924 resultados para Tolerância ao calor
The soil heat flux and soil thermal diffusivity are important components of the surface energy balance, especially in ar id and semi-arid regions. The obj ective of this work was to carry out to estimate the soil heat flux from th e soil temperature measured at a single depth, based on the half-order time derivative met hod proposed by Wang and Bras (1999), and to establish a method capable of es timating the thermal diffusivity of the soil, based on the half order derivative, from the temporal series of soil temperature at two depths. The results obtained in the estimates of soil heat flux were compared with the values of soil heat flux measured through flux plates, and the thermal di ffusivity estimated was compared with the measurements carried out in situ. The results obtained showed excellent concordance between the estimated and measured soil heat flux, with correlation (r), coeffici ent of determination (R 2 ) and standard error (W/m 2 ) of: r = 0.99093, R 2 = 0.98194 and error = 2.56 (W/m 2 ) for estimated period of 10 days; r = 0,99069, R 2 = 0,98147 and error = 2.59 (W/m 2 ) for estimated period of 30 days; and r = 0,98974, R 2 = 0,97958 and error = 2.77 (W/m 2 ) for estimated period of 120 days. The values of thermal di ffusivity estimated by the proposed method showed to be coherent and consis tent with in situ measured va lues, and with the values found in the literature usi ng conventional methods.
The continuous evolution of integrated circuit technology has allowed integrating thousands of transistors on a single chip. This is due to the miniaturization process, which reduces the diameter of wires and transistors. One drawback of this process is that the circuit becomes more fragile and susceptible to break, making the circuit more susceptible to permanent faults during the manufacturing process as well as during their lifetime. Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) have been used as an alternative to traditional architectures in an attempt to tolerate such faults due to its intrinsic hardware redundancy and high performance. This work proposes a fault tolerance mechanism in a CGRA in order to increase the architecture fault tolerance even considering a high fault rate. The proposed mechanism was added to the scheduler, which is the mechanism responsible for mapping instructions onto the architecture. The instruction mapping occurs at runtime, translating binary code without the need for recompilation. Furthermore, to allow faster implementation, instruction mapping is performed using a greedy module scheduling algorithm, which consists of a software pipeline technique for loop acceleration. The results show that, even with the proposed mechanism, the time for mapping instructions is still in order of microseconds. This result allows that instruction mapping process remains at runtime. In addition, a study was also carried out mapping scheduler rate. The results demonstrate that even at fault rates over 50% in functional units and interconnection components, the scheduler was able to map instructions onto the architecture in most of the tested applications.
Grande parte da energia contida no combustível consumido por um motor de combustão interna é desperdiçada sob forma de calor, através do sistema de refrigeração do motor, do sistema de recirculação dos gases de escape e principalmente através dos gases de escape. Daí o interesse no estudo de sistemas que permitem o aproveitamento dessa energia residual dos veículos automóveis. Este trabalho centra-se no estudo de sistemas de aproveitamento da energia térmica contida nos gases de escape dos veículos automóveis, sendo o objetivo principal o estudo do permutador de calor que será utilizado para recuperação da energia térmica. Existem vários tipos de permutadores, na sua escolha entram fatores como as características dos fluidos de trabalho envolvidos, o custo, facilidade de manutenção, a aplicação. Para o caso deste estudo selecionou-se um permutador de carcaça e tubos e um permutador de tubos concêntricos. Uma vez que a seleção e otimização de um permutador de calor implica a minimização da perda de carga dos gases de escape e a maximização da eficiência térmica do sistema, numa primeira fase selecionou-se a geometria mais adequada. Em seguida fez-se uma comparação de diferentes modelos de cálculo da perda de carga e analisou-se o desempenho termo hidráulico do permutador. Por fim realizou-se um estudo paramétrico para verificar a influência dos parâmetros de construção (número de tubos, diâmetro e comprimento dos tubos).
