851 resultados para Trabalho : Saude mental


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This study aimed to evaluate the work of professionals to care for families in Psychosocial Care Centers ( C APS) of Rio Grande do Norte ( RN), from the roles and functions performed by these professional services. For this, it was pointed out the following objectives: To describe the profile and the activities conducted by mental health teams in the RN CAPS ; Know the opinion of professionals in the mental health teams of the poli ti c , practices and training in mental health; Check the suitability of the roles and functions of professionals working in the RN CAPS in relation to care for families . This is an analytic al cross - sectional study of quantitative and qualitative approach . Data were c ollected through a questionnaire in 33 CAPS RN, between March and October 2014 , after being approved by the Research Ethics Committee / UFRN , opinion nº217.808 , CAAE : 10650612.8. 1001.5537 , on March 1 2013. T he sample was adopted , defined by inclusion and exclusion criteria , and is composed of 183 professionals. The database preparation followed two steps: 1. Preparation and processing of data of closed questions of the questionnai re concerning the characterization and practices in mental health research subjects through informational resource Statistical Package for Social Scienses (SPSS) Statistics version 20.0 ; 2. To check the significance level was chosen by applying the chi - squ are test. Preparation and treatment of the corpus formed by the answers to open questions relating to the policies, practices and training in psychiatry through Analyse lexicale pair Contexte software d' un Ensemble of Segments of Texte ( ALCESTE) together a nd categorized by content analysis technique , Bardin (2004) . The data analysis is supported in the literature . It m ade explicit the results through three articles waxing the following results. In the first, participants profile was characterized by a predo minance of females (76.5 %), aged 40 - 58 years ( 61.7 %). They work between 30 and 40 hours per week (63.5 %), working in mental health for over 10 years ( 98.4%). The sample directs the care of family groups ( 65.7%), predominantly the care team of social worke rs, nurses, psychologists and occupational therapists . The doctor performs emergency care without interaction with the staff (48.6%) . On the difficulties encountered in services are ranked in : materials and supplies ( 75.1%), financial ( 78.5%) and structura l ( 66.9%). The second article contains qualitative data organized into five categories : Promoting the rehabilitation of users of CAPS ; Needs training ; Conflicts and satisfactions of teamwork ; Practices developed in CAPS ; Effective difficulties of Mental He alth Policy . The third article highlights the inadequacy of care for families ( 93.4%) and comparing the care families and groups in CAPS both types show to be inadequate : family ( 92.63%), groups ( 92, 60%). The main data obtained reveal the urgent need for transformation in psychosocial care . It shows also the importance of investments in inputs, physical structure and training of human resources for the CAPS.


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The Brazilian prison system is going through a serious crisis, not only due to the growth in the number of prisoners and the consequent overcrowding of prisons, but also for the violation of human rights, institutionalization and difficulty in social rehabilitation of inmates. Furthermore, the harmful effects of the prison system affect their workers, who generally are not prioritized by researchers, health programs and government policies. The literature pointing to some consequences of work in prison, among them, the mental illness, stress, alcohol abuse, etc., but little is known about this profession, their problems, the difficulties of their work routine, so as subjective processes involved. So, what are the effects of this work in the prison in the lives of correctional officers? What strategies developed to address the work in prison? This research aims to analyze the effects of this work in the prison in the lives of correctional officers from the state prison in Parnamirim, located in the metropolitan region of Natal-RN. Within the theoretical and methodological perspective of institutional analysis and cartography were carried conversation circles, interviews, in addition to participant observation of the correctional officers work’s routine. The results point to a working routine marked by the performance of procedures that involve risk to the worker, generating situations of tension and stress. Besides, the culture of violence (which is implemented in jail everyday) as well as the training and initial learning of the profession, are responsible for the militarization process of the subjectivities of the correctional officers, producing hard subject, disciplined, stiff, likely to violent practices and other rights violations. Other mapped effects relate to the acquisition of knowledge about the human (“psy” knowledge) responsible for forging the conception of the criminal as "dangerous subject", which, in turn, acts as subjectivity vector in the daily life of prison guards by setting up a way of life crossed by fear and insecurity outside the work environment. Produces a control in the open about their lives and their families, limiting them with regard to family and community life and the realization of leisure activities in public spaces. In this sense, it appears that the arrest acts producing “bad meetings” (from Espinosa's perspective), once it produces sad affections responsible for weakening the conatus, limiting the possibilities of action of these subjects. Although agents develop some strategies to deal with the difficulties of working in prison (among which stand out the development of other professional or leisure activities, spirituality / religiosity and the ability to separate the labor moments from those of their the personal lives, is advocated that such strategies do not offer significant resistance, since they do not question the contemporary legal-criminal logic. The thesis presented supports the proposals of penal abolitionism to present other conceptions of crime and justice through the invention of other practical and conceptual strategies.


