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Entre 1940 e 1943, na procura de uma imagem condizente com sua condição de Capital de Estado e tentando acompanhar as grandes transformações urbanas que ocorriam na época, Curitiba contrata o arquiteto e urbanista francês Donat-Alfred Agache (1875-1959), que recém executara o Plano do Rio de Janeiro (1927), para elaborar o Plano de Urbanização para Curitiba. Fato que acaba se tornando o primeiro grande impacto urbano-arquitetônico na sociedade paranaense do século XX. A presente dissertação contextualiza essa proposta urbanística, a partir da formação profissional de Agache na Europa, sua participação na Sociedade Francesa de Urbanistas, o modo didático de fazer urbanismo, sua experiência no Rio de Janeiro e demais trabalhos no Brasil. Além de um simples Plano de Urbanização para Curitiba, Agache demonstra técnica e habilidade em enfrentar problemas e hábitos sociais, características que impõem sua ampla visão de cidade. O processo desencadeado por Agache em 1943, comparado com a realidade urbana anterior, revoluciona a relação entre o homem e seu meio na forma de ver e fazer arquitetura urbana, acontecimento que deixa um legado cultural paradigmático, com inúmeros desdobramentos, fundamental para o urbanismo da Cidade de Curitiba.


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O uso de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) tem evoluído muito nos últimos anos e isto influencia, sem dúvida, o ensino e a prática da arquitetura. Observa-se que o ensino de projeto nas escolas de arquitetura se dá através de um processo prático-reflexivo, no qual os alunos aprendem fazendo, sob a orientação dos professores. O conhecimento arquitetônico, portanto, vai sendo construído através da análise e interpretação do projeto e a busca de significados a partir da sua representação, sejam esboços à mão livre ou imagens digitais. Desta forma, as disciplinas de prática projetual têm grande importância, sendo consideradas fundamentais para a formação do arquiteto. Reconhecendo que a aplicação da TI gera novos paradigmas projetuais, mostrou-se importante a investigação da docência e da prática profissional. Este trabalho tem por objetivo caracterizar a presença e o uso de TI no ensino de projeto arquitetônico nas Faculdades de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU) de Porto Alegre, RS. Demonstra-se, através dos resultados de estudo exploratório em quatro FAUs, as características pessoais e a forma como estão sendo desenvolvidas as habilidades dos alunos para a prática de projeto arquitetônico em função das tecnologias disponíveis e das tendências futuras que se apresentam a estes profissionais. Verificou-se como os estudantes usam recursos computacionais em geral, qual o seu o nível de conhecimento sobre TI e como tem sido feita a abordagem pelas FAUs deste tema. Explorou-se, de forma especial, a aplicação de sistemas CAD no processo de projeto arquitetônico Constatou-se que os sistemas ainda são bastante sub utilizados e que as disciplinas dos currículos das FAUs estudadas levam a uma formação aquém da necessidade exigida pelos escritórios de arquitetura, onde o uso de recursos computacionais é corrente. Para estarem adequados as exigências do mercado de trabalho, os estudantes além de completarem o seu Curso, necessitam superar a necessidade de aprendizagem de sistemas computacionais, muitas vezes adquirida durante o estágio ou em cursos extra-curriculares.


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Esta dissertação articula arte e filosofia como uma forma de olhar a arte contemporânea brasileira, a partir da análise e interpretação da poética, “Uma Extensão no Tempo”, de Artur Barrio. Tem como finalidade fundamen-tar que esse trabalho artístico tornou possível uma experiência estética incomum: a experiência estética do sublime, quando “presentificou” o “impresentificável”. Na elaboração do trabalho três questões estruturam esse problema de fundamentação. A primeira é a questão da definição: busca dar sentido a noção de categoria estética do sublime e, além disso, identifica o cruzamento desse conceito filosófico com a prática artística no contexto da História da Arte, bem como sua vinculação com algumas outras categorias estéticas. A segunda é a questão da distinção: sobre os fenômenos que distinguem os paradigmas epistemológicos do período Moderno e do Contemporâneo (que compreende o Pós-Moderno) e que marcam as transformações que ocorrem com as práticas e teorias artísticas e com a noção de sublime no século XX. E a terceira é a questão das condições de possibilidade: sobre as condições que tornam possível identificar como sendo a experiência estética sublime, essas sensações e sentimentos decorridos da poética selecionada. Esse olhar sobre a arte contemporânea possibilitou compreender que estamos hoje, diante de uma arte que não está mais empenhada em apenas nos fazer ver, e sim nos fazer sentir e refletir, nos fazer vivenciar outras percepções, mas é necessário que se dê um mergulho nessa arte, o que nos faz mergulharmos em nós mesmos.


