951 resultados para Treated Activated Carbon
The integrated control of nitrate recirculation and external carbon addition in a predenitrification biological wastewater treatment system is studied. The proposed control structure consists of four feedback control loops, which manipulate the nitrate recirculation and the carbon dosage flows in a highly coordinated manner such that the consumption of external carbon is minimised while the nitrate discharge limits (based on both grab and composite samples) are met. The control system requires the measurement of the nitrate concentrations at the end of both the anoxic and the aerobic zones. Distinct from ordinary control systems, which typically minimise the variation in the controlled variables, the proposed control system essentially maximises the diurnal variation of the effluent nitrate concentration and through this maximises the use of influent COD for denitrification, thus minimising the requirement for external carbon source. Simulation studies using a commonly accepted simulation benchmark show that the controlled system consistently achieves the designated effluent quality with minimum costs.
The solubility of ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, and ethyl isovalerate in supercritical carbon dioxide was measured at temperature ranging from 308.15 to 333.15 K and pressure ranging from 85 to 195 bar. At the same temperature, the solubility of these compounds increases with pressure. The crossover pressure region was also observed in this study. The experimental data were correlated by the semi-empirical Chrastil equation and Peng-Robinson equation of state (EOS) using several mixing rules. The Peng-Robinson EOS gives better solubility prediction than the empirical Chrastil equation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Mesoporous carbon materials were prepared through template method approach using porous clay heterostructures (PCHs) as matrix and furfuryl alcohol as carbon precursor. Three PCHs prepared using amines with 8, 10 and 12 carbon atoms were used. The effect of several impregnation-polymerization cycles of the carbon precursor, the carbonization temperature and the need of a previous surface alumination were evaluated. The presence of two porosity domains was identified in all the carbon materials. These two domains comprise pores resulting from the carbonization of the polymer film formed in the inner structure of the PCH (domain I) and larger pores created by the clay particles aggregation (domain II). The predominance of the porosity associated to domain I or II can be achieved by choosing a specific amine to prepare the PCH matrix. Carbonization at 700 C led to the highest development of pores of domain I. In general, the second impregnation-polymerization cycle of furfuryl alcohol resulted in a small decrease of both types of porosity domains. Furthermore the previous acidification of the surface to create acidic sites proved to be unnecessary. The results showed the potential of PCHs as matrices to tailor the textural properties of carbons prepared by template mediated synthesis.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Sanitária
The activity and selectivity of bi-functional carbon-supported platinum catalysts for the hydroisomerization of n-alkanes have been studied. The influence of the properties of the carbon support on the performance of the catalysts were investigated by incorporating the metallic function on a series of carbons with varied porosity (microporous: GL-50 from Norit, and mesoporous: CMK-3) and surface chemistry (modified by wet oxidation). The characterization results achieved with H-2 chemisorption and TEM showed differences in surface metal concentrations and metal-support interactions depending on the support composition. The highest metal dispersion was achieved after oxidation of the carbon matrix in concentrated nitric acid, suggesting that the presence of surface functional sites distributed in inner and outer surface favors a homogeneous metal distribution. On the other hand, the higher hydrogenating activity of the catalysts prepared with the mesoporous carbon pointed out that a fast molecular traffic inside the pores plays an important role in the catalysts performance. For n-decane hydroisomerization of long chain n-alkanes, higher activities were obtained for the catalysts with an optimized acidity and metal dispersion along with adequate porosity, pointing out the importance of the support properties in the performance of the catalysts.