As experiências precoces de vergonha, na infância e adolescência, cujas memórias assumem características traumáticas, e de centralidade para a identidade, estão associadas a maior propensão para a vergonha e psicopatologia na adultez. O presente estudo visou clarificar o impacto das características traumáticas e da centralidade, das memórias de vergonha, e das memórias precoces de calor e segurança, na qualidade de vinculação aos pais e ao par amoroso, apreciando a orientação sexual. Nesse sentido, 123 sujeitos, homossexuais masculinos (N = 53) e heterossexuais masculinos e femininos (N = 70), completaram a bateria de questionários de autorresposta, para avaliar as caraterísticas traumáticas e a centralidade das memórias de vergonha, as memórias precoces de calor e segurança, a qualidade de vinculação ao pai, à mãe e ao par amoroso, recolhidos a partir de amostra de conveniência não aleatória da população geral. Os resultados mostram que os homossexuais, comparativamente com os heterossexuais, apresentam níveis mais elevados de caraterísticas traumáticas e de centralidade para a identidade, das memórias de vergonha, a par de níveis inferiores de memórias precoces positivas. As caraterísticas traumáticas e de centralidade, das memórias de vergonha, surgem associadas, com intensidade tendencialmente superior nos homossexuais, à restrição da aquisição de autonomia, conferida pelo pai, à sua desvalorização e à ansiedade de separação materna. O vínculo inseguro, aos progenitores, perpetua-se à adultez e ao par amoroso. Relativamente aos heterossexuais, apurámos que o laço emocional e a ansiedade de separação e dependência, paterna e materna, surgem associados a maior confiança e menor evitamento, respetivamente, ao par amoroso. Paralelamente, a ansiedade de separação e dependência materna surge, ainda, associada a maior dependência daquela figura. Este estudo conclui que as experiências precoces de vergonha, na infância e adolescência, podem funcionar como memórias com caraterísticas traumáticas e autobiográficas, constituir marcos de referência centrais no que concerne à identidade e história de vida, sobretudo em homossexuais, com atribuição de significado a outras experiências de vida, nomeadamente no que respeita à vinculação ao par romântico. / Early experiences of shame, in childhood and adolescence, whose memories assume traumatic characteristics, and centrality to identity, are associated with greater propensity to shame and psychopathology in adulthood. The present study aimed to clarify the impact of traumatic features and centrality to identity of shame memories, and of early memories of warmth and safety, on quality of attachment to parents and the loving couple`s bond, considering sexual orientation. Accordingly, 123 subjects, male homosexuals (N = 53) and male and female (N = 70) heterosexuals, completed the battery of self-report questionnaires, to assess trauma characteristics and centrality of shame memories, early memories of warmth and safeness, quality of attachment to the father, mother and loving couple, collected from a non-random convenience sample from general population. The results point that homosexual men, compared with heterosexuals, show higher levels of traumatic characteristics and centrality to identity of shame memories, along with lower levels of early positive memories. Traumatic characteristics and centrality of shame memories arise associated, tendentiously with higher intensity in homosexuals, to restriction of autonomy`s acquisition, conferred by the father, his devaluation and maternal separation anxiety. The unsecured bond, to parents, perpetuates into adulthood and loving couple. Regarding heterosexuals, we found that emotional bond and separation anxiety and dependency, paternal and maternal, arise associated with greater confidence, and less avoidance, respectively, to the loving couple. Further, separation anxiety and mother`s dependency also appears associated with greater dependency to that figure. This study concludes that early experiences of shame, in childhood and adolescence, might function as memories with traumatic and autobiographical characteristics, produce landmarks of central reference regarding identity and life`s history, particularly in homosexual, with attribution of meaning to other life experiences, particularly in the linking to the romantic couple.