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Introdução: Na Atenção Primária à Saúde, nos contextos internacional e nacional, o trabalho em equipe tem sido reconhecido como estratégia decisiva para a organização de processos que visam à integralidade do cuidado, além de possibilitar melhorias na satisfação dos usuários com os serviços de saúde. Neste sentido, o objetivo, deste estudo, é analisar o trabalho em equipe na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa em banco de dados secundários. Realizou-se três estudos: a) O trabalho em equipe na Atenção Primária à Saúde, em Portugal, pesquisa avaliativa, de natureza qualitativa, tipo estudo de caso descritivo, que representou um recorte dos resultados derivados da pesquisa integrada ao projeto “Implantação das Unidades de Saúde Familiar em Portugal”, que teve como procedimentos entrevistas semiestruturadas, roteiro de coleta de informações (check list) e análise documental. Foi realizada a estratégia de triangulação dos dados com análise de conteúdo; b) trabalho em equipe, acesso e qualidade na Atenção Primária à Saúde, no Brasil, estudo transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado a partir dos dados obtidos da “Pesquisa de Avaliação Externa do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica”, no Brasil, em 2013. Amostra composta de 17202 profissionais e 65391 usuários. Utilizou-se entrevista estruturada, com análise estatística realizada pelas frequências absolutas e relativas das variáveis através do programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences. c) satisfação dos usuários com o trabalho em equipe na Atenção Primária à Saúde, no Brasil, estudo transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado a partir dos dados obtidos da “Pesquisa de Avaliação Externa do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica”, no Brasil, em 2013. Amostra composta de 65391 usuários. Realizou-se análise estatística das frequências absolutas e relativas das variáveis através do programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Utilizou-se, ainda, o Teste X2 , com nível de significância de 5%; análise de regressão logística múltipla. O modelo final foi ajustado pelo teste de Hosmer/Lemeshow, o qual indicou um ajuste de 66%. Resultados: Sobre o trabalho em equipe na Atenção Primária à Saúde, em Portugal, destacou-se a formação das equipes de forma voluntária, por meio de afinidades pessoais, a existência de “carteira básica de serviços”, juntamente com x intervenções de vigilância, promoção da saúde e prevenção de doença, cuidados em situação de doença aguda, acompanhamento clínico de doença crônica e de patologia múltipla, cuidados domiciliares, interligação e colaboração em rede com outros serviços (cuidados hospitalares), sistemas informatizados nas unidades de saúde. Os dados revelaram dificuldades quanto ao atendimento domiciliar. No Brasil, foi destaque o processo de trabalho, com avanços relacionados a realização de planejamento e programação das ações e o apoio da gestão. Existência de território definido e de prontuários familiares. É destaque a agenda compartilhada e pactuada entre os profissionais. As equipes realizam acolhimento e reuniões, cujos temas, discutidos, giram em torno do processo de trabalho e planejamento. Os desafios, enfrentados, estão relacionados ao agendamento dos usuários; ao número de pessoas sob a responsabilidade das equipes; à existência de população descoberta nas áreas adscritas à Unidade de Saúde; à incipiência na ação intersetorial e ao pouco envolvimento da comunidade pelas equipes. Quanto aos fatores associados à satisfação do usuário foi marcante: a faixa etária; a escolaridade; a raça; se a falta de material prejudica o atendimento e se a equipe consegue marcar consulta para outros profissionais. Conclusões: Constatou-se o trabalho em equipe como elemento central no processo de mudança na Atenção Primária à Saúde, tanto no contexto de Portugal quanto no do Brasil, o qual ampliou o acesso e a qualidade na oferta de serviços de saúde e obteve, ainda, o reconhecimento social, mesmo que, em ambas as realidades, não tenha avançado na coordenação do cuidado e no estímulo à participação social. Os fatores, associados com a satisfação do usuário, estão relacionados diretamente ao cuidado prestado e refletem a expectativa, por parte do usuário, de resolução concreta de suas necessidades.


