997 resultados para Thoracic Surgery.
BACKGROUND: This study reviews our experience with the Ross procedure in infants and young children. METHODS: From September 1993 to September 2004, 52 children less than 15 years of age underwent a Ross procedure. The patients ranged in age from 4 days to 15 years old (median, 5 years). Fifteen patients (29%) were less than 2 years of age. The predominant indication for the Ross procedure was aortic stenosis. Sixteen patients underwent a Ross-Konno procedure for severe left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Thirty-four patients had 48 previous interventions. Preoperatively, 6 patients showed severe left ventricular dysfunction, and 2 of the patients required ventilation and inotropic support. Concomitant procedures were performed in 8 patients. Three patients had a mitral valve replacement, 2 patients had a ventricular septal defect closure and an aortic arch reconstruction, 2 patients had aortic arch reconstructions, and 1 patient had resection of a coarctation and a ventricular septal defect closure. RESULTS: Patients were followed up for a median of 43 months (range, 1 to 130). Overall survival was 85% +/- 5% at 1 and 82% +/- 5% at 2, 5, and 10 years. Hospital mortality was 5 of 52 patients (9.6%). All deaths occurred in neonates or infants less than 2 months of age, who needed urgent surgery. Three patients died late of noncardiac causes. At last follow-up, all patients were classified in New York Heart Association functional class I or II. No patient had endocarditis of the autograft or the right ventricular outflow tract replacement. During the follow-up, no event of thrombembolism was observed. No patient required the insertion of a permanent pacemaker. Overall freedom from reoperation is 57% +/- 15% at 10 years. One patient required the replacement of the autograft at 6 months postoperatively. The development of mild aortic insufficiency was observed in 24 patients, and moderate aortic insufficiency in 1 patient during follow-up. Freedom from reoperation for the right ventricular outflow tract replacement is 60% +/- 15% at 10 years. CONCLUSIONS: The Ross procedure represents an attractive approach to aortic valve disease in young children. However, a high early mortality rate has to be considered when performing this procedure in neonates or infants who present in critical preoperative condition.
Notwithstanding non-robotic, thoracoscopic preparation of the internal mammary artery (IMA) is a difficult surgical task, an appropriate experimental training model is lacking. We evaluated the young domestic pig for this purpose. Four domestic female pigs (30-40 kg body weight) were used for this study. Bilateral thoracoscopic preparation of the IMA was carried out under continuous, pressure controlled CO(2) insufflation. A 30 degrees rigid thoracoscope was inserted through a 10-mm port in the 5th/6th intercostal space (ICS) dorsally to the posterior axillary line. The dissection instrument (Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel) was inserted (5-mm port) in the 7th ICS at the posterior axillary line and the endo-forceps (5-mm port) in the 5th ICS at the posterior axillary line. Thoracoscopic IMA preparation in pig resulted more difficult than in man. A total of seven IMAs were prepared in their full intrathoracic length. A change in the preparation technique (lateral detachment of the endothoracic muscle) improved the safety of the procedure, allowing all four respective IMAs to be prepared safely, while the initial technique ensued an injury for 2 out of 3 vessels. The described young domestic pig model is suitable for experimental training of bilateral thoracoscopic IMA preparation.
We present a case of an intraoperative acute aortic type A dissection (AADA) extending from the distal ascending aorta to the distal aortic arch, initially not visible on the transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). The rapid confirmation of the diagnosis by means of direct epiaortic ultrasound scanning facilitated decision-making and the subsequent successful surgical treatment.
BACKGROUND: Activation of the complement system and polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes plays a major role in mediating reperfusion injury after lung transplantation. We hypothesized that early interference with complement activation would reduce lung reperfusion injury after transplantation. METHODS: Unilateral left lung autotransplantation was performed in 6 sheep. After hilar stripping the left lung was flushed with Euro-Collins solution and preserved for 2 hours in situ at 15 degrees C. After reperfusion the right main bronchus and pulmonary artery were occluded, leaving the animal dependent on the reperfused lung (reperfused group). C1-esterase inhibitor group animals (n = 6) received 200 U/kg body weight of C1-esterase inhibitor as a short infusion, half 10 minutes before, the other half 10 minutes after reperfusion. Controls (n = 6) underwent hilar preparation only. Pulmonary function was assessed by alveolar-arterial oxygen difference and pulmonary vascular resistance. The release of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase served as indicator of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte activation. Extravascular lung water was an indicator for pulmonary edema formation. Biopsy specimens were taken from all groups 3 hours after reperfusion for light and electron microscopy. RESULTS: In the reperfused group, alveolar-arterial oxygen difference and pulmonary vascular resistance were significantly elevated after reperfusion. All animals developed frank alveolar edema. The biochemical marker beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase showed significant leukocyte activation. In the C1-esterase inhibitor group, alveolar-arterial oxygen difference, pulmonary vascular resistance, and the level of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte activation were significantly lower. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with C1-esterase inhibitor reduces reperfusion injury and improves pulmonary function in this experimental model.
