966 resultados para Visual Communication


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Patterns of vocal rehabilitation for 37 pharyngolaryngectomy patients and 55 total laryngectomy patients over a 5-year period were compared. An electrolarynx (EL) was introduced as the initial communication mode immediately after surgery for 98% of patients, with 30% of pharyngolaryngectomy and 74% of laryngectomy patients subsequently developing tracheoesophageal speech (TES) as their primary mode of communication. Follow-up with 14 of 37 pharyngolaryngectomy patients and 36 of 55 laryngectomy patients was conducted 1-6 years following surgery and revealed that 90% of the pharyngolaryngectomy patients maintained the use of TES in the long term compared to 69% of the laryngectomy group. Long-term outcomes relating to communication disability and handicap did not differ significantly between the two surgical groups, however the laryngectomy patients had significantly higher levels of wellbeing. Across the whole group of patients, statistical comparison revealed that patients using TES had significantly lower levels of disability, handicap and distress than EL users. Considering that lower levels of disability, handicap and distress are associated with TES, and the data supports that suitably selected patients can maintain functional TES in the long term, increased application of this form of communication rehabilitation should be encouraged where viable for the pharyngolaryngectomy population. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Background: Increasingly there is a call from clinicians and researchers for measures that document the impact of aphasia on a person's everyday communication. Do existing assessments of communication disability adequately sample communication activities relevant to our clients? Communication skills and networks change with age. A need exists to determine the everyday communication activities of older people and in particular those with aphasia. Aims: The primary aim of this study was to describe and compare the everyday communication activities of older people with aphasia and healthy older people who are living in the community. A secondary aim was to investigate the content validity of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults (ASHA FACS, 1997) for older Australians. Methods & Procedures: Naturalistic observation was the method of choice for detailing the everyday communication of 15 older people with chronic aphasia following stroke and a matched group of 15 healthy older people who were living in the community. Researchers, in the role of participant observer, took field notes for 8 hours, over three occasions within a week. A total of 240 hours of observation have been coded in terms of communication activity, topic, communication partners, and place of communication. A brief 5-day diary served to check the representativeness of the observational data. After each hour of observation, the researcher checked which ASHA FACS items had been observed. Outcomes & Results: Naturalistic observation provided a rich, rigorous, and systematic methodology for detailing the dynamics and complexities of authentic communication. The most common communication activities for both groups were conversations at home and in social groups. Real-life communication was revealed to serve the dual purposes of transaction and interaction. Results indicate that older people with aphasia engage in similar communication activities to healthy older people although differences were evident in the frequency of communication and in specific activities such as story telling, writing, commenting, and acknowledging. ASHA FACS items were generally relevant to older Australians living in the community. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that communication activity is multifaceted in terms of the type of communication and contextual factors. The observational data describe the effects of aphasia on a person's everyday communication activity and reveal the impact of aphasia on the social functions of communication including sharing information, maintaining and establishing relationships, and telling one's story. Functional communication assessment requires a greater focus on the interactional and uniquely interpersonal aspects of social communication.


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The visual biology of Hawaiian reef fishes was explored by examining their eyes for spectral sensitivity of their visual pigments and for transmission of light through the ocular media to the retina. The spectral absorption curves for the visual pigments of 38 species of Hawaiian fish were recorded using microspectrophotometry. The peak absorption wavelength (lambda(max)) of the rods varied from 477-502 nm and the lambda(max) of individual species conformed closely to values for the same species previously reported using a whole retina extraction procedure. The visual pigments of single cone photoreceptors were categorized, dependent on their lambda(max)-values, as ultraviolet (347-376 nm), violet (398-431 nm) or blue (439-498 nm) sensitive cones. Eight species possessed ultraviolet-sensitive cones and 14 species violet-sensitive cones. Thus, 47% of the species examined displayed photosensitivity to the short-wavelength region of the spectrum. Both identical and nonidentical paired and double cones were found with blue sensitivity or green absorption peaks (> 500 nm). Spectrophotometry of the lens, cornea, and humors for 195 species from 49 families found that the spectral composition of the light transmitted to the retina was most often limited by the lens (73% of species examined). Except for two unusual species with humor-limited eyes, Acanthocybium solandri (Scombridae) and the priacanthid fish, Heteropriacanthus cruentatus, the remainder had corneal-limited eyes. The wavelength at which 50% of the light was blocked (T50) was classified according to a system modified from Douglas and McGuigan (1989) as Type I, T50 < = 355 nm, (32 species); Type IIa, 355 < T50 < = 380 nm (30 species); Type IIb, 380 < T50 405 nm (84 species). Possession of UV-transmitting ocular media follows both taxonomic and functional lines and, if the ecology of the species is considered, is correlated with the short-wavelength visual pigments found in the species. Three types of short-wavelength vision in fishes are hypothesized: UV-sensitive, UV-specialized, and violet-specialized. UV-sensitive eyes lack UV blockers (Type I and IIa) and can sense UV light with the secondary absorption peak or beta peak of their longer wavelength visual pigments but do not possess specialized UV receptor cells and, therefore, probably lack UV hue discrimination. UV-specialized eyes allow transmission of UV light to the retina (Type I and IIa) and also possess UV-sensitive cone receptors with peak absorption between 300 and 400 nm. Given the appropriate perceptual mechanisms, these species could possess true UV-color vision and hue discrimination. Violet-specialized eyes extend into Type IIb eyes and possess violet-sensitive cone cells. UV-sensitive eyes are found throughout the fishes from at least two species of sharks to modern bony fishes. Eyes with specialized short-wavelength sensitivity are common in tropical reef fishes and must be taken into consideration when performing research involving the visual perception systems of these fishes. Because most glass and plastics are UV-opaque, great care must be taken to ensure that aquarium dividers, specimen holding containers, etc., are UV-transparent or at least to report the types of materials in use.


