997 resultados para University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Theorectical and Applied Mechanics.


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This thesis is an attempt to make a comparative study of the composition of the muscle proteins of some commercially important species of fishes and shell fishes of our coast and their changes during preservation and processing. As a part of this the distribution of the major protein nitrogen fractions in several species of fishes and shell fishes was studied in detail.


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The great number of parasitic species of marine and brackishwater animals that have been described indicates that parasites play an important part in the ecology of the oceans and brackishwaters. Jnspite of their importance, marine and brackish parasites are probably the least known group of organisms. Considering the large number of marine and brackishwater hosts, especially in the tropics, it is no exaggeration to say that the description of marine and brackishwater parasites has hardly begun (Rohde, 1982). With this view in mind, an attempt has been made to study the ecobiology of the helminth parasites of finfishes and shellfishes of eochin waters with special reference to digenetic trematodes. The work is broadly divided into three chapters, Chapter 1 consists of a description of the study area, prevalence of infection and concurrent infections with helminth parasites, seasonal variation, host specificity> and zoogeography of digenetic trematodes; Chapter II deals with the systematics of digenetic trematodes; and Chapter III deals with studies on larval trematodes from molluscs and crustacea, adult from a molluscan host, life-cycle, biology and histopathology


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Chaos is a subject oftopical interest and, studied in great detail in relation to its relevance in almost all branches of science, which include physical, chemical, and biological fields. Chaos in the literal sense signifies utter confusion, but the scientific community has differentiated chaos as deterministic chaos and white noise. Deterministic chaos implies the complex behaviour of systems, which are governed by deterministic laws. Behaviour of such systems often become unpredictable in the long run. This unpredictability arises from the sensitivity of the system to its initial conditions. The essential requirement for ‘sensitivity to initial condition’ is nonlinearity of the system. The only method for determining the future of such systems is numerically simulating its final state from a set ofinitial conditions. Synchronisation


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The main objective of the present work is to acquire information regarding the growth responses of P. monodon larvae (from PZ1 upto PL1) to various mono specific and mixed diets. Evaluate the nutritional quality of selected species of micro algae viz. Chaetoceros calcitrans, Dunaliella salina, Isochrysis galbana and Nannochloropsis salina, larvae at three cell concentrations 10x104 cells/ml, 25x104 cells/ml and 50x104 cells/ml. The P. monodon larvae were transported, at the Nauplius stage, to the laboratory. The larvae were stocked at density of 150 larvae per litre in 5 litre FRP tanks with 3 litres of sea water. The algal cell density given to the larvae varied. The larval stages were fed with increasing densities of algae to evaluate the relationship between the food densities, ingestion rates, development and growth of the larvae. The water quality parameters, the percentage of survival rate, the growth estimation and the algal cell count were done. Each experiment was carried out in triplicate with a control group of larvae fed with Chaetoceros calcitrans. For the estimation standard procedures were used.to P. monodon


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At resale stores I have seen brand new clothes with original price tag still hanging from the sleeve. Some children have so many toys that they stay frustrated, not knowing which one to pick up for their next amusement. Presumably sensible adults trade in perfectly good cars just to have something shinier and newer. Didn’t us once live productive normal lives, without all these gadgets” [Cunningham (2005)]. During late eighties, nearly forty four percent of the participants, who took part in a consumer survey conducted in the US, responded positively to the question “My closets are filled with still 2 unopened items” [Faber and O’Guinn (1988)]. Reading such excerpts does not greatly surprise us anymore; as such reports have become common now. For many people shopping has moved beyond something that caters to their needs and wants and has become a hobby [Cunningham (2005)], an activity that they engage in to satisfy their hedonistic or pleasure-seeking goals [Ramnathan and Menon(2006), O’Cass and McEween (2004), Faber and O’Guinn (1989)]. Others look at their new possession as something that fills a void in their lives [Belk (1985), Diener et al. (1993)].


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Measurement is the act or the result of a quantitative comparison between a given quantity and a quantity of the same kind chosen as a unit. It is generally agreed that all measurements contain errors. In a measuring system where both a measuring instrument and a human being taking the measurement using a preset process, the measurement error could be due to the instrument, the process or the human being involved. The first part of the study is devoted to understanding the human errors in measurement. For that, selected person related and selected work related factors that could affect measurement errors have been identified. Though these are well known, the exact extent of the error and the extent of effect of different factors on human errors in measurement are less reported. Characterization of human errors in measurement is done by conducting an experimental study using different subjects, where the factors were changed one at a time and the measurements made by them recorded. From the pre‐experiment survey research studies, it is observed that the respondents could not give the correct answers to questions related to the correct values [extent] of human related measurement errors. This confirmed the fears expressed regarding lack of knowledge about the extent of human related measurement errors among professionals associated with quality. But in postexperiment phase of survey study, it is observed that the answers regarding the extent of human related measurement errors has improved significantly since the answer choices were provided based on the experimental study. It is hoped that this work will help users of measurement in practice to better understand and manage the phenomena of human related errors in measurement.


