843 resultados para Unidades Básicas de Saúde
O sistema nervoso autônomo (SNA) desempenha um papel importante na regulação dos processos fisiológicos do organismo humano tanto em condições normais quanto patológicas. Dentre as técnicas utilizadas para sua avaliação, a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) tem emergido como uma medida simples e não-invasiva dos impulsos autonômicos, representando um dos mais promissores marcadores quantitativos do balanço autonômico. A VFC descreve as oscilações no intervalo entre batimentos cardíacos consecutivos (intervalos R-R), assim como oscilações entre frequências cardíacas instantâneas consecutivas. Trata-se de uma medida que pode ser utilizada para avaliar a modulação do SNA sob condições fisiológicas, tais como em situações de vigília e sono, diferentes posições do corpo, treinamento físico, e também em condições patológicas. Mudanças nos padrões da VFC fornecem um indicador sensível e antecipado de comprometimentos na saúde. Uma alta variabilidade na frequência cardíaca é sinal de boa adaptação, caracterizando um indivíduo saudável, com mecanismos autonômicos eficientes, enquanto que, baixa variabilidade é frequentemente um indicador de adaptação anormal e insuficiente do SNA, implicando a presença de mau funcionamento fisiológico no indivíduo. Diante da sua importância como um marcador que reflete a atividade do SNA sobre o nódulo sinusal e como uma ferramenta clínica para avaliar e identificar comprometimentos na saúde, este artigo revisa aspectos conceituais da VFC, dispositivos de mensuração, métodos de filtragem, índices utilizados para análise da VFC, limitações de utilização e aplicações clínicas da VFC.
This study tried to know the social representation of dentists surgeons about the Family Health Program (FHP). Where used as methodological instruments a semi-structured interview and direct observation of work process in tive towns that are part of the metropolis region ofNatal city. During the interview some aspects where broached, such as the reasons of dentists surgeons join the FHP, what are the implications ofthe introduction of this program in the everyday practice, what kind of activities are they practicing and what are those professional missing the most in the FHP. In the direct observation where take in account some aspects related to the physic structure of health units, its service organization and demand, relationship amongst dentist and other member of the team, and about patient receptiveness, when they arrives at health unit. This study also identifY the researches subject showing their age, sex, for how they are graduates, what are them specialty and for how long they work for the FHP. The data had been analyzed through the analysis of content of Bardin5. The dentists depict the FHP for the change in assistance model through the preventive proposal of social work that makes possible to work with an ample concept of health. However what makes the FHP more attractive to dentists is the salary questiono The creation of bonds whit the community and the work whit groups and in team had been the main occurred changes in the daily one of the pratices ones of these professionals. The principal activities executed for these professionals inside of the new strategy of assistance in oral health are the carried trough preventive activities achieved in health units and social area. To them, the absence of institutional support and the employment of only one dentist for each team it is one the main point of strangling. There is no doubt that FHP is new strategy and that it is need a better integration amongst the professional, the institution
The purpose of this research was to analyze the working profile of dentists from the Family Health Program (PSF Programa de Saúde da Família, Brasil) of some Municipal Districts of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) in order to understand the way they handle the experience acquired with the work developed in that Program. This discussion evolves a reflection about the perspectives of consolidation of the FHP as well as the possible advancements of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS - Sistema Único de Saúde). The target population was composed of dentists from the FHP of Rio Grande do Norte. Thus we performed twenty-one interviews orientated by a semi-structured guidebook with open questions and identification data. We opted for recording the speech of all the professionals in order to ensure the accuracy of the information gathered. The main results found were: predominance in the female gender; the majority of dentists has no post graduation courses; in those few cases of dentists with some post-graduation a lack of correlation with Public or Collective Health was observed; the dentists interviewed present a profile directed to clinical activities; the dentists used to develop basic restorative and periodontic treatment, simple surgeries and educative and preventive activities, even though the last two ones are carried out in an extremely traditional way (lectures and topical application of fluoride). In addition, as biggest difficulties to manage the work dentists pointed out the lack of permanent and consumer material, inadequate infrastructure, no transport to take them to distant places, no integration with the Health Family Team, technical difficulty such to perform educative and preventive activities as to provide adequate service to a repressed lawsuit. The results indicate the existence of a necessity to lead them to reflect and redirect their practices. In order to reach this aim it must be considered as initial measure the investment and encouragement toward to permanent education as well as a close follow-up and evaluation of the actions developed by them