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Esta monografia se propõe a investigar como se deu o processo de criação da ciência urbana a partir do setor de obras na cidade de São Paulo


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This paper presents the theoretical-methodological possibilities of the French philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre, for the discipline of architecture and urbanism in an effort to overcome the fragmentation imposed by the institutionalization of science in general. From Du rural à l'urbain (Lefebvre, 1970) compilation, it brings the author's other works from the period between 1968 and 1974, indicating the conduits for reflection and their interrelationships with methods, types of analyses and other procedures to treat the space-time urban. The methodology involves a research on the author s 'today and yesterday' in the scientific field, a research and analysis of his procedures in highlight of philosophical, social, economic and political aspects, the historical context of his references and provides significant and possible elements for the study, research and extension in the area in question


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You cannot teach architectonic design, but only learn it. This sentence was, during some decades, especially during the modernism, the starting point, adopted by several architectonic design professors, when they had to approach their subject. An attitude that, some years ago, was reviewed and fighted by area s experts. This paper join this criticism, and try to add something to the pre-existing discussion, analyzing with the case-study method all the subjects related with architectonic design of the Architecture and Urbanism degree, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte CAU/UFRN . The aim is to identify and analyze the teaching methodologies used by the professors and their effects related to the students. To reach this purpose four different methods were used: i) Professors interviews; ii) Different forms submitted to students and professors; iii) Daily practice s observation, developed during classes; iv) Documents analysis about the degree (historical development and subjects) and about the subjects themselves (summaries, table of contents and planning). Studying the results, it was possible to underline that, in spite of the efforts of some of the professors to find a way to teach with more appropriate educational and pedagogic bases, some of the teaching methodologies, criticized in articles dealing with the matter, were still used. With regard to these, the research pointed out some suggestions that could help to improve the teaching and learning process, joining professors and students that are the most important subjects of the teaching activity. Developing the idea living in the paper s title Teaching and learning , it s now clear that only the practice, through the improvement of the pedagogic techniques, together with critical analysis can help the professors to reach a relationship level, regarding the teaching and learning process, as that described in the epigraph s text, into which teaching and learning, can t be done only by one of the process subject, but must be lived by both of them: professors and students


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This work supports the formalist education s improvement of the Brazilian architect and urban designer through a better application and systematization of the computer science s teaching potentialities. The research analyzes the discipline introduction in the Brazilian courses: Computer Science Applied to Architecture and Urbanism (InfoAU) in the Architecture and Urbanism Courses of Brazil (CAUs). It goes since the discipline was obligated by the MEC s Regulation nr. 1.770 from 1994 until the CNE/CES Resolution nr. 6 from 2006; it comprehends the discipline implantation, development and current context, in order to get more detailed, the research analyses three federal universities from the Northeast of the country: UFRN, UFPB and UFPE. Once identified the historical educational needs in the CAUs, the study focus on the computer science s increasing potential as an agent of integration, communication, development and knowledge/data management. It points out new social perspectives for a better use of this tool/mechanism, which adequately structuralized and integrated, creates propitious educational and professional performance/recycling conditions and a propeller instrument of research and extension activities. Among this work, it is suggested the aggregation of elements, which are complementary to the InfoAU discipline s reorganization, throughout a computerization s plan for the CAUs, extensive to the professional formation, generating a virtuous cycle in several activities of the academic, administrative and, research and extension s departments. Therefore, the InfoAU in the Brazilian CAUs context was analyzed; the main solutions and problems found were systemized; the possibilities of computer science s uses inside AU ware structuralized, InfoAU discipline s improvement plan was also defined, as well as strategies for the implementation of the computerization s plan for the CAUs, which would guarantee its maintenance in a continuity perspective