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The reformist movements in the field of mental health have pointed battle flags, among which the prioritization of production of mental health care out of the asylum environment should be highlighted, aiming the reduction of psychiatric beds, greater control over the hospitalization, family co-participation and the rescue of the citizenship of the social players involved. With the progressive reduction of asylum beds, associated with a lot of structural problems in the health services, the occurrence of crises outside the hospital environment has been increasingly frequent, thus giving the family an important therapeutic role. In face of this scenario, there is an urgent need to understand the social construction of the care for psychiatric emergencies, identifying the meanings assigned by family members to their constituent aspects. This study seeks to answer the following research question: what are the social representations of family members about the care of psychiatric emergencies in the city of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte? Therefore, the aim is to analyze the social representations of family members about the care of psychiatric emergencies in the city of Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte. This is an exploratory and descriptive study, with a mixed approach, making use of multimethods: for collection, the semi-structured interview and the Technique of Free Association of Words; for data analysis, the Thematic Analysis of Bardin and its steps was used, with the informational support of the softwares ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble de Segments de Texte) and Iramuteq (Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires); and the theoretical support of social representations. The study participants totaled 72, and they were selected from the following criteria: older than18 years, with degree of kinship with users suffering from some mental and behavioral disorder, and who have already witnessed a situation of crisis, rescued by the SAMU or other means and taken to the psychiatric hospital or general emergency room. Preliminary results point out: 1.Previous note of the research project with the aim to disseminate it in the scientific community and ensure the intellectual property of the work; 2.The contextual analysis of the care for emergencies in the study place. Reflection about the phenomenon provide a name to the care for the psychiatric emergencies, which is called immediate context; the technical and operational aspects that influence the care, as a specific/ general context; and mental health policies in Brazil are identified as metacontext; 3. The systematic review from randomized clinical trials in the databases PubMed, COCHRANE, LILACS, SciELO and SCIRUS, with the use of the descriptors: ‘Physical restraint’, ‘Psychiatric emergency services’, ‘Restraint’, ‘Physical and Emergency Services’, ‘Psychiatric’. Only one work met the search protocol criteria: a short-term essay that records limited results about the proportion of people who are in restraint and seclusion. It does not show statistically significant results in relation to indications, contraindications and risks of the use of physical restraint; 4. The social representations of the care for psychiatric emergencies. The study results point to the presence of five thematic categories: 1. feeling in the face of the crisis/care; 2. thoughts and perspectives about the crisis/care; 3. centrality of care in the medical- medication-hospitalization triad; 4. the thinking/acting in the face of the use of physical restraint and police force; 5. periodicity of crises. The central core of the representation is in the first category, whilst the peripheral elements are in the third and fifth categories. The contrast zone is in the second and fourth categories. The sadness is the most prominent element of the structure. The social representations about the care for psychiatric crises are at a time of transition between the hegemonic and reformist models, with the traditional aspects being predominant, but already showing peripheral and contrast elements that point to a possible change in the representational field.


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Unfavorable working conditions constitute one of the factors that may contribute to cause psychic suffering and behavioral disorders in workers. This research aimed to characterize the working conditions public servant technical- administrative , specifically the auxiliaries and assistants in administration of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN, Natal, Brasil, as well to identify the incidence of psychic suffering in this group of public servants. As a strategy, we chose a case study of multi-method type, descriptive with quantitative and qualitative sequential steps. For this, it initially performed desk research by surveying epidemiological data for these public servants working in central campus, to identify the major diseases presented in the period from January 2011 to June 2014. Then, we proceeded to diagnostic step of the aspects related to work, by applying online and in loco of Working Conditions Survey (already validated by Borges et al., 2013a) in 11 sectors selected according to the following criteria: high number of workers public servants and major and minor percentage of absences for health care for ICD-F (according to records of Sector of Workers Health Care - DAS). In the treatment of the data the spreadsheet editor software Microsoft Office Excel and statistical SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences were used and made qualifying type of content analysis of open questions. Applied to this study 174 public servants and the results show a predominance of absenteeism due to mental or behavioral disorders (ICD F), musculoskeletal diseases (ICD M) and respiratory system (ICD J). Among the factors that were significant are the working hours (contractual and legal); Physical Effort (M = 2.59) and workspace (M = 2.58) - physical and material conditions; encouraging collaboration (M = 3.5) - processes and characteristics of the work; and participation (M = 1.78) - social-management environment. Therefore, it infers the existence of a relationship between these factors and some of the reasons for absenteeism reported by participants. It is suggested the expansion of this research with studies involving other professionals (including scholarship workers and contractors) and specific sectors.