Considering education a support to health promotion, care integration and citizenship formation,the purpose of this research was to analyze the perception of the oral surgeons from the Family Health Program of Natal-RN over education in health as well as their performance as educators based on their activities on the program. A qualitative study was accomplished by a semi-structured interview and a Free Association of Words Test with 80 oral surgeons from the Family Health Program of Natal-RN. The instruments were analyzed through the meaning analysis and the Central Nucleus of Vergès Theory. The results showed a lack of planning in health actions so there is no standardization on the educative practices done by the oral surgeons which mostly are focused on scholars. There was an agreement among the group according to the oral surgeons´ perception about education in health that education is related to its function of recall prevention ideas to the population. Most part of the context units analyzed by the professionals´ speech show the knowledge of education in health as an inadequate behavior change instrument of the individuals. An interesting point was a quotation cited by some professionals that included actual themes such as citizenship, motivation and life quality, put inside the speech of education in health. To the oral surgeons the biggest difficulties on the development of the educative actions are due to the lack of incentive by the Municipal Health Bureau and to the detachment and lack of valorization of the themes by the population. The oral surgeons consider themselves co-responsible for the formation of a population which is able to request its health. They also mention the knowledge about the need of the community participation on the planning of the Family Health Program actions. Finally, it is notable the need for more encouragement so the oral surgeons can be more capable and have more interest in applying education in health on the perspective of a new model in health, because once capable and stimulated they can awake the population to education importance as a great transformation instrument for people searching for a fair, equalitarian and citizeness society
This research aimed to evaluate the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, through its managers, professionals and users, having as its support the Theory of Belief and the Cognitive-Behavioral Theory. This is a multimethod research and is divided into three sub-studies. In the first study, nine managers answered to a semi-structured interview, to verify the knowledge and beliefs on SUS; the quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive statistics with the aid of SPSS software and the qualitative data were submitted to lexical analysis with support of ALCESTE software. In the second study, we have a descriptive correlational research in which the antecedent variables are related to working conditions in the family health units (FHUs) and to the professionals‟ profile; the corresponding variables refer to the evaluations of the FHS; a stratified probabilistic sample with 475 professionals, who answered to two scales, both consisting of three factors: Physical infrastructure, Material resources, and Treatment effectiveness, and data were analyzed using descriptive, bivariate and multivariate statistics, with the aid of SPSS. The third study is a descriptive correlational research in which the antecedent variables refer to the treatment in the FHUs and to the users‟ profile, and the corresponding variables refer to the evaluations of the FHS, with a stratified non-probabilistic sample with 390 users, who contributed to the construction of a new scale with a factor, effectiveness in treatment, analyzed through descriptive, bivariate and multivariate statistics, with the aid of SPSS. The results showed problems which start from management, under the shape of admission due to political indication and lack of knowledge on SUS and the FHS; they pass through the low tenure of professionals and insufficient professional; and they end up spreading all over the analyzed items: infrastructure of FHUs, material resources, professionals‟ training, accessibility and referral system. One concludes that, despite following an ideal model, the FHS is in need of changes with regard to the barriers to its operational reality