BACKGROUND: Reperfusion injury is the leading cause of early graft dysfunction after lung transplantation. Activation of neutrophilic granulocytes with generation of free oxygen radicals appears to play a key role in this process. The efficacy of ascorbic acid as an antioxidant in the amelioration of reperfusion injury after lung transplantation has not been studied yet. METHODS: An in situ autotransplantation model in sheep is presented. The left lung was flushed (Euro-Collins solution) and reperfused; after 2 hours of cold storage, the right hilus was then clamped (group R [reference], n = 6). Group AA animals (n = 6) were treated with 1 g/kg ascorbic acid before reperfusion. Controls (group C, n = 6) underwent hilar preparation and instrumentation only. RESULTS: In group R, arterio-alveolar oxygen difference (AaDO2) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) were significantly elevated after reperfusion. Five of 6 animals developed frank alveolar edema. All biochemical parameters showed significant PMN activation. In group AA, AaDO2, PVR, work of breathing, and the level of PMN activation were significantly lower. CONCLUSIONS: The experimental model reproduces all aspects of lung reperfusion injury reliably. Ascorbic acid was able to weaken reperfusion injury in this experimental setup.
BACKGROUND: To improve postoperative pulmonary reserve, we have employed parenchyma-sparing resections for central lung tumors irrespective of pulmonary function. The results of lobectomy, pneumonectomy, and sleeve resection were analyzed retrospectively. METHODS: From October 1995 to June 1999, 422 typical lung resections were performed for lung cancer. Of these, 301 were lobectomies (group I), 81 were sleeve resections (group II), and 40 were pneumonectomies (group III). RESULTS: Operative mortality was 2% in group I, 1.2% in group II, and 7.5% in group III (group I and II vs. group III, p<0.03). Mean time of intubation was 1.0+/-4.1 days in group I, 0.9+/-1.3 days in group II, and 3.6+/-11.2 days in group III (groups I and II vs. group III, p<0.01). The incidence of bronchial complications was 1.3% in group I, none in group II, and 7.5% in group III (group I and II vs group III, p<0.001). After 2 years, survival was 64% in group I, 61.9% in group II, and 56.1% in group III (p = NS). Freedom from local disease recurrence was 92.1% in group I, 95.7% in group II, and 90.9% in group III after 2 years (p = NS). CONCLUSIONS: Sleeve resection is a useful surgical option for the treatment of central lung tumors, thus avoiding pneumonectomy with its associated risks. Morbidity, early mortality, long-term survival, and recurrence of disease after sleeve resection are similar to those seen after lobectomy.
OBJECTIVE: Reperfusion injury is the main reason for early graft failure after lung transplantation. Inhibition of the adherence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes to activated endothelium by blocking L- and E-selectins (antibody EL-246) could potentially inhibit reperfusion injury. METHODS: Reperfusion injury was induced in a left lung autotransplant model in sheep. After hilar stripping the left lung was flushed with Euro-Collins solution and preserved for 2 h in situ at 15 degrees C. After reperfusion right main bronchus and pulmonary artery were occluded leaving the animal dependent on the reperfused lung (control, n = 6). Pulmonary function was assessed by alveolo-arterial oxygen difference (AaDO2) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), the chemiluminescence of isolated neutrophils, as well as the release of beta-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (beta-NAG) served as indicator of neutrophilic activation. Extravascular lung water was an indicator for pulmonary edema formation. EL-246 group animals (n = 6) were treated additionally with 1 mg/kg BW of EL-246 given prior and during reperfusion. RESULTS: After 3 h of reperfusion five control animals developed alveolar edema compared to one animal in the EL-246 group (P = 0.08). AaDO2 (mm Hg) was significantly higher in the control compared to the EL-246 group (510 +/- 148 vs. 214 +/- 86). PVR (dyn x s x cm(-5)) was significantly increased in the control compared to the EL-246 group (656 +/- 240 vs. 317 +/- 87). Neutrophilic activation was significantly lower in the EL-246 group. Extravascular lung water was significantly lower compared to control (6.88 +/- 1.0 vs. 13.4 +/- 2.8 g/g blood-free lung weight). CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with EL-246 results in improved pulmonary function and less in vivo PMN activation in this experimental model. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the possible role of selectin blockade in amelioration of reperfusion injury in human lung transplantation.
BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis has been recognized as an important side effect of long-term and of pulsed steroid application after heart transplantation. METHODS: In June 1989 a prospective clinical trial was started to study bone demineralization by quantitative computed tomographic scan. All patients received vitamin D and calcium. In group I (n = 30) synthetic calcitonin (40 Medical Research Council Standard Units subcutaneously per day was administered in 14-day cycles, whereas group II patients (n = 31) received a placebo preparation. Repeat trabecular and cortical quantitative computed tomographic scans of the thoracic (T12) and lumbar spine (L1, L2, L3) were obtained within 48 weeks after heart transplantation. RESULTS: Expressed as the means of T12, L1, L2, and L3, trabecular bone density decreased significantly from 100+/-24 to 79+/-29 mg/mL within 3 weeks after heart transplantation, followed by a further reduction to 67+/-29 mg/mL after 3 months in the calcitonin group. The values for cortical bone density decreased significantly from 229+/-37 to 202+/-40 mg/mL (calcitonin) 3 weeks after heart transplantation. Comparable results were obtained in the placebo group. In both groups bone density remained stable thereafter. Intergroup differences were not of statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: In heart transplant recipients progressive trabecular bone demineralization is limited to the first 3 postoperative months. Thereafter, bone density remained stable. A positive effect of synthetic calcitonin in addition to prophylactic calcium and vitamin D application could not be proved by repeat quantitative computed tomography.
OBJECTIVES: The treatment of recurrent rejection in heart transplant recipients has been a controversial issue for many years. The intent of this retrospective study was to perform a risk-benefit analysis between treatment strategies with bolus steroids only versus anti-thymocyte globulins (RATG; 1.5 mg/kg q 4 days). METHODS: Between 1986 and 1993, 69 of 425 patients (17 male, 52 female; mean age 44 +/- 11 years) who had more than one rejection/patient per month (rej/pt per mo) in the first 3 postoperative months were defined as recurrent rejectors. RESULTS: Repetitive methylprednisolone bolus therapy (70 mg/kg q 3 days) was given in 27 patients (group M; 1.4 +/- 0.2 rej/pt per mo) and RATG therapy for one of the rejection episodes of the 42 remaining patients (group A; 1.5 +/- 0.2 rej/pt per mo). The quality of triple drug immunosuppression in the two study groups was comparable. The rejection-free interval (RFI) following RATG treatment in group A was 21.6 +/- 10 days and 22 +/- 11 in group M. In group M, 3 of 27 patients (11%) had a rejection treatment-related infection (2 bacterial; 1 viral) versus 6 of the 42 patients of group A (14.2%; bacterial 1, viral 5). During postoperative months 3-24, 0.15 +/- 0.12 rej/pat per mo were observed in group M and 0.21 +/- 0.13 rej/pat per mo in group A (n.s.). In this 21-month period cytolytic therapy for rejection was initiated in 8 of the remaining 21 patients of group M (38%) and 15 of the remaining 37 patients of group A (40.5%). The absolute survival and the individual causes of death were not affected by the type of initial treatment of recurrent rejection. The actuarial freedom of graft atherosclerosis is comparable in the two groups with 78% in group A versus 79% in group M free of graft atherosclerosis at 3 years postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: A comparison of cytolytic therapy versus repeated applications of bolus steroids for treatment of recurrent rejection reveals no significant difference in the long-term patient outcome with respect to the incidence of future rejection episodes and survival.