A presente investigação pretendeu validar para a população portuguesa de adolescentes a Escala de Memórias Precoces de Calor e Segurança em Relação ao Grupo de Pares (EMPCSPares) bem como ver cumpridos os seus principais objetivos: 1) Adaptação da escala de memórias precoces de calor e segurança (EMPCS), enquanto medida global, para o contexto de interação com o grupo de pares; 2) Explorar a validade de construto através da análise fatorial exploratória (estudo da dimensionalidade); 3) Analisar a consistência interna do instrumento e explorar a qualidade dos itens; 4) Examinar a validade convergente e divergente através da associação com outras variáveis semelhantes e distintas do construto em análise; 5) Analisar possíveis efeitos das variáveis sociodemográficas, como a idade, género e escolaridade nos resultados da escala, bem como a sua associação com a perceção global de qualidade vida; 6) Comparar as memórias precoces emocionais em função da qualidade de vinculação (segura e insegura). A amostra é constituída por 354 jovens (152 rapazes e 202 raparigas), com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 18 anos (M= 15,81; DP = 1,58) a frequentar o ensino básico e secundário do sistema regular de ensino público (7ºano de escolaridade ao 12º ano de escolaridade). Do protocolo constam os seguintes instrumentos: escala de memórias precoces de calor e segurança no contexto familiar (EMPCSFamília) e na interação com o grupo de pares (EMPCSPares); escala de auto-compaixão (SCS-A); escala de vergonha externa (OAS – A); questionário de vinculação (AQ-C); escala de ansiedade, depressão e stress (EADS-21). Os resultados obtidos mostram que a escala tem uma estrutura unidimensional, possui uma excelente consistência interna, uma estabilidade temporal adequada, assim como uma boa validade convergente e divergente. Revelou igualmente discriminar os jovens com uma vinculação segura dos que apresentam uma vinculação insegura. Apesar da necessidade de mais estudos, nomeadamente a realizar em amostras clínicas, a EMPCSPares mostrou ser um instrumento robusto e útil na avaliação de memórias emocionais no contexto de interação com os pares, constituindo um contributo relevante para a investigação e prática clínica com adolescentes. / This research intends to validate for the Portuguese population of adolescents the Early Memories Scale Heat and Safety Relative to Peer Group (EMPCSPares) and see fulfilled its main objectives: 1) The early warm and security memories scale adaptation (EMPCS), as a global measure for the interaction context with the peer group; 2) Explore the construct validity by exploratory factor analysis (study of dimensionality); 3) To analyze the internal consistency of the instrument and explore the quality of the items; 4) Examine the convergent and divergent validity by association with other similar and different variables of the construct in question; 5) Analyze possible effects of sociodemographic variables such as age, gender and education in the scale results, as well as its association with the global perception of quality of life; 6) compare the emotional early memories due to the link quality (secure and insecure). The sample consists of 354 children (152 boys and 202 girls), aged between 12 and 18 years (M = 15.81, SD = 1.58) attending basic and secondary education in the regular public education system (7th grade to 12th grade). The Protocol contains the following instruments: Scale of early heat and security memories in the family context (EMPCSFamily) and interaction with the peer group (EMPCSPairs) ; Self - compassion scale (SCS-A); external shame scale (OAS - A); linking questionnaire (AQ- C) ; scale of anxiety, stress and depression (EADS 21) . The results obtained show that the scale has a one-dimensional structure, has an excellent internal consistency, an adequate temporal stability as well as good convergent and divergent validity. It also showed discriminate young people with a secure attachment of those who have an insecure attachment. Despite the need for further studies, including the conduct of clinical samples, the EMPCSPares proved to be a robust and useful tool in the evaluation of emotional memories in the context of interaction with peers, constituting an important contribution to research and clinical practice with adolescents.