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Recent behavioural experiments have shown that birds use ultraviolet (UV)-reflective and fluorescent plumage as cues in mate choice. It remains controversial, however, whether such UV signals play a special role in sexual communication, or whether they are part of general plumage coloration. We use a comparative approach to test for a general association between sexual signalling and either UV-reflective or fluorescent plumage. Among the species surveyed, 72% have UV colours and there is a significant positive association between UV reflectance and courtship displays. Among parrots (Psittaciformes), 68% of surveyed species have fluorescent plumage, and again there is a strong positive association between courtship displays and fluorescence. These associations are not artefacts of the plumage used in courtship displays, being generally more 'colourful' because there is no association between display and colours lacking UV reflectance or fluorescence. Equally, these associations are not phylogenetic artefacts because all results remain unchanged when families or genera, rather than species, are used as independent data points. We also find that, in parrots, fluorescent plumage is usually found adjacent to UV-reflective plumage. Using a simple visual model to examine one parrot, the budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus, we show that the juxtaposition of UV-reflective and fluorescent plumage leads to a 25-fold increase in chromatic contrast to the budgerigar's visual system. Taken together, these results suggest that signals based on UV contrast are of special importance in the context of active sexual displays. We review briefly six hypotheses on why this may be the case: suitability for short-range signalling; high contrast with backgrounds; invisibility to predators; exploitation of pre-existing sensory biases; advertisement of feather structure; and amplification of behavioural signals.


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Recent studies have revealed marked variation in pyramidal cell structure in the visual cortex of macaque and marmoset monkeys. In particular, there is a systematic increase in the size of, and number of spines in, the arbours of pyramidal cells with progression through occipitotemporal (OT) visual areas. In the present study we extend the basis for comparison by investigating pyramidal cell structure in visual areas of the nocturnal owl monkey. As in the diurnal macaque and marmoset monkeys, pyramidal cells became progressively larger and more spinous with anterior progression through OT visual areas. These data suggest that: 1. the trend for more complex pyramidal cells with anterior progression through OT visual areas is a fundamental organizational principle in primate cortex; 2. areal specialization of the pyramidal cell phenotype provides an anatomical substrate for the reconstruction of the visual scene in OT areas; 3. evolutionary specialization of different aspects of visual processing may determine the extent of interareal variation in the pyramidal cell phenotype in different species; and 4. pyramidal cell structure is not necessarily related to brain size. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of IBRO. All rights reserved.


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The branching structure of neurones is thought to influence patterns of connectivity and how inputs are integrated within the arbor. Recent studies have revealed a remarkable degree of variation in the branching structure of pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex of diurnal primates, suggesting regional specialization in neuronal function. Such specialization in pyramidal cell structure may be important for various aspects of visual function, such as object recognition and color processing. To better understand the functional role of regional variation in the pyramidal cell phenotype in visual processing, we determined the complexity of the dendritic branching pattern of pyramidal cells in visual cortex of the nocturnal New World owl monkey. We used the fractal dilation method to quantify the branching structure of pyramidal cells in the primary visual area (V1), the second visual area (V2) and the caudal and rostral subdivisions of inferotemporal cortex (ITc and ITr, respectively), which are often associated with color processing. We found that, as in diurnal monkeys, there was a trend for cells of increasing fractal dimension with progression through these cortical areas. The increasing complexity paralleled a trend for increasing symmetry. That we found a similar trend in both diurnal and nocturnal monkeys suggests that it was a feature of a common anthropoid ancestor.


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A necessidade de identificar os blocos e os ambientes de forma que os usu??rios internos e externos n??o tenham dificuldade de encontrar o que precisa. De forma clara e bem especificada mesmo que em alguns casos sejam usadas apenas siglas e n??meros. Assim sendo a comunica????o visual atrav??s de placas ficou din??mica e de f??cil compreens??o


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A identidade visual contida neste manual ?? o conjunto de informa????es gr?????cas que formalizam a personalidade visual do Reposit??rio institucional da Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica - ENAP. O projeto de identidade visual envolve a cria????o do logotipo e s??mbolo e tamb??m um conjunto de elementos institucionais e regras que regem a aplica????o da identidade em impressos administrativos, letreiros, ve??culos, uniformes, entre outros elementos, de acordo com a necessidade de cada institui????o. Neste manual est??o as informa????es que disciplinam o uso da marca Reposit??rio institucional da ENAP e seus elementos, garantindo a identidade visual junto ao p??blico alvo, institui????es e o mercado.