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Continental shelf is of particular significance in marine geology , because it links the two basically different structural zones in the earth's crust; the continents and ocean basins. The shelf area has much wider importance in many fields of activity such as scientific, economic, social, political and strategic. The pace of development has ultimately put pressure on mankind to look for exploitable resources and accessibility to the continental shelf area and beyond. Added to the above, the developmental activities in the coastal area would readily and directly influence the innershelf sediments. This situation demands a thorough geological knowledge of the continental shelf area. Moreover, a successful management of the continental shelf zone requires an optimum data base on the physico-chemical nature of the shelf sediments. Although sedimentological studies were carried out along the western continental shelf of India, a well documented systematic study of the inner shelf off Trivandrum coast is still found to be lacking. Considering the physiographic settings and the vicinity of two renowned placer deposits at Chavara and Manavalakurichi, such a sedimetological inventory has become all the more vital. In view of the above, a research programme has been drawn up to account the salient sedimentological and mineralogical aspects of the innershelf and beach sediments between Paravur and Kovalam, Trivandrum district, Kerala (latitudes 8° 7'00" to 8° 47'45" and longitudes 76°43'00" to 77° 40'45"). The findings are presented in six chapters formatted to address the aim of this research.


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Comets are the spectacular objects in the night sky since the dawn of mankind. Due to their giant apparitions and enigmatic behavior, followed by coincidental calamities, they were termed as notorious and called as `bad omens'. With a systematic study of these objects modern scienti c community understood that these objects are part of our solar system. Comets are believed to be remnant bodies of at the end of evolution of solar system and possess the material of solar nebula. Hence, these are considered as most pristine objects which can provide the information about the conditions of solar nebula. These are small bodies of our solar system, with a typical size of about a kilometer to a few tens of kilometers orbiting the Sun in highly elliptical orbits. The solid body of a comet is nucleus which is a conglomerated mixture of water ice, dust and some other gases. When the cometary nucleus advances towards the Sun in its orbit the ices sublimates and produces the gaseous envelope around the nucleus which is called coma. The gravity of cometary nucleus is very small and hence can not in uence the motion of gases in the cometary coma. Though the cometary nucleus is a few kilometers in size they can produce a transient, extensive, and expanding atmosphere with size several orders of magnitude larger in space. By ejecting gas and dust into space comets became the most active members of the solar system. The solar radiation and the solar wind in uences the motion of dust and ions and produces dust and ion tails, respectively. Comets have been observed in di erent spectral regions from rocket, ground and space borne optical instruments. The observed emission intensities are used to quantify the chemical abundances of di erent species in the comets. The study of various physical and chemical processes that govern these emissions is essential before estimating chemical abundances in the coma. Cameron band emission of CO molecule has been used to derive CO2 abundance in the comets based on the assumption that photodissociation of CO2 mainly produces these emissions. Similarly, the atomic oxygen visible emissions have been used to probe H2O in the cometary coma. The observed green ([OI] 5577 A) to red-doublet emission ([OI] 6300 and 6364 A) ratio has been used to con rm H2O as the parent species of these emissions. In this thesis a model is developed to understand the photochemistry of these emissions and applied to several comets. The model calculated emission intensities are compared with the observations done by space borne instruments like International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and also by various ground based telescopes.


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Motivation for the present study is to improve the scienti c understanding on the prominent gap areas in the average three-dimensional distribution of clouds and their impact on the energetics of the earth-atmosphere system. This study is focused on the Indian subcontinent and the surrounding oceans bound within the latitude-longitude bands of 30 S to 30 N and 30 E to 110 E. Main objectives of this study are to : (i) estimate the monthly and seasonal mean vertical distributions of clouds and their spatial variations (which provide the monthly and seasonal mean 3-dimensional distributions of clouds) using multi-year satellite data and investigate their association with the general circulation of the atmosphere, (ii) investigate the characteristics of the `pool of inhibited cloudiness' that appear over the southwest Bay of Bengal during the Asian summer monsoon season (revealed by the 3-dimensional distribution of clouds) and identify the potential mechanisms for its genesis, (iii) investigate the role of SST and atmospheric thermo-dynamical parameters in regulating the vertical development and distribution of clouds, (iv) investigate the vertical distribution of tropical cirrus clouds and their descending nature using lidar observations at Thiruvananthapuram (8.5 N, 77 E), a tropical coastal station at the southwest Peninsular India, and (v) assessment of the impact of clouds on the energetics of the earth-atmosphere system, by estimating the regional seasonal mean cloud radiative forcing at top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) and latent heating of the atmosphere by precipitating clouds using satellite data


