887 resultados para Type 1 Diabetes


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Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with a diverse range of pathologies. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of diabetes-related complications, the prevalence of coexistent chronic conditions and to report multimorbidity in people with type 2 diabetes living in the Basque Country. Methods: Administrative databases, in four cross sections (annually from 2007 to 2011) were consulted to analyse 149,015 individual records from patients aged >= 35 years with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The data observed were: age, sex, diabetes-related complications (annual rates of acute myocardial infarction, major amputations and avoidable hospitalisations), diabetes-related pathologies (prevalence of ischaemic heart disease, renal failure, stroke, heart failure, peripheral neuropathy, foot ulcers and diabetic retinopathy) and other unrelated pathologies (44 diseases). Results: The annual incidence for each condition progressively decreased during the four-year period: acute myocardial infarction (0.47 to 0.40%), major amputations (0.10 to 0.08%), and avoidable hospitalisations (5.85 to 5.5%). The prevalence for diabetes-related chronic pathologies was: ischaemic heart disease (11.5%), renal failure (8.4%), stroke (7.0%), heart failure (4.3%), peripheral neuropathy (1.3%), foot ulcers (2.0%) and diabetic retinopathy (7.2%). The prevalence of multimorbidity was 90.4%. The highest prevalence for other chronic conditions was 73.7% for hypertension, 13.8% for dyspepsia and 12.7% for anxiety. Conclusions: In the type 2 diabetes mellitus population living in the Basque Country, incidence rates of diabetes complications are not as high as in other places. However, they present a high prevalence of diabetes related and unrelated diseases. Multimorbidity is very common in this group, and is a factor to be taken into account to ensure correct clinical management.


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A Neuropatia autonômica cardiovascular (NAC), apesar de ter sido apontada como fator de risco independente para doença cardiovascular (DCV) em pacientes com diabetes tipo 1 (DM1), permanece subdiagnosticada. Os objetivos do trababalho foram determinar a prevalência de NAC e seus indicadores clínicos e laboratoriais em pacientes com DM1 e a associação com outras complicações crônicas do diabetes, além de avaliar a concordância entre os critérios diagnósticos da NAC determinados pelos parâmetros da análise espectral e pelos testes reflexos cardiovasculares. Pacientes com DM1, duração da doença ≥ 5 anos e com idade ≥ 13 anos foram submetidos a um questionário clínico-epidemiológico, a coleta de sangue e de urina para determinação da concentração urinária de albumina, ao mapeamento de retina, e exame clínico para pesquisa de neuropatia diabética sensitivo motora além da realização de testes reflexos cardiovasculares. Cento e cinquenta e um pacientes com DM1, 53.6 % do sexo feminino, 45.7% brancos, com média de idade de 33.4 13 anos, idade ao diagnóstico de 17.2 9.8 anos, duração de DM1 de 16.3 9.5 anos, índice de massa corporal (IMC) de 23.4 (13.7-37.9) Kg/m2 e níveis de hemoglobina glicada de 9.1 2% foram avaliados. Após realização dos testes para rastreamento das complicações microvasculares, encontramos neuropatia diabética sensitivo motora, retinopatia diabética, nefropatia diabética e NAC em 44 (29.1%), 54 (38%), 35 (24.1%) e 46 (30.5%) dos pacientes avaliados, respectivamente. A presença de NAC foi associada com idade (p=0.01), duração do DM (p=0.036), HAS (p=0.001), frequência cardíaca em repouso (p=0.000), HbA1c (p=0.048), uréia (p=0.000), creatinina (p=0.008), taxa de filtração glomerular (p=0.000), concentração urinária de albumina (p=0.000), níveis séricos de LDL-colesterol (p=0.048), T4 livre (p=0.023) e hemoglobina (p=0.01) e a presença de retinopatia (p=0.000), nefropatia (p=0.000) e neuropatia diabética sensitivo motora (p=0.000), além dos seguintes sintomas; lipotimia (p=0.000), náuseas pós alimentares (p=0.042), saciedade precoce (p=0.031), disfunção sexual (p=0.049) e sudorese gustatória (p=0.018). No modelo de regressão logística binária, avaliando o diagnóstico de NAC como variável dependente, foi observado que apenas a FC em repouso, presença de neuropatia diabética sensitivo motora e retinopatia diabética foram consideradas variáveis independentes significativamente. A NAC é uma complicação crônica comum do DM1, atingindo cerca de 30% dos pacientes estudados e encontra-se associada à presença de outras complicações da doença. Indicadores da presença de NAC nos pacientes avaliados incluíram a idade, duração do diabetes, presença de HAS, frequência cardíaca de repouso e presença de sintomas sugestivos de neuropatia autonômica. O presente estudo ratifica a importância do rastreamento sistemático e precoce desta complicação.