The authors have standardized methods for evaluation of the activity of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and of glutathione reductase. The general principle of the first method was based on methemoglobin formation by sodium nitrite followed by stimulation of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase with methylene blue. Forty six adults (23 males and 23 females) were studied. Subjects were not G6PD deficient and were aged 20 to 30 years. The results showed that methemoglobin reduction by methylene blue was 154.40 and 139.90 mg/min (p<0.05) for males and females, respectively, in whole blood, and 221.10 and 207.85 mg/min (n.s.), respectively, in washed red cells. These data showed that using washed red cells and 0.7g% sodium nitrite concentration produced no differences between sexes and also shortened reading time for the residual amount of methemoglobin to 90 minutes. Glutathione reductase activity was evaluated on the basis of the fact that cystamine (a thiol agent) binds to the SH groups of hemoglobin, forming complexes. These complexes are reversed by the action of glutathione reductase, with methemoglobin reduction occurring simultaneously with this reaction. Thirty two adults (16 males and 16 females) were studied. Subjects were not G6PD deficient and were aged 20 to 30 years. Methemoglobin reduction by cystamine was 81.27 and 91.13 mg/min (p<0.01) for males and females, respectively. These data showed that using washed red cells and 0.1 M cystamine concentration permits a reading of the residual amount of methemoglobin at 180 minutes of incubation. Glutathione reductase activity was evaluated by methemoglobin reduction by cystamine in 14 females before and after treatment with 10 mg riboflavin per day for 8 days. The results were 73.69 and 94.26 jug/min (p<0.01) before and after treatment, showing that riboflavin treatment increase glutathione reductase activity even in normal individuals. Three Black G6PD-deficient individuals (2 males and 1 female) were also studied. The G6PD and glutathione reductase were partially activated, the change being more intense in males. On the basis of race and of the laboratory characteristics observed, it is possible to suggest that the G6PD deficiency of these individuals is of the African type and that the female is heterozygous for this deficiency. Analysis of the results as a whole permitted us to conclude that the methods proposed here were efficient for evaluating the activity of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and of glutathione reductase. The latter is dependent on the pentose pathway, which generates NADPH, and on riboflavin, a FAD precursor vitamin.
Selenium modified ruthenium electrocatalysts supported on carbon black were synthesized using NaBH4 reduction of the metal precursor. Prepared Ru/C electrocatalysts showed high dispersion and very small averaged particle size. These Ru/C electrocatalysts were subsequently modified with Se following two procedures: (a) preformed Ru/carbon catalyst was mixed with SeO2 in xylene and reduced in H2 and (b) Ru metal precursor was mixed with SeO2 followed by reduction with NaBH4. The XRD patterns indicate that a pyrite-type structure was obtained at higher annealing temperatures, regardless of the Ru:Se molar ratio used in the preparation step. A pyrite-type structure also emerged in samples that were not calcined; however, in this case, the pyrite-type structure was only prominent for samples with higher Ru:Se ratios. The characterization of the RuSe/C electrocatalysts suggested that the Se in noncalcined samples was present mainly as an amorphous skin. Preliminary study of activity toward oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) using electrocatalysts with a Ru:Se ratio of 1:0.7 indicated that annealing after modification with Se had a detrimental effect on their activity. This result could be related to the increased particle size of crystalline RuSe2 in heat-treated samples. Higher activity of not annealed RuSe/C catalysts could also be a result of the structure containing amorphous Se skin on the Ru crystal. The electrode obtained using not calcined RuSe showed a very promising performance with a slightly lower activity and higher overpotential in comparison with a commercial Pt/C electrode. Single wall carbon nanohorns (SWNH) were considered for application as ORR electrocatalysts' supports. The characterization of SWNH was carried out regarding their tolerance toward strong catalyzed corrosion conditions. Tests indicated that SWNH have a three times higher electrochemical surface area (ESA) loss than carbon black or Pt commercial electrodes.
Iron is an essential growth element of virtually all microorganisms and its restriction is one of the mechanisms used by macrophages to control microbial multiplication. Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, the agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, an important systemic mycosis in Latin America, is inhibited in its conidia-to-yeast conversion in the absence of iron. We studied the participation of iron in the nitric oxide (NO)-mediated fungicidal mechanism against conidia. Peritoneal murine macrophages activated with 50U/mL of IFN-gamma or treated with 35 µM Deferoxamine (DEX) and infected with P. brasiliensis conidia, were co-cultured and incubated for 96 h in the presence of different concentrations of holotransferrin (HOLO) and FeS0(4). The supernatants were withdrawn in order to assess NO2 production by the Griess method. The monolayers were fixed, stained and observed microscopically. The percentage of the conidia-to-yeast transition was estimated by counting 200 intracellular propagules. IFN-gamma-activated or DEX-treated Mthetas presented marked inhibition of the conidia-to-yeast conversion (19 and 56%, respectively) in comparison with non-activated or untreated Mthetas (80%). IFN-gamma-activated macrophages produced high NO levels in comparison with the controls. Additionally, when the activated or treated-macrophages were supplemented with iron donors (HOLO or FeSO4), the inhibitory action was reversed, although NO production remained intact. These results suggest that the NO-mediated fungicidal mechanism exerted by IFN-gamma-activated macrophages against P. brasiliensis conidia, is dependent of an iron interaction.