OBJECTIVE: Euro-Collins solution (EC) is routinely used in lung transplantation. The high potassium of EC, however, may damage the vascular endothelium, thereby contributing to postischemic reperfusion injury. To assess the influence of the potassium concentration on lung preservation, we evaluated the effect of a "low potassium Euro-Collins solution" (LPEC), in which the sodium and potassium concentrations were reversed. METHODS: In an extracorporeal rat heart-lung model lungs were preserved with EC and LPEC. The heart-lung blocks (HLB) were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution containing washed bovine red blood cells and ventilated with room air. The lungs were perfused via the working right ventricle with deoxygenated perfusate. Oxygenation and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) were monitored. After baseline measurements, hearts were arrested with St. Thomas' solution and the lungs were perfused with EC or LPEC, or were not perfused (controls). The HLBs were stored for 5 min or 2 h ischemic time at 4 degrees C. Reperfusion and ventilation was performed for 40 min. At the end of the trial the wet/dry ratio of the lungs was calculated and light microscopic assessment of the degree of edema was performed. RESULTS: After 5 min of ischemia oxygenation was significantly better in both preserved groups compared to the controls. Pulmonary vascular resistance was elevated in all three groups after 30 min reperfusion at both ischemic times. After 2 h of ischemia PVR of the group preserved with LPEC was significantly lower than those of the EC and controls (LPEC-5 min: 184 +/- 65 dynes * sec * cm-5, EC-5 min: 275 +/- 119 dynes * sec * cm * cm-5, LPEC-2 h: 324 +/- 47 dynes * sec * m-5, EC-2 h: 507 +/- 83 dynes * sec * cm-5). Oxygenation after 2 h of ischemia and 30 min reperfusion was significantly better in the LPEC group compared to EC and controls (LPEC: 70 +/- 17 mmHg, EC: 44 +/- 3 mmHg). The wet/dry ratio was significantly lower in the two preserved groups compared to controls (LPEC-5 min: 5.7 +/- 0.7, EC-5 min: 5.8 +/- 1.2, controls-5 min: 7.5 +/- 1.8, LPEC-2 h: 6.7 +/- 0.4, EC: 6.9 +/- 0.4, controls-2 h: 7.3 +/- 0.4). CONCLUSIONS: We thus conclude that LPEC results in better oxygenation and lower PVR in this lung preservation model. A low potassium concentration in lung preservation solutions may help in reducing the incidence of early graft dysfunction following lung transplantation.
The development of coronary vasculopathy is the main determinant of long-term survival in cardiac transplantation. The identification of risk factors, therefore, seems necessary in order to identify possible treatment strategies. Ninety-five out of 397 patients, undergoing orthotopic cardiac transplantation from 10/1985 to 10/1992 were evaluated retrospectively on the basis of perioperative and postoperative variables including age, sex, diagnosis, previous operations, renal function, cholesterol levels, dosage of immunosuppressive drugs (cyclosporin A, azathioprine, steroids), incidence of rejection, treatment with calcium channel blockers at 3, 6, 12, and 18 months postoperatively. Coronary vasculopathy was assessed by annual angiography at 1 and 2 years postoperatively. After univariate analysis, data were evaluated by stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis. Coronary vasculopathy was assessed in 15 patients at 1 (16%), and in 23 patients (24%) at 2, years. On multivariate analysis, previous operations and the incidence of rejections were identified as significant risk factors (P < 0.05), whereas the underlying diagnosis had borderline significance (P = 0.058) for the development of graft coronary vasculopathy. In contrast, all other variables were not significant in our subset of patients investigated. We therefore conclude that the development of coronary vasculopathy in cardiac transplant patients mainly depends on the rejection process itself, aside from patient-dependent factors. Therapeutic measures, such as the administration of calcium channel blockers and regulation of lipid disorders, may therefore only reduce the progress of native atherosclerotic disease in the posttransplant setting.
BACKGROUND. The high rate of reperfusion injury in clinical lung transplantation mandates significant improvements in lung preservation. Innovations should be validated using standardized and low-cost experimental models. METHODS. The model introduced here is analyzed by comparing global lung function after varying ischemic times (2, 4, 8, 16, and 24 hours). A rat double-lung block is flush-perfused, and the main pulmonary artery and left atrium are connected to the left pulmonary artery and vein of a syngeneic recipient using a T-shaped stent. With pressure side ports and incorporated flow crystals, measurement of vascular resistance and graft oxygenation can be performed. The transplant is ventilated separately, and compliance and resistance are determined. RESULTS. The increase in the ischemic interval from 2 to 24 hours caused an increase in the alveolar arterial oxygen difference from 220 +/- 20 to 600 +/- 34 mm Hg, pulmonary vascular resistance from 198 +/- 76 to 638 +/- 212 mm Hg.mL-1.min-1, and resistance to airflow from 274 +/- 50 to 712 +/- 30 cm H2O/L H2O, and a decrease in pulmonary compliance from 0.4 +/- 0.05 to 0.12 +/- 0.06 mL/cm H2O. CONCLUSIONS. This in situ, syngeneic rat lung transplantation model offers an alternative to large animal models for verification of lung preservation solutions and for modification of donor or recipient treatment regimens.