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Microcosm studies were performed to evaluate the survival of Escherichia coli, Salmonella paratyphi and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in water and sediment collected from the freshwater region of Vembanad Lake (9 35◦N 76 25◦E) along the south west coast of India. All three test microorganisms showed significantly (p < 0.01) higher survival in sediment compared to overlying water. The survival in different sediment types with different particle size and organic carbon content revealed that sediment with small particle size and high organic carbon content could enhance their extended survival (p < 0.05). The results indicate that sediments of the Lake could act as a reservoir of pathogenic bacteria and exhibit a potential health hazard from possible resuspension and subsequent ingestion during recreational activities. Therefore, the assessment of bacterial concentration in freshwater Lake sediments used for contact and non contact recreation has of considerable significance for the proper assessment of microbial pollution of the overlying water, and for the management and protection of related health risk at specific recreational sites. Besides, assessment of the bacterial concentration in sediments can be used as a relatively stable indicator of long term mean bacterial concentration in the water column above


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Prevalence of faecal indicator bacteria, Escherichia coli and pathogenic bacteria, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella were analysed in Vembanadu lake (98350N 768250E), along south west coast of India for a period of one year from ten stations on the southern and northern sides of a salt water regulator constructed in Vembanadu Lake in order to prevent incursion of seawater during certain periods of the year. While the northern side of the lake has a connection to the sea, the southern side is enclosed when the salt water regulator is closed. The results revealed the water body is polluted with high faecal coliform bacteria with mean MPN value ranging from 1718-7706/100 ml. E. coli, V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus and Salmonella serotypes such as S. paratyphi A, B, C and S. newport were isolated and this is the first report on the isolation of these Salmonella serovars from this lake. E. coli showed highest percentage of incidence (85.6–86.7%) followed by Salmonella (42–57%), V. choleare (40–45%) and V. parahaemolyticus (31.5–32%). The increased prevalence of indicator and pathogenic bacteria in the enclosed southern part of Vembanadu Lake may be resulting from the altered flow patterns due to the salt water regulator.


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Diversity of different groups of Bacillus and Actinomycetes in the water and sediment samples from kumarakom estuary was analysed to find out potential strains for further application. Bacillus genera was identified and grouped into five phenogroups .Phenogroups show differences in the shape of the spore,position of the spore,and swelling of the sporangium.Ability of the isolates to elaborate various hydrolytic enzymes and their ability to reduce nitrate and ferment various carbohydrate sources were also studied.


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Prevalence of faecal coliform bacteria and the survival of Escherichia coli, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella paratyphi were studied in the water and sediment from Vembanadu Lake in the presence and absence of protozoan predators. The density of faecal coliform bacteria ranged between mean MPN value 5080–9000/100 ml in water and 110,000–988,000/1 g in sediment (p <0.01), which was 110 times greater than in overlying water. The laboratory microcosm studies revealed that E. coli, V. parahaemolyticus and S. paratyphi showed significantly higher survival (p <0.05) potential in sediment than in overlying water both in the presence and absence of protozoan predators. The results indicate that Vembanadu Lake sediment constitutes a reservoir of pathogenic bacteria and exhibits potential health hazard from possible resuspension and subsequent ingestion during recreational activities. Therefore, assessment of bacterial concentration in freshwater lake sediments used for contact and non-contact recreation is of considerable significance for the proper assessment of microbial pollution of the overlying water and the management and protection of related health risk at specific recreational sites. In addition, assessment of the bacterial concentration in sediments can be used as a relatively stable indicator of long-term mean bacterial concentration in the water column above.


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The incidence of salmonella and escherichia coli in chicken retail outlets in a residential area of coimbatore, Tamilnadu India was studied with the view that accessories may be a source of cross contamination.Accessories like cages,knives ,chopping boards weighing balance trays and the hands of butcher were examined.A toatal of 14 salmonella as well as 31 E.coli were isolated from different sources. The incidence of E.coli was higher than that of Salmonella.The highest incidence of Salmonella was found in chopping boards and the maximum level of E.Coli was detected in cages.


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Four hydrazone ligands: 2-benzoylpyridine benzoyl hydrazone (HBPB), di-2-pyridyl ketone nicotinoyl hydrazone (HDKN), quinoline-2-carbaldehyde benzoyl hydrazone (HQCB), and quinoline-2-carbaldehyde nicotinoyl hydrazone (HQCN) and four of their complexes with vanadyl salts have been synthesized and characterized. Single crystals of HBPB and complexes [VO(BPB)(l2-O)]2 (1) and [VO(DKN)(l2-O)]2 ½H2O (2) were isolated and characterized by X-ray crystallography. Each of the complexes exhibits a binuclear structure where two vanadium(V) atoms are bridged by two oxygen atoms to form distorted octahedral structures within cis-N2O4 donor sets. In most complexes, the uninegative anions function as tridentate ligands, coordinating through the pyridyl- and azomethine-nitrogen atoms and enolic oxygen whereas in complex [VO(HQCN)(SO4)]SO4 4H2O (4) the ligand is coordinated in the keto form. Complexes [VO(QCB)( OMe)] 1.5H2O (3) and 4 are found to be EPR active and showed well-resolved axial anisotropy with two sets of eight line pattern