RESUMO: A isquémia cerebral é uma das doenças mais predominantes a nivel mundial, sendo uma das principais causas de mortalidade e invalidez. Parte da propagação de dano no cérebro é causado por inflamação descontrolada, causada principalmente por disfunção da microglia. Desta forma, existe a necessidade de tentar desenvolver estratégias para melhor compreender e modular as acções destas células. O monóxido de carbono (CO), é uma molécula endógena com provas dadas como anti-neuroinflamatório em vários modelos. Assim, o principal objectivo do trabalho foi o estudo do CO como um modulador da acção da microglia, com principal foco dado à comunicação entre estas células e neurónios, tentando entender se existe um efeito neuroprotector por inibição da inflamação. Um protocolo de meio condicionado foi estabelecido usando as linhas celulares BV2 e SH-SY5Y, de microglia e neurónio. A molécula CORM-A1, que liberta expontaniamente CO, foi usada como método de entrega da molécula às celulas. Demonstrámos que o pre-tratamento de células BV2 com CORM-A1 gera neuroprotecção já que reduz a morte celular de neurónios SH-SY5Y quando são incubados com meio condicionado de microglia activada em conjunto com o pró-oxidante t-BHP (tert-butil hidroperóxido). Assim, considerámos que o CO promove neuroprotecção ao inibir as acções inflamatórias da microglia. O papel anti-inflamatório da molécula CORM-A1 foi confirmado quando se verificou que pré-tratamento desta molécula em microglia BV2 limita a secreção de TNF-α mas estimula a secreção de IL-10. Por último, a CORM-A1 induziu a expressão do receptor da microglia CD200R1, molécula que participa na comunicação neurónio-microglia e fundamental para a modulação das acções inflamatórias destas últimas. Em suma, o nosso trabalho reforçou as propriedades anti-neuroinflamatórias do CO e uma capacidade de modular viabilidade neuronal através do seu efeito a nível de comunicação célula-célula. ---------------------------- ABSTRACT: Brain ischemia is a widespread disease worldwide, being one of the main causes of mortality and permanent disability. A portion of the damage that ensues following the ischemic event is caused by unrestrained inflammation, which is mainly orchestrated by exacerbated microglial activity. Hence, developing strategies for modulating microglial inflammation is a major concern nowadays. The endogenous molecule carbon monoxide (CO) has been shown to possess anti-neuroinflammatory properties using in vitro and in vivo approaches. Thus, our objective was to study CO as modulator of microglial activity, in particular in what concerns their communication with neurons, by promoting neuronal viability and limiting inflammatory output of activated microglia. A conditioned media strategy was established with BV2 microglia and SH-SY5Y neurons as cell models. CO-releasing molecule A1 (CORM-A1), a compound that releases CO spontaneously, was used as method of CO delivery to cells. We found that CORM-A1 pre-treatment in BV2 cells yields neuroprotective results, as it limits cell death when SH-SY5Y neurons are challenged with conditioned media from LPS-activated microglia and the pro-oxidant t-BHP (tert-butyl-hydroperoxide). Thus, we assumed carbon monoxide promotes neuroprotection via inhibition of microglial inflammation, displaying a non-cell autonomous role. CORM-A1 pre-treatment limited inflammation by inhibiting BV2 secretion of TNF-α and stimulating IL-10 production. These results reinforce that CO’s anti-inflammatory role confers neuroprotection, as the alterations in these cytokines occur concurrently with the increase in SH-SY5Y viability. Finally, we showed for the first time that carbon monoxide promotes the expression of CD200R1, a microglial receptor involved in neuron-glia communication and modulation of microglia inflammation. Further studies are necessary to clarify this role. Altogether, other than just highlighting CO as an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective molecule, this work set the foundation for disclosing its involvement in cell-to-cell communication.
