915 resultados para Tree Leaves
The objective of this work was to study the influence of cyanogenesis on the onset of irreversible tapping panel dryness (TPD) and the physiological and histological aspects of secondary phloem in the trunk (tapping panel) of rubber trees (Hevea spp.). Two cyanogenic compounds, linamarin and KCN, were applied separately on the trunk bark of healthy mature trees belonging to two Brazilian clones (Fx 4098 and Fx 3899). Changes in histology, latex pressure potential (ΨP) and cyanogenic potential (HCNp) were followed in the trunk inner barks. In addition, the HCNp levels were determined in TPD-affected plants of both clones. The applications of linamarin or KCN in healthy plants decreased latex ΨP, and formed tylosoids associated with in situ coagulation of latex. The clone Fx 4098 had the higher HCNp and showed the quicker and stronger responses to the cyanogenic compounds. Plants with TPD syntoms had a higher HCNp than the untreated healthy ones. Since histological changes are also structural markers of early TPD, it can be inferred that excessive release of cyanide can induce it in sensitive rubber clones
The objective of this work was to isolate and characterize tannin-tolerant ruminal bacteria from crossbred Holstein x Zebu cows fed a chopped mixture of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), young stems of "angico-vermelho" (Parapiptadenia rigida), and banana tree (Musa sp.) leaves. A total of 117 bacteria strains were isolated from enrichment cultures of rumen microflora in medium containing tannin extracts. Of these, 11 isolates were able to tolerate up to 3 g L-1 of tannins. Classical characterization procedures indicated that different morphological and physiological groups were represented. Restriction fragments profiles using Alu1 and Taq1 of 1,450 bp PCR products from the 16S rRNA gene grouped the 11 isolates into types I to VI. Sequencing of 16S rRNA PCR products was used for identification. From the 11 strains studied, seven were not identifiable by the methods used in this work, two were strains of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, and two of Streptococcus bovis.
The objective of this work was to assess the performance of panel clones under crowns resistant to South American leaf blight (Microcyclus ulei). The experiment was carried out with 18 panel clones crown-budded with Hevea pauciflora x H. guianensis, in a Xanthic Ferralsol (Oxisol) in Manaus, AM, Brazil. The following parameters were evaluated: dry rubber yield, plant nutritional status, and anatomical and physiological characteristics of the latex vessels. In the first three years of evaluation, the panel clones IAN 2878, IAN 2903, CNS AM 7905, CNS AM 7905 P1, and PB 28/59 showed the highest dry rubber yield potential, while the clones IAN 6158, IAN 6590, and IAN 6515 should not be recommended for crown budding. Higher potassium and copper foliar content in panel clones were associated to an increase in dry rubber yield. The simultaneous evaluation of anatomical and physiological characteristics of latex is fundamental for the selection of panel clones in the Amazon region. Crown budding is an efficient technology for South American leaf blight management in endemic regions.
The thesis addresses the issue of parenthood and gender equality in Switzerland through the emergence of parental leave policies. This is an original and relevant research topic, as Switzerland is one of the few industrialized countries that have not yet implemented a parental or paternity leave. I first describe the emergence of parental leave policies in the last ten to fifteen years in the political, media, and labor-market spheres. Secondly, adopting a gender and discursive theoretical approach, I analyze whether and to what extent this emergence challenged gendered representations and practices of parenthood. The multilevel and mixed-methods research design implies analyzing various data sets such as parliamentary interventions (N=23J and newspaper articles (N=579) on parental leave policies. A case study of a public administration which implemented a one-month paid paternity leave draws on register data of leave recipients (N=95) and in-depth interviews with fathers and managers (n=30). Results show that parental leave policies, especially in recent years, have been increasingly problematized in the three social spheres considered, as a result of political and institutional events. While there is a struggle over the definition of the legitimate leave type to implement [parental or paternity leave) in the political sphere, paternity leave has precedence in the media and labor-market spheres. Overall, this emergence contributes to making fatherhood visible in the public sphere, challenging albeit in a limited way gendered representations and practices of parenthood. Along with representations of involved fatherhood and change in gender relations, different roles and responsibilities are attributed to mothers and fathers, the latter being often defined as secondary, temporary and optional parents. Finally, I identify a common trend, namely the increasing importance of the economic aspects of parental leave policies with the consequence of sidelining their gender-equality potential. The dissertation contributes to the literature which analyzes the interconnections between the macro-, the meso- and the micro-levels of society in the constitution of gender relations and parenthood. It also provides useful tools for the analysis of the politics of parental leave policies in Switzerland and their effects for gender equality. - Cette thèse traite de la parentalité et de l'égalité de genre en Suisse à travers l'émergence des congés parentaux. Ce sujet de recherche est original et pertinent puisque la Suisse est à ce jour