1000 resultados para Transtornos do Sono
Title vignette.
Ordinationi del capitolo generale: celebrato nell' anno MDCXXXI ..., 210 p., con port. y sign. propias -- S. D. N. D. Vrbani divina providentia Papae VIII. Caeremoniale ..., 12 p., con port. y sign. propias -- Ceremoniale della Santita' Di N. S. Vrbano Papa ottavo ..., 32 p., con port. y sign. propia -- Privilegi della sacra religione di San Giovanni Gerosolimitano ... , 116 p., con port., colofón y sign. propias.
Mode of access: Internet.
As maloclusões estão sempre presente em nossa pratica clínica, por isso é importante a prevenção das causas dessas maloclusões. Os transtornos dos hábitos podem aparecer nas diferentes maloclusões de Angle, Esses transtornos de hábitos podem ser causadores de maloclusões e evidenciar o tipo do padrão facial. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi de analisar se a relação nos transtorna dos hábitos com as maloclusões de Angle e o tipo facial. A amostra foi composta por 398 pacientes com média de idade de 13 anos e 3 meses. De acordo com os resultados encontrados pode-se concluir que: Não houve associação estatisticamente significante entre o tipo de maloclusão e o tipo de amamentação; Não houve associação estatisticamente significante entre o tipo de maloclusão e a sucção de dedo ou de chupeta; Não houve associação estatisticamente significante entre o tipo facial e tipo de amamentação; Não houve associação estatisticamente significante entre tipo facial e o hábito de sucção de chupeta; Na associação de entre o tempo do hábito de sucção e tipo facial,houve maior freqüência deste hábito no tipo dolicofacial;Não houve associação estatisticamente entre o tempo dos hábitos e maloclusão; O tempo de sucção de chupeta foi maoir em braquifacial em relação dolicofacial.(AU)
A avaliação e monitorização de sinais vitais é uma ferramenta fundamental utilizada na medicina, principalmente no que se relaciona com o estado físico do indivíduo. A evolução constante da tecnologia assumiu um papel central na evolução de produtos ligados ao contexto médico, que atualmente assumem-se como produtos do quotidiano. Existiu também uma alteração do paradigma, ou seja, produtos anteriormente utilizados exclusivamente na medicina, agora usados em atividades diárias. A preocupação da monitorização de sinais vitais é uma temática emergente, uma vez que uma análise correta destes dados permite intervir precocemente em aspetos que melhoram a qualidade de vida do indivíduo. A prevenção tornou-se um fator essencial, visto que os utilizadores interagem com estes produtos no quotidiano. Esta necessidade leva ao aparecimento de novos produtos, que estejam ligados à atividade diária do indivíduo. É neste paradigma que a solução se apresenta, a interação do produto com o utilizador de forma discreta e menos intrusiva, oferecendo maior conforto e funcionalidade. Assim sendo, o designer deve perceber os princípios de funcionamento dos componentes que permitem recolher informação sobre os sinais vitais e ambientais. O papel do design neste projeto de investigação passou pelo desenvolvimento de uma solução para monitorização da dinâmica corporal no período do sono, de forma a contribuir para a prevenção da apneia do sono. A solução divide-se em três elementos, que interligados, proporcionam ao utilizador um controlo do período de sono. Os elementos são: tapete de mapeamento de pressão, um monitor de sono, e uma aplicação móvel. Os aspetos ergonómicos e funcionais foram tidos em conta na conceção do produto assim como a aplicação de métodos de desenvolvimento de produto, com o intuito de obter uma solução que respeite as necessidades do utilizador. A solução foi validada, do ponto de vista conceptual, através de um protótipo semi-funcional.