Es un estudio clínico controlado en el que se incluyeron 88 pacientes de ambos sexos en dos grupos asignados aleatoriamente. El grupo infiltración (n = 44) recibió 80 mg de metilprednisolona + 25 mg de bupivacaína al 0.5con epinefrina al 1:200.000 y el grupo conservador (n = 44) recibió 15 mg diarios por vía oral de meloxicam + calor local húmedo y ejercicios de fortalecimiento. En cada grupo hubo 22 pacientes con patología discal diagnosticada por tomografía axial computadorizada. Se evaluó el dolor según la Escala Análoga Visual y la discapacidad según la Escala de Roland Morris, en seis controles, cada semana por 4 semanas y a los 3 y 6 meses. Resultados. En condiciones basales los grupos fueron comparables en la valoración del dolor y la discapacidad. En los dos grupos de estudio no se encontraron diferencias significativas, en cuanto se refiere a la discapacidad y el dolor , sin embargo en el seguimiento tanto la infiltración como el tratamiento conservador produjo alivio inmediato de la sintomatología pero en los controles posteriores el tratamiento conservador tuvo una mejor respuesta en los dos parámetros, dolor a los 3 meses (p = 0.027) y 6 meses (p = 0.039) , discapacidad a la cuarta semana (p = 0.019), El análisis por subgrupos según patología discal no tuvo diferencias significativas. En la escala de Likert que valora la mejoría desde la percepción del paciente hubo una tendencia a beneficiar al grupo que recibió el tratamiento conservador RR 0.8 (IC95: 0.55-1.16). Conclusiones. La infiltración epidural de 80 mg de metilprednisolona + 15 mg de bupivacaína para tratamiento de la lumbalgia crónica con o sin patología discal tuvo igual respuesta que 15 mg diarios de meloxicam por vía oral más terapia física, en un seguimiento de 6 meses
The presence of weeds decreases the crop yield. Among the alternatives to reduce the crop yield loss, it can be included to increase the competitive ability of the crop and the chemical control of the weeds. A research program was developed in the course of Agronomy at Federal Technological University at Paraná, Campus Pato Branco - PR, during the years 2015/16, with the objectives evaluating if gibberellin inhibitors increase the competitive ability of bean plants, making them insensitive to the initialism, extending the period prior to weed-crop interference. Evaluate the tolerance of common bean plants to the herbicide ethoxysulfuron and investigate the existence of relationship between the plant mass and the level of tolerance of the plants to the herbicide. Evaluate the effect of increasing doses of ethoxysulfuron on morphological characteristics, yield components and grain yield of the bean cultivars IPR Tangará and IPR Andorinha. Evaluate the effect of increasing doses of ethoxysulfuron on the development of IAC Imperador and the community of weeds present in the area. Elucidate the mechanism that confers tolerance to bean plants to the herbicide ethoxysulfuron. The results indicate that gibberellin inhibitors were not effective in increasing periods of weed-crop coexistence. Trinexapac-ethyl increased 20% the grain yield of bean plants. It was observed high variability as the response of bean cultivars to the herbicide ethoxysulfuron, however, despite high doses (200 g ha-1), it was not observed death of the plants. The field results indicate that when the ethoxysulfuron dose is 83.2 g ha-1, the reduction in grain yield can reach 40% with the cultivar IPR Tangará and 30% in the cultivar IPR Andorinha. However, respectively for each cultivar cited, ethoxysulfuron at 17 and 12 g ha-1 are enough to reduce 10% of grain yield. Evaluating the control of weeds within the bean crop cultivar IAC Imperador with the herbicide ethoxysulfuron, it was observed that doses at 20 g ha-1 are enough to control soybean and Ipomoea spp. plants. But, due to the level of plant injury, the crop grain yield increase was not sufficient to match the one observed on the weed-free untreated control. The mechanism of tolerance of bean plants to ethoxysulfuron appears to be the herbicide degradation.