un des seuls pays industrialisés à ne pas avoir adopté de droit au congé parental ou paternité. Cette recherche décrit l'émergence des congés parentaux au cours des 10 à 15 dernières années dans les sphères politique, médiatique et du marché de l'emploi en Suisse. En combinant perspective de genre et analyse de discours, elle examine dans quelle mesure cette émergence remet en question les représentations et pratiques genrées de parentalité. Des méthodes de recherche mixtes sont employées pour analyser des interventions parlementaires (N=23) et des articles de presse (N=579) sur les congés parentaux. L'étude de cas d une entreprise publique qui a adopté un congé paternité payé d'un mois s'appuie sur des données de registre (N=95) et des entretiens semi-structurés avec des pères et des cadres (n=30). Les résultats indiquent que dans les trois sphères considérées, les congés parentaux ont reçu une attention croissante au cours de ces dernières années, en lien avec des événements politiques et institutionnels. Alors que dans la sphère politique il n'y a pas de consensus quant au type de congé considéré comme légitime (congé parental ou paternité), dans les sphères médiatique et du marché de l'emploi le congé paternité semble l'emporter. Dans l'ensemble, l'émergence des congés parentaux contribue à rendre la paternité plus visible dans l'espace public, remettant en question-bien que d'une manière limitée-les représentations genrées de la parentalité. En effet, d'une part l'image de pères impliqués et de rapports de genre plus égalitaires au sein de la famille est diffusée. D'autre part, mères et pères continuent à être associés à des rôles différents, les pères étant définis comme des parents secondaires et temporaires. Finalement, l'analyse révèle une tendance générale, soit l'importance croissante accordée aux aspects économiques des congés parentaux, avec pour conséquence la mise à l'écart de leur potentiel pour l'égalité de genre. Cette thèse contribue à la recherche sur les liens entre les niveaux macro- meso- et microsociaux dans la constitution des rapports de genre et de la parentalité. Elle propose également des outils pour analyser les politiques de congés parentaux en Suisse et leurs implications pour l'égalité de genre.
The objective of this work was to estimate the genetic parameters, genotypic and phenotypic correlations, and direct and indirect genetic gains among and within rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) progenies. The experiment was set up at the Municipality of Jaú, SP, Brazil. A randomized complete block design was used, with 22 treatments (progenies), 6 replicates, and 10 plants per plot at a spacing of 3x3 m. Three‑year‑old progenies were assessed for girth, rubber yield, and bark thickness by direct and indirect gains and genotypic correlations. The number of latex vessel rings showed the best correlations, correlating positively and significantly with girth and bark thickness. Selection gains among progenies were greater than within progeny for all the variables analyzed. Total gains obtained were high, especially for girth increase and rubber yield, which were 93.38 and 105.95%, respectively. Young progeny selection can maximize the expected genetic gains, reducing the rubber tree selection cycle.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of 15 clones of the IAC 500 series of Hevea brasiliensis, developed at Instituto Agronômico (IAC), over a 12-year period, in the northwest region of São Paulo State, Brazil. The 15 new clones evaluated are primary clones obtained from selected ortets within half-sib progenies. The clone RRIM 600, of Malaysian origin, was used as the control. Dry rubber yield performance over a four-year period, mean girth at the tenth year, girth increment before and during tapping, thermal properties of the natural rubber produced and other characters of the laticiferous system were evaluated. Forty percent of the clones were superior in comparison to the control for yield. Clone IAC 500 recorded the highest yield (66.81 g per tree per tapping) over four years of tapping, followed by IAC 502 (62.37 g per tree per tapping), whereas the control recorded 48.71 g per tree per tapping. All selected clones were vigorous in growth. The natural rubber from this IAC clones showed thermal stability up to 300ºC. No differences were observed in the thermal behavior of rubber among the IAC series and the RRIM 600 clones. The clones IAC 500, IAC 501, IAC 502, IAC 503 and IAC 506 are the more promising for small-scale plantations, due to growth and yield potential.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of EST‑SSR markers in the assessment of the genetic diversity of rubber tree genotypes (Hevea brasiliensis) and to verify the transferability of these markers for wild species of Hevea. Forty‑five rubber tree accessions from the Instituto Agronômico (Campinas, SP, Brazil) and six wild species were used. Information provided by modified Roger's genetic distance were used to analyze EST‑SSR data. UPGMA clustering divided the samples into two major groups with high genetic differentiation, while the software Structure distributed the 51 clones into eight groups. A parallel could be established between both clustering analyses. The 30 polymorphic EST‑SSRs showed from two to ten alleles and were efficient in amplifying the six wild species. Functional EST‑SSR microsatellites are efficient in evaluating the genetic diversity among rubber tree clones and can be used to translate the genetic differences among cultivars and to fingerprint closely related materials. The accessions from the Instituto Agronômico show high genetic diversity. The EST‑SSR markers, developed from Hevea brasiliensis, show transferability and are able to amplify other species of Hevea.