In the current configuration of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, family plays a key role in mental health care: shared responsibility and active participation in the process of rehabilitation of people with severe mental disorders. It´s considered that the family member who cares can help users in their daily tasks and articulating trajectories, networks and ways to potentiate social connections. This research was motivaded by interest in the subject and by the lack of research and studies about this reality in rural areas. This study aimed to identify ways of mental health care by relatives of severe mental disorder patients living in rural zone located at sertão of Paraiba. Methodologically was made a work with qualitative research structured in two moments. In the first one, was held a Documentary Research in CAPS II in order to identify: a) users living in rural that had a history of at least one psychiatric hospitalization, b) users who no longer use the reference service (CAPS II) for at least one year. The second stage consisted by home visits and semi-structured interviews with eleven families in rural areas. Results pointed out a profile composed by 56 users: 56 women and 26 men aged between 50 and 64 years, unmarried, without study, farmers and housewives, living six miles from CAPS II and carriers with severe mental disorders. Strategies and resources used by the families for mental health care were: religion, work, medication and help from relatives, neighbors and community. Factors related to non-use of substitute services were lack of internment in CAPS II and lack of money and transportation. The hospital, the house arrest, the police aid and religion were strategies used by family members as support to psychiatric crises. The data pointed to non-solving of care offered by psychosocial support network and the importance of redirecting practices aligned to the asylum model in favor of psychosocial strategies that aimed at rehabilitation and community participation in mental health care
Biological rhythms are part of the life from the simplest to the most complex living beings. In humans, one of the most important biological rhythms is the sleep-wake cycle (SWC), which represents an indispensable behavior for health, since sleep deprivation can lead to deficits in attention and memory, mood and daytime sleepiness which may affect school performance. Nevertheless, the SWC is a content rarely discussed in schools. Thus, the aim of this research was to address contents of the sleep-wake cycle, related to the content of Health to encourage healthy sleep habits. This study was conducted in a public school with 33 students of the 3rd year of high school and is divided into four stages: 1st) Study and analysis of the content of the textbook adopted by the school to subsidize the activities covered in the teaching unit (TU) and approximation with the biology teacher from the class to evaluated the feasibility of schedules for the development of TU; 2nd) Survey of students' prior knowledge, through a questionnaire, to guide the development of the TU; 3rd) Development and implementation of a TU based on meaningful learning and characterization of the students sleep habits, 4th) Evaluation of the TU as a viable proposal to teach biological rhythms concepts. Previous knowledge of students about the SWC are scarce and this content is not covered in the books adopted by the school. Alternative conceptions were observed, particularly with regard to individual differences in sleep, which may contribute to the occurrence of inadequate sleep habits, as reported by the adolescents in this study. The activities developed during UD were well received by the students who showed participative, motivated and evaluated positively the procedures used by the researcher. After the TU, students' knowledge about the concept of biological rhythms has been increased and they started to identify that the SWC changes throughout life and occur due biological and socio-cultural factors. Thus, the UD elaborated in this study represents a viable proposal to teach the concepts of biological rhythms contextualized to the content of Health, in high school
The teaching profession is often associated with extensive workload inside and outside the classroom, poor teaching conditions, among other challenges that can cause sleep problems. These problems may be even greater in women, due to the professional and domestic work hours and to the major sleep necessity. Considering that sleeping problems may result from the practice of poor sleep habits, sleep education programs are conducted with the aim to reduce sleep deprivation, irregularity on sleep schedules, daytime sleepiness and improve sleep quality. In this sense, the objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of working hours, gender and a sleep education program on sleeping habits, quality of sleep, daytime sleepiness and the level of stress in teachers of elementary and secondary education. For that, teachers filled the questionnaires that assessed: 1. Sleeping habits (Sleep & Health), 2. Chronotype (Horne & Ostberg), 3. Daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale), 4. Sleep Quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), 5. Level of stress (The Inventory of Stress for Adults of Lipp) and 6. Daily pattern of sleep/wake cycle (Sleep Diary). The questionnaires 1, 4, 5 and 6 were repeated 3 weeks after the sleep education program. Teachers who begin work in the morning (7:11 ± 0:11 h) wake up earlier in the week and often have poor sleep quality compared to those who start in the afternoon (13:04 ± 00:12 h). Among those who begin work in the morning, the intermediate types and those with an evening tendency were more irregular in the wake up time than morning types and increased sleep duration on weekend. In relation to gender, women had longer sleep duration than men, although the majority presented excessive daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality. However, when work schedule and age are similar between genders, the difference in sleep duration becomes a tendency and the difference in the percentage of excessive daytime sleepiness disappears, but the poor sleep quality persists in women. With respect to teachers who have gone through the sleep education program, there was an increase in knowledge about the subject, which may have contributed to the reduction in the frequency of coffee consumption close to bedtime and to the sleep quality improved in 18 % of participants. In the control group, there were random differences in knowledge in 3rd stage, and sleep quality improved in only 9% of teachers. The participation in the sleep education program was not enough to change the hours of sleep and decrease stress of teachers. Therefore, the start time school in the morning was preponderant in determining the wake up time of teachers, especially for intermediates types and those with an evening tendency. Furthermore, the poor quality of sleep was more common in women, and the sleep education program contributed to increase knowledge on the subject and to improve sleep quality.
