980 resultados para Victor Shklovski
The over-riding perceptions of Victor Hugo’s attitudes towards women are intensely coloured by his deep-seated Romanticism and his well-testified, stifling and over-bearing treatment of women in his personal life. As such, Hugo’s contribution to the feminist struggle of his time has been woefully overlooked in the larger scheme of his social and political activism. Through a close examination of his largely unstudied public discourse on women’s rights, this thesis situates Hugo’s feminist views firmly in the context of Enlightenment feminism and 19th century feminism, while also drawing heavily on the illuminating principles of Enlightenment feminism. In particular, this thesis examines Hugo’s support for several of the most determining issues of 19th century French feminism, including women’s right to education, equal citizenship, universal suffrage rights, and the issue of regulated prostitution. Further, by examining the way in which Hugo’s views on women’s maternal role extended far beyond the limited vision of domesticity bolstered by the ideology of ‘republican motherhood’, this thesis engages in a re-appraisal of Hugo’s literary representation of maternity which identifies the maternal as a universal quality of devotion and self-sacrifice to which all humankind must aspire for the creation of a just, egalitarian, and democratic society. Though at times inevitably constrained by his Romanticism, this thesis demonstrates the extent to which Hugo’s feminism is grounded in his wider vision of social emancipation and is underpinned by a profound empathy, compassion, and moral conscience – qualities which are just as fundamental today, as they were for Hugo when participating in the fitful, though decisive, feminist struggle in 19th century France.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.
Publicam-se neste capítulo a data de radiocarbono obtida para o Menhir do Patalou e discutem-se as outras datas disponíveis para os menhires portugueses com especial destaque para a data do menhir da Meada.
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma síntese histórica dos estudos de propriedades estáticas de gases reais feitas pelo experimentalista francês Regnault e estabelecer a sua relação com a recepção francesa da teoria cinética dos gases durante a segunda metade do século XIX, notando a sua relevância epistemológica. Com este caso histórico ilustra-se a complexa relação entre a teoria e a experimentação.
Intervir numa preexistência é como que escutar o eco das vivências que aí ocorreram. Nesses lugares, as paredes registam as vivências do tempo, a que não podemos ficar indiferentes, em face de terem sido espaços de felicidade ou de emoções negativas. Lugares que acolheram, outrora, determinadas vivências configuram aquilo a que denominamos de "a espessura do tempo na arquitectura". Intervimos assim numa procura de interligação temporal onde, o passado resgatado às suas memórias, se transmuta em elo de ligação entre passado, presente e futuro. O que realmente procuramos é um elo ético para com a continuidade patrimonial, onde o homem é a medida e a razão de ser das intervenções. Consideramos igualmente fundamental a permanente investigação que realizamos no âmbito das arquitecturas vernacular, tradicional e erudita nomeadamente os seus materiais, tecnologias, configurações espácio-funcionais, composições artísticas, em conjunto com as dinâmicas sociais, permitindo em cada projecto que realizamos identificar a identidade cultural em presença. As intervenções que apresentamos refletem esse percurso num contexto hereditário, de passagem de testemunho, a enobrecer com as propostas de projecto, onde sobressai a função social do arquitecto.
ARQUITECTURA DISPUESTA: PREPOSICIONES COTIDIANAS propone mostrar aquellas prácticas arquitectónicas que desarrollan una relación operativa y sensible con el contexto, que muestran una actitud pragmática y experimental en el proceso, que condensan y manifiestan una propuesta espacial, hacia tecnologías, materialidades, subjetividades contemporáneas y cotidianas. Una forma sencilla de expresar cómo la arquitectura se relaciona y proyecta el espacio cotidiano es a través de las preposiciones. A, ante, bajo, con, contra, de, desde, durante, en, entre, hacia, hasta, mediante, para, por, pro, según, sin, sobre, tras, vía, describen la relación los espacios cotidianos que este programa propone explicitar, debatir y desarrollar para mostrar los vínculos entre práctica arquitectónica, contexto social y cultural en que se produce. La atención por la experiencia inmediata del espacio y su materialidad, la preocupación por incorporar a los agentes productores, los participantes e implicados en la obra, y la puesta en valor del ‘proceso’ que se desarrolla en los proyectos mostrados, resume una ‘actitud’ que deviene en obra construida. Son propuestas espaciales y materiales que median entre el espíritu de un tiempo presente (Zeitgeist) y su ingenio (Erfindergeist).
This research work analyses techniques for implementing a cell-centred finite-volume time-domain (ccFV-TD) computational methodology for the purpose of studying microwave heating. Various state-of-the-art spatial and temporal discretisation methods employed to solve Maxwell's equations on multidimensional structured grid networks are investigated, and the dispersive and dissipative errors inherent in those techniques examined. Both staggered and unstaggered grid approaches are considered. Upwind schemes using a Riemann solver and intensity vector splitting are studied and evaluated. Staggered and unstaggered Leapfrog and Runge-Kutta time integration methods are analysed in terms of phase and amplitude error to identify which method is the most accurate and efficient for simulating microwave heating processes. The implementation and migration of typical electromagnetic boundary conditions. from staggered in space to cell-centred approaches also is deliberated. In particular, an existing perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary methodology is adapted to formulate a new cell-centred boundary implementation for the ccFV-TD solvers. Finally for microwave heating purposes, a comparison of analytical and numerical results for standard case studies in rectangular waveguides allows the accuracy of the developed methods to be assessed.
The Optimal Smoothing of the Wigner-Ville Distribution for Real-Life Signals Time-Frequency Analysis