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Atreladas a uma estética própria e “efeitos de verdade” (PELLEJERO, 2008), as videografias turísticas acabam por compor linguagens fartamente informativas sobre aquilo que se quer dizer sobre os lugares. Suas cenas são as apontadas para propagandear uma imagem a ser consumida, delas esperam-se o melhor ângulo a ser fotografado, experiências únicas e roteiros alternativos e naturais para se conhecer o lugar. Sendo assim, são as imagens turísticas, na atualidade, linguagens potentes para se entender as narrativas sobre os lugares, suas imaginações espaciais, bem como as construções de ficções sobre determinada realidade. Uma vez envolvidas as produções de ficções hegemônicas, os vídeos turísticos e as imaginações espaciais que temos deles podem promover modos cristalizados de se pensar o espaço; distanciando-se dos propósitos de entender o espaço a partir das suas conexões-desconexões e multiplicidade de trajetórias (MASSEY, 2008). Nesse contexto, essa pesquisa tem como objetivo principal discutir como os vídeos turísticos, em especial dois vídeos da atual campanha da Secretaria de Turismo do Espírito Santo, “Descubra o Espírito Santo”, apresentam uma imaginação espacial. Também seguem como interesse: refletir e analisar a política visual e a estética das videografias turísticas; entender e analisar a produção de uma ficção para construção e mobilização de uma imaginação espacial e estudar autores e produções videográficas que se dedicaram a pensar possibilidades outras de mobilizar e desterritorializar uma imaginação espacial e as estéticas videográficas.


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A pesquisa tem como sujeito a criança pequena em uma instituição de educação infantil e investiga processos de formação mediados pela experiência sensível com as artes visuais. A educação infantil é lugar das interações, das brincadeiras e da educação estética, sensível. Problematiza o espaço da alfabetização na escola, restrito à apropriação da linguagem verbal, escrita. Por meio de intervenção, propõe um elo entre a criança, sua cultura e seu meio, sugerindo um contato mais próximo com as múltiplas linguagens e com a educação estética. Investiga a educação infantil como o lugar da experiência, da brincadeira e da formação do ser humano em sua totalidade, que não se limita à alfabetização pautada na linguagem verbal e na fragmentação do saber. Este trabalho foi realizado em uma Creche-Escola do município de Vitória/ES, situada no bairro Jardim da Penha. Tem como público crianças de seis meses a cinco anos, divididas em grupos conforme a faixa etária. A participação ativa da pesquisadora na rotina da instituição pesquisada direcionou a um diálogo com a pesquisa-ação, um tipo de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa que se revela na ação e no discurso, segundo Barbier (2007). Busca analisar os possíveis efeitos dessa experiência estética no cotidiano das crianças, observando como afetam e geram interlocuções com a comunidade escolar e com a família. Fundamenta-se nos conceitos de experiência, sentidos como uma experiência estética e a linguagem visual como uma forma de comunicação nas discussões de Vigotski (2010), Duarte Júnior (2001) e Bakhtin (2010). Procura reconhecer a criança como sujeito ativo, em consonância com as contribuições da Sociologia da Infância, expressa no pensamento de Sarmento (2008). Focaliza a criança como ser social, lúdico, pleno de direitos, apto a viver e ressignificar experiências individuais e sociais. O estudo dialoga com o pensamento de Benjamin (1987) que, em seus escritos filosóficos, revela o conceito de uma infância universal, e de Giorgio Agamben (2005) sobre infância e experiência. Com Angel Pino (2005) analisa a constituição do ser humano como um ser cultural. Apoia-se também em autores que realizam uma reflexão sobre a criança e a infância, como Ribes (2012). Apresenta a Arte como área de conhecimento capaz de formar e inserir a criança em seu meio cultural, proporcionando um conhecimento mais amplo do mundo e da sociedade em que está inserida. Acompanhou quatro momentos que promoveram a aproximação das crianças às expressões artísticas, por meio de visitas a espaços expositivos com a presença da artista plástica, ceramista, a professora Drª. Regina Rodrigues, no espaço educacional. Analisa os processos de interação e a expressão das crianças em face à experiência com a Arte. A chegada ao museu e a interação lúdica das crianças com os espaços, com as obras, com os diversos ambientes e com os mediadores despontou como material potente de conhecimento. A pesquisa mostrou a importância de a instituição de ensino estar aberta à cidade, provocando nas crianças a percepção do pertencimento aos espaços de cultura, lazer e demais lugares que a compõem.