Recent research has proved the potential of alkaline activated fly-ash for soil stabilisation. However, such studies have not focused on the link between financial, mechanical and environmental aspects of this solution, but only on their absolute mechanical properties. The present paper characterises the mechanical behaviour of a large spectrum of activator-ash-soil combinations used to build jet mixing columns, analysing also the cost and CO2 (eq) emissions. The concern with these two vectors forced a decrease in the quantity of stabilising agent added to the soil, relatively to previous research, and the effects of such low quantities have not yet been published. However, the results clearly showed a significant improve in strength, still well above the average values expected when improving the stressstrain behaviour of a weak soil. Uniaxial compressive strength tests were used to assess the effects of the fly-ash percentage, the alkalieash ratio and the water content. The carbon calculator recently developed by the European Federation of Foundation Contractors and the Deep Foundations Institute was used to quantify the CO2 (eq) emissions associated with this technique. The financial cost was estimated based on the experience of a major Portuguese contractor. For comparison purposes, soil cement mixtures were also analysed, using similar conditions and tools used for the soil-ash analysis. Results showed that the cement and ash solutions are very similar in terms of overall performance, with some advantage of the former regarding financial cost, and a significant advantage of the latter regarding the CO2 (eq) emissions. This new grout, although it is in an embryonic stage, it has the potential for broader developments in the field.
Increasing building energy efficiency is one the most cost-effective ways to reduce emissions. The use of thermal insulation materials mitigates heat loss in buildings, therefore minimising heat energy needs. In recent years, several papers were published on the subject of foam alkali-activated cements with enhanced thermal conductivity. However, on those papers cost analysis was strangely avoided. This paper presents experimental results on one-part alkali-activated cements. It also includes global warming potential assessment and cost analysis. Foam one-part alkali-activated cements cost simulations considering two carbon dioxide social costs scenarios are also included. The results show that one-part alkali-activated cements mixtures based on 26%OPC + 58.3%FA + 8%CS + 7.7%CH and 3.5% hydrogen peroxide constitute a promising cost-efficient (67 euro/m3), thermal insulation solution for floor heating systems. This mixture presents a low global warming potential of 443 KgCO2eq/m3. The results confirm that in both carbon dioxide social cost scenarios the mixture 26 OPC + 58.3 FA + 8 CS + 7.7 CH with 3.5% hydrogen peroxide foaming agent is still the most cost efficient.
Macrophages play a central role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis by accumulating cholesterol through increased uptake of oxidized low-density lipoproteins by scavenger receptor CD36, leading to foam cell formation. Here we demonstrate the ability of hexarelin, a GH-releasing peptide, to enhance the expression of ATP-binding cassette A1 and G1 transporters and cholesterol efflux in macrophages. These effects were associated with a transcriptional activation of nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)gamma in response to binding of hexarelin to CD36 and GH secretagogue-receptor 1a, the receptor for ghrelin. The hormone binding domain was not required to mediate PPARgamma activation by hexarelin, and phosphorylation of PPARgamma was increased in THP-1 macrophages treated with hexarelin, suggesting that the response to hexarelin may involve PPARgamma activation function-1 activity. However, the activation of PPARgamma by hexarelin did not lead to an increase in CD36 expression, as opposed to liver X receptor (LXR)alpha, suggesting a differential regulation of PPARgamma-targeted genes in response to hexarelin. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed that, in contrast to a PPARgamma agonist, the occupancy of the CD36 promoter by PPARgamma was not increased in THP-1 macrophages treated with hexarelin, whereas the LXRalpha promoter was strongly occupied by PPARgamma in the same conditions. Treatment of apolipoprotein E-null mice maintained on a lipid-rich diet with hexarelin resulted in a significant reduction in atherosclerotic lesions, concomitant with an enhanced expression of PPARgamma and LXRalpha target genes in peritoneal macrophages. The response was strongly impaired in PPARgamma(+/-) macrophages, indicating that PPARgamma was required to mediate the effect of hexarelin. These findings provide a novel mechanism by which the beneficial regulation of PPARgamma and cholesterol metabolism in macrophages could be regulated by CD36 and ghrelin receptor downstream effects.