The jabuticaba tree has great potential for commercial exploitation. However, its is very little used. This fact shows to be necessary to do studies that allow understand their growth behavior during the year and, if it is tolerant to frost. So that it can establish management strategies for cultivation in orchard. Other point, it is the fact that the long juvenile period of jabuticaba tree limits its use. However, many species have compound leaves that characterize them as functional compounds, what to posible its commercialization. If the leaf jabuticaba tree also present such nutraceutical compounds, this it may become an alternative source of income until the plant to start its yield. The objectives of this study were to analyze the growth behavior, the occurrence of flowering and fruit set, and the frost tolerance of jabuticaba tree genotypes present in the collection of Native Fruit from UTFPR – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos. Associated growth analysis was made evaluation of genetic divergence among these genotypes, checking the adaptive behavior in orchard condition through adaptability and stability analysis based on growth measures to stem and shoots; estimating the repeatability coefficient of stem length of characters and primary shoots, and determine the minimum number of evaluations able to provide certain levels of prediction of the actual value of these individuals. Also determined the genetic divergence among genotypes as the leaves of antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS methods, as well as the determination of total phenolics. The genotypes studied were put in orchard in 2009. The growth response in the three cycles was variable between months and genotypes, what it can be difficult the practices in the orchard if it do not use clones. Genotypes 'Silvestre' and 'Açú' showed greater width and leaf area compared with other genotypes, but such behavior is not favored for increased stem growth and primary shoots. Foliar increments in most genotypes occurred in the fall for leaf width, spring for length and leaf area, despite the winter also arise with genotypes, it showed superiority to width and leaf area. Most jabuticabas trees were juvenile stage with only four starting at its transition between the vegetative and reproductive phase. Tolerance to frost was observed in 26 families jabuticabeira of the 29 present in the collection. The diversity among the genotypes was to change with the time, already in each cycle, there was the formation of different groups by the methods used. The methods tested for adaptability and stability of the jabuticaba tree growth behavior did not show the same pattern in the results. The number of measurements needed to predict the actual value of genotypes based on variables evaluated was approximately one to the stem length and four for the shoots based on the method of main components of covariance with 90% probability. he antioxidant activity of the extracts of leaves of jabuticaba tree genotypes were demonstrated high when compared to other species by methods DPPH and ABTS, as well as the amount of phenolic compounds. Genotype 'Silvestre' and 'IAPAR' showed the highest antioxidant activity in the leaves. However, the genetic divergence among genotypes jabuticaba tree from collection of Native Fruit trees at UTFPR - Câmpus Dois Vizinhos for antioxidant activity leaves showed that they have great homogeneity among them and the low divergence. However, it is recommended as possible hybridization the use as parents, José 4, IAPAR 4 and Fernando Xavier genotypes.
O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo a avaliação do sujamento da superfície de transferência de calor do evaporador de uma bomba de calor, quando se utiliza o efluente da fábrica de pasta e papel da Portucel Soporcel em Cacia como fluido de aquecimento. Para a realização deste estudo montou-se uma instalação, composta por uma bomba de calor, um circuito de água de arrefecimento do condensador da bomba de calor e um circuito de água residual quente para o aquecimento do evaporador da bomba de calor. O ensaio decorreu durante um período de 84 dias, durante o qual foram registadas as temperaturas em vários pontos dos circuitos e os caudais de circulação. A evolução temporal da quantidade de calor transferida no evaporador, assim como, a comparação do coeficiente global de transferência de calor em condições ideias e experimentais, permitiu verificar que a razão U/U0 para o evaporador da bomba de calor não teve um comportamento decrescente ao longo do período de ensaio, permitindo concluir que, nas condições operatórias da experiência, não ocorreu sujamento na superfície do evaporador. No estudo de corrosão do cobre quando exposto à água residual em questão, obteve-se, para a velocidade de corrosão, o valor de 1,56 mg/(dm2 .dia), indicando assim que a corrosão do cobre naquele meio é praticamente inexistente.