Violence is a complex and multifarious phenomenon that has convoked the government to think about strategies to face the question. This work is about one of these strategies proposed by brazilian Health Minister: the Individual notification/investigation Card - Domestic Violence, Sexual and/or others Interpersonal Violences . This instrument is a notification protocol which is been implanted in all of the country. This process is in course in Natal/RN. This work is a report of one research realized in five units of basic health care network of Natal/RN concerning this process about the implementation of the violence notification card. The study aims to cartography all the process of card implantation, discussing the used strategies, the drawn course, difficulties and possibilities as well as how the researcher intended to map subjective process involved at health professional acting at violence case and the propose to use the card. Meetings were held at each unit and a daily fieldwork report was used as research instrument. In this investigation it was observed that notifying violence involves a complexity that is not present in other kinds of notification as consequence of the phenomenon characteristic and health workers are invited to act in different perspective that knowledge and instruments of traditional health fieldwork available does not work. It was observed that the notification card, as a possible instrument of intervention, are considered important detectors from process of work at health basic care and health policies. Depending the way the instrument is used, it may incentive different discussions and manners to offer health care or in other way it can reproduce control and vigilance logics. Consequently it is necessary to consider some factors pointed out at this experience, implanting instruments like this, thinking about these limits and possibilities
Psychologists‟ insertion in mental healthcare ambulatory clinics occurred during the decade of 1980, in the context of the claims disseminated by sanitary and psychiatric reforms, of the formation of minimum mental healthcare teams and of the retraction of the private clinic. Historically, this migration had been accompanied by the importation of practices traditionally applied at the clinics. Furthermore, the lack of clear guidelines from the Health Ministery occasioned the opening of ambulatory clinics with diversified structures at each city. The objective of this dissertation was to study the practices of psychologists at mental healthcare ambulatory references at Aracaju-SE. Were interviewed psychologists of these services and managers of the municipal health secretary using a semi-structured interview guideline, in addition to the analysis of management reports. It was observed that the mental healthcare references had experienced substantial changes referred to its structures and operation, leading to a present framework of expansion and readjustment. It was realized that there is an effort by the psychologists to maintain individual and group assistance, using adjustments in the frequency of the sessions and in the focus of the activities. Besides the progresses, the relation with the psychiatrist still works basically through the medical record, blocking advances on joint discussions of the cases. Some advances toward the amplified clinic are notable, like the overcoming of the isolated usage of psychiatric diagnostic and the replacement of the line‟ criterion by the urgency one. Sheltering had become an interesting strategy on flux ordination, however the mismatch between offer and demand seems to be a matter which extrapolates the psychologists‟ sphere at the references. For this reason the narrow of the relation with family healthcare centers seems to be the major challenge to be faced by psychologists at mental healthcare ambulatory references
Un conjunto de cambios viene siendo implantado en la Petrobrás procurando que sus unidades de negocios resulten más modernas y competitivas para atender las necesidades del mercado. Dentro de esta perspectiva, un nuevo régimen de trabajo, denominado turno fijo , ha sido implantado en dos activos de producción de la provincia de Rio Grande do Norte. Tal situación originó varios reclamos de los petroleros y, consecuentemente, el interés del SINDIPETRO-RN en obtener una evaluación más precisa de las consecuencias de los mismos. Este estudio, realizado a partir de la demanda sindical de esos trabajadores, ha tenido como objetivo central analizar los efectos del turno fijo sobre la salud mental de los operadores de producción, actualmente lotados en los referidos activos. El estudio ha sido realizado con 39 operadores que representan el 82,9% de la población objeto de este estudio. La muestra ha sido homogénea en cuanto al género, grado de instrucción, edad y tiempo de servicio en la compañía, lo que ha posibilitado un mayor control de las variables y un estudio comparativo entre los dos activos. Para el desarrollo del estudio, se han aplicado los siguientes instrumentos de colecta de datos: una escala de medida probada y validada (QSG-12), un cuestionario abierto, entrevistas individuales y una ficha socio-demográfica. Las respuestas del cuestionario abierto han sido categorizadas mediante la aplicación de análisis de contenido. Los resultados de ese tratamiento y las respuestas del QSG-12 han sido registradas en la forma de banco de datos del SPSS for Windows (Statical Package for social sciense for Windows) para luego procederse con el desarrolllo de los análisis estadísticos. Los principales resultados encontrados en el estudio han sido que la mitad de los participantes de la muestra han presentado resultados de deteriorización de la autoeficacia más elevado que 1,44 (un una escala de 0 a 3) y, en tensión emocional y depresión, el resultado es más elevado que 1,67; la mayoría se da cuenta del aumento de carga de trabajo, revela acentuado sufrimiento con el distanciamiento de la familia, y 58,8% presenta enfermedades psicosomáticas crónicas. La percepción de los operadores sobre el turno fijo e el análisis de éste, conforme el modelo vitamínico de Warr, conducen a la conclusión de que el turno fijo es uno de los factores que está influyendo negativamente en la salud mental de esos trabajadores
