965 resultados para Vertebral Rotation


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El propósito del desarrollo temático de ésta ponencia es, conocer la importancia de los masajes sobre el aparato articular y locomotor, en este caso sobre la musculatura del dorso más especificamente en los músculos antigravitatorios o extensores de la columna y a su vez, hiperlordóticos. Debemos conocer la anatomía descriptiva y topográfica de la zona muscular de la columna vertebral, los músculos superficiales, profundos, su ubicación, sus inserciones, sus trayectos y recorridos, para conocer correctamente en que dirección se dirigen las fibras musculares y así aplicar las técnicas y maniobras necesarias de acuerdo al músculo donde vamos a realizar dichos masajes. Explicaré diferentes técnicas, maniobras y los pasos a seguir para realizar un masaje en la espalda o dorso que sea eficiente y logre mejoras cualitativas en el comportamiento postural y en las buenas formas de la postura en los movimientos cotidianos


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Organisms that are distributed across spatial climate gradients often exhibit adaptive local variations in morphological and physiological traits, but to what extent such gradients shape evolutionary responses is still unclear. Given the strong natural contrast in latitudinal temperature gradients between the North-American Pacific and Atlantic coast, we asked how increases in vertebral number (VN, known as Jordan's Rule) with latitude would differ between Pacific (Atherinops affinis) and Atlantic Silversides (Menidia menidia), two ecologically equivalent and taxonomically similar fishes with similar latitudinal distributions. VN was determined from radiographs of wild-caught adults (genetic + environmental differences) and its genetic basis confirmed by rearing offspring in common garden experiments. Compared to published data on VN variation in M. menidia (a mean increase of 7.0 vertebrae from 32 to 46°N, VN slope = 0.42/lat), the latitudinal VN increase in Pacific Silversides was approximately half as strong (a mean increase of 3.3 vertebrae from 28 to 43°N, VN slope = 0.23/lat). This mimicked the strong Atlantic (1.11°C/lat) versus weak Pacific latitudinal gradient (0.40°C/lat) in median annual sea surface temperature (SST). Importantly, the relationship of VN to SST was not significantly different between the two species (average slope = -0.39 vertebrae/°C), thus suggesting a common thermal dependency of VN in silverside fishes. Our findings provide novel support for the hypothesis that temperature gradients are the ultimate cause of Jordan's Rule, even though its exact adaptive significance remains speculative. A second investigated trait, the mode of sex determination in Atlantic versus Pacific Silversides, revealed patterns that were inconsistent with our expectation: M. menidia displays temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) at low latitudes, where growing seasons are long or unconstrained, but also a gradual shift to genetic sex determination (GSD) with increasing latitude due to more and more curtailed growing seasons. Sex ratios in A. affinis, on the other hand, were independent of latitude and rearing temperature (indicating GSD), even though growing seasons are thermally unconstrained across most of the geographical distribution of A. affinis. This suggests that additional factors (e.g., longevity) play an important role in shaping the mode of sex determination in silverside fishes.


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Control of the torsional angles of nonrigid molecules is key for the development of emerging areas like molecular electronics and nanotechnology. Based on a rigorous calculation of the rotation-torsion-Stark energy levels of nonrigid biphenyl-like molecules, we show that, unlike previously believed, instantaneous rotation-torsion-Stark eigenstates of such molecules, interacting with a strong laser field, present a large degree of delocalization in the torsional coordinate even for the lowest energy states. This is due to a strong coupling between overall rotation and torsion leading to a breakdown of the torsional alignment. Thus, adiabatic control of changes on the planarity of this kind of molecule is essentially impossible unless the temperature is on the order of a few Kelvin.


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El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar un sistema capaz de controlar la velocidad de rotación de un motor DC en función del valor de temperatura obtenido de un sensor. Para ello se generará con un microcontrolador una señal PWM, cuyo ciclo de trabajo estará en función de la temperatura medida. En lo que respecta a la fase de diseño, hay dos partes claramente diferenciadas, relativas al hardware y al software. En cuanto al diseño del hardware puede hacerse a su vez una división en dos partes. En primer lugar, hubo que diseñar la circuitería necesaria para adaptar los niveles de tensión entregados por el sensor de temperatura a los niveles requeridos por ADC, requerido para digitalizar la información para su posterior procesamiento por parte del microcontrolador. Por tanto hubo que diseñar capaz de corregir el offset y la pendiente de la función tensión-temperatura del sensor, a fin de adaptarlo al rango de tensión requerido por el ADC. Por otro lado, hubo que diseñar el circuito encargado de controlar la velocidad de rotación del motor. Este circuito estará basado en un transistor MOSFET en conmutación, controlado mediante una señal PWM como se mencionó anteriormente. De esta manera, al variar el ciclo de trabajo de la señal PWM, variará de manera proporcional la tensión que cae en el motor, y por tanto su velocidad de rotación. En cuanto al diseño del software, se programó el microcontrolador para que generase una señal PWM en uno de sus pines en función del valor entregado por el ADC, a cuya entrada está conectada la tensión obtenida del circuito creado para adaptar la tensión generada por el sensor. Así mismo, se utiliza el microcontrolador para representar el valor de temperatura obtenido en una pantalla LCD. Para este proyecto se eligió una placa de desarrollo mbed, que incluye el microcontrolador integrado, debido a que facilita la tarea del prototipado. Posteriormente se procedió a la integración de ambas partes, y testeado del sistema para comprobar su correcto funcionamiento. Puesto que el resultado depende de la temperatura medida, fue necesario simular variaciones en ésta, para así comprobar los resultados obtenidos a distintas temperaturas. Para este propósito se empleó una bomba de aire caliente. Una vez comprobado el funcionamiento, como último paso se diseñó la placa de circuito impreso. Como conclusión, se consiguió desarrollar un sistema con un nivel de exactitud y precisión aceptable, en base a las limitaciones del sistema. SUMMARY: It is obvious that day by day people’s daily life depends more on technology and science. Tasks tend to be done automatically, making them simpler and as a result, user life is more comfortable. Every single task that can be controlled has an electronic system behind. In this project, a control system based on a microcontroller was designed for a fan, allowing it to go faster when temperature rises or slowing down as the environment gets colder. For this purpose, a microcontroller was programmed to generate a signal, to control the rotation speed of the fan depending on the data acquired from a temperature sensor. After testing the whole design developed in the laboratory, the next step taken was to build a prototype, which allows future improvements in the system that are discussed in the corresponding section of the thesis.


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La riqueza de propiedades y posibilidades de movimiento que se derivan de la columna vertebral tomadas en su conjunto son las causas que me han estimulado, para intentar buscar más respuestas, a todas mis actuales incógnitas, que en este presente trabajo pretendo contestar, con los medios de que dispongo, y en la medida que mejor pueda. La tarea, sé de antemano que no es fácil, y no menos corta, debida a la aparente complejidad, pero creo que apoyándome en una apropiada metodología, y centrándome, única y exclusivamente en los puntos que me interesan, puedo lograr los pasos que me lleven a los objetivos finales que persigo. Después de recopilar todos los datos posibles de anatomía, que hacían referencia al raquis, me llevó un cierto tiempo, hasta llegar al ordenamiento de todas las ideas que había adquirido. Esto me hizo llegar a la conclusión de que el planteamiento más adecuado, sería, por un lado un estudio anatómico desde un punto de vista descriptivo de las diferentes partes y elementos que constituyen el eje del cuerpo, para por otro lado y posteriormente, entender mejor las distintas propiedades y funciones mecánicas de este eje raquídeo. Para realizar este trabajo hemos consultado y estudiado numerosas publicaciones de autores, anatomistas prestigiosos tanto clásicos como modernos, tratando de condensar sus teorías o sus exposiciones, que hacen referencia al tema elegido. Todo cuanto queda resumido creemos que contiene interés para cualquier profesor de Educación Física y Deportes. Mi intención no ha sido nunca sacar unas conclusiones prácticas nuevas no descubiertas; y si el de haber empleado un medio o camino a seguir que yo creo conveniente aplicarlo para obtener los datos que persigo, de este raquis tomado en conjunto. Precisamente por este enfoque de abordar el tema en conjunto, he tenido que hacer continuas citas entre los diferentes puntos del sumario,puesto que es muy difícil separar los diferentes aspectos o puntos tomados en cada apartado debido a su constante interrelación. El principal aspecto de la columna vertebral que estudiaremos es su increíble y contradictoria, doble función estótico-dinámica. Intentaremos pues en el contenido de este trabajo, adentrarnos lo más posible en el estudio de esta doble función para su mejor comprensión. Con el deseo de exponer el tema de una manera lo más racional posible, he dividido el estudio en seis capítulos. El primero en el que nos encontramos, es una breve introducción y visión en conjunto del tema. En el segundo hago una síntesis de la formación y del desarrollo de la columna vertebral, que creo de sumo interés debido a su tardío y largo proceso de osificación y formación. En el tercer capítulo realizo una descripción anatómica de todo el raquis que creo de absoluta necesidad para la comprensión de los siguientes apartados. Posteriormente se describe el raquis en conjunto, , funciones, curvaturas, movilidad, así como un breve análisis de movimientos. El quinto capítulo estudia la postura muy atrayente a mi modo de ver, derivada de la evolución de la estación bípeda, asi como algunas consideraciones muy generales de las lesiones de columna debido a su numerosa, cuantía, y por último, hago una síntesis general asi como unas conclusiones finales. Para finalizar quiero manifestar mi profundo agradecimiento al Profesor de Anatomía Dr. Anitua Solano por su entera ayuda, sin su dirección no hubiera sido posible la realización de este trabajo.