1. Costs of reproduction lie at the core of basic ecological and evolutionary theories, and their existence is commonly invoked to explain adaptive processes. Despite their sheer importance, empirical evidence for the existence and quantification of costs of reproduction in tree species comes mostly from correlational studies, while more comprehensive approaches remain missing. Manipulative experiments are a preferred approach to study cost of reproduction, as they allow controlling for otherwise inherent confounding factors like size or genetic background. 2. Here, we conducted a manipulative experiment in a Pinus halepensis common garden, removing developing cones from a group of trees and comparing growth and reproduction after treatment with a control group. We also estimated phenotypic and genetic correlations between reproductive and vegetative traits. 3. Manipulated trees grew slightly more than control trees just after treatment, with just a transient, marginally non-significant difference. By contrast, larger differences were observed for the number of female cones initiated 1 year after treatment, with an increase of 70% more cones in the manipulated group. Phenotypic and genetic correlations showed that smaller trees invested a higher proportion of their resources in reproduction, compared with larger trees, which could be interpreted as an indirect evidence for costs of reproduction. 4. Synthesis. This research showed a high impact of current reproduction on reproductive potential, even when not significant on vegetative growth. This has strong implications for how we understand adaptive strategies in forest trees and should encourage further interest on their still poorly known reproductive life-history traits.
The objective of this work was to assess the genetic parameters and to estimate genetic gains in young rubber tree progenies. The experiments were carried out during three years, in a randomized block design, with six replicates and ten plants per plot, in three representative Hevea crop regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Twenty-two progenies were evaluated, from three to five years old, for rubber yield and annual girth growth. Genetic gain was estimated with the multi-effect index (MEI). Selection by progenies means provided greater estimated genetic gain than selection based on individuals, since heritability values of progeny means were greater than the ones of individual heritability, for both evaluated variables, in all the assessment years. The selection of the three best progenies for rubber yield provided a selection gain of 1.28 g per plant. The genetic gains estimated with MEI using data from early assessments (from 3 to 5-year-old) were generally high for annual girth growth and rubber yield. The high genetic gains for annual girth growth in the first year of assessment indicate that progenies can be selected at the beginning of the breeding program. Population effective size was consistent with the three progenies selected, showing that they were not related and that the population genetic variability is ensured. Early selection with the genetic gains estimated by MEI can be made on rubber tree progenies.
Phosphate homeostasis in multicellular eukaryotes depends on both phosphate influx and efflux. The mammalian Xenotropic Polytropic Virus Receptor 1 (XPR1) shares homology to the Arabidopsis PHO1, a phosphate exporter expressed in roots. However, phosphate export activity of XPR1 has not yet been demonstrated in a heterologous system. Here, wedemonstrate that transient expression in tobacco leaves of XPR1-GFP leads to specific phosphate export. Like PHO1-GFP, XPR1-GFP is localized predominantly to the endomembrane system in tobacco cells. These results show that tobacco leaves are a good heterologous system to study the transport activity of members of the PHO1/XPR1 family.
The objective of this work was to characterize and cluster isolates of Pestalotiopsis species and to identify those that are pathogenic to pecan, based on morphological and molecular characters. Pestalotiopsis spp. isolates were identified by sequencing the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and β?tubulin regions. Identification methods were compared to indicate the key morphological characters for species characterization. Thirteen isolates were used for the pathogenicity tests. Morphological characterization was performed using the following variables: mycelial growth rate, sporulation, colony pigmentation, and conidial length and width. Ten pathogenic isolates were identified, three as -tubulin regions. Identification methods were compared to indicate the key morphological characters for species characterization. Thirteen isolates were used for the pathogenicity tests. Morphological characterization was performed using the following variables: mycelial growth rate, sporulation, colony pigmentation, and conidial length and width. Ten pathogenic isolates were identified, three as Pestalotiopsis clavispora and three as P. cocculi. The other isolates remained as an undefined species. The morphological characters were efficient for an initial separation of the isolates, which were grouped according to differences at species level, mainly colony diameter, which was identified as an important morphological describer. Beta-tubulin gene sequencing was less informative than the ITS region sequencing for species identification.
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Assessing in wild populations how fitness is impacted by inbreeding and genetic drift is a major goal for conservation biology. An approach to measure the detrimental effects of inbreeding on fitness is to estimate correlations between molecular variation and phenotypic performances within and among populations. Our study investigated the effect of individual multilocus heterozygosity on body size, body condition and reproductive investment of males (that is, chorus attendance) and females (that is, clutch mass and egg size) in both small fragmented and large non-fragmented populations of European tree frog (Hyla arborea). Because adult size and/or condition and reproductive investment are usually related, genetic erosion may have detrimental effects directly on reproductive investment, and also on individual body size and condition that in turn may affect reproductive investment. We confirmed that the reproductive investment was highly size-dependent for both sexes. Larger females invested more in offspring production, and larger males attended the chorus in the pond more often. Our results did not provide evidence for a decline in body size, condition and reproductive effort with decreased multilocus heterozygosity both within and among populations. We showed that the lack of heterozygosity-fitness correlations within populations probably resulted from low inbreeding levels (inferior to ca. 20% full-sib mating rate), even in the small fragmented populations. The detrimental effects of fixation load were either low in adults or hidden by environmental variation among populations. These findings will be useful to design specific management actions to improve population persistence.