The accelerated industrialization, coming with the Industrial Revolution, caused profound changes in the working world. These changes led to the households risks from work environment. Trying to assist comprehensively the health of workers, Brazil has a program of Health Care Workers in the Primary Care, and the Family Health Strategy is the main entrance for this system. The study sought to determine if the actions of the health care worker have been developed in primary care through the Family Health Strategy. This is a quantitative study with a methodological evaluation, focusing on normative assessment. The sample was formed by professionals from Team Family Health Strategy, in the municipalities of Pau dos Ferros, Caicó and Natal in Rio Grande do Norte state. The sample consists of 202 professionals (Doctors, Nurses, Assistant / Technician Nursing and Community Health Workers) in 52 Health Family Units from the 3 municipalities cited. The instrument used consists of a checklist, from Manual of Primary Care 5 - Family Health - Occupational Health, Ministry of Health. The data were analyzed describing the variables by its frequency and doing a classification of cities from the scores obtained by each. It was observed that the Family Health professionals know the program of health care worker, however do not know the Manual of Primary Care 5, which is a guidance tool. As a result of non-appropriation of the FHT professionals with worker health, these activities are not performed, mainly surveillance in occupational health and health education labor
Primary Health Care, especially in the family health strategy, it is expected that the joint assistance and actions of health promotion. The Ministry of health (BRAZIL, 2007) defines health education as an eyeshadow strategy of prevention and health promotion, based on reflective practices, which allow the user to their condition of historical, social and political subject, under the vision of an expanded clinic on the part of health professionals. In this sense, there are guidelines for it professionals to develop educational activities and that they can interfere in the health/disease process of the population, with a view to the development of autonomy of the subject. This research had as objective to understand in the light of the integrality of the care, as is the production of health education practices, within the framework of the family health strategy from ethnographic study in a family health unit (USF). The location of the research was the unit of USF Felipe Camarão II in West Health District, in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil, selected from preliminary mapping of educational practices deployed in units of health of the family of this municipality, based on criteria such as time-to-deployment of USF and sustainability of existing actions. Immersion in the field consisted of participant observation with journaling, held during the period of August 2012 to January 2013, in which she accompanied team work processes in clinical-welfare actions on the USF, in households and in educational activities of group character. The results presented in ethnographic description were analyzed based on the axes proposed by Ayres (2009) for identification of integrality in health practices:the axis of the needs; the axis of the purposes; the joint axis; and the axis of the interactionsThe evidence described from observation point the presence of each axle up health education practices developed by the teams, even incipient form, namely: articulation and appreciation of knowledge and practices of popular culture with local initiatives (Pastoril do Peixe Boi Encantado, Auto de Natal e Grupo Terapia e Arte); Clinical integration with health promotion actions and coordination of multidisciplinary knowledge, with professional-user link (course for pregnant women). However, a few challenges were identified to be faced in order to move forward in these practices in integral care: the need to break with the fragmentation of actions; strengthening teamwork; need for greater sustainability policy of collective actions; intersectoral work aimed at a better role of the State in the face of the health-disease process, adding to the action of individuals.The analysis produced from observation of the processes experienced indicates the need for a better recognition of local managers that actions similar to those that occur in the USF Felipe Camarão II enable advances in completeness as allows inclusion of actors involved in the processes of health work, and stimulate participation and shared responsibility in the fight for health-disease situations