Plant-based whole foods provide thousands of bioactive metabolites to the human diet that reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. β-Caryophyllene (CAR) is a common constituent of the essential oil of numerous plants, vegetables, fruits and medicinal herbs, and has been used as a flavouring agent since the 1930 s. Here, we report the antioxidant activity of CAR, its protective effect on liver fibrosis and its inhibitory capacity on hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation. CAR was tested for the inhibition of lipid peroxidation and as a free radical scavenger. CAR had higher inhibitory capacity on lipid peroxidation than probucol, α-humulene and α-tocopherol. Also, CAR showed high scavenging activities against hydroxyl radical and superoxide anion. The activity of 5-lipoxygenase, an enzyme that actively participates in fibrogenesis, was significantly inhibited by CAR. Carbon tetrachloride-treated rats received CAR at 2, 20 and 200 mg/kg. CAR significantly improved liver structure, and reduced fibrosis and the expression of Col1a1, Tgfb1 and Timp1 genes. Oxidative stress was used to establish a model of HSC activation with overproduction of extracellular matrix proteins. CAR (1 and 10 μm) increased cell viability and significantly reduced the expression of fibrotic marker genes. CAR, a sesquiterpene present in numerous plants and foods, is as a natural antioxidant that reduces carbon tetrachloride-mediated liver fibrosis and inhibits hepatic cell activation.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The peroxisome proliferator-activated nuclear receptors (PPAR-alpha, PPAR-beta, and PPAR-gamma), which modulate the expression of genes involved in energy homeostasis, cell cycle, and immune function, may play a role in hepatic stellate cell activation. Previous studies focused on the decreased expression of PPAR-gamma in hepatic stellate cell activation but did not investigate the expression and role of the PPAR-alpha and -beta isotypes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of the different PPARs during hepatic stellate cell activation in vitro and in situ and to analyze possible factors that might contribute to their expression. In a second part of the study, the effect of a PPAR-beta agonist on acute liver injury was evaluated. METHODS: The effects of PPAR isotype-specific ligands on hepatic stellate cell transition were evaluated by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, gel shifts, immunoprecipitation, and use of antisense PPAR-beta RNA-expressing adenoviruses. Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced PPAR-beta phosphorylation and expression was evaluated by metabolic labeling and by using specific P38 inhibitors. RESULTS: Hepatic stellate cells constitutively express high levels of PPAR-beta, which become further induced during culture activation and in vivo fibrogenesis. No significant expression of PPAR-alpha or -gamma was found. Stimulation of the P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway modulated the expression of PPAR-beta. Transcriptional activation of PPAR-beta by L165041 enhanced hepatic stellate cell proliferation. Treatment of rats with a single bolus of CCl(4) in combination with L165041 further enhanced the expression of fibrotic markers. CONCLUSIONS: PPAR-beta is an important signal-transducing factor contributing to hepatic stellate cell proliferation during acute and chronic liver inflammation.
After the landmark studies reporting changes in the cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (CMRGlc ) in excess of those in oxygen (CMRO2 ) during physiological stimulation, several studies have examined the fate of the extra carbon taken up by the brain, reporting a wide range of changes in brain lactate from 20% to 250%. The present study reports functional magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurements at 7 Tesla using the enhanced sensitivity to study a small cohort (n = 6). Small increases in lactate (19% ± 4%, P < 0.05) and glutamate (4% ± 1%, P < 0.001) were seen within the first 2 min of activation. With the exception of glucose (12% ± 5%, P < 0.001), no other metabolite concentration changes beyond experimental error were significantly observed. Therefore, the present study confirms that lactate and glutamate changes during physiological stimulation are small (i.e. below 20%) and shows that the increased sensitivity allows reproduction of previous results with fewer subjects. In addition, the initial rate of glutamate and lactate concentration increases implies an increase in CMRO2 that is slightly below that of CMRGlc during the first 1-2 min of activation.