Academic demands, new social context, new routines and decrease of the parental control, are factors that may influence the sleep pattern of freshman students at the University. Medical students from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) have a full-time course, subjects with high-level content, and, at the first semester, classes begin at 7 a.m. This group composed by young adults who still suffering with delayed sleep phase, common in adolescence, indicating that this class schedule can be inappropriate at this age. The reduction of nocturnal sleep during school days, and the attempt to recover sleep on free days – social jet lag (JLS), suggests that in the first semester, students suffer from high sleep pressure. High sleep pressure may reflect on cognitive tasks and performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sleep pressure and the academic profile of medical students from the first semester of UFRN, characterizing this population socio-demographically and investigating possible impacts on therestactivity rhytm and academic performance. A sample of 88 students, healthy men and women awswered the following questionnaires: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality (PSQI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Horne & Ostberg Chronotype (HO), Munich Chronotype (MCTQ) and “Health and Sleep” adapted. Actigraphy was used during 14 days to make actogramas and obtain non-parametric variables of the rest-activity rhythm and the grades of the morning schedule were used as academic performance. The JLS was used as a measure of sleep pressure. Statistics significance level was 95%. The population was sociodemographic homogeneous. Most students have healthy lifestyle, practice physical activity, use car to go to the university and take between 15 and 30 minutes for this route. Regarding CSV, most were classify as intermediate (38.6%) and evening (32%) chronotypes, needs to nap during the week, suffer daytime sleepiness and have poor sleep quality. 83% of the sample has at least 1h JLS, which led us to divide into two groups: Group <2h JLS (N = 44) and Group ≥ 2h JLS (N = 44). The groups have differences only in chronotype, showing that most evening individuals have more JLS, however, no differences were found in relation to sociodemographic aspect, rest-activity rhythm or academic performance. The homogeneity of the sample was limited to compare the groups, however, is alarming that students already present in the first half: JLG, poor sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness, which can be accentuated through the university years, with the emergence of night shifts and increased academic demand. Interventionsaddressingthe importance of good sleep habits and the change of the class start time are strategies aimed to improve student’s health.
The aging process causes changes in the elderly’s sleep/awake standard impairing their cognitive abilities, particularly executive functioning, which already suffers loss by aging. The literature suggests that executive function and preserved sleep quality are key to maintaining good quality of life and independence of older people, requiring interventions to minimize the impact of losses incurred by the aging process. This study evaluated the effect of a cognitive training program and sleep hygiene techniques for executive functions and sleep quality in healthy older people. The participants were 41 healthy older adults, of both sexes, who were randomly divided into four groups: control group [GC], cognitive training group [GTC], sleep hygiene group [GHS] and training group + hygiene [GTH]. The research was developed in three stages: 1st - initial assessment of cognition and sleep; 2nd - specific intervention to each group; 3rd - post-intervention revaluation. The results showed that GTC had significant improvements in cognitive tasks flexibility, planning, verbal fluency and some aspects of episodic memory, besides gains in sleep quality and decrease on daytime hypersomnolence. The GHS improved sleep quality and daytime sleepiness as well and had significant improvements in insights capacity, planning, attention and in all evaluated aspects of episodic memory. The GTH had significant gains in cognitive flexibility, problem solving, verbal fluency, attention and episodic memory. The CG showed significant worsening in excessive daytime sleepiness in capacity planning. Thus, we conclude that cognitive training interventions and sleep hygiene strategies are useful in improving cognitive performance and quality of healthy elderly sleep.
The increased incidence along to new therapies for the treatment of HIV/AIDS bring way up exercise as a treatment option, as this promotes relevant changes in the general functioning of the body. The objective of this study was to evaluate in different periods the influence of exercise on quality of life and quality of sleep people living with HIV/AIDS, Natal/RN. The sample consisted of 17 people living with HIV/AIDS participating in physical exercise program, along accompanied by 25 months during the period January 2013 to April 2015. We evaluated through specific instruments quality of life, sleep quality and immunological parameters, which were evaluated before starting the exercise program and reassessed during periods of 2-4 months (short), 5-17 months (average period or intermediate) and finally to 19-25 months (long period). The results showed significant differences in five of the nine areas of quality life, pointing positive behaviors, specifically in the areas overall function, life satisfaction, health concerns, concerns about the medication and acceptance to HIV. We conclude that physical exercise promoted benefits both in short and long term, especially for the areas of quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS and also demonstrated positive behavior changes and to aspects of sleep quality.
Learning and memory are important mechanism for species, since its allows to recognize conspecifics, routes and food place. Sleep is one of behaviors known by facilitate learning, it is a widespread phenomenon, present in most of vertebrates lives and highly investigated in many aspects. It is known that sleep deprivation modifies physiologic behavioral processes in animals, however, sleep function in organism is still debatable. Hypothesis range from energy conservation to memory consolidation, with different roles in animal’s evolution. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) emerg e in the last years as vertebrate model in genetics and developmental biology and quickly become popular in behavioral studies, as learning and memory. Despite the fact that zebrafish is a diurnal animal and have well characterized sleep behavior, zebrafish fish still has advantages due to its small size and low cost of maintenance, whichestablishes this species as interesting model for research on sleep. In this study we aimed to analyze the effects of partial and total sleep deprivation on learning acquisition, as well the concomitant administration of alcohol and melatonin. For this, the research was divided in three phases, each one with a different kind of conditioning: (1) object Recognition, (2) avoidance conditioning and (3) appetitive conditioning. The results showed the fish partially sleep deprived and totally sleep deprived + et hanol could perform the tasks just like the control group, however, fish totally sleep deprived and totally sleep deprived + melatonin showed impairments in attention and memory during the tests. Our results suggest that only one night of sleep deprivation is enough to harm the zebrafish performance in cognitive tasks. In addition, ethanol exposure on the night previously the test seems to suppress the negative effects of sleep deprivation, while the melatonin treatment seems not to be enough to promote sleep state, at least on the protocol applied here.