This research evaluated the contribution of the Support Center for Family Health (SCFH) in relation to its effect on the Family Health Units through perception of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) and SCFH professionals, in addition to the satisfaction of users in relation to that role. Data were collected in the public health services of the city of Macaíba-RN in 2012, through semi-structured questionnaire and non participant systematic observation and it counted as investigated subjects 272 individuals (60 FHS professionals, 12 SCFH professionals and 200 users representatives of 20 units). For analysis of the responses of the opened questions was used categorization process and, in relation to the observational method, that was based on checking the space organization, the characteristics of the participating subjects and the specific set of activities performed by SCFH teams through an observation guide. The results point to a good acceptance of the SCFH teams role by most FHS professionals who reported active participation in the health units routine, its integration activities to the FHS teams with resolving based health promotion actions. Regarding the SCFH professionals, they also reported positive contribution by participating actively in the units routine with integrated activities to the ESF teams and developing resolute actions. For users, the SCFH brought assurance services with better access to specialized, resolving and welcoming care. Systematic observation ratified data obtained by questionnaire. It was perceived the need to implement actions related to man`s health, to invest in expanding the number of the SCFH teams, the greater supply of medications, improving the regulatory process and planning together as a key strategy to promote a more effective integration between teams SCFH / FHS
The Brazilian Constitution maintains that care for elderly people is a responsibility shared by the state, the family and the society. The politics for the elderly corroborate this understanding and treats home as a privileged place for elderly care taking. This determines the participation of the familiar as a caregiver, but highlights the lack of strategic assistance for the needs of the relative caregiver who feels helplessly and unattended in their responsibility for elderly homecare. In recent years , despite the recently pursuit for health and life quality, there is an increasing incidence of elderly patients with dementia diseases that lead to disability, the most common among then is the Alzheimer´s disease. This disease affects seriously and irreversibly cognition, memory and independence of the elderly, making it dependent on others to perform basic activities of daily life, for all his life. The present study aims to evaluate the perceptions and feelings of family caregivers of elders with Alzheimer on the role of caregiver. This is a qualitative study conducted with family caregivers of seniors with Alzheimer´s, caregivers linked to the group of the Specialized Care Center of the Elderly´s Health, located in Natal / RN. Through semi-structured interview research sought to investigate the perceptions of family caregivers on the role of caregiver, the feelings and the changes in the caregiver´s life since they assumed this role. The data were organized into categories and units of semantic analysis and analyzed using thematic content analysis by Bardin. The reports originated three categories: the perception of the role of caregiver, feelings related to the caregving and consequences of the caregiver role. Perceptions of caregivers of elderly from the requirement of dedication to the care generates losses in personal and professional life for the familiar who assumes this responsibility. The lack of family and social support, aggravates the burden of care for the dependent elderly. Public health politics for the elderly recognize the importance and needs of family caregivers, but not enough to provide support and meet the needs and assist them in supporting their limitations. The research results show the urgent need to take measures to assist the caregivers of seniors with Alzheimer, recognizing them as an action of promotion quality of life and health of the elderly and protection the health of the caregiver
O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a satisfação dos usuários em relação à qualidade da Atenção Primária à Saúde no Rio Grande do Norte. Trata-se de Pesquisa Avaliativa observacional transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, a qual faz parte da Avaliação Externa do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ), da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram utilizados dados secundários de todas as entrevistas com usuários das equipes que participaram da Avaliação Externa do PMAQ no Estado do RN. A pesquisa foi realizada em 167 municípios do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, na qual a população foi composta por 1.650 usuários. A amostra se deu por conveniência a partir dos seguintes critérios: usuários que estavam presentes na Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) para realizar qualquer tipo de procedimento e que consentisse em participar da avaliação. Foram excluídos os que tinham ido pela primeira vez na unidade e aqueles que não frequentaram há mais de 12 meses. A coleta dos dados foi realizada no período de setembro a novembro de 2013. Para tanto, foi elaborado um protocolo de pesquisa contendo as seguintes dimensões: organizacional, interpessoal e estrutural. Em relação à dimensão organizacional os resultados mostram que a marcação de consultas tem se configurado em empecilho ao acesso do usuário ao serviço de saúde, uma vez que se faz necessário para o atendimento, enfrentar filas, antes da abertura da unidade para pegar fichas. No tocante ao funcionamento da unidade, se destaca o fato dos usuários referirem que o horário de funcionamento da unidade atende à suas necessidades, apesar de funcionar 5 (cinco) dias por semana, a maioria das unidades permanece fechada no horário de almoço. Outro dado importante refere-se à coordenação do cuidado, cujos resultados apresentam diferenças