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The aim is to critically review the more relevant evidence on the interrelationships between exercise and metabolic outcomes. The research questions addressed in the recent specific literature with the most relevant randomized controlled trials, meta-analysis and cohort studies are presented in three domains: aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, combined aerobic and resistance exercise. From this review appear that the effects of aerobic exercise are well established, and interventions with more vigorous aerobic exercise programs resulted in greater reductions in HbA1c, greater increase in VO2max and greater increase in insulin sensitivity. Considering the available evidence, it appears that resistance training could be an effective intervention to help glycemic control, especially considering that the effects of this form of intervention are comparable with what reported with aerobic exercise. Less studies have investigated whether combined resistance and aerobic training offers a synergistic and incremental effect on glycemic control; however, from the available evidences appear that combined exercise training seems to determine additional change in HbA1c that can be seen significant if compared with aerobic training alone and resistance training alone.


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To investigate the underlying mechanisms of T2D pathogenesis, we looked for diabetes susceptibility genes that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in a Han Chinese population. A two-stage genome-wide association (GWA) study was conducted, in which 995 patients and 894 controls were genotyped using the Illumina HumanHap550-Duo BeadChip for the first genome scan stage. This was further replicated in 1,803 patients and 1,473 controls in stage 2. We found two loci not previously associated with diabetes susceptibility in and around the genes protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type D (PTPRD) (P = 8.54x10(-10); odds ratio [OR] = 1.57; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.36-1.82), and serine racemase (SRR) (P = 3.06x10(-9); OR = 1.28; 95% CI = 1.18-1.39). We also confirmed that variants in KCNQ1 were associated with T2D risk, with the strongest signal at rs2237895 (P = 9.65x10(-10); OR = 1.29, 95% CI = 1.19-1.40). By identifying two novel genetic susceptibility loci in a Han Chinese population and confirming the involvement of KCNQ1, which was previously reported to be associated with T2D in Japanese and European descent populations, our results may lead to a better understanding of differences in the molecular pathogenesis of T2D among various populations.


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SUMMARY: Fracture stabilization in the diabetic patient is associated with higher complication rates, particularly infection and impaired wound healing, which can lead to major tissue damage, osteomyelitis, and higher amputation rates. With an increasing prevalence of diabetes and an aging population, the risks of infection of internal fixation devices are expected to grow. Although numerous retrospective clinical studies have identified a relationship between diabetes and infection, currently there are few animal models that have been used to investigate postoperative surgical-site infections associated with internal fixator implantation and diabetes. The authors therefore refined the protocol for inducing hyperglycemia and compared the bacterial burden in controls to pharmacologically induced type 1 diabetic rats after undergoing internal fracture plate fixation and Staphylococcus aureus surgical-site inoculation. Using an initial series of streptozotocin doses, followed by optional additional doses to reach a target blood glucose range of 300 to 600 mg/dl, the authors reliably induced diabetes in 100 percent of the rats (n = 16), in which a narrow hyperglycemic range was maintained 14 days after onset of diabetes (mean ± SEM, 466 ± 16 mg/dl; coefficient of variation, 0.15). With respect to their primary endpoint, the authors quantified a significantly higher infectious burden in inoculated diabetic animals (median, 3.2 × 10 colony-forming units/mg dry tissue) compared with inoculated nondiabetic animals (7.2 × 10 colony-forming units/mg dry tissue). These data support the authors' hypothesis that uncontrolled diabetes adversely affects the immune system's ability to clear Staphylococcus aureus associated with internal hardware.


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The main hallmark of diabetic nephropathy is elevation in urinary albumin excretion. We performed a genome-wide linkage scan in 63 extended families with multiple members with type II diabetes. Urinary albumin excretion, measured as the albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR), was determined in 426 diabetic and 431 nondiabetic relatives who were genotyped for 383 markers. The data were analyzed using variance components linkage analysis. Heritability (h2) of ACR was significant in diabetic (h2=0.23, P=0.0007), and nondiabetic (h2=0.39, P=0.0001) relatives. There was no significant difference in genetic variance of ACR between diabetic and nondiabetic relatives (P=0.16), and the genetic correlation (rG=0.64) for ACR between these two groups was not different from 1 (P=0.12). These results suggested that similar genes contribute to variation in ACR in diabetic and nondiabetic relatives. This hypothesis was supported further by the linkage results.


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Aims/hypothesis: Glycation of insulin, resulting in impaired bioactivity, has been shown within pancreatic beta cells. We have used a novel and specific radioimmunoassay to detect glycated insulin in plasma of Type 2 diabetic subjects.

Methods: Blood samples were collected from 102 Type 2 diabetic patients in three main categories: those with good glycaemic control with a HbA1c less than 7%, moderate glycaemic control (HbA1c 7–9%) and poor glycaemic control (HBA1c greater than 9%). We used 75 age- and sex-matched non-diabetic subjects as controls. Samples were analysed for HbA1c, glucose and plasma concentrations of glycated insulin and insulin.

Results: Glycated insulin was readily detected in control and Type 2 diabetic subjects. The mean circulating concentration of glycated insulin in control subjects was 12.6±0.9 pmol/l (n=75). Glycated insulin in the good, moderate and poorly controlled diabetic groups was increased 2.4-fold (p<0.001, n=44), 2.2- fold (p<0.001, n=41) and 1.1-fold (n=17) corresponding to 29.8±5.4, 27.3±5.7 and 13.5±2.9 pmol/l, respectively.

