebogen befragt. Dabei wurde die individuelle Vorerfahrung und die Einschätzung der Teilnehmer erfragt. Die Frage zur Eignung des Modells war: „Das Modell war zum Üben geeignet“. Als Skala wurde eine Likert-Skala von 0 bis 5 (1=sehr ungeeignet, 5=sehr geeignet) benutzt. Ergebnisse: Die Assistenzärzte beurteilten die Modelleignung wie folgt (Median (Min;Max)): LP: 5 (4;5) KMP: 4.5 (3;5), PP: 4 (3;5), AP: 4.5 (2;5), BK-Einlage: 4.5 (4;6). Die Oberärzte, die jeweils nur das Modell bewerteten, an welchem sie den Kurs durchführten, beurteilten die Modelleignung wie folgt: LP 5.0, KMP: 5.0, PP 5.0, AP: 4.0, BK-Einlage: 3.0. Diskussion: Alle Modelle wurden sowohl von den Oberärzten als auch von den Assistenzärzten als zum Üben tauglich eingeschätzt. Zwischen den selbst hergestellten Low-Fidelity Modellen und den High-Fidelity Modellen gab es hierein keinen signifikanten Unterschied. Als am wenigsten tauglich wurde von den Oberärzten mit der Simulation der Blasenkatheter-Einlage ein High-Fidelity-Modell bewertet. Schlussfolgerungen: Alle Modelle für die Simulation der Punktionstechniken haben gut bis sehr gut funktioniert. Die selbst hergestellten Modelle bilden die Wirklich zum Üben der Techniken hinreichend gut und nicht schlechter als die High-Fidelity-Modelle ab. Selbst gebaute Modelle mit Materialien aus dem Baumarkt können das sonst sehr materialaufwändige Training mit Simulatoren genauso effektiv aber wesentlich effizienter durchführbar machen. Literatur bei den Autoren (1) Weiterbildungsordnung FMH 2014 (letzte Revision 4. September 2014). www.fmh.ch/files/pdf15/wbo_d.pdf (2) McGaghie WC, Issenberg SB, Cohen ER, Barsuk JH, Wayne DB (2011) Does simulation-based medical education with deliberate practice yield better results than traditional clinical education? A meta-analytic comparative review of the evidence. Acad Med. 2011 Jun;86(6):706-11