1000 resultados para Telematics--Europe


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The prevalence of anal anomalies among 4,618,840 births recorded in 33 EUROCAT registries between 1980 and 1994 was 4.05 per 10,000 births. Of the 1,846 recorded cases, 672 (36.4%) were isolated anal anomalies while 1,174 (63.6%) occurred together with other anomalies. Only isolated anal anomalies were analyzed in this study: 75.5% were atresias, 10.1% of which were above and 89.9% were below the level of the levator ani muscle. Fistula occurred in 53% of supralevator and 37% of infralevator atresia. Other anal anomalies were ectopic anus (3.4%), congenital anal fistula (14.7%), and persistent cloaca (0.9%). There was a predominance of males in anal atresia without fistula (male to female (M:F) ratio was 6.7 for supralevator and 2.3 for infralevator atresia), but no significant sex difference in atresias with fistula. There was a predominance of females in ectopic anus and congenital anal fistula (M:F = 0.11 and 0.36 respectively). High frequencies of fetal deaths were recorded in supralevator atresia without fistula (8.3%) and in persistent cloaca (11.1%). Mean gestational length and mean birth weights were reduced for persistent cloaca but were within normal limits for other isolated anal anomalies. Odds ratios (ORs) for mothers above 35 years were increased for supralevator atresia without fistula, supralevator atresia with fistula, and congenital anal fistula. ORs for mothers below 30 years were slightly increased for supralevator atresia without fistula and decreased for persistent cloaca. There were marked differences in prevalence and distribution of anal anomalies among the EUROCAT registries. The results indicated that there are epidemiological differences among the various types of anal anomalies which might reflect different embryological origins.


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Els dies 11 i 12 d'agost va tenir lloc a Copenhaguen, Dinamarca, el seminari de treball Library and Information Science Education in Europe: ¿Issues in joint curriculum development and Bologna perspectives¿. Aquest seminari, que va estar coordinat per la Royal School of Library and Information Science de Dinamarca, amb la col·laboració de l'European Association for Library and Information Education and Research (EUCLID), es va organitzar en el marc d'un projecte europeu subvencionat pel programa Sòcrates. La Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació de la Universitat de Barcelona, present entre 2001 i 2005 en la Junta de Govern de l'EUCLID, va participar-hi com a soci del projecte. L'objectiu del seminari era aplegar una cinquantena d'experts europeus de l'àrea de Biblioteconomia i Documentació ¿tots ells professors d'escoles i de facultats d'universitats europees¿ per discutir qüestions relacionades amb els plans d'estudis dels ensenyaments des de la perspectiva del procés de Bolonya. El seminari consistí en dues conferències i en les reunions de treball de dotze grups formats per experts que examinaren dotze grans temes ¿prèviament acordats pels organitzadors de l'esdeveniment¿ relacionats amb els plans d'estudis d'aquells ensenyaments.


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Fortunato Bartolomeo De Felice (1723-1789) fut le maître d'oeuvre de l'Encyclopédie d'Yverdon (1770-1780), une refonte complète et originale de l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert. Inséré dans un vaste réseau scientifique et commercial, De Felice était en relation épistolaire avec de nombreux savants et libraires de l'Europe des Lumières. Restée presque entièrement inédite jusqu'à sa récente publication sous forme électronique, la correspondance de De Felice constitue une véritable mine d'informations : ces lettres apportent un éclairage précieux sur l'encyclopédisme, le marché du livre et la circulation des savoirs à la fin de l'Ancien Régime. La présente étude se propose de montrer en quoi cette riche correspondance documente de manière renouvelée la question des transferts culturels au XVIIIe siècle : à la lumière de cette source exceptionnelle, De Felice apparaît en effet comme un intermédiaire culturel de premier plan.


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The aim of this paper is to measure and to correct for the potential incomparability of responses to the SHARE survey on health care responsiveness. A parametric approach based on the use of anchoring vignettes is applied to cross-sectional data (2006-2007) in eleven European countries. More than 7,000 respondents aged 50 years old and over were asked to assess the quality of health care responsiveness in three domains: waiting time for medical treatment, quality of the conditions in visited health facilities, and communication and involvement in decisions about the treatment. Our results suggest that there is reporting heterogeneity across countries and across individuals within countries, and the degree of heterogeneity varies with the health care domain. Although leading countries in terms of health care responsiveness remain among the most successful even after correction for reporting heterogeneity, one may acknowledge many shifts in the ranking of the other countries.