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The National Police for Basic Care (PNAB), regulated by ordinance nº2488 from October 2011, restates the Family Health Strategy (ESF) as a priority to the expansion, consolidation and qualification of basic attention to health matters in Brazil. In order to bring it about, city counsellors along with other federal entities ought to ordinate their work process deepening principals, directions and fundaments of Basic Care (AB). Besides ESF, the new PNAB expatiates on the Family Health Support Centres (NASF), reaffirming their role on broadening the scope of basic care actions and their improvements, ratifying their ability to share knowledge and support Basic Care professionals. All this considered, the purpose of this work is to investigate how NASF is currently structured in João Pessoa and what has been achieved by it on what concerns to mental health. Its main objectives are to analyse the practices of mental health professionals that are part of NASF teams and if they differ from what has been developed by the other members of the teams; to discuss the articulation of NASF in managing mental health measures on what concerns to internal organisatio n and to the city health network; to identify strategies used to organise such measures on mental health in Basic Care. To reach such goals, individual interviews have taken place two city health managers and four of NASF professionals that participated on the Mental Health Office as representatives of their sanitary districts. Also a focal group formed by various supporters of NASF was created, contemplating the diversity of professional categories involved with the teams and sanitary districts. It was possible to identify in NASF, in João Pessoa, an organisation based by the matrix support in which both management and basic care demands reflect a series of actions developed alongside with ESF. Amongst such actions, matrixing, home visits and the Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS) stand out. These activities have been discussed on the focal group and integrate the daily work of all NASF supporters despite their professional categories. NASF presents itself as a powerful strategy to SUS proper qualification and support to strengthen Basic Care and broaden family health teams‟actions.


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Dwellers of agrarian reform settlements have a life conditioned by poor living and work conditions, difficulties accessing health programs, social assistance and other public policies and by this exacerbating their psychosocial and environmental vulnerability, which has an impact on their mental health. This research investigates the availability of support by the health and social assistance staff, regarding the demands of common mental disorders and alcohol abuse of dwellers of nine settlements in Rio Grande do Norte. Fifty three experts from different professional categories were interviewed individually or in groups. The results indicate that the workers suffer from poor working conditions, attributes of patrimonial heritage and welfare, which still survives in Brazilian social policies and particularly at local administrations of the countryside. The staffs have little knowledge of the local conditions and of the mental health needs, which has a negative impact on the reception and offered care. The implemented health care still corresponds to the biomedical logic, characterized by ethnocentrism, technicality, biology, cure, individualism and specialization, with little participation of the dwellers and disregarding the traditional knowledge and practices of local health care and by this not achieving the expected results. The psychosocial attendance is not well coordinated, presenting problems with the follow-up and continuity of care. The psychosocial mental health care in rural context has to face the challenge of the reorganization of the health care networks, the establishment of primary health care close to the people’s everyday life, building intersectional practices considering a health multidetermination and health education connected to these specific contexts. Due to the lack of knowledge of the specifics of the life conditions of the dwellers and the fragmentation of the psychosocial health care network, these staffs do not abide and are not ready to face the mental health needs in order to interfere with these health iniquities.


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Dwellers of agrarian reform settlements have a life conditioned by poor living and work conditions, difficulties accessing health programs, social assistance and other public policies and by this exacerbating their psychosocial and environmental vulnerability, which has an impact on their mental health. This research investigates the availability of support by the health and social assistance staff, regarding the demands of common mental disorders and alcohol abuse of dwellers of nine settlements in Rio Grande do Norte. Fifty three experts from different professional categories were interviewed individually or in groups. The results indicate that the workers suffer from poor working conditions, attributes of patrimonial heritage and welfare, which still survives in Brazilian social policies and particularly at local administrations of the countryside. The staffs have little knowledge of the local conditions and of the mental health needs, which has a negative impact on the reception and offered care. The implemented health care still corresponds to the biomedical logic, characterized by ethnocentrism, technicality, biology, cure, individualism and specialization, with little participation of the dwellers and disregarding the traditional knowledge and practices of local health care and by this not achieving the expected results. The psychosocial attendance is not well coordinated, presenting problems with the follow-up and continuity of care. The psychosocial mental health care in rural context has to face the challenge of the reorganization of the health care networks, the establishment of primary health care close to the people’s everyday life, building intersectional practices considering a health multidetermination and health education connected to these specific contexts. Due to the lack of knowledge of the specifics of the life conditions of the dwellers and the fragmentation of the psychosocial health care network, these staffs do not abide and are not ready to face the mental health needs in order to interfere with these health iniquities.


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In the case of Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation, mental health juvenile reveals itself as a great challenge, with major gaps in terms of needs, services and actions on mental illness in children and adolescents. This research is a qualitative study of descriptive and exploratory, having to analyze the actions and practices of mental health juvenile articulated between the Psychosocial Care Center juvenile (Caps i) and the basic care in Natal-RN, and specific, identify the limits and possibilities for an important precedent of the care network. After submission to the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) obtained approval contained in opinion number 777.067 / 2014. For the data collection, it was initially carried out a documentary research in the Municipal Health Department of Christmas about the phenomenon under study, and subsequently, applied semi-structured interviews with the subjects of the research, which were workers Caps i of Natal-RN. The analysis was woven as the thematic analysis technique, understood within the method of content analysis. The results and discussions were organized by categories and subcategories, namely: CATEGORY 1: Limits and weaknesses in the linkage between the Caps i and basic care, with the subcategories: 1.1 Lack of specialized services and devices articulators in network, 1.2 The diversity of situations in the demand juvenile assisted; CATEGORY 2: possibilities for an effective network, with the subcategory: 2.1 Intersectoral collaboration as a strategy for solving attention. The analysis revealed that the integration and coordination of mental health services juvenile and primary care in the city of Natal-RN, has incipient initiatives and/or inadequate for the resolvability intersectoral, where the devices of attention to health involved cannot establish bonds effective and long-lasting in the perspective of co-responsibility and sharing of care. On the other hand, it appears that the existing shares and practiced, configure an exercise in approximation to the dialog between mental health juvenile and basic care. It is highlighted that the shared care and the establishment of intersectoral collaboration within and outside of the health sector is possibility of facilitating the necessary dialog between the services and professionals involved, thus, enabling a better prospect of resolvability of the Network of Psychosocial Care for the youth in reality being investigated.