This work aims to develop optical sensors for temperature monitoring in hydroelectric power plant heat exchangers. The proposed sensors are based on the Fiber Bragg Gratings technology. First of all, a prototype with three sensors inscribed in a same fiber was developed. This fiber was then fixed to a conventional Pt100 sensor rod and inserted in a thermowell. The ensemble was then calibrated in a workbench, presenting a maximum combined uncertainty of 2,06 °C. The sensor was installed in one of the heat exchangers of the Salto Osório’s hydroelectric power plant. This power plant is situated in the Iguaçu river, at the Paraná state. Despite the satisfactory results, the sensor was improved to a second version. In this, fifteen optical Bragg sensors were inscribed in a same fiber. The fixation with a conventional sensor was no longer necessary, because the first version results comproved the efficiency and response time in comparison to a conventional sensor. For this reason, it was decided to position the fiber inside a stainless steel rod, due to his low thermal expansion coefficient and high corrosion immunity. The utilization of fifteen fiber Bragg gratings aims to improve the sensor spatial resolution. Therefore, measurements every ten centimeters with respect to the heat exchanger’s height are possible. This provides the generation of a thermal map of the heat exchanger’s surface, which can be used for determination of possible points of obstruction in the hydraulic circuit of the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger’s obstruction in hydroelectric power plants usually occur by bio-fouling, and has direct influence in the generator’s cooling system efficiency. The obtained results have demonstrated the feasibility in application of the optical sensors technology in hydroelectric power plants.
Extreme abiotic factors, such drought combined with heat waves and/or high UVB radiation are predicted to become more frequent in the future. The impact on plant production of these challenges on multipurpose Moringa oleifera L. remains unclear. A susceptibility of this species may lead to increase poverty in endangered regions. M. oleifera is a woody species native from sub-Himalaya regions under high climate stress pressure. The interest on this species is emerging due to its several medicinal properties and its nutritional value. Agropharmaceutical industry is interest in this species too. To understand the impact of increased climate factors, young (2 months old) plants of this species were exposed to water deficit (WD) and UVB (alone or combined). WD and WD+UVB imposition consists of unwater for 4 days. After 1 day withholding water, UVB and WD+UVB were irradiated with 26.3 kJ m-2 distributed per 3 days. Immediately after treatment exposition (1 day) and after 10 days, plant water status, growth, carbon metabolism and oxidative stress were measured. Overall no significant differences were observed in WD, regarding the parameters analysed, except on gas exchanges, MDA and phenols. The plants exposed to UVB showed, in general, more severe effects, as higher pigment content, MDA and membrane permeability, while no changes were observed in the total antioxidant activity. Plants exposed to UVB+WD, despite changes observed, the impact was lower than the one observed in UVB exposed plants, meaning that a protective/adaptive mechanism was developed in the plants under combined stressors. On the other hand, in all treatments the net CO2 assimilation rate decreased. Results suggest that M. oleifera has some tolerance to WD and UVB, and that develops mechanism of adaptation to these two types of stress that often arise in combination under a climate change scenario.
The environmental pollution caused by industries has increased the concentration of pollutants in the environment, especially in water. Among the most diverse contaminants, there is the metals, who may or may not to be heavy/toxic, causing effluent of difficult treatment when in low concentrations. The search for alternative measures of wastewater effluent treatment has led to studies using phytoremediation technique through the various matrices (plant, fungi, bacteria) as means of polishing treatment to remove contaminants by means of biosorption/bioaccumulation. In order to use the phytoremediation technique for removing metals of the environmental, it have been performed bioassay with the macrophyte Pistia stratiotes. The bioassays were realized with healthy plants of P. stratiotes acclimatized in a greenhouse, at room temperature and lighting conditions during 28 days of cultivate. The cultivations were performed in glass vessels containing 1 L of the hydroponic solution with chromium (VI) in the potassium dichromate form with concentration range 0.10 to 4.90 mg L-1. The experiments were performed by Outlining Central Composite Rotational (OCCR), where the kinetics of bioaccumulation and chlorophyll a fluorescence were monitored in plants of P. stratiotes during cultivation. The collections of the samples and cultive solution were performed according to the OCCR. The chromium levels were measured in samples of P. stratiotes and the remaining solutions by the methodology of atomic absorption spectrometry by flame. The tolerance of P. stratiotes in relation to exposure to chromium (VI) was analyzed by parameters of physiological activity by means of chlorophyll a fluorescence, using the portable fluorometer PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation). The development of P. stratiots and their biomass were related to the time factor, while bioaccumulation capacities were strongly influenced by factors of time and chromium concentration (VI). The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were affected by chromium and the exposure time at the bioassays. It was obtained an higher metal removal from the root in relation to the sheet, reaching a high rate of metal removal in solution. The experimental data removal kinetics were represented by kinetic models Irreversibly Langmuir, Reversible Langmuir, Pseudo-first Order and Pseudo-second Order, and the best fit for the culture solution was the Reversible Langmuir model with R² 0.993 and for the plant the best model was Pseudo-second order with R² 0.760.
