449 resultados para Tommy Carlsson


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Se fundamentó en evaluar el efecto del descubrimiento a bases de ceras (resina de colofonia y polietileno) en la calidad del mango (Mangifera indica). Las variedades utilizadas fueron: Tommy Atkins y Panades; procedente de los municipios de Suchitoto y Guazapa, en estado de madurez 3/4. Se realizó análisis micribiológico inicial (Salmonela, spp y Escherichia coli), para determinar si los mangos cumplían con los criterios microbiológicos de inocuidad establecidos en el grupo 4.1 del Reglamento Técnico Centroamericano, Criterios Microbiológicos para la Inocuidad de Alimentos. Los frutos se dividieron en cuatro bloques, dos bloques recubiertos fueron recubiertos por aspersión, con un formulario compuesto con una mezcla de cera; reconocida en el mercado como Teycer C Cp, y dos bloques sin recubrir. Todos los bloques se colocaron en bandejas plásticas a una temperatura de 10°C y cada cuatro días, hasta el día 36 fueron medidos parámetros físicoquímicos de calidad entre (sólidos solubles totales, acidez titulable, pérdida de peso e índice de maduración)y análisis microbiológicos (identificación de la presencia de Colletotrichum gloesporioides, Penicillium spp). Los resultados obtenidos fueron sometidos a un análisis de varianza, considerando como causas de variación el tiempo y el tratamiento aplicado para una condición de almacenamiento. Los valores medios significativamente diferentes, se compararon a través de pruebas de rangos múltiples, mediante el sistema de programa para el análisis estadísticos IBM SPSS Statics 23, para una probabilidad del 75%. El recubrimiento de cera es una tecnología postcosecha que permite prolongar la vida útil, mejorar la calidad y generar valor agregado al mango ya que se ha logrado extender la vida comercial del producto y mejorar su apariencia; debido a que esta tecnología actúa como una atmósfera modificada, que hace que los procesos metabólicos de la fruta se realicen de una manera gradual.


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El sector agrícola ha sufrido un estancamiento en los últimos años, el cual ha sido significativo en el desempeño de la economía en El Salvador, con la entrada en vigencia del Tratado de Libre Comercio que permitirá la exportación de productos no tradicionales aportando ingresos de divisas y el apoyo que el gobierno ofrece a través de la Dirección General de Agronegocios (DGA) para fortalecer y reactivar el agro, se espera un crecimiento representativo. Debido a los constantes cambios ocurridos en el país, ha sido necesario que los medianos y pequeños empresarios formen alianzas estratégicas permitiendo la obtención de beneficios tales como disminución de costos en los insumos y mayor probabilidad de financiamiento otorgados por instituciones crediticias el cual es utilizado para la inversión en infraestructura y equipamiento, la obtención de asesoría y capacitación por parte de entes de apoyo. El cultivo de tilapia se ha ido incrementando con muchas perspectivas por ser un rubro rentable y competitivo en los agronegocios, su reproducción no representa mayores problemas, teniendo varias generaciones durante el año sin necesidad de habilidades especiales y tecnologías muy avanzadas. El método utilizado para el desarrollo del trabajo fue el hipotético deductivo, ya que este permitió relacionar la investigación bibliográfica y la de campo. Dichas investigaciones se realizaron en ocho agronegocios que fueron seleccionados del total que se encuentra inscrito en la DGA, se encuestó y entrevistó a los encargados de la contabilidad, que representan el cien por ciento de la muestra en estudio. Al tabular y analizar los datos obtenidos de las encuestas y reforzándolas con las entrevistas se determinó mediante el diagnóstico que en la mayoría de los agronegocios en estudio no identifican los diferentes centros de costos, así como aún no han aplicado las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad que les proporcione estados financieros más confiables, al personal entrevistado se les preguntó si era necesario una herramienta o documento que les sirviera de guía para identificar los centros de costos y les de las directrices básicas para asociar las NIC´s, con el fin de cooperar a la formulación de los estados financieros Por lo anterior, como aporte social del grupo se elaboró una propuesta que coopere a revelar una descripción narrativa o cuantitativa, distinguiendo los diferentes tipos de peces que cultivan con el fin de llevar un control y conocer todas las operaciones de cada uno de ellos, es decir que los estados financieros y registros contables detallaran todos los procesos, utilizando una segregación de cuentas que permitiera visualizar y entender el tratamiento contable que se le da, en relación a la actividad de la piscicultura. Los registros contables de las operaciones que realizan los agronegocios en relación a la piscicultura no son los más adecuados, debido a la falta de aplicación de la clasificación o nomenclatura contable establecida en las normas, las cuales especifican el tratamiento a seguir para las diferentes actividades.