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BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: To summarize the published literature on assessment of appropriateness of colonoscopy for investigation of chronic diarrhea, management of patients with known inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and for colorectal cancer (CRC) surveillance in such patients, and to report report appropriateness criteria developed by an expert panel, the 2008 European Panel on the Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, EPAGE II. METHODS: A systematic search of guidelines, systematic reviews, and primary studies regarding the evaluation of chronic diarrhea, the management of IBD, and colorectal cancer surveillance in IBD was performed. The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was applied to develop appropriateness criteria for colonoscopy for these conditions. RESULTS: According to the literature, colonoscopic evaluation may be justified for patients aged > 50 years with recent-onset chronic diarrhea or with alarm symptoms. Surveillance colonoscopy for CRC should be offered to all patients with extensive ulcerative colitis or colonic Crohn's disease of 8 years' duration, and to all patients with less extensive disease of 15 years' duration. Intervals for surveillance colonoscopy depend on duration of evolution, initial diagnosis, and histological findings. The EPAGE II criteria also confirmed the appropriateness of diagnostic colonoscopy for diarrhea of > 4 weeks' duration. They also suggest that, in addition to assessing extent of IBD by colonoscopy, further colonoscopic examination is appropriate in the face of persistent or worsening symptoms. Surveillance colonoscopy in IBD patients was generally appropriate after a lapse of 2 years. In the presence of dysplasia at previous colonoscopy, it was not only appropriate but necessary. CONCLUSIONS: Despite or perhaps because of the limitations of the available published studies, the panel-based EPAGE II (http://www.epage.ch) criteria can help guide appropriate colonoscopy use in the absence of strong evidence from the literature.


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We updated trends in breast cancer mortality in Europe up to the late 2000's. In the EU, age-adjusted (world standard population) breast cancer mortality rates declined by 6.9% between 2002 and 2006, from 17.9 to 16.7/100,000. The largest falls were in northern European countries, but more recent declines were also observed in central and eastern Europe. In 2007, all major European countries had overall breast cancer rates between 15 and 19/100,000. In relative terms, the declines in mortality were larger at younger age (-11.6% at age 20-49 years between 2002 and 2007 in the EU), and became smaller with advancing age (-6.6% at age 50-69, -5.0% at age 70-79 years). The present report confirms and further quantifies the persisting steady fall in breast cancer mortality in Europe over the last 25-30 years, which is mainly due to advancements in the therapy.


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Diversity patterns of ammonoids are analyzed and compared with the timing of anoxic deposits around the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary in the Vocontian, Anglo-Paris, and Monster basins of Western Europe. Differing from most previous studies, which concentrate on a narrow time span bracketing the C/T boundary, the present analysis covers the latest Albian to Early Turonian interval for which a high resolution, ammonoid-based biochronology, including 34 Unitary Associations zones, is now available. During the latest Albian-Middle Cenomanian interval, species richness of ammonoids reveals a dynamical equilibrium oscillating around an average of 20 species, whereas the Late Cenomanian-Early Turonian interval displays an equilibrium centered on an average value of 6 species. The abrupt transition between these two successive equilibria lasted no longer than two Unitary Associations. The onset of the decline of species richness thus largely predates the spread of oxygen-poor water masses onto the shelves, while minimal values of species richness coincide with the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary only. The decline of species richness during the entire Late Cenomanian seems to result from lower origination percentages rather than from higher extinction percentages. This result is also supported by the absence of statistically significant changes in the extinction probabilities of the poly-cohorts. Separate analyses of species richness for acanthoceratids and heteromorphs, the two essential components of the Cenomanian ammonoid community, reveal that heteromorphs declined sooner than acanthoceratids. Moreover, acanthoceratids showed a later decline at the genus level than at the species level. Such a decoupling is accompanied by a significant increase in morphological disparity of acanthoceratids, which is expressed by the appearance of new genera. Last, during the Late Cenomanian, paedomorphic processes, juvenile innovations and reductions of adult size dominated the evolutionary radiation of acanthoceratids. Hence, the decrease in ammonoid species richness and their major evolutionary changes significantly predates the spread of anoxic deposits. Other environmental constraints such as global flooding of platforms, warmer and more equable climate, as well as productivity changes better correlate with the timing of diversity changes and evolutionary patterns of ammonoids and therefore, provide more likely causative mechanisms than anoxia alone.