609 resultados para VOLUNTARIOS SANOS
Se estudian los factores relacionados con la decisión de realizar emprendimientos en Loja, Ecuador, a partir de una encuesta a retornados. Las posibles explicaciones se agrupan en: características demográficas, trayectoria en el extranjero, motivos del retorno, situación actual, “reemigración” y actividad antes, durante y después de la migración. Se consideran, además, diferentes conceptos de emprendedor, ya sea como trabajador por cuenta propia y como empleador. Los resultados se analizan utilizando, primero, pruebas univariantes y, posteriormente, estimando modelos probit. Las variables que más aumentan la probabilidad de emprender tras el retorno son la experiencia emprendedora durante la migración y el regreso por motivos voluntarios, así como haber trabajado en el lugar de destino en actividades de agricultura y hostelería. Inciden negativamente la formación universitaria y el trabajo en la administración pública antes de migrar. Otras variables influyentes son la edad o el salario recibido en el extranjero, pero presentan más matices.
O efeito da idade relativa, que consiste na vantagem obtida pelo atleta nascido mais próximo ao início do ano de seleção, tem se mostrado uma variável importante para o processo de seleção de esportistas. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a influência da época de nascimento no tempo de reação de escolha de futebolistas presentes nas categorias de base (sub 13) de clubes profissionais futebol. Participaram 76 atletas com idade de 13,36 ± 0,45 anos. Os voluntários foram submetidos ao teste do TRE, e os resultados categorizados conforme o semestre de nascimento (S1 ou S2). Foi empregado o teste t para a comparação entre grupos, e análise de Correlação de Pearson para verificar a existência de associações entre as variáveis. Os resultados não indicaram diferenças entre os grupos no tempo de reação (r = 0,033 e p = 0,772) e no tempo de movimento (r = 0,0073 e p = 0,530). Concluiu-se que para essa população, a época de nascimento não influencia no desempenho dessa capacidade.
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
INTRODUÇÃO:Muitos trabalhos têm estudado o comportamento hormonal nos exercício resistido, entretanto poucos relacionam os hormônios cortisol, GH e insulina.OBJETIVO:Estudar os ajustes das concentrações plasmáticas dos hormônios cortisol, GH e insulina em exercícios resistidos de mesma intensidade com relação à massas musculares distintas.MÉTODOS:Dez voluntários, com 20,3 ± 4,2 anos, 74,1 ± 10,2 kg de peso, 177,2 ± 4,6 cm de estatura e 23,8 ± 3,2 kg/m2 de IMC, realizaram uma sessão de leg press (LP) e supino reto (SR) com quatro séries com 10 repetições a 70% 1 RM com três minutos de intervalo. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue para dosagem das concentrações plasmáticas de cortisol, GH e insulina em repouso (Pré) e em 0' (Rec. 0'), 30' (Rec. 30') e 90' (Rec. 90') de recuperação.RESULTADOS:As concentrações plasmáticas de cortisol foram significativamente reduzidas ao final da recuperação em LP (2,20±0,37 ng/dl para 1,33±0,38ng/dl) em relação à pré-dosagem. As concentrações de GH e insulina elevaram-se significativamente durante a recuperação. GH em LP foi significativamente maior em Rec. 0' (2,75±3,29 ng/ml para 9,60±5,32 ng/dl) do que em pré. A insulina elevou-se significativamente em Rec. 30' em LP (14,70±7,92 ulU/ml para 21,66 ± 8,61 ulU/ml) e em SR (6,17 ± 2,99 ulU/ml para 19,70 ± 13,8 ulU/ml) em relação à pré. As concentrações plasmáticas de insulina pré em LP foram significativamente superiores a SR (14,70 ulU/ml e 6,17 ± 2,99 ulU/ml).CONCLUSÃO:O exercício resistido promoveu diferentes ajustes nas concentrações hormonais de cortisol, GH e insulina durante o período de recuperação.