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Há um consenso na literatura de que a vivência do abuso sexual na infância ocasiona uma série de consequências, tanto físicas quanto psicológicas, às vítimas. O cenário de violência contra crianças e adolescentes está cada vez mais frequente na sociedade contemporânea, tornando-se um problema de saúde pública, de modo a ser necessário um olhar mais atento dos profissionais e elaboração de políticas públicas tanto para a prevenção dos casos como para o tratamento dos problemas deles decorrentes. Nas crianças, há uma associação do aumento de problemas comportamentais e psicológicos, que podem se estender até o período da idade adulta. Outros estudos enfatizam alterações em áreas cerebrais e as relacionam com o surgimento de transtornos mentais na população de crianças vítimas de violência sexual, dentre outros tipos de violência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a presença de traços de personalidade, os estilos parentais desenvolvidos e o desempenho cognitivo, especificamente as funções executivas, em meninos com histórico de abuso sexual. Foram avaliadas 62 crianças e adolescentes (32 com histórico de abuso sexual e 30 sem), sendo que no grupo de abuso a idade média dos integrantes é de 11,7 anos de idade e seus genitores majoritariamente divorciados, diferentemente do grupo controle, no qual os genitores são, na maior parte, casados. O método constou de questionário sociodemográfico, testes neuropsicológicos que avaliam as funções executivas (Wisconsin Card Sortint Test, Figuras de Ray e Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças - Terceira Edição (WISC-III)- Semelhanças, Arranjo de Figuras, Compreensão, Cubos, Dígitos e Vocabulário), Questionário de Personalidade para Crianças e Adolescentes (EPQ-J) e Inventário de Estilos Parentais (IEP). Não houve resultados significativos entre o abuso e as funções executivas, tanto nos subtestes dos Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças - Terceira Edição (WISC-III) quanto no do Wisconsin; porém o grupo apresentou dados significativamente menores na memória do Figuras Complexas de Rey. Com relação ao EPQ-J, os resultados demonstraram maiores índices de neuroticismo, os quais podem ser associados com sintomas de depressão, e apresentaram menores índices em extroversão, trazendo possíveis dificuldades nas relações sociais. Com relação aos estilos parentais, o grupo apresentou dificuldades e prejuízos nas percepções sobre os genitores, especialmente com relação ao genitor, que é o maior abusador estatisticamente. Os dados mostraram uma correlação entre neuroticismo e vocabulário, estilos parentais e vocabulário, e neuroticismo e estilos parentais. Observou-se a importância de maiores estudos com o público masculino, para que possam ser elucidadas, de forma mais abrangente, as questões de abuso sexual e suas interferências nos aspectos neuropsicológicos, estilos parentais e traços de personalidade, visto que a maior parte dos estudos é relacionada ao público feminino. É necessário o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas para o atendimento específico do público masculino que sofre abuso, e que o profissional da saúde esteja preparado para ajudar, fortalecendo os aspectos psíquicos e emocionais.