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The gas injection has become the most important IOR process in the United States. Furthermore, the year 2006 marks the first time the gas injection IOR production has surpassed that of steam injection. In Brazil, the installation of a petrochemical complex in the Northeast of Brazil (Bahia State) offers opportunities for the injection of gases in the fields located in the Recôncavo Basin. Field-scale gas injection applications have almost always been associated with design and operational difficulties. The mobility ratio, which controls the volumetric sweep, between the injected gas and displaced oil bank in gas processes, is typically unfavorable due to the relatively low viscosity of the injected gas. Furthermore, the difference between their densities results in severe gravity segregation of fluids in the reservoirs, consequently leading to poor control in the volumetric sweep. Nowadays, from the above applications of gas injection, the WAG process is most popular. However, in attempting to solve the mobility problems, the WAG process gives rise to other problems associated with increased water saturation in the reservoir including diminished gas injectivity and increased competition to the flow of oil. The low field performance of WAG floods with oil recoveries in the range of 5-10% is a clear indication of these problems. In order to find na effective alternative to WAG, the Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) was developed. This process is designed to take advantage of gravity force to allow vertical segregation between the injected CO2 and reservoir crude oil due to their density difference. This process consists of placing horizontal producers near the bottom of the pay zone and injecting gás through existing vertical wells in field. Homogeneous models were used in this work which can be extrapolated to commercial application for fields located in the Northeast of Brazil. The simulations were performed in a CMG simulator, the STARS 2007.11, where some parameters and their interactions were analyzed. The results have shown that the CO2 injection in GAGD process increased significantly the rate and the final recovery of oil


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BACKGROUND: Bariatric surgery prevents and induces remission of type 2 diabetes in many patients. The effect of preoperative glucose status on long-term health-care costs is unknown. We aimed to assess health-care costs over 15 years for patients with obesity treated conventionally or with bariatric surgery and who had either euglycaemia, prediabetes, or type 2 diabetes before intervention. METHODS: The Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study is a prospective study of adults who had bariatric surgery and contemporaneously matched controls who were treated conventionally (age 37-60 years; BMI of ≥34 in men and ≥38 in women) recruited from 25 Swedish surgical departments and 480 primary health-care centres. Exclusion criteria were identical for both study groups, and were previous gastric or bariatric surgery, recent malignancy or myocardial infarction, selected psychiatric disorders, and other contraindicating disorders to bariatric surgery. Conventional treatment ranged from no treatment to lifestyle intervention and behaviour modification. In this study, we retrieved prescription drug costs for the patients in the SOS study via questionnaires and the nationwide Swedish Prescribed Drug Register. We retrieved data for inpatient and outpatient visits from the Swedish National Patient Register. We followed up the sample linked to register data for up to 15 years. We adjusted mean differences for baseline characteristics. Analyses were by intention to treat. The SOS study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01479452. FINDINGS: Between Sept 1, 1987, and Jan 31, 2001, 2010 adults who had bariatric surgery and 2037 who were treated conventionally were enrolled into the SOS study. In this study, we followed up 4030 patients (2836 who were euglycaemic; 591 who had prediabetes; 603 who had diabetes). Drug costs did not differ between the surgery and conventional treatment groups in the euglycaemic subgroup (surgery US$10,511 vs conventional treatment $10,680; adjusted mean difference -$225 [95% CI -2080 to 1631]; p=0·812), but were lower in the surgery group in the prediabetes ($10,194 vs $13,186; -$3329 [-5722 to -937]; p=0·007) and diabetes ($14,346 vs $19,511; -$5487 [-7925 to -3049]; p<0·0001) subgroups than in the conventional treatment group. Compared with the conventional treatment group, we noted greater inpatient costs in the surgery group for the euglycaemic ($51,225 vs $25,313; $22,931 [19,001-26,861]; p<0·0001), prediabetes ($58,699 vs $32,861; $27,152 [18,736-35,568]; p<0·0001), and diabetes ($61,569 vs $47,569; 18,697 [9992-27,402]; p<0·0001) subgroups. We noted no differences in outpatient costs. Total health-care costs were higher in the surgery group in the euglycaemic ($71,059 vs $45,542; $22,390 [17,358-27,423]; p<0·0001) and prediabetes ($78,151 vs $54,864; $26,292 [16,738-35,845]; p<0·0001) subgroups than in the conventional treatment group, whereas we detected no difference between treatment groups in patients with diabetes ($88,572 vs $79,967; $9081 [-1419 to 19,581]; p=0·090). INTERPRETATION: Total health-care costs were higher for patients with euglycaemia or prediabetes in the surgery group than in the conventional treatment group, but we detected no difference between the surgery and conventional treatment groups for patients with diabetes. Long-term health-care cost results support prioritisation of patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes for bariatric surgery. FUNDING: AFA Försäkring and Swedish Scientific Research Council.