Learning and memory are important mechanism for species, since its allows to recognize conspecifics, routes and food place. Sleep is one of behaviors known by facilitate learning, it is a widespread phenomenon, present in most of vertebrates lives and highly investigated in many aspects. It is known that sleep deprivation modifies physiologic behavioral processes in animals, however, sleep function in organism is still debatable. Hypothesis range from energy conservation to memory consolidation, with different roles in animal’s evolution. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) emerg e in the last years as vertebrate model in genetics and developmental biology and quickly become popular in behavioral studies, as learning and memory. Despite the fact that zebrafish is a diurnal animal and have well characterized sleep behavior, zebrafish fish still has advantages due to its small size and low cost of maintenance, whichestablishes this species as interesting model for research on sleep. In this study we aimed to analyze the effects of partial and total sleep deprivation on learning acquisition, as well the concomitant administration of alcohol and melatonin. For this, the research was divided in three phases, each one with a different kind of conditioning: (1) object Recognition, (2) avoidance conditioning and (3) appetitive conditioning. The results showed the fish partially sleep deprived and totally sleep deprived + et hanol could perform the tasks just like the control group, however, fish totally sleep deprived and totally sleep deprived + melatonin showed impairments in attention and memory during the tests. Our results suggest that only one night of sleep deprivation is enough to harm the zebrafish performance in cognitive tasks. In addition, ethanol exposure on the night previously the test seems to suppress the negative effects of sleep deprivation, while the melatonin treatment seems not to be enough to promote sleep state, at least on the protocol applied here.
This study aimed to analyze the pattern characteristics of sleep and sleep quality of nurses who worked day and night shifts. This is a study with a quantitative approach, cross-sectional, descriptive. The study was conducted at the University Hospital of Rio Grande do Norte. Data were collected in full in the period from January to September 2015, through the instruments: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Sleep Diary. Subjects were interviewed according to their work shift, day or night, during the working hours of the nursing team. After being coded and tabulated, data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in the Opinion No. 751 567. For a description of continuous variables were used position measurements (mean and median), dispersion (standard deviation) and correlation (Spearman correlation test), to a 0.05 significance level. The socio-demographic profile of the sample showed a total of n = 104 participants, distributed in: 64 on day shift and night shift 40; wherein 90.4% are female, aged between 24-45 years, corresponding to 73% of the sample. There was the presence of statistically significant differences for the variables: employment and living habits (inpatient and outpatient sector (p = 0.003), have more than one job (p = 0.002), use cordial (p = 0.021); Sleep pattern: nap time (p = 0.003), sleep latency (p = 0.013), total sleep time (p = 0.001), how it felt to wake up (p = 0.017), quality of nighttime sleep (p = 0.001) and sleep quality (p = 0.007) compared between the day shift and the night shift. It was concluded that shift work has changed the pattern and sleep quality of nurses working day and night shifts.
This study aimed to analyze the pattern characteristics of sleep and sleep quality of nurses who worked day and night shifts. This is a study with a quantitative approach, cross-sectional, descriptive. The study was conducted at the University Hospital of Rio Grande do Norte. Data were collected in full in the period from January to September 2015, through the instruments: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Sleep Diary. Subjects were interviewed according to their work shift, day or night, during the working hours of the nursing team. After being coded and tabulated, data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in the Opinion No. 751 567. For a description of continuous variables were used position measurements (mean and median), dispersion (standard deviation) and correlation (Spearman correlation test), to a 0.05 significance level. The socio-demographic profile of the sample showed a total of n = 104 participants, distributed in: 64 on day shift and night shift 40; wherein 90.4% are female, aged between 24-45 years, corresponding to 73% of the sample. There was the presence of statistically significant differences for the variables: employment and living habits (inpatient and outpatient sector (p = 0.003), have more than one job (p = 0.002), use cordial (p = 0.021); Sleep pattern: nap time (p = 0.003), sleep latency (p = 0.013), total sleep time (p = 0.001), how it felt to wake up (p = 0.017), quality of nighttime sleep (p = 0.001) and sleep quality (p = 0.007) compared between the day shift and the night shift. It was concluded that shift work has changed the pattern and sleep quality of nurses working day and night shifts.