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Explorar a qualidade de vida de jovens com deficiência mental permite abrir caminhos de reflexão em relação às políticas sociais, aos constrangimentos das instituições e à acção dos profissionais, nomeadamente dos Assistentes Sociais. O conceito de qualidade de vida adoptado abrange oito dimensões consideradas fundamentais: o bem-estar físico e emocional, as relações interpessoais, a inclusão social, o desenvolvimento pessoal, o bem- -estar material, a auto-determinação e os direitos. O objectivo do estudo consistiu em avaliar a qualidade de vida de jovens com deficiência mental ligeira, através da análise comparativa entre dois grupos: um vivendo em contexto familiar e outro em contexto institucional. O estudo é de natureza exploratória, sendo a amostra constituída por vinte e quatro jovens, com idades compreendidas entre os dezasseis e os vinte anos. A informação foi recolhida mediante uma entrevista estruturada, com base num questionário previamente testado. Independentemente do seu contexto de vida, estes jovens revelam uma boa percepção da sua condição física e do seu grau de autonomia e de felicidade. Estão satisfeitos com as pessoas com quem se relacionam em contexto de trabalho e atribuem níveis semelhantes de importância e satisfação relativamente ao seu salário. Os jovens que vivem em contexto familiar consideram que têm mais condições de privacidade e de conforto e que são mais independentes, confiam mais nas suas capacidades, consideram mais importante o direito à diferença, revelam-se mais críticos quanto ao local e às regras do trabalho e estão mais satisfeitos em todas as áreas previstas. Os jovens que vivem em contexto institucional têm uma percepção mais negativa das relações que estabelecem com pessoas próximas. Na globalidade, os jovens que vivem em contexto familiar têm uma percepção mais positiva da sua qualidade de vida do que os que vivem em contexto institucional. É evidente a necessidade de realização de outros estudos que permitam conhecer melhor esta realidade, pois só assim será possível encaminhar a acção dos Assistentes Sociais no sentido da construção de um futuro melhor para todos.


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Este trabalho pretende conhecer as representações sociais de Psiquiatras, Internos de Psiquiatria, Pedopsiquiatras e Psicólogos Clínicos sobre a doença mental em quatro dimensões: (1) conceptual – conceitos de saúde e doença mental, (2) explicativa – causalidade da doença mental (3) interventiva – modelos de intervenção e objetivos da prática clínica, e (4) contextual – influência do contexto na prática clínica. É um estudo qualitativo de carácter exploratório, pontuado epistemologicamente pelo construcionismo social e teoricamente pelo quadro das representações sociais. Participaram 30 profissionais (13 Psicólogos, 10 Psiquiatras, 5 Internos de Psiquiatria e 2 Pedopsiquiatras) aos quais foi aplicada uma entrevista semi-estruturada que foi analisada quanto ao seu conteúdo (através do software NVivo 10). Da análise dos resultados salienta-se que as representações dos profissionais quanto à conceptualização da doença mental são heterogéneas. A saúde mental é equacionada como flexibilidade, adaptação, funcionalidade e bem-estar biopsicossocial do indivíduo. A causalidade atribuída à doença mental assenta no modelo interacionista biopsicossocial. Quanto à intervenção, os participantes utilizam estratégias e modelos de intervenção ecléticos, salientando-se como objetivos a promoção do bem-estar e diminuição do sofrimento, a promoção do funcionamento e autonomia e a “cura”. O contexto institucional surge como comprometedor da liberdade de atuação na prática pública e como facilitador da liberdade de atuação do clínico na prática privada. Conclui-se que a análise individual (disposicional) do comportamento patológico é privilegiada em detrimento da análise contextual (situacional). Implicações do presente estudo para o quadro teórico das representações sociais da doença mental são consideradas. / The present aims to acknowledge the social representations about mental disease of Psychiatrists, Psychiatrist Interns, Child Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists. Four dimensions were considered: (1) conceptual - concepts about health and mental disease; (2) descriptive – mental disease causes; (3) intervention – models for clinical intervention and clinical procedures; and (4) context – influence of the context in clinical procedures. A qualitative and exploratory study was developed based, epistemologically, on social constructionism and social representations. Through the course of the research 30 semi-structured interviews were conducted (13 psychologists, 10 psychiatrists, 5 Internal Psychiatry and 2 child psychiatrists) to which it was applied a semi-structured interview. A content analysis of the interviews was performed by NVivo 10. Results showed that the social representations of mental disease are heterogeneous. Mental health is conceptualized according to the flexibility, adaptation, functionality and the biopsychosocial well-being of the individual. The causality of mental disease is explained by the interactionist biopsychosocial model. Professionals mainly adopt eclectic intervention models and strategies in clinical practice. Participants refer that their goals are to promote the well-being, diminish the suffering and promote the functioning, the autonomy and “cure”. The public institutional framework compromises the flexibility in the clinical procedures. Private practices increases the procedural possibilities of the professionals. Concludes that the individual analysis (dispositional) of the pathological behavior is privileged in detriment of the contextual analysis (situational). Implications of this study to the theoretical framework of social representations of mental illness are considered.