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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Rottengruber, Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Henze, Dr.-Ing. Tommy Luft (Hrsg.) und 47 Mitautoren


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This version: August 15, 2017 (original version: December 7, 2016)


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The permeability of dispersion barriers produced from polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) and kaolin clay blends coated onto polymeric supports has been studied by employing two different measurement methods: the oxygen transmission rate (OTR) and the ambient oxygen ingress rate (AOIR). Coatings with different thicknesses and kaolin contents were studied. Structural information of the dispersion-barrier coatings was obtained by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These results showed that the kaolin content influences both the orientation of the kaolin and the degree of crystallinity of the PVOH coating. Increased kaolin content increased the alignment of the kaolin platelets to the basal plane of the coating. Higher kaolin content was accompanied by higher degree of crystallinity of the PVOH. The barrier thickness proved to be less important in the early stages of the mass transport process, whereas it had a significant influence on the steady-state permeability. The results from this study demonstrate the need for better understanding of how permeability is influenced by (chemical and physical) structure.


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Sedan drygt 20 år är det möjligt för arbetsgivare att hyra in personal från bemanningsföretag. Även om branschen fortfarande diskuteras och ifrågasätts, främst från fackligt håll, är användningen av inhyrd personal inget uppseendeväckande. Notiser i dagspressen om arbetsgivare som beslutat hyra in, eller beslutat att avsluta inhyrningen, är inte sensationella företeelser. I vilken utsträckning arbetsgivare använder inhyrd personal finns det dock begränsad kunskap om.


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The purpose of this study was to establish the optimal allometric models to predict International Ski Federation’s ski-ranking points for sprint competitions (FISsprint) among elite female cross-country skiers based on maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) and lean mass (LM). Ten elite female cross-country skiers (age: 24.5±2.8 years [mean ± SD]) completed a treadmill roller-skiing test to determine V̇O2max (ie, aerobic power) using the diagonal stride technique, whereas LM (ie, a surrogate indicator of anaerobic capacity) was determined by dual-emission X-ray anthropometry. The subjects’ FISsprint were used as competitive performance measures. Power function modeling was used to predict the skiers’ FISsprint based on V̇O2max, LM, and body mass. The subjects’ test and performance data were as follows: V̇O2max, 4.0±0.3 L min-1; LM, 48.9±4.4 kg; body mass, 64.0±5.2 kg; and FISsprint, 116.4±59.6 points. The following power function models were established for the prediction of FISsprint: 3.91×105 ∙ VO -6.002maxand 6.95×1010 ∙ LM-5.25; these models explained 66% (P=0.0043) and 52% (P=0.019), respectively, of the variance in the FISsprint. Body mass failed to contribute to both models; hence, the models are based on V̇O2max and LM expressed absolutely. The results demonstrate that the physiological variables that reflect aerobic power and anaerobic capacity are important indicators of competitive sprint performance among elite female skiers. To accurately indicate performance capability among elite female skiers, the presented power function models should be used. Skiers whose V̇O2max differs by 1% will differ in their FISsprint by 5.8%, whereas the corresponding 1% difference in LM is related to an FISsprint difference of 5.1%, where both differences are in favor of the skier with higher V̇O2max or LM. It is recommended that coaches use the absolute expression of these variables to monitor skiers’ performance-related training adaptations linked to changes in aerobic power and anaerobic capacity.