Conclusion/interpretation: Glycated insulin circulates at noticeably increased concentrations in Type 2 diabetic subjects. [Diabetologia (2003) 46:475–478]


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In this study, we tested the biological activity of a novel acylated form of (Pro(3))glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypetide [(Pro3)GIP] prepared by conjugating palmitic acid to Lys(16) to enhance its efficacy in vivo by promoting binding to albumin and extending its biological actions. Like the parent molecule (Pro(3))GIP, (Pro(3))GIPLys(16)PAL was completely stable to the actions of DPP-IV and significantly (p <0.01 to p <0.001) inhibited GIP-stimulated cAMP production and cellular insulin secretion. Furthermore, acute administration of (Pro(3))GIPLys(16)PAL also significantly (p <0.05 to p <0.001) countered the glucose-lowering and insulin-releasing actions of GIP in ob/ob mice. Daily injection of (Pro(3))GIPLys(16)PAL (25 nmol/kg bw) in 14-18-week-old ob/ob mice over 14 days had no effect on body weight, food intake or non-fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations. (Pro(3))GIPLys(16)PAL treatment also failed to significantly alter the glycaemic response to an i.p. glucose load or test meal, but insulin concentrations were significantly reduced (1.5-fold; p <0.05) after the glucose load. Insulin sensitivity was enhanced (1.3-fold; p <0.05) and pancreatic insulin was significantly reduced (p <0.05) in the (Pro(3))GIPLys(16)PAL-treated mice. These data demonstrate that acylation of Lys(16) with palmitic acid in (Pro(3))GIP does not improve its biological effectiveness as a GIP receptor antagonist.


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Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) is a widely distributed physiological enzyme that can be found solubilized in blood, or membrane-anchored in tissues. DPP IV and related dipeptidase enzymes cleave a wide range of physiological peptides and have been associated with several disease processes including Crohn's disease, chronic liver disease, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, eating disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and of direct relevance to this review, type 2 diabetes. Here, we place particular emphasis on two peptide substrates of DPP IV with insulin-releasing and antidiabetic actions namely, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). The rationale for inhibiting DPP IV activity in type 2 diabetes is that it decreases peptide cleavage and thereby enhances endogenous incretin hormone activity. A multitude of novel DPP IV inhibitor compounds have now been developed and tested. Here we examine the information available on DPP IV and related enzymes, review recent preclinical and clinical data for DPP IV inhibitors, and assess their clinical significance.


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Aims: Glycation of insulin has been demonstrated within pancreatic beta-cells and the resulting impaired bioactivity may contribute to insulin resistance in diabetes. We used a novel radioimmunoassay to evaluate the effect of nateglinide on plasma concentrations of glycated insulin and glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetes. Methods. Ten patients (5 M/5 F, age 57.8 +/- 1.9 years, HbA(1c), 7.6 +/- 0.5%,, fasting plasma glucose 9.4 +/- 1.2 mmol/l, creatinine 81.6 +/- 4.5 mumol/l) received oral nateglinide 120 mg or placebo, 10 min prior to 75 g oral glucose in a random, single blind, crossover design, 1 week apart. Blood samples were taken for glycated insulin, glucose, insulin and C-peptide over 225 min. Results: Plasma glucose and glycated insulin responses were reduced by 9% (P = 0.005) and 38% (P = 0.047), respectively, following nateglinide compared with placebo. Corresponding AUC measures for insulin and C-peptide were enhanced by 36% (P = 0.005) and 25% (P = 0.007) by nateglinide. Conclusions: Glycated insulin in type 2 diabetes is reduced in response to the insulin secretagogue nateglinide, resulting in preferential release of native insulin. Since glycated insulin exhibits impaired biological activity, reduced glycated insulin release may contribute to the anti hyperglycaemic action of nateglinide. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Despite familial clustering of nephropathy and retinopathy severity in type 1 diabetes, few gene variants have been consistently associated with these outcomes.


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Aim: Two Type I diabetes and control group comparator studies were conducted to assess the reproducibility of FMD and to analyse blood flow data normally discarded during FMD measurement.

Design: The studies were sequential and differed only with regard to operator and ultrasound machine. Seventy-two subjects with diabetes and 71 controls were studied in total.

Methods: Subjects had FMD measured conventionally. Blood velocity waveforms were averaged over 10 pulses post forearm ischaemia and their component frequencies analysed using the wavelet transform, a mathematical tool for waveform analysis. The component frequencies were grouped into 11 bands to facilitate analysis.

Results: Subjects were well-matched between studies. In Study 1, FMD was significantly impaired in subjects with Type I diabetes vs. controls (median 4.35%, interquartile range 3.10-4.80 vs. 6.50, 4.79-9.42, P < 0.001). No differences were detected between groups in Study 2, however. However, analysis of blood velocity waveforms yielded significant differences between groups in two frequency bands in each study.

Conclusions: This report highlights concerns over the reproducibility of FMD measures. Further work is required to fully elucidate the role of analysing velocity waveforms after forearm ischaemia.