maiores entre os usuários da região metropolitana e do interior do Estado em relação à Capital. Essa diferença se expressa principalmente em relação de marcação de consulta com outros profissionais especialistas. A dimensão interpessoal, no que diz respeito à categorias interação usuário-serviço-equipe e vínculo, demonstraram alguns avanços, contudo os melhores resultados foram observados em relação a satisfação com o cuidado, onde mais de 50% dos usuários se mostraram satisfeitos com o cuidado recebido nas unidades. Em contrapartida, o estudo mostrou que, na opinião de 56% dos usuários da capital, a falta de materiais e equipamentos influencia negativamente no cuidado. Por fim, o estudo contribuiu para reforçar a ideia de que a avaliação da satisfação dos usuários dos serviços de saúde pode ser uma ferramenta importante para subsidiar o processo de decisão compartilhada, de forma a se repensar as práticas profissionais, reorganizar o processo de trabalho desenvolvido, realocar recursos, readequar ações e redefinir objetivos que estejam coerentes com o projeto de saúde estabelecido
This dissertation aimed to analyze the perception of students about (EPW Health) Education Program at Work for Health Training in the area of Health. It discusses the proposed theme from the perception of students graduating from the EPW- Health courses participants (dentistry, medicine, physiotherapy, nursing, nutrition, physical education) who have developed their school activities in family health units in the city of João Pessoa between 2009/2011.The program aims policies curricular changes as a potential route of contributions to training in healthcare. Attention is drawn to the new possibilities of working health training contextualized, ethically grounded, socially endorsed. It is pointed out in this process the need to adapt to the demands of professional profiles of SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde). This is an exploratory, descriptive study within a qualitative approach, conducted in the city of João Pessoa in the context of health care courses at the Federal University of Paraiba. The empirical material of this study was treated by the use of technical analysis "Categorical Content Theme" by Bardin. The results indicate prospects for promoting new practices and curricular changes, which highlights the EPW- Health, which has been presenting important experiences in teaching -community -service- with the inclusion of students in the municipal health network. We conclude that the path from collection to data analysis, corroborated with the literature to reaffirm the importance and urgency of change in educational processes with a view to greater proximity to the health needs and the SUS. The EPW- Health project is incipient and requires further investigation in terms of effective interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary character of its proposal
A atenção primária à saúde é um importante cenário para o cuidado em saúde mental por suas características e pelo trabalho no território contribuir para a superação do modelo manicomial de atenção. Esta pesquisa partiu do questionamento sobre como acontece a atenção em saúde mental na atenção básica nas unidades em que se desenvolve a Residência de Medicina de Família e Comunidade em um município do sertão paraibano. Objetivou investigar as demandas de saúde mental e práticas de cuidado no contexto de ESF e da RMFC do município de Cajazeiras a partir do discurso dos profissionais ali inseridos e discutir estratégias de qualificação do cuidado em saúde mental nessa realidade. Utilizou-se abordagem qualitativa em que foram realizados grupos focais envolvendo profissionais de duas equipes da ESF e uma equipe de NASF. Os dados produzidos nos grupos foram analisados a partir do referencial da análise do discurso de inspiração foucaultiana. Como resultados evidenciou-se que os profissionais percebem a demanda em saúde mental na atenção básica principalmente na forma de sofrimento psíquico inespecífico e transtornos mentais graves. A atenção a essas pessoas não consegue superar a medicalização que é identificada por esses profissionais. A prática asilar persiste como alternativa para os casos de transtornos mentais graves, sendo limitada a incorporação do paradigma da desinstitucionalização como referencial para a prática profissional. Além disso, a relação com a rede de saúde encontra vários limites destacando-se a dificuldade de produção de continuidade e integralidade do cuidado. A partir disto, analisa-se a formação médica e sua capacidade de garantir o cuidado integral na atenção às demandas de saúde mental. No campo da pesquisa, dois modelos de formação se encontram. Os residentes participantes ou graduaram-se em Cuba ou em escola médica brasileira orientada pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais. Percebe-se então que a graduação, ao incorporar questões relativas à integralidade do cuidado, não é suficiente para gerar bons profissionais para o SUS. Considera-se necessário somar às mudanças na graduação a perspectiva da Educação Permanente em Saúde no mundo do trabalho, o envolvimento dos profissionais com a transformação das práticas de atenção à saúde e a construção da perspectiva da integralidade e da atenção psicossocial por dentro da Residência de Medicina de Família e Comunidade como importantes estratégias para a formação de médicos generalistas aptos para a atenção às demandas de saúde mental