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On categorization and symbolic power in social work: The myth of the resourceful parents to children with neuro-psychiatric diagnoses Social workers often use the term resourceful about a certain group of parents to children with neuro-psychiatric diagnoses, e.g. autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. This paper discusses the consequences of this sort of stereotyping/categorization with particular regard to the collaboration between these parents and the social workers as they meet in the social services system, when the parents apply for help for their children. Drawing upon Pierre Bourdieu, it is suggested that the categorization resourceful is not only overly simplistic and a myth, but is straight out misguiding and complicates the interaction – in fact it represents an act of symbolic power. Based upon a six months long sociological field-work study it is shown, that even though social workers seem to acknowledge the difficult and grueling life-situation of the parents, they are first and foremost perceived as resourceful and knowledgeable but hence also as annoying, insufferable, demanding and basically unjustified, even though they have obvious legal rights. Parents and social workers alike described the collaboration as being conflictual and a struggle and the complex power-relations are discussed in the light of Bourdieu.


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This Editorial marks the launch of an important new journal to join the BMC series portfolio - BMC Obesity. BMC Obesity joins BMC Cancer as the second journal within the series to focus on a particular condition in the human body and the factors that contribute towards it.


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The member states of the European Union received 1.2 million first time asylum applications in 2015 (a doubling compared to 2014). Even if asylum will be granted for many of the refugees that made the journey to Europe, several obstacles for successful integration remain. This paper focuses on one of these obstacles, namely the problem of finding housing for refugees once they have been granted asylum. In particular, the focus is restricted to the situation in Sweden during 2015–2016 and it is demonstrated that market design can play an important role in a partial solution to the problem. More specifically, because almost all accommodation options are exhausted in Sweden, the paper investigates a matching system, closely related to the system adopted by the European NGO “Refugees Welcome”, and proposes an easy-to-implement algorithm that finds a stable maximum matching. Such matching guarantees that housing is provided to a maximum number of refugees and that no refugee prefers some landlord to their current match when, at the same time, that specific landlord prefers that refugee to his current match.


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A cultura da mangueira esta em expansão no território nacional e o país já e o segundo maior produtor de frutos dessa planta no mundo. A produção de manga em seus aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos acha-se prejudicada pela infestação de pragas em todos os estágios fonológicos da cultura. Este trabalho relata o resultado de levantamentos de principais pragas e seus inimigos naturais em quatro épocas do ano, em Campinas - SP (variedade Haden), Cafelândia - SP (variedade Tommy Atkins) e Lins - SP (variedade Keitt). As cochonilhas Aulacaspis tubercularis e Lecanium sp. ocorrem em baixas infestações nas tres variedades. O himenóptero parasitóide da familia Braconidae ataca 12 a 60% das cochonilhas, mantendo-as em baixos níveis populacionais. A mal-formação de ponteiros atribuída a ácaros eriofiideos ocorreu em 0,3 a 17% dos ramos. Na época de frutificação 5 a 12% dos frutos estavam infestados pelas moscas-das-frutas Ceratitis capitata e Anastrepha sp.


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Segundo estudos do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, a mangueira, cultivada em aproximadamente 70.000 a 75.000 hectares do território nacional, propicia uma produção anual estimada em 1.200.000 toneladas. Os principais polos produtores do país são o Vale do Submédio São Francisco, os municípios de Livramento e Dom Basílio, na Bahia, os municípios de Monte Alto e Taquaritinga, em São Paulo, e os municípios de Janaúba e Jaíba, em Minas Gerais. As áreas que são destinadas à cultura correspondem, respectivamente, a aproximadamente 25.000, 12.000, 7.000 e 5.000 hectares. Os 25.000 hectares cultivados no Vale do Submédio São Francisco concentram-se sobretudo em perímetros irrigados instalados nos municípios de Juazeiro, na Bahia, e Petrolina, em Pernambuco, responsabilizando-se por 85% das exportações brasileiras (ANUÁRIO BRASILEIRO DA FRUTICULTURA, 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016). A variedade Tommy Atkins, dos Estados Unidos, conquistou mercados internacionais em virtude de atributos como consistência da polpa, baixo teor de fibras e resistência à deterioração. Os consumidores brasileiros, contudo, comumente demandam variedades nacionais, presentes em áreas residenciais ou exploradas por extrativismo em ambientes naturais, excetuando-se a variedade Ubá, cultivada em pomares para o aproveitamento no processamento industrial (PINTO et al., 2002).A diversificação de variedades é fundamental para a mangicultura brasileira. O objetivo do trabalho consistiu na avaliação de progênies de polinização livre das variedades Haden e Surpresa, em uma safra (2015-2016), no Semiárido Brasileiro, baseando-se em atributos referentes aos frutos.