INTRODUÇÃO:Testes incrementais de corrida permitem a determinação de limiares metabólicos e neuromusculares. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar índices eletromiográficos e metabólicos entre dois protocolos incrementais de corrida com diferentes intervalos entre cada estágio de velocidade.MÉTODOS:Participaram do estudo 14 voluntários do sexo masculino. Os protocolos incrementais de corrida em esteira iniciaram em 8 km.h-1, com incremento de 1 km.h-1 a cada três minutos até a exaustão voluntária. Os dois protocolos diferiram quanto aos intervalos entre cada estágio de velocidade: 30 segundos (protocolo 1) e 120 segundos (protocolo 2). O limiar de fadiga eletromiográfico (LFEMG) foi determinado para os músculos reto femoral, bíceps femoral, tibial anterior e gastrocnêmio lateral. Para tanto, o comportamento do valor RMS foi correlacionado em função do tempo de corrida, sendo realizada regressão linear para determinação dos coeficientes de inclinação. O limiar de lactato foi identificado por meio do ponto de inflexão na curva lactato-intensidade e o limiar anaeróbio foi determinado por meio de interpolação linear. Foi aplicado um teste t de Student para dados pareados (p<0,05).RESULTADOS:Foi verificado que o protocolo 2 apresentou velocidade de LFEMG maior do que o protocolo 1, apenas para o músculo BF (p=0,023), o que caracteriza uma resposta específica deste músculo em protocolos incrementais de corrida.CONCLUSÃO:Protocolos de corrida com intervalos de até dois minutos entre os estágios incrementais apresentaram resultados semelhantes para determinação do LFEMG da maioria dos músculos estudados e dos limiares metabólicos.
This study aimed to compare the effect of three stretching techniques (ballistic, static and contract-relax) on instant gain muscle flexibility on the hamstring muscle. We evaluated 23 subjects of both gender [means (SD) age 21.17 (1.4) years]. All volunteers performed static, ballistic and contract-relax stretching. Each technique was performed in a single session with an interval of seven days between sessions. To assess the immediate effects of the different techniques were performed two tests of flexibility, Sit and Reach Test and the Popliteal Angle Test. In comparison with the baseline there were significant increase in muscle flexibility in the Popliteal Angle Test after application ballistic (6.26%) and contract-relax technique (6.5%) respectively (p<0.05). When comparing the three techniques regarding the change score significant difference was found in the the Popliteal Angle Test for ballistic and contract-relax stretching, but Sit and Reach Test showed no significance difference. These data suggest that the ballistic and contract-relax were better than the technique of static stretching and both are equally effective. The ballistic contract-relax stretching techniques improved gain of muscle flexibility on the hamstring muscle.
In Brazil, smoking incidence varies between 9.5% and 21.2% and it is more common among men. In college students incidence can reach 14% depending on the region, which is quite disturbing. Joining college is a crucial period for the commencement or maintenance of smoking. The Knowledge among college students about tobacco use is critical to devise strategies for intervention in this population. The objectives were to establish the occurrence of smoking and risk factors, nicotine dependence in college students and college goers. We interviewed students, teachers and administrative personnel from the Philosophy and Science School at UNESP at Marilia, from both sexes, regardless their age, which visited the First Week Against Tobacco event. The sociodemographic data, smoking status, time as a smoker, cigarettes smoked, date when they started smoking, history of smoking in the family, friends or associates were questioned. We also assessed the degree of motivation to quit smoking and the degree of nicotine dependence. Data were presented using descriptive statistics. Comparisons between categorical variables were made using the chi-square test (p <0.05). A total of 432 people, 180 men and 252 women, average aged 22.6 ± 6.9 years were researched. From the volunteers studied, 267 (61.8) had tried cigarettes and 171 of them (64%) reported that they were offered by friends. As a whole, 79 (18.3%) of these people were smokers, 52 (65.8%) reported intending to quit smoking and in 37 of them (46.8%), the degree of nicotine dependence was very low. Of all the smokers, 63 had smokers in the family and all of them had friends who smoked. 28.9% of all men were smokers and 10.7%of all women. The occurrence of smoking was 18.3% and the risk factor associated to smoking habit is related to friendship and family, and very low nicotine dependence.