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Introdução: Alguns estudos internacionais e nacionais têm-se dedicado a estudar as caraterísticas psicológicas de profissionais/cuidadores que trabalham na área da prestação de cuidados a pessoas com doença e deficiência mental. Porém, segundo temos conhecimento são escassos ou mesmo inexistentes os estudos que abordem os níveis de autocriticismo, autocompaixão e comprometimento organizacional destes profissionais/cuidadores. Foram nossos objetivos: caraterizar uma amostra de cuidadores formais/profissionais que trabalham com pessoas com doença e deficiência mental em diferentes variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais; analisar os níveis de autocriticismo, autocompaixão e comprometimento organizacional destes cuidadores formais/profissionais, bem como explorar as associações entre todas estas variáveis (entre si e com as variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais). Metodologia: 55 cuidadores formais de pessoas com doença/deficiência mental (sexo feminino/n = 49, 84,5%; idade média de 45,21; DP = 10,92; variação = 22-65) preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico, o Questionário de Comprometimento Organizacional, a Escala das Formas do Autocriticismo e Autotranquilização e a Escala de Autocompaixão. Resultados: O Eu inadequado apresentou um valor médio bastante maior que o Eu detestado. O valor médio do Eu tranquilizador foi superior a qualquer dimensão de autocriticismo. O Calor-Compreensão (autocompaixão) apresentou o valor médio mais elevado e a Autocrítica o valor médio mais baixo. O Eu inadequado e detestado associaram-se positivamente às dimensões negativas de autocompaixão e o Eu tranquilizador às dimensões positivas de autocompaixão. O Comprometimento Afetivo associou-se positivamente ao Autocriticismo total. O Comprometimento Calculativo associou-se positivamente ao Eu detestado, que foi seu preditor. O Comprometimento Normativo associou-se de forma positiva ao Eu detestado, Autocriticismo total e idade negativamente ao Mindfulness. A idade foi o seu preditor. O Comprometimento Afetivo associou-se positivamente aos meses de trabalho na instituição, que foram seus preditores. Os cuidadores com um familiar com deficiência mental tiveram um valor mais baixo de Eu inadequado. Discussão: No geral, esta amostra de cuidadores formais apresentou caraterísticas psicológicas que nos tranquilizam quanto ao papel que desempenham junto de pessoas com doença/deficiência mental, mas as instituições devem sempre encontrar formas de estimular os níveis de comprometimento e autocompaixão dos seus profissionais. / Introduction: Some international and national studies have focused on studying the psychological characteristics of professionals/caregivers working with people with mental disease and intelectual disability. However, to our knowledge, the studies exploring levels of selfcriticism, self-compassion and organizational commitment in these professionals are scarce or even nonexistent. Our goals were to: characterize a sample of formal caregivers/professionals who work with people with mental illness and intellectual in different sociodemographic and professional variables; analyze the levels of selfcriticism, self-compassion and organizational commitment of these formal caregivers/professionals, as well as explore the associations between all these variables (with each other and with the sociodemographic and professional variables and professionals). Methodology: 55 caregivers of people with mental disease/intelectual disability (female/n = 49, 84.5%; mean age of 45,21; DP = 10,92; variation = 22-65) completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Organizational Commitment questionnaire, the Forms of Self Criticism Rating Scale and the Self- Compassion Scale. Results: Inadequate Self had na higher mean value than the Hated Self. The mean value of the Reassuring Self was higher than any dimension of selfcriticism. Self-Kindness was the one with a higher mean value (of self-compassion) and Self-Judjment the one with the lowest mean value. The Inadequate Self and the Hated Self were positively associated with the negative dimensions of selfcompassion and the Reassuring Self with the positive dimensions of selfcompassion. The Affective Commitment was positively associated to total selfcriticism. The Continuance Commitment was associated with the Hated Self (positively), being its predictor. The Normative Commitment was positively associated to the Hated Self, the total selfcriticism and age and negatively to Mindfulness. Age was its predictor. The Affective Commitment was positively associated to months of work at the institution. This variable was its predictor. Professionals with a family member with intellectual disability had a lower value of Inadequate Self. Discussion: In general, this sample of formal caregivers presented psychological characteristics that reassure us about the role that they have while working with people with mental disease/intellectual disability, but the institutions must always find ways of stimulating the commitment and selfcompassion levels of their professionals.