A Spirulina apresenta propriedades antioxidantes o que favorece seu uso como alimento funcional, fato que tem motivado a sua comercialização para a formulação de alimentos diversos e com finalidades terapêuticas. A secagem ganha importância durante produção de Spirulina, uma vez que a umidade necessária, para garantir que não ocorra degradação da biomassa desidratada durante o armazenamento, é alcançada através do conhecimento dos parâmetros que caracterizam a operação. Neste estudo foi utilizada a secagem com bomba de calor, um método alternativo, pois viabiliza a operação com temperaturas inferiores as tradicionalmente utilizadas, além de seu funcionamento ser independente das condições meteorológicas do ambiente. O trabalho experimental da secagem de Spirulina sp. foi iniciado com um estudo comparativo entre a secagem com bomba de calor (SBC) e a secagem tradicional (ST). O efeito dos diferentes métodos utilizados sob a amostra foi comparado em relação à cinética da operação e as características da microalga desidratada (cor, ficocianina, compostos fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante total). As temperaturas do ar foram de 50 e 60ºC e a umidade absoluta da SBC foi dez vezes inferior a utilizada durante a ST. Os parâmetros que caracterizam a secagem foram influenciados pela temperatura do ar, bem como, pela baixa umidade absoluta na SBC. Os valores do tempo total da SBC foram 40% inferiores aos encontrados para a secagem ST, em ambas as temperaturas do ar. A maior preservação das características da Spirulina foi obtida na SBC e temperatura do ar de 50°C, e nesta condição os valores foram 14% (ficocianina), 60% (compostos fenólicos) e 10% (atividade antioxidante) superiores aos encontrados na mesma condição para a ST. Isto evidencia que o método de secagem é determinante na qualidade do produto desidratado. Posteriormente, foi realizado o estudo da cinética da SBC, bem como a otimização da operação de secagem e a reidratação das amostras desidratadas nas diferentes condições de secagem. O estudo foi realizado através de um planejamento fatorial 32, tendo como fatores de estudo a temperatura do ar (30, 40 e 50ºC) e a espessura da bandeja (1, 3 e 5 mm). As respostas utilizadas foram ficocianina, compostos fenólicos, atividade antioxidante total e cor da microalga desidratadas. Também foram realizadas a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e as curvas termogravimétricas (DSC) das amostras desidratadas. A secagem apresentou um curto período de taxa constante, delimitado pela umidade crítica, sendo que, seus valores foram influenciados apenas pela temperatura do ar de secagem. O modelo Logarítmico forneceu elevados valores de R2ajust e os menores valores de soma dos erros quadráticos (SSE) e de critério informativo de Akaike (AIC). Os valores das energias de ativação para as espessuras de 1, 3 e 5 mm, foram na faixa de 20-23 kJ mol-1. A condição de operação mais adequada, para a secagem de Spirulina sp. com bomba de calor, foi obtida na temperatura do ar de 50°C e espessura da bandeja de 5 mm, com valores de ficocianina, compostos fenólicos, atividade antioxidante total e diferença de cor de 19,60 mg g-1, 1508 µgEAG g-1, 52,6% e 5,71, respectivamente. Os termogramas (DSC) evidenciaram que em 50 ºC e espessura de 5 mm, o produto apresentou maior estabilidade térmica. As amostras de Spirulina sp. desidratadas apresentaram estrutura morfológica (MEV), aparentemente, rígida e heterogênea, e os seus percentuais de reidratação corresponderam a 85-91% da umidade da microalga in natura.