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The goal of this paper was to search the state of the art from the Digital Libraries in Architecture and Urbanism in the Higher Education Institutions (IES) through conceptualizations and showing the importance of Digital Libraries in the disclosure and easing of information transferring. Questions about digital information architecture, usability, digital preservation and accessibility were approached. The research was made in the websites of Brazilian Universities, firstly to identify the institutions which offered the Architecture and Urbanism course, focusing on postgraduate education. After identifying the offering, the research was done by analyzing the contents, storage and dissemination and access to information, these libraries. It was found that the digital libraries are increasingly and taking part of organizations and educational institutions focusing on the knowledge dissemination releasing digitally information that may be needed for institution or the individual. A monitoring was done over of the physical and computational restructuring of the Board of Studies and Research in Architecture and Urbanism (Câmara de Estudos e Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, CEPAU), from the Architecture and Urbanism Course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), showing the need of installing a Digital Library to integrate the databases of PPGAU s research groups, which today remain independent, with no interface among themselves. The research chosen area was Architecture and Urbanism, because there is a gap and little documentation about digital libraries in this area


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This research continues the current debate about the role of the images and the words in the architectural design persuasion, where we emphasize the increasing valuation of written documents (FORTY, 2004; MARKUS; CAMERON, 2002), the seduction for the graphical representation (DURAND, 2003) and the rhetorical effects of the graphical and textual resources (TOSTRUP, 1999). Based on these quarrels, we look for verify in the graduate final projects the relation between the design texts and images. From the PROJEDATA, database of the PROJETAR research group (UFRN), we selected the final projects of two brazilians universities, UFRN and USP, that in a first analysis, they had shown as ideal types of two distinct design presentation models, respectively: texts and drawings in separated documents, or combined in an only support. Based on Markus explanation about the function and the content of the texts, on the Durand perspective with regard to graphical representation uses and on Tostrup point of view concerning the rhetorical potential of texts and drawings, we analyze, in a set of 25 projects, how the students relate the textual and imagetical speeches. For this, we related the focus of each speech, in order to verify the possible coherence between both. We conclude that in the model of USP final project the coherence between the texts and the drawings is clearer than in the model adopted in UFRN


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This work deals with teacher-student relationship (TSR), held in a very special moment: the semester of graduation of architecture and urbanism, where students prepare the final work called Graduation Final Work (GFW). That is the last stage to obtain the title of architect and urban planner in Brazil. The text discusses this problem in several ways, emphasing the relationship between graduated student and his/her mentors into the consolidation process of the student as an actor of the planning process, here defined as "autonomy". The work is focused on understanding the TSR in order to elucidate its importance for improvement of teaching bases on development of the GFW, more than the relation between curriculum and institution. Related with the exploratory characteristic of this master thesis, methodologically, the field work happened through: (i) observation of mentorship guidance, (ii) interviews, and (iii) application of questionnaires to teachers and students. Participated 10 pairs of student and mentors of two federal university of Northeast: 05 pairs of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and 05 pairs of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The results presented the development of the GFW as a difficult process / fearful for students, highlighting the main problem situations: the difficulty in choosing the theme, the super-sizing of the process, students' insecurities, and parental relationship with the supervisor process. Summing up, the work indicates that the students has a limited autonomy on the GFW process, which calls for a revision in order to promote the consolidation of the student autonomy, which must be observed for some positions recognition of the role of each actor in the process of orientation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The advertisement calls of Leptodactylus geminus, Leptodactylus gracilis, Leptodactylus plaumanni, and Leptodactylus fuscus are analyzed and compared with published reports. Based on calling data and examination of type material, Leptodactylus geminus is synonymized with L, plaumanni. To differentiate between the sibling species L. gracilis and L. plaumanni, fieldwork is needed, including recording of advertisement calls. Reliable identification of red specimens is not possible based on morphology and coloration alone.


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This paperwork presents a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) speed controller for an electric mini-baja-type car. A battery-fed 1-kW three-phase induction motor provides the electric vehicle traction. The open-loop speed control is implemented with an equal voltage/frequency ratio, in order to maintain a constant amount of torque on all velocities. The PWM is implemented by a low-cost 8-bit microcontroller provided with optimized ROM charts for distinct speed value implementations, synchronized transition between different charts and reduced odd harmonics generation. This technique was implemented using a single passenger mini-baja vehicle, and the essays have shown that its application resulted on reduced current consumption, besides eliminating mechanical parts. Copyright © 2007 by ABCM.