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O stress é não apenas inerente para o ser humano, como indispensável para a sua sobrevivência. À medida que as sociedades humanas evoluíram, assim também se alteraram as principais fontes de stress. Actualmente o stress organizacional é uma das principais áreas de investigação, bem como as suas relações com a família e a vida pessoal. Em foco estão ainda as variáveis individuais que servem como moderadoras da experiência de stress, como o coping e o suporte social. Neste trabalho procurou-se conhecer os níveis de stress experienciados pelos colaboradores da Cisco Systems Lda, identificando diferenças de género e entre os tipos de trabalho. Pretendeu-se ainda relacionar o stress no trabalho com o equilíbrio trabalho/família, equlíbrio vida pessoal/trabalho, suporte social e coping. Através de um estudo não experimental transversal, descritivo/descritivo correlacional, com 42 sujeitos, utilizando o PMI – Pressure Management Indicator, foi possível identificar quatro factores, com α a partir de 0,531 para as variáveis moderadoras ate 0,904 para as variáveis stressoras. Os trabalhadores da amostra trabalham em média 49,7 horas por semana, apontando como principal razão “para que o trabalho seja feito”; 31,7% consideram estar a sofrer de pressão negativa iniciada há mais de 3 meses. Estão muito satisfeitos com a organização, mas sentem pressão devido ao volume de trabalho, ao relacionamento interpessoal e às dificuldades em desligar do trabalho quando em casa, fazendo uso de estratégias focadas no problema e de suporte social. Existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre homens e mulheres nas subescalas “Estado de espírito” e “Nível de confiança”, indicando níveis mais altos de segurança e satisfação com o seu estado mental para o grupo dos homens. No que respeita aos tipos de trabalho, foi possível identificar diferenças entre as categorias Sénior gerência/profissional e Manual/hábil nas subescalas “Nível de energia”, “Volume de trabalho” e “Equilíbrio vida/trabalho”. Existe correlação positiva entre as variáveis stressoras e a subescala “Equilíbrio trabalho/família” (r=0,890; p<0,000) e entre as variáveis stressoras e a escala de Coping (r=0,748; p<0,000), sugerindo que níveis de stress elevados interferem com a vida familiar e conduzem a maior utilização das estratégias de coping. Apesar das políticas de recursos humanos da empresa no sentido de promover a conciliação entre trabalho e vida pessoal e familiar, há ainda margem para intervir e melhorar. / Stress is not only inherent to the human being, it’s essential to survival. As the humans societies evolved, so did the major sources of stress. These days, organizational stress is one of the main areas of research, as it is it’s relation with family and personal life. Under the spotlight are also individual variables that moderate the stress experience, such as coping and social support. With this paper, we intended to know the levels of stress experienced by the workers of Cisco Systems Lda, identifying gender and work type differences. We were also intending to relate work stress with home/work balance, life/work balance, social support and coping. Using a cross sectional correlational study, with n=42, using the PMI, we were able to identify four factors, with α starting on 0,531 for moderator variables to 0,904 for stressor variables. The workers on this sample work an average of 49,7 hours per week, naming “to get the job done” as the main reason for it. 31,7% consider to be suffering from negative pressure that started more than 3 months ago. They are very satisfied with the organization, but feel pressure due to workload, interpersonal relationship and the difficulties in switching off from work when at home. They use mostly Problem focus strategies and social support.There are statically significative differences between men and women in the subscales “State of mind” and “Confidence level”, which indicate higher levels of security and satisfaction with their state of mind for men. Regarding work types, we were able to identify differences between senior Management and Manual categories on subscales “Energy level”, “Workload” and “Life/work balance”. There is a positive correlation between stressor variables and the subscales “Home/work balance” (r=0,890; p<0,000) and between stressor variables and Coping scale (r=0,748; p<0,000), suggesting that high levels of stress interfere with family life and lead to higher use of coping mechanisms. Despite the company’s human resources policies to promote the balance between work and personal and family life, there is still place to intervene and improve.


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Os contextos clínicos são considerados, não só como geradores de cuidados, mas como espaços formativos de eleição, essenciais para o desenvolvimento profissional dos enfermeiros. Uma forma de melhorar a sua aprendizagem é torná-los conscientes dos seus estilos de aprendizagem. De forma a contribuir para construção futura de um instrumento, partindo da definição de estilos de aprendizagem de Berings (2006), procurou-se identificar as atividades de aprendizagem dos enfermeiros nos contextos de trabalho nos domínios da enfermagem definidos por Benner (2001). Foi desenvolvido um estudo multi-caso em 4 (quatro) serviços de um Centro Hospitalar em Coimbra. A colheita de dados envolveu um questionário de caracterização sóciodemográfica e profissional; entrevistas informais e 4 (quatro) grupos focais com um total de 19 (dezanove) participantes. Foram identificadas dezoito atividades de aprendizagem que se agrupam em três categorias (Walden & Bryan,2011): Aprendizagens através de processos colaborativos; aprendizagens através da execução do trabalho e aprendizagens através de fontes de conhecimento. As atividades de aprendizagem são, sobretudo, atividades expostas, passíveis de serem observadas. A única atividade mental é a reflexão. A aprendizagem pelo questionamento é transversal a todos os domínios de Benner. Outras atividades surgem apenas num domínio e há domínios que têm cerca de dez atividades. O conhecimento destas atividades poderá tornar as instituições mais despertas para as aprendizagens desenvolvidas pelos enfermeiros e servir de base para a construção de um instrumento de modo a avaliar os estilos de aprendizagem dos enfermeiros nos contextos de trabalho.