The main objective of this work was to mount and test an experimental model to measure the hydraulic conductance of ex vivo dentin. Seventeen healthy third molars, with indication of extraction of healthy donors aged between 15 and 30 years were obtained by informed consent. After cleaning them, disinfecting them, including them in resin epoxy and cutting them, there were 17 samples of dentin, corresponding to a disk of resin with a coronal section of tooth showing the dentin exposed on both sides of it. Three machines to measure the hydraulic conductance of the dentin were assembled according to the description of the model of Pashley. Samples were installed in a Chamber of diffusion, connected by using silicone tubes to a graduated transfer pipette and a 20cm water column. Through the displacement of a bubble of water in the inside of the pipette, the hydraulic conductance of each sample was measured 3 times on the 14th, 21st, 28th and 35th day post extraction. The data were tabulated and analyzed statistically. There is no SS difference in the rate of flow of a measured sample in the three machines (p=0.5937). There is no SS difference in measurements of the hydraulic conductance of 13 samples of human dentin measured in days 14, 21, 28 and 35 postextraction (p=0.0704). It is possible to mount an experimental model to study the hydraulic conductance of dentin ex vivo, based on the model of Pashley. The model seems to be reliable, but more research is needed in order to validate its reliability.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation of color change on bleaching tooth through delta E (ΔE) by the spectrophotometer Spectroshade (SS) and digital program Scanwhite (SW). Methods: 25 patient volunteers were recruited from Operative Dentistry at Universidad de Chile Dental School, between 18 to 30 years, with good oral hygiene. Exclusion criteria: Previous experienced tooth bleaching, anterior restorations, cervical lesions, pain dental, pregnant patient, stained teeth, malposition of the teeth and periodontal pathology. The bleaching was made in two sessions with three different bleaching systems which were randomly. The assessment of color change through ΔE was made on the two upper central incisors (N=50) by the SS and SW. The color in the same teeth were measured before (T0) and after (T1) of the bleaching treatment. Data were analyzed using test Spearman correlation coefficient (Rho) with a significant level of 95%. Results: The results showed a positive and significant correlation (0.676), with a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). Conclusion: There is correlation in the measurement of color change on bleaching tooth by SS and SW.
Dental tooth bleaching is a conservative option for the treatment of tooth stains. It is based on the use of hydrogen peroxide as an active agent. Despite its effectiveness to lighten tooth colour, there is concern regarding its use due to the effects it could have over enamel surface. There is scarce evidence on the subject and contradictions exist between different authors. The aim of this study was to compare enamel surface micromorphology after bleaching teeth with different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide solutions. Method: 50 healthy bovine incisors sectioned horizontally at the cemento-enamel junction were prepared. Contents of pulp chamber and tooth surfaces were cleaned. The buccal surface of each tooth was divided vertically, assigning one half to the control group (CG) and the other randomly to: Group 1: 25 samples treated with 15% hydrogen peroxide with nitrogen doped titanium dioxide. Group 2: 25 samples treated with 35% hydrogen peroxide. Square samples (2x2 mm.) were obtained and observed by SEM (magnification of 5.000x and 10.000x). Results: All treated groups showed longitudinal depressions on the surface and increased surface roughness. Conclusions: Tooth bleaching with hydrogen peroxide produces subclinical alterations over bovine enamel surface. 15% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent produced less micromorphology alteration over bovine enamel surface than the 35% hydrogen peroxide agent.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação do Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The relationship between the occurrence of enterococci in the oral microbiota and serious infections in patients hospitalized in intensive care units (ICU) has been established. This study evaluated the presence of Enterococcus faecalis and other species of this genus in the mouths of patients on ICU, correlating it with oral and systemic conditions. Data on health and socioeconomic, medication use, medical and family history of patients maintained for 72 hours in the ICU, diagnosed with severe infection or who have developed this condition after the entry to the unit were obtained. Fifty patients provided intraoral and extraoral clinical samples for analysis (above and subgingival biofilm, saliva and buccal mucosa, followed by obtaining samples of respiratory secretions for patients with pneumonia, and blood and urine for sepsis). The presence of target microorganisms was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and culture using selective media. The chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests were used for statistical analysis, and the significance level was 5%. The intraoral clinical conditions of the patients showed poor. E. faecalis was significantly more frequent microorganism, followed by E. faecium. The use of broadspectrum antimicrobial action was associated with the presence of these opportunistic microorganisms. These bacteria were more frequent in patients with periodontitis or gingivitis. The results showed that enterococci associated with serious infectious processes may originate from resident microbiota of patients and its prevalence is not elevated in healthy individuals.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)