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The adequate combination of reduced tillage and crop rotation could increase the viability of dry land agriculture in Mediterrenean zones. Crop simulation models can support to examine various tillage-rotation combinations and explore management scenarios. The decision support system for agrotechnology transfer (DSSAT) (Hoogenboom et al., 2010) provides a suite of crop models suitable for this task. The objective of this work was to simulate the effects of two tillage systems, conventional tillage (ConvT) and no tillage (NoT), and three crop rotations, continuous cereal (CC), fallow-cereal (FallowC) and legume-cereal (LegumeC), under dry conditions, on the cereal yield, soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) in a 15-year experiment, comparing these simulations with field observations.


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Application of nitrogen (N) fertilizers in agricultural soils increases the risk of N loss to the atmosphere in the form of ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO)and the water bodies as nitrate (NO3-). The implementation of agricultural management practices can affect these losses. In Mediterranean irrigation systems, the greatest losses of NO3-through leaching occur within the irrigation and the intercropperiod. One way to abate these losses during the intercrop period is the use of cover crops that absorb part of the residual N from the root zone (Gabriel and Quemada, 2011). Moreover, during the following crop, these species could be applied as amendments to the soil, providing both C and N to the soil. This effect of cover and catch crops on decreasing the pool of N potentially lost has focused primarily on NO3-leaching. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of cover crops on N2O emission during the in tercrop period in a maize system and its subsequent incorporation into the soil in the following maize crop.


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Crop simulation models allow analyzing various tillage-rotation combinations and exploring management scenarios. This study was conducted to test the DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) modelling system in rainfed semiarid central Spain. The focus is on the combined effect of tillage system and winter cereal-based rotations (cereal/legume/fallow) on the crop yield and soil quality. The observed data come from a 16-year field experiment. The CERES and CROPGRO models, included in DSSAT v4.5, were used to simulate crop growth and yield, and DSSAT- CENTURY was used in the soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil nitrogen (SN) simulations. Genetic coefficients were calibrated using part of the observed data. Field observations showed that barley grain yield was lower for continuous cereal (BB) than for vetch (VB) and fallow (FB) rotations for both tillage systems. The CERES-Barley model also reflected this trend. The model predicted higher yield in the conventional tillage (CT) than in the no tillage (NT) probably due to the higher nitrogen availability in the CT, shown in the simulations. The SOC and SN in the top layer only, were higher in NT than in CT, and decreased with depth in both simulated and observed values. These results suggest that CT-VB and CT-FB were the best combinations for the dry land conditions studied. However, CT presented lower SN and SOC content than NT. This study shows how models can be a useful tool for assessing and predicting crop growth and yield, under different management systems and under specific edapho-climatic conditions. Additional key words: CENTURY model; CERES-Barley; crop simulation models; DSSAT; sequential simula- tion; soil organic carbon.


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Conservation tillage and crop rotation have spread during the last decades because promotes several positive effects (increase of soil organic content, reduction of soil erosion, and enhancement of carbon sequestration) (Six et al., 2004). However, these benefits could be partly counterbalanced by negative effects on the release of nitrous oxide (N2O) (Linn and Doran, 1984). There is a lack of data on long-term tillage system study, particularly in Mediterranean agro-ecosystems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of long-term (>17 year) tillage systems (no tillage (NT), minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT)); and crop rotation (wheat (W)-vetch (V)-barley (B)) versus wheat monoculture (M) on N2O emissions. Additionally, Yield-scaled N2O emissions (YSNE) and N uptake efficiency (NUpE) were assessed for each treatment.


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The deformation and damage mechanisms of carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy laminates deformed in shear were studied by means of X-ray computed tomography. In particular, the evolution of matrix cracking, interply delamination and fiber rotation was ascertained as a function of the applied strain. In order to provide quantitative information, an algorithm was developed to automatically determine the crack density and the fiber orientation from the tomograms. The investigation provided new insights about the complex interaction between the different damage mechanisms (i.e. matrix cracking and interply delamination) as a function of the applied strain, ply thickness and ply location within the laminate as well as quantitative data about the evolution of matrix cracking and fiber rotation during deformation


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We present a compact formula for the derivative of a 3-D rotation matrix with respect to its exponential coordinates. A geometric interpretation of the resulting expression is provided, as well as its agreement with other less-compact but better-known formulas. To the best of our knowledge, this simpler formula does not appear anywhere in the literature. We hope by providing this more compact expression to alleviate the common pressure to reluctantly resort to alternative representations in various computational applications simply as a means to avoid the complexity of differential analysis in exponential coordinates.


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The calibration results of one anemometer equipped with several rotors, varying their size, were analyzed. In each case, the 30-pulses pert turn output signal of the anemometer was studied using Fourier series decomposition and correlated with the anemometer factor (i.e., the anemometer transfer function). Also, a 3-cup analytical model was correlated to the data resulting from the wind tunnel measurements. Results indicate good correlation between the post-processed output signal and the working condition of the cup anemometer. This correlation was also reflected in the results from the proposed analytical model. With the present work the possibility of remotely checking cup anemometer status, indicating the presence of anomalies and, therefore, a decrease